Ega2vga copr. (c) 1989 Lawrence Gozum & Marvin Gozum �������������������������� User Manual disclaimer this product is distributed as is

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EGA2VGA Copr. (c) 1989 Lawrence Gozum & Marvin Gozum ���������������������������������������������������� User Manual DISCLAIMER This product is distributed AS IS. The authors specifically disclaim all warranties ,expressed or implied, including ,but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to defects in the diskette and documentation, and program license granted herein, in particular, and without limiting operation of the program license with respect to any particular application use or purpose. In no event shall the authors be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. LICENSING AGREEMENT You may use this program for a 10 DAY TRIAL PERIOD. Should you find this program useful, you MUST register it; you will then be provided with the latest releases of the VGACAD system see last section of this manual). You can freely distribute copies of unmodified MVGAVU and charge $10 max for distribution, in lieu of recognized Users Group guidelines (e.g., Asso. of Shareware Professionals or NY Amateur Computer Club). WHAT IS EGA2VGA ? EGA2VGA is a conversion program that will convert ANY viewable EGA 640x350x16 color and 640x480x16 (EGA/VGA) picture into a real MCGA/VGA 320x200x256 color picture or MVGA 320x400x256, MVGA 360x480x256, SVGA 640x350x256, SVGA 640x400x256, SVGA 640x480x256 or SVGA 800x600x256 ! EGA2VGA actually generates 256 new colors from the original 16 color EGA palette and interprets color mixtures. EGA2VGA calculates the correct aspect ratio for translation and saves your converted screen and palette in a 'bloadable' format for immediate use in VGACAD (for fine editing or any BASIC application) or GIF with RAW2GIF included. Not only can you create LARGE SVGA GIFs but you can now apply extensive image processing since you have 256 colors to play with. VGACAD is designed to edit and process such images. EGA2VGA comes with THREE resident programs: EGADMP (EGA DuMP), VGADMP (VGA DuMP) and XGADMP (eXtended EGA DuMP) which will capture the raw screen data of any EGA 640x350x16 or VGA 640x480x16 or EGA 640x480x16 respectively. REQUIREMENTS EGA2VGA needs about 512KB of your RAM (although it uses less than that) and 64KB of diskspace for each processed BLD/PLT picture. A VGA/MCGA card is required to use VGADMP. An EGA card (128KB version) is required to use EGADMP or XGADMP. EGADMP, XGADMP and VGADMP use about 3K of RAM each. EGADMP needs 224,016 of diskspace for each captured picture, while VGADMP and XGADMP needs 307,984 of diskspace per picture; these resident programs do not check for available disk space, thus a HardDisk is highly recommended. EGADMP requires an EGA card (256KB version). EGADMP need 224,016 of diskspace for each captured picture. XGADMP requires an Extended EGA card (e.g., ATI EGA Wonder 800, Quadram Prosync EGA, Video7 Vega Deluxe EGA, BOCA EGA, Paradise EGA 480, STB Auto EGA, etc ...) or a VGA compatible card. EGA2VGA needs 64KB of diskspace to save each processed picture. GIF files vary in their disk space requirements. A 640x480x16 GIF picture will decompose to 307,200 bytes, while a an EEGA 800x560x16 (e.g., ATI EGA Wonder) will decompose to 448,000 bytes. The program will abort creation of decomposed GIF files if there is insufficient diskpace. Note: When in DOS or using a picture viewer (e.g., PICEM, EGAGIF, FASTGIF, VPIC, CSHOW, OPTIKS) or application which requires a keypress to continue, it is necessary to hit any key or a specified key (e.g., or or ) after hitting the 'HOTKEY' before EGADMP or VGADMP or XGADMP saves the screen and palette. HOW TO USE EGADMP, XGADMP and VGADMP Simply run EGADMP, VGADMP or XGADMP before entering your painting/CAD or digitized picture viewer. After loading, press for EGADMP, for VGADMP, or while viewing your picture in any drawing/paint/CAD or viewing program. Your current screen and palette will be saved in your default drive and directory. The first time you run the program it will save your screen and palette