Prepared for the U.S. Department of Education
Huntington, N.Y.
This report was prepared for the U.S. Department of Education under Purchase Order ED-02-PO-3281. The views expressed herein are those of the authors. No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education is intended or should be inferred.
U.S. Department of Education
Rod Paige
June 2004
This report is in the public domain. Authorization to reproduce it in whole or in part is granted. While permission to reprint this publication is not necessary, the citation should be: U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Under Secretary, Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature, Washington, D.C., 2004.
1.0 Purpose and Methods of Synthesis 1
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Scope of synthesis search
1.3 Methods of synthesis
2.0 Description of Existing Research, Literature, or Other Verifiable Sources 4
2.1 Categories of discourse
2.2 Systematic studies 2.3 Practice-based accounts with first or third person descriptions
2.4 Newspaper and other media sources
2.5 General child sexual abuse data sets and instruments
2.6 Availability of research
3.0 Prevalence of Educator Sexual Misconduct 16
3.1 Sources and methods
3.2 Prevalence in the United States
3.3 Prevalence in the United Kingdom
4.0 Offender Characteristics 22
4.1 Job of offenders
4.2 Sex of offenders
4.3 Age of offenders
4.4 Same-sex offenders
5.0 Targets of Educator Sexual Misconduct 27
5.1 Sex of targets
5.2 Race/ethnicity of target
5.3 Disability and targets
6.0 Patterns of Educator Sexual Misconduct with Students 31
6.1 Context
6.2 Selection
6.3 Maintaining secrecy and silence
6.4 Geography of abuse
7.0 Allegations and Response 34
7.1 Allegations
7.2 Response to allegations
7.3 Investigative practices
7.4 False accusations
8.0 Extent and Impact of Legal Initiative 37
8.1 Federal laws
8.2 State child sexual abuse laws
8.3 State sexual assault laws
8.4 State educator sexual misconduct laws
8.5 Limitations of state laws
8.6 Tenure and licensure
8.7 Fingerprinting
9.0 Effects of Educator Sexual Misconduct 42
9.1 Effects on abused students: Academic, emotional and
9.2 Effects on other students
10.0 Consequences of Allegations of Educator Sexual Misconduct 44
10.1 Consequences for abusers
10.2 Consequences for targets
11.0 Union and Professional Organization Roles 46
11.1 Actions of teacher unions
11.2 Actions of professional organizations
12.0 Prevention of Educator Sexual Misconduct 47
12.1 Develop district and school level policies
12.2 Hiring practices
12.3 Screen employees
12.4 Assign a case coordinator and centralize information
12.5 Report all allegations to both child protection and law enforcement
12.6 Develop thorough investigative practices
12.7 Educate employees
12.8 Educate students
12.9 Be aware of signs of educator sexual misconduct
12.10 Change state educator certification regulations
12.11 Provide adequate state registry
12.12 Provide adequate federal registry
12.13 Enact and standardize state policies and statutes
12.14 Enact laws giving immunity to public employees who provide
12.15 Expand Title IX
13.0 Summary of Existing Studies and Recommendations for 51
Additional Analysis
Appendix I Newspaper, News Wire, and Broadcast References 53
Appendix II Surveys and Studies on Child Sexual Abuse 81
Bibliography: Educator Sexual Misconduct 89
Table 1. Empirical Studies of Educator Sexual Misconduct 6
Table 2. Summary of Practice-Based, First Person Reports and 9
Third Person Reports
Table 3. Empirical and Practice Studies of Educator Sexual Misconduct 13
Table 4. Studies of Prevalence of Educator Sexual Misconduct in the 16
United States
Table 5. Percent of U.S. Students Who Have Experienced Educator 20
Sexual Misconduct by Method
Table 6. Sources for Descriptions of Offenders 23
Table 7. Percent of Student Targets by Job Title of Offender 24
Table 8. Sex of Offenders 25
Table 9. Same-Sex Misconduct 26
Table 10. U.S. Sources for Descriptions of Targets 27
Table 11. Targets by Sex 28
Table 12. Targets by Race/Ethnicity vs. Sample 28
Table 13. Targets by Race/Ethnicity and Sex vs. Sample 29
Table 14. Sexual Abuse Reports by Disability Status, in Institutional Settings 30
Table 15. Sources for Descriptions of Patterns 31
Table 16. Sources for Allegations and Response 34
Table 17. Suggestions and Recommendations from the Literature for Possible Legislation and Regulation 39
Table 18. Effects of Educator Sexual Misconduct 42
Table 19. Educator Sexual Misconduct: Data Available and Needs 51
For Future Research
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