Emergency Management Plan Revision of May 1, 2011

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To plan and implement food, drink, and rest provisions, intended to restore and rejuvenate employees to a state of readiness for safe and productive work operations


Human Resources has overall responsibility for Employee Wellbeing functions.

Potential support departments, if needed, include Administration, Accounting, Billing, and Customer Services.
Employee Wellbeing functions, if required by the incident, could potentially require around-the-clock staffing for several consecutive days.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.

Coordinate with potential support departments, to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.
Develop and maintain on-hand at all times, a minimum supply of dry goods and non-perishable items.
During the month of June each year (or as otherwise directed due to increased threat or hazard levels) inventory dry goods, frozen foods, and other non-perishables. Dispose of or rotate items as necessary. Increase on-hand supplies for the duration of Hurricane Season (or as otherwise directed).
During the month of June each year (or as otherwise directed due to increased threat or hazard levels) inventory cooking and kitchen equipment and utensils; augment supplies as necessary.
During the month of June each year (or as otherwise directed due to increased threat or hazard levels) locate and inventory bedding materials.
During periods of increasing threat or hazard levels, or increasing OPCON levels, develop plans for supplementing inventory of non-perishables, and purchasing perishable items as appropriate.

Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine likely Employee Wellbeing needs of the incident; inventory appropriate supplies; augment as necessary; develop implementation plans.
Coordinate support and assistance as necessary.

Continue Employee Wellbeing functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

PRIMARY: Customer Services
SUPPORT: Utility Management


For the purposes of this ISF, Dispatch refers to establishing and maintaining an organized system of two-way radio communications between the GSWSA Operations Center, or Emergency Operations Center if activated, and personnel in the field or at remote locations.

      1. MISSION

To serve as the primary point of contact for two-way radio traffic between the Ops Center or EOC, and off-site personnel.


The Customer Service Department has overall responsibility for the Dispatch functions.

During an emergency incident, the primary means of Dispatch communications shall be GSWSA’s two-way radio system.
Dispatch functions, if required by the incident, could potentially require around-the-clock staffing for several consecutive days.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.

Coordinate with potential support departments, to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.
Maintain a readily available supply of Dispatch forms, Key Incident Journals, etc.

Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine what the Dispatch needs of the incident are, and develop and implement a plan to meet those needs.
Coordinate support and assistance as necessary.

Continue Dispatch functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

PRIMARY: Customer Services
SUPPORT: Billing




For the purposes of this ISF, Telephones refers to communicating between the Operations Center or GSWSA Emergency Operations Center if activated, and customers or persons at other locations. Primarily, this ISF is intended to address the handling of incoming calls, but in some cases outgoing calls will be handled by this function as well.

      1. MISSION

To serve as the primary point of contact for incoming telephone traffic between customers or off-site personnel and the Ops Center or EOC. Also as required, to coordinate and place outgoing calls to customers or off-site personnel.


Customer Services has overall responsibility for the Telephones functions.

Potential support departments, if needed, include Accounting, and Billing.
Telephone functions, if required by the incident, could potentially require around-the-clock staffing for several consecutive days.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.

Coordinate with potential support departments, to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.

Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine the potential for unusual call volumes, either incoming or outgoing, and develop staffing and implementation plans accordingly.
If Telephone Systems are the source or a consequence of the emergency incident, assist Incident Command Staff in developing strategies and action plans regarding the Telephone Systems.
Implement strategies and action plans as directed by ICS Staff.
Coordinate support and assistance as necessary.

Continue Telephones functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Situation Status
PRIMARY: Administration
SUPPORT: Utility Management

Customer Service/Dispatch




For the purposes of this ISF, Situation Status refers to collecting, compiling, evaluating, and posting / displaying information about the current, and possibly the future, status of the emergency incident and associated response activities.

      1. MISSION

To help decision-makers fully understand the current scope of the event, by developing and maintaining a current overall “picture” of the incident and response activities.

To help decision-makers develop future plans, by analyzing past and current data, and forecasting potential future consequences.


Safety Manager has overall responsibility for the Situation Status function.

Potential support departments, if needed, may include O& M, Dispatch, IS, and Engineering.
Displays to illustrate current status may include mediums such as: computer with LCD projector, white boards, easel pads, maps, charts, internet news groups and other “status boards”.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.

Coordinate with potential support departments, to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.
Maintain “status board” materials and equipment in ready status.

Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine likely Situation Status needs of the incident; develop and implement plans to meet those needs.
Refer to Appendix 19, ICS Forms for a Situation Report (SITREP) Form.
Determine and implement a schedule to routinely update Status Boards or displays, as required by the incident.
Coordinate support and assistance as necessary.

Continue Situation Status functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Resource Status
PRIMARY: Administration
SUPPORT: Utility Management


Fleet Services

Dispatch (Customer Service)


For the purposes of this ISF, Resource Status refers to creating and maintaining an up-to-date inventory and status of major equipment resources (generators, excavators, pumps, etc.) that will or could be used during response activities and operations. (People are addressed in ISF-2, Human Resources & Accountability.)

      1. MISSION

To be able to provide Incident Command staff with, at any given time during an incident, a summary detailing what equipment is in use and where it is, what equipment is currently available for use and where it is, and what equipment is out of service.


The Safety Manager has overall responsibility for the Resource Status function.

Potential support departments, if needed, include O&M, Fleet Services, Dispatch and Engineering.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.

Coordinate with potential support departments, to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.
Develop methods to identify, inventory, and track major equipment during an incident.

Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine likely Resource Status needs of the incident; develop and implement plans to meet those needs.
Implement methods for acquiring updated information as equipment status changes.

Continue Resource Status functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Water Supply
PRIMARY: Water Treatment
SUPPORT: Water Distribution


Technical Services




For the purposes of this ISF, Water Supply refers to obtaining raw water supplies, physically and/or chemically treating the water as necessary for safe consumption, storing the water, and pumping the water from storage into the Distribution System.

      1. MISSION

To provide safe, clean drinking water to the Distribution System at sufficient pressures and volumes to meet all water needs, including fire suppression activities.


The Water Treatment Department has overall responsibility for the Water Supply function.

GSWSA water supply, storage, and pumping facilities may not be staffed, but most functions and operations can be monitored and/or controlled by an Operator from the Operations Center Control Room, or with a specially programmed laptop computer from any location with telephone access.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure that all personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.


Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine the potential impact of the incident on the water system’s supply and demand requirements and capabilities.
For assistance estimating how long it will be before dropping water storage levels throughout the system reach “critical”, refer to Action Form 12.
Coordinate with ISF-13, Electrical & Emergency Power, for electrical and/or emergency generator needs
Assist Incident Command Staff in developing coordinated strategies and action plans pertaining to Water Supply.
Implement strategies and action plans as directed by appropriate ICS staff.
If physical damages are found to water plant facilities, request ISF-15, Damage Assessment to survey the damages.

Continue Water Supply functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Water Distribution
PRIMARY: Water Distribution

SUPPORT: Taps & Repairs

Technical Services




For the purposes of this ISF, Water Distribution refers to maintaining and operating the network of pipelines, valves, hydrants, etc., that deliver the water from treatment plants to the customer or end user.

      1. MISSION

To maintain the integrity and functionality of the water distribution system so water leaving the pumping centers reaches customers or end users at intended volumes and pressures with little or no change in water quality.

To isolate and remove foreign materials or contamination from the distribution system.


Water Operations Department has overall responsibility for the Water Distribution function.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.

Coordinate with potential support departments to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.
Ensure discrepancies found on system maps or physical changes made in the distribution system are promptly forwarded to GIS for map updating. (It is extremely important to keep system maps accurate and up-to-date at all times.)
Ensure that all service trucks are equipped with valve keys and other necessary tools and equipment at all times to allow for a rapid response when necessary.

Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine the potential impact of the incident on the water distribution system based on the nature of the incident.
Assist Incident Command Staff in developing coordinated strategies and action plans pertaining to Water Distribution.
Implement strategies and action plans as directed by appropriate ICS staff.
Coordinate as necessary with ISF-14, Sampling & Analysis.

Continue Water Distribution function as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Wastewater Treatment
PRIMARY: Wastewater Treatment
SUPPORT: Utility Management

Technical Services

Agricultural Operations


For the purposes of this ISF, Wastewater Treatment refers to maintaining and operating the Wastewater Treatment Plants so that all wastewater is physically and/or chemically treated as necessary, to allow safe and harmless release back into the environment.

      1. MISSION

To receive and treat the raw wastewater coming from the collection system, so that all discharge meets or exceeds the Permit parameters and limitations.


The Wastewater Treatment Department has overall responsibility for the Wastewater Treatment function.


Preparedness / Mitigation

Ensure all personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.


Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.

Determine the potential impact of the incident on the wastewater treatment plants and/or treatment process.
Assist Incident Command staff in developing coordinated strategies and action plans pertaining to the wastewater treatment plants.
Implement strategies and action plans as directed by appropriate ICS staff.
If physical damages are found to wastewater treatment plant facilities, request ISF-15, Damage Assessment to survey the damages.

Continue Wastewater Treatment functions as required by the incident.

Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.

Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Wastewater Collections
PRIMARY: Wastewater Collections
SUPPORT: Technical Services

Taps & Repairs


Agricultural Operations


For the purposes of this ISF, Wastewater Collections refers to maintaining and operating the network of gravity pipelines and mains, valves, manholes, wet wells, pump stations, and force mains, which collect raw wastewater throughout the GSWSA system and bring it to the wastewater treatment plants.

      1. MISSION

To collect raw wastewater throughout the GSWSA service area and bring it to the wastewater treatment plants without spillage or overflows.


The Wastewater Collections Department has overall responsibility for the Wastewater Collections function.


Preparedness / Mitigation
Ensure all primary and support personnel are familiar with their duties and responsibilities under this plan.
Coordinate with potential support departments, to pre-plan tentative roles and responsibilities.
Obtain briefing and receive instructions from appropriate Incident Command Staff.
Determine the potential impact of the incident on the wastewater pump stations, and coordinate with ISF-13, Electrical & Emergency Power, for electrical and/or emergency generator needs.
Determine the potential impact of the incident on the wastewater collection system gravity lines/mains, manholes, and force mains.
Assist Incident Command Staff in developing coordinated strategies and action plans regarding the wastewater collection system.
Implement strategies and action plans as directed by appropriate ICS staff.
Continue Wastewater Collections functions as required by the incident.
Develop and implement “Stand-Down” plans as appropriate.
Within 10 days of any actual incident, drill, or exercise – review and critique applicable areas of performance and associated plans & procedures. Notify Safety Manager of any necessary updates or revisions to any part of GSWSA’s Emergency Management Plans.

Electrical & Emergency Power
PRIMARY: Technical Services
SUPPORT: Maintenance

Wastewater Collections

Agricultural Services


Fleet Services


For the purposes of this ISF, Electrical & Emergency Power refers to: maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and SCADA, and maintenance and repair of emergency power generating equipment.

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