to EGA350SC.000 and EGAPAL16.000 respectively; VGADMP saves to VGA480SC.nnn and VGAPAL16.nnn files while XGADMP saves to XGA480.nnn and XGAPAL16.nnn files. If there is an existing EGA350SC.nnn or EGAPAL16.nnn, then it will increment to the next higher number; the same rule applies to VGADMP and XGADMP captured files. Dual Floppy users (5.25 inch types) have a problem. Since the raw pixel dumps per file are quite large, you have save the "dump" files in another drive. For example: With EGADMP resident in memory, TESTPIC.GIF in Drive A: and viewing program (e.g., EGAGIF) in Drive A: you must switch the default drive and view the picture from the other drive. 1) Type "B:" to switch to Drive B: as default. 2) From Drive B: type "A:EGAGIF A:testpic.gif" . 3) Now when you hit the pixels and palette will be "dumped" in Drive B:. HOW TO USE EGA2VGA STEP 1 Specify [E]GA, [V]GA, [X]GA or GIF 16-color conversion. If a GIF file was processed previously, you can reprocess it with the [T]EMP file option. STEP 2 Select any filename by moving a highlighted bar (with the arrow keys) and pressing the key. Pressing allows a new PATH, while exits. If a GIF file is selected, you can optionally specify the VPATH (Virtual Disk PATH) where the TEMP files are to be created; specify any existing drive or a RAMDISK for speed. STEP 3 Specify the FILENAME that will be given to the converted BLD/PLT picture; a BLD/PLT picture must always be generated since it creates a reference 256-color palette which is required for generating LARGE SVGA GIFs. If there is an existing file with the same filename(s) then an error beep will follow and your input will be rejected. If you specify MYPIC as the filename, the converted picture is saved as MYPIC.BLD and MYPIC.PLT in your DEFAULT drive/directory. STEP 4: OPTIONAL FOR VGA and SVGA users. Modify the 16 color palette. EGA provides only 16 colors from 64 hardware-generated colors; these are fixed and cannot be modified. In VGA 640x480x16 color mode, you are allowed 16 colors from the 262,144. Your captured picture will be displayed in 640x480x16 color mode; EGA pictures will appear flattened while VGA 640x480x16 pictures will be "cropped" above the menu options. After a moment, your picture appears with a color line having asterisks ("*****") representing the 16 colors. You can stop the display at any time by pressing . Adjust each of the 16 colors with the following keyboard commands.: a. [SpaceBar] - cycles through the 16 colors and highlights the current selected color with a "������" highlight block. b. [R], [G] or [B] - selects the Red, Green or Blue component of current color; an arrow appears beside the RGB value. c. [+] increases the value of current RGB component and reflects changes in your picture while modifying. d. [-] will decrease the value of your selected color component within the range 0 to 63. e. [U]ndo restores the original RGB values as long as you do not move on to another color to be modified. f. [Esc] exits palette modification and sets the palette. STEP 5: Select Matrix Type and Color Match Cutoff. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF EGA2VGA CONVERSION !. You are using this utility to convert color-dithered pictures which be ordered or error-distributed (i.e., "random"). If dithering is ordered (i.e., 2x2 matrices or 3x3 matrices) then selecting a 2x2 matrix or 3x3 matrix type will make a tremendous difference in color generation and avoidance of striated patterns. Generally, the 2x2 Matrix type performs adequately, you can opt for the 3x3 Matrix type for richer color generation. By pressing return as a response to each input prompt for a matrix type and color match cutoff, the default values will be entered instead of your specification. Color Match Cutoff: 40 Matrix Type : 2x2 (A) Color Match Cutoff or Cutoff (for short) determines how closely matched colors are to be generated. If an existing color is "close" enough to the required color, then it will be used; otherwise a new one is generated. Press at any time while the picture is being generated to see the total number of new colors generated (MCGA/VGA). You can ABORT