Experience summary

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Matthew O. Iklé Telephone: (719) 588-4487

Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics Electronic mail: moikle@adams.edu

Adams State College Web site: http://people.adams.edu/~moikle

Alamosa, CO 81101

Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics

Artificial Intelligence Researcher

Software Engineer
Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, data mining

Algorithm development and design

Cognitive robotics

Computational finance

Computational reasoning

Modeling and simulation

Nonlinear and complex system dynamics

Evolutionary programming

Teaching Experience
Adams State University: Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, 2008-

Associate Professor of Mathematics, 2002-2008

Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1996-2002

Xiamen University: Professor -- First International Summer School in Artificial General Intelligence,


University of Texas at El Paso: Lecturer of Mathematics, 1994-1996

University of Nevada at Las Vegas: Visiting Professor of Mathematics, 1993-1994
Selected Courses Taught

Managing Uncertainty with Indefinite Probabilities (Xiamen University)

Undergraduate: (Adams State University)

Artificial Intelligence Numerical Linear Algebra

Data Mining Bioinformatics

Discrete Concepts Multiprocessor Computing

Advanced Internet Data Compression

WWW Design and Programming Programming Languages and Platforms

Introduction to Humanoid Robotics Database Systems

Facial Recognition Complex Systems

Advanced Internet Algorithms; Design and Analysis

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Complex Dynamics

Discrete Concepts Numerical Analysis

Relevant Courses and Workshops

  • Facilitator For Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, Taos, 2003

  • Ecomachines and Spatial Modeling in Ecology and Biology, Santa Fe Institute, 1996

  • Nonlinear Wave Phenoma, Institute for Advanced Studies/ Park City Mathematics Institute, 1995

  • NSF Shortcourse in Computer Parallelization and Vectorization, Argonne National Laboratory, 1993

  • Regional Institutes in Dynamical Systems, Boston University, 1992 and 1993

  • Cryptology in Computer Science, Universdity of New Mexico, 1983

Research Experience
Hong Kong Polytechnic University: Artificial Intelligence Research Scientist, 2015

(sabbatical leave)

  • Research and software development for the open-source OpenCog artificial intelligence system

  • Redesigned and simplified the Economic Attention Networks (ECAN) attention allocation system architecture

  • Designed a testing workbench for ECAN

  • Fixed numerous code flaws in the C++ code implementing the Probabilistic Logic Networks (PLN) module

  • Began writing two chapters (Complex Dynamics and Self-Organization in Intelligent Systems; Deep Learning: Principles and Practices) for a multi-author textbook on Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

  • Python and Cython implementation of a method to determine statistical causation

Aidyia Holdings: Scientific Advisor and Research Consultant, 2011-2015

  • Developed quantitative finance machine learning algorithms

Novamente, LLC: Artificial Intelligence Scientist, 2006-2007 (sabbatical leave), 2007-2009


  • Developed algorithms for speed and scalability of scheduling systems

  • Developed and tested statistical and pattern recognition algorithms

  • Developed AI attention allocation models

  • Co-created the PLN computational uncertain reasoning system

  • Developed and tested statistical and pattern recognition computational finance algorithms

Syschem Inc.: Mathematical Consultant, 2006

  • Conducted mathematical and statistical research for Syschem's core software product

Webmind, Inc.: Team Leader and Software Engineer: Cognitive Dynamics Group,

2000-2001 (unpaid leave from Adams State University)

  • Managed the Cognitive Dynamics Group

  • Conducted AI research in an R&D environment

  • Characterized the dynamics of a massively distributed AI system

  • Integrated system modules into the full AI system

  • Performed simulations and created models of system features

  • Designed core scheduling systems

  • Investigated the evolution of Webmind's state space

  • Developed and compared pattern similarity measures

  • Prepared technical presentations for fund-raising, and major client prospects

Intel Corporation: Process Engineering Technician, 1983-1985

First City Investment Brokers: Contract Programmer, 1983
Ph.D.: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1993, Mathematics

M.A.: University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1989, Mathematics

B.A.: Reed College, 1982, Mathematics


Parallelization and multiprocessor computing

Large-scale, object-oriented software systems

Advanced algorithms and data structures for conventional, distributed, and parallel


Software development

Computer languages include Java, Ruby, C, C++, Python, Perl, HTML, XML, Scheme,


B. Goertzel, M. Iklé, I. Goertzel, A. Heljakka, Probabilistic Logic Networks, Springer


J. Bach, B. Goertzel, M. Iklé (co-editors), Artificial General Intelligence 2012, Springer

Refereed Articles

B. Goertzel, M. Ikle and J. Wigmore, The Architecture of Human-Like General Intelligence. In Theoretical Foundations of Artificial General Intelligence, Ed. Pei Wang & B. Goertzel, Atlantis Press (2012)

