2014 US RAND RR750 Enhancing performance under stress - stress innocuation training in battlefield airmen
Can Virtual reality Support Stress Inoculation Training? 27 ChAPTer FIVe recommendations 29 Enhancing Performance Under Stress 29 Develop Curricula for Stress Inoculation Training with an Emphasis on Core Skills That Facilitate Performance Enhancement Identify Opportunities to Integrate Common Stressors from Downrange Experiences Ensure That Applicable Skills Are Mastered Before Exposure to Stressful Conditions 30 Provide a Water Training Facility for Pararescue and Combat Control Training 30 Continue to Provide Sufficient Opportunities to Practice New Coping Skills Under Real Performance Conditions Consider Supporting Stress Inoculation Training with Virtual Reality Technology Continue Efforts to Identify Valid Screening Tools to Predict Success in Stressful Conditions Develop Measures to Support the Evaluation of Screening Tools and SIT Provide Information to Increase Awareness of Support Services for Mental Health 32 Conclusion 33