the processing and choose a new Matrix Type and/or Cutoff. All other video cards will show a status line showing the Matrix Type, Cutoff, Colors generated and Lines to Go; pressing returns you to this step. While the picture is being generated, monitor the number of colors being generated. If the processing slows down at the start of a few lines then your Cutoff is too low but VERY RICH. to this step (i.e., abort processing) and reselect a HIGHER Cutoff. If colors being generated are too few then decrease the Cutoff. Your mission is to find the ideal Cutoff value and generate as many colors (255 maximum) without running out of colors. The picture is generated in an interlaced fashion which ensures that colors are sampled and generated from all over the screen. VGA/MCGA users should monitor the quality of the picture and speed of processing; this will give you an indication of the colors being generated. Press anytime to interrupt the processing and monitor actual number of colors generated and go back to this step to find the optimal Cutoff. All other users should watch the Colors generated on the status line; if you generate over 100 colors after the first 3-5 lines then your Cutoff is too low. If you run out of colors too soon then other colors in your picture will have to settle for the closest match in the existing palette. If you can generate 180-240 colors then an optimal compromise has been met. This version uses a very effective algorithm; often you need specify a Cutoff" or "1" and less than 255 colors are generated. SVGA OPTION Any user can create a LARGE 256-color SVGA GIF file from any size 16-color picture. EGA2VGA will take care of interpolating and synthesizing the new colors for you; it MUST have an initial 256-color palette generated which it adds to; this is advantagous for MCGA/VGA/SVGA users since you can visually compromise the color selection before a SVGA GIF is generated. A MVGASCRN.RAW and MVGASCRN.PLT file is created which can be directly converted (NO VIDEO REQUIRED) with the RAW2GIF utility included in this package. Simply select the screen size you want to convert to; best results are created when the same screen size (e.g, a 640x480x16 to 640x480x16) is selected. THIS PROCESS TAKES SEVERAL MINUTES SO BE PATIENT (have dinner or take a bath ). MVGASCRN.RAW AND MVGASCRN.PLT ARE CONSTANTLY OVERWRITTEN BY MANY OF OUR PROGRAMS; CONVERT TO GIF AND RENAME THEM IMMEDIATELY. CONVERSION FLOWCHART �������������������������������ͻ � Input/Output Files � �������������������������������ͼ ����������������������������������������Ŀ � ��Display Picture <��������Ŀ � � (VGA required) � � � ��������������������������������Ŀ � � � � Palette Modification � � � � ���������������������������������� � � � � � � ������������������������������������������ � �<�������������������������Ĵ ��������������������������������Ŀ � � Cutoff/Matrix Type � � ���������������������������������� � � � ��������������������������������Ŀ � � Conversion ����������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������ͻ � Save & Exit � �������������������������������ͼ ��������������������������������Ŀ � SVGA Screen Size ���������Ŀ ���������������������������������� � ��������������������������������Ŀ � � Conversion ����������� ���������������������������������� ��������������������������������ͻ � Save & Exit � ��������������������������������ͼ � RAW2GIF USING RAW2GIF You can convert the MVGASCRN.RAW and MVGASCRN.PLT to SVGA GIFs through this utility. Simply run it and select filenames as you would in EGA2VGA; once selected, RAW2GIF converts it automatically. You can convert single *.RAW files by passing the filename at Command-line (e,g., "RAW2GIF MVGASCRN" ). THE CHAINED VGACAD ENVIRONMENT BRUN41.exe is a runtime module distributed under licence with Microsoft in connection with this program. Place it with EGA2VGA or anywhere your PATH has access to. EGA2VGA will be a part of VGACAD (v1.7 and up). ONLY ONE COPY OF BRUN41.EXE IS REQUIRED. TEMP files in this version match the same 'workspace' files used by VGACAD v1.6 (and up). Any GIF picture decomposed to TEMP files can be directly processed/enhanced