B. Goertzel, J. Pitt, M. Iklé, C. Pennachin, L. Rui, “Glocal memory: a critical design

principle for artificial brains and minds”, Neurocomputing, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2009.10.033

G. Bachman, B. Goertzel, M. Iklé, “A convergence theorem for the simple GA with

population size tending to infinity”, IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation,


H. Cornille, M. Iklé, “Positive Similarity Solutions for a Discrete Velocity Coagulation-

Fragmentation Model”, Letters in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 34, No. 1 (1995)

B. Goertzel, M. Ananda, M. Iklé, “On the Dynamics of Genetic Algorithms (and Other

Evolving Systems)”, Complex Systems: Mechanisms of Adaptation, Ed. Stonier and

Lin, Amsterdam: IOS Press (1994) and Complexity International, Vol.2 (1995)

M. Iklé, “Exact (1+1)-dimensional Solutions for a Discrete Velocity Model for

Coagulation-Fragmentation”, M3AS: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol.4, No. 6 (1994)
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Ben Goertzel, Misgana Bayetta Belachew, Matthew Ikle, Gino Yu, “Controlling Combinatorial Explosion in Inference via Synergy with Nonlinear-Dynamical Attention Allocation,” Proceedings of 2016 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Conference, New York City, Germany: Springer, 2016.

Ben Goertzel, Nil Geisweiller, Eddie Monroe, Mike Duncan, Selamawit Yilma, Meseret Dastaw, Misgana Bayetta, Amen Belayneh, Matthew Ikle’, Gino Yu, “Speculative Scientific Inference via Synergetic Combination of Probabilistic Logic and Evolutionary Pattern Recognition,” Proceedings of 2015 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Conference, Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2015.

Cosmo Harrigan, Ben Goertzel, Matthew Iklé, Amen Belayneh, and Gino Yu, “Guiding

Probabilistic Logical Inference with Nonlinear Dynamical Attention Allocation,” Proceedings of 2014 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Conference, Quebec City, Canada: Springer, 2014.

M. Iklé, “Probabilistic Logic Networks in a Nutshell,” Proceedings of Scalable

Uncertainty Management 2011, Dayton, OH: Springer, 2011.

M. Iklé, “Nonlinear-Dynamical Attention Allocation via Information Geometry,”

Proceedings of 2011 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Conference, Mountain

View, CA: Springer, 2011.

B. Goertzel, M. Iklé, “Three Hypotheses About the Geometry of Mind,” Proceedings of

2011 AGI Conference, Mountain View, CA: Springer, 2011.

M. Iklé, B. Goertzel, “Probabilistic Logic for General Intelligence,” in preparation.

M. Iklé, B. Goertzel, “Grounding Possible Worlds Semantics in Experiential Semantics,”

Proceedings of 2010 AGI conference, Lugano, Switzerland: Atlantis Press, 2010.

M. Ikle’, J. Pitt, B. Goertzel, G. Sellman, “Economic Attention Networks: Associative

Memory and Resource Allocation for General Intelligence,” Proceedings of 2009

AGI conference, Arlington, VA: Atlantis Press, 2009.

M. Iklé, B. Goertzel, “Probabilistic Quantifier Logic for General Intelligence: An

Indefinite Probabilities Approach,” Proceedings of 2008 AGI conference, Memphis,

TN: IOS Press, 2008.

B. Goertzel, M. Iklé, “Assessing the Weight of Evidence Implicit in an Indefinite

Probability”, 2nd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and

Applications, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 2008.

B. Goertzel, A. Heljakka,W. Silva, C. Pennachin, A. Senna, I. Goertzel, T. Keinonen, M.

Iklé S. PadmanexProbabilistic Logic Based Reinforcement Learning of Simple

Embodied Behaviors in a 3D Simulation World”, 2nd International Symposium on

Intelligence Computation and Applications, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan


M. Iklé, B. Goertzel, I. Goertzel, “Indefinite Probabilities for General Intelligence”,

Proceedings of 2006 AGIRI conference, Bethesda, MD: IOS Press, 2007.
Book Chapters
B. Goertzel, P. Wang, Foundations of Artificial General Intelligence, in preparation