with VGACAD (via VSCRN menu) and converted to SVGA GIFs with RAW2GIF via VGACAD (v1.6 and up). At the end of an EGA2VGA session, you have the option to delete them. REGISTRATION Any registered user is registered for EGA2VGA v4.0; simply replace your old version with this version. EGA2VGA will be a part of VGACAD (v1.7 and up). To register personal use of EGA2VGA send registration fee of $27.95 USD (out of USA/Canada add a $15 US handling fee). For 3.5" updates, add a $10 USD 3.5" updating fee. Registered users get updates of EGA2VGA with VGACAD updates, which are provided in appreciation of your support (through registration). REGISTRATION OF EGA2VGA IS BASED ON 'PERSONAL USAGE'. CORPORATE OR ORGANIZATIONAL USERS *MUST* REGISTER ALL COPIES USED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS; A SPECIFIC PERSON (NAME) MUST BE EXPLICITLY ASSIGNED TO EACH REGISTRANT WHO WILL BE PROVIDED WITH A CORRESPONDING REGISTER.OVL FILE TO INDICATE REGISTERED USAGE. REGISTRATION GRANTS A SPECIFIC PERSON (NOT A JURIDICAL PERSON OR CORPORATE ENTITY) THE RIGHT TO 'USE' EGA2VGA. As token of our appreciation (i.e., to registered users), we will send you the the latest version of programs listed below. GIFPUB - converts 256 color GIFs to B&W images desktop publishing (DTP) as .PCX (Ventura Publisher, First Publisher, Publisher's Paintbrush, PC Paintbrush+, WP, Aldus Pagemaker). Variable sizing/contrast/brightness. Histogram Analysis. Superior error-distributed dithering. GIFDOT - has almost all the features of GIFPUB for printing on IBM/Epson printers. Several sizes. 8 pics/page. Single/Double Pass printing. SQZGIF - converts LARGE GIF pictures (up to 2048x2048x256) to 320x200x256 using interpolation and "color averaging" techniques to blend/smooth "jaggies" while retaining a maximum of color information; outputs directly to GIFPUB, GIFDOT, VGACAD, MVGAVU, VGA2CGA or VGA2EGA. VGACAD - extensive paint/image processing program for VGA/MCGA users (edit GIFs up to 32KBx32KBx256 !!!); airbrushes, color and grey image processing functions (smoothing, noise removal, shading, contrast stretching, edge detection, ...), splines, Cut&Paste, variable sizing, 256-color gradient/pattern fills, MORE ! MAC2GIF - converts .MAC ("readmac") pictures to 5-16 grey shades or color and saves results as .GIF or BLD/PLT file; view pics in VGA, MCGA or EGA. VGA2CGA - converts 256 color GIFs to CGA! Uses an unsupported 160x100x16 mode with up to "405" colors. Includes special "CGX" viewer. EGA2VGA - converts GIFs (16 colors and below) or ANY VIEWABLE 2-16 color EGA/EEGA picture to 320x200x256; creates 256 new colors and SVGA (Super VGA) GIFs; outputs directly to GIFPUB, GIFDOT, VGACAD, MVGAVU, VGA2CGA or VGA2EGA. VGA2EGA - converts 256 color pictures to 16-color EGA. Error- distributed dithering. Variable sizing/RGBICMY/contrast/dithering levels. EEGA support up to 800x600. GIF or optional PCX save to 4 RGBI planes for Desktop Color Separation. WHAT'S NEXT ? Aside from enhancing existing releases, we are developing VGACBT, a Computer-Based Training application, MANNEQUIN for Advertising/Fashion Design or creating your own artistic nudes, and SYNPCX to convert B&W PCX files (e.g., hand scanner output) to grey shades for VGACAD image processing, GIFPUB redithering, GIFDOT printing, or VGA2EGA conversion - it will fix those "scan line jitters". Support maverick authors like us and we will continue developing products like nothing seen commercially - otherwise they will simply "DIE" from lack of support ! Compare the cost/benefit ratio of any of our products with commercial products. You, and you alone, determine whether it will be worthwhile to continue developing. Support the User-Supported (Shareware) concept. Register you Shareware copies. To register MVGAVU, send the registration form and check or money order payable in USD to: Dr. Marvin Gozum 2 Independence Place #303-2, 6th & Locust Philadelphia, PA 19106 ������������������������������������������������������� Graphics Interchange Format and GIF are trademarks (tm) of CompuServe Inc. an H&R Block Company.

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