B. Goertzel, C. Pennachin, N. Geisweiler, Building Better Minds, pp. 237-246, in


B. Goertzel, C. Pennachin, M. Iklé, and Takuo Henmi, Chapter 30 of Novamente: Design

for an Artificial General Intelligence

B. Goertzel, C. Pennachin, and M. Iklé, Chapter 31 of Novamente: Design for an

Artificial General Intelligence

B. Goertzel, P. Wang, C. Pennachin, S. Bugaj, C. Hartley, J. Pressing, A. Kolonin, L. de

Souza Coelho, M. Iklé, L, Trigg, K. Verspoor, Digital Intuition: A Conceptual

Overview of the Webmind AI Engine
Additional Publications
Co-editor with B. Goertzel, Special Issue: Mind Uploading, International Journal of Machine Consciousness, June 2012
Invited Lectures and Service
Discussant for Research Trends in Probabilistic Logic Networks, Scalable Uncertainty

Management 2011, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, 2011

Google Summer of Code Mentor for OpenCog, 2009, 2014, 2015

Indefinite Probabilities and Their Role in General Intelligence, AGIRI Workshop 2006,

Theme: Transitioning from Narrow AI to Artificial General Intelligence, Bethesda

Facilitator: Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) workshop, Taos,

NM, 2003

Monte-Carlo and Quasi-Monte-Carlo Methods for Differential Equations, Monte-Carlo

and Quasi-Monte-Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, University of Nevada, Las

Vegas, 1994
Additional Presentations
Nonlinear-Dynamical Attention Allocation via Information Geometry, 2011 AGI Conference, Googleplex, Mountain View, CA

Three Hypotheses About the Geometry of Mind, 2011 AGI Conference, Googleplex, Mountain View, CA

Grounding Possible Worlds Semantics in Experiential Semantics, 2010 AGI Conference, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland

Economic Attention Networks: Associative Memory and Resource Allocation for General

Intelligence, 2009 AGI conference, Arlington, VA

Indefinite Probabilities with Fuzzy Quantifiers, 2008 AGI conference, University of

Memphis FedEx Institute of Technology

Generalized Precision and Recall: A Probabilistic Logic Networks Approach, Los

Alamos National Laboratories, 2005

Exact Solutions for a Discrete Velocity Model for Coagulation-Fragmentation, 99th Joint

AMS-MAA Meeting, San Antonio, 1993

Some Results for a Discrete Velocity Coagulation-Fragmentation Model, 100th Joint

AMS-MAA Meeting, Cincinnati, 1994

DoD Army Research Office: Summer Research Internship Program in Artificial

Intelligence and Social and Emotional Robotics, 2015-2018, $501,159, (PI: Matthew Ikle)

Involving four students annually in research utilizing NAO and RoboKind humanoid robots and powerful “personal supercomputers.” The internships encompass research into numerous AI technologies and their integration with robotics, including robot vision, object classification, social and emotional robotics, reasoning under uncertainty, and attention and resource allocation.

NSF TUES: Coalition for Undergraduate Computational Science & Engineering

Education Proof of Concept grant, joint proposal between Embry-Riddle

Aeronautical University and Adams State University, $199,044 total award, $31,000 sub-award to ASU (PI: Hong Liu)

Army High Performance Computing Research Center Infrastructure Grant, Adams State

University, 2010-11, $113,360.73, (PI: Matthew Ikle)

Installed, characterized, administered, developed programming for, and experimented with high-performance computing infrastructure. Grant provided three personal supercomputers, advanced robotics, visualization and numerical hardware, software, and support equipment. Updated course curricula to engage students in parallel computing optimization techniques throughout all stages of the computer science curriculum

Teaching Improvement Grant, Title V, Adams State University, 2002-04

Webmind, Inc., 1999-2000

Created models and computer simulations of Webmind dynamics

University of Nevada-Las Vegas, 1993-94

Created models and computer simulations of coagulation-fragmentation gas

Professional Service
Organizing committee, AGI 2016, New York City

Program committee, AGI 2016, New York City

Program committee, AGI 2015, Berlin

Program committee, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2014 Workshop:

General Intelligence for Humanoid Robots, Hong Kong

Program committee, AGI-2014, Quebec City, Canada

Workshop co-organizer, Probability or Not? Practical and Theoretical  Concerns on

Uncertainty Handling in AGI, AGI-2013, Beijing, China

Program committee, AGI-2013, Beijing, China

Organizing committee, Special Session on General Intelligence in Embodied Agents,

2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Human-like Intelligence,

Singapore, 2013

Program committee co-chair, Rocky Mountain Section MAA spring meeting, Alamosa,

CO, 2013

Program committee co-chair, AGI-2012, Oxford, England

Program committee, AGI-2011, Mountain View, CA

Program committee, ICAI 2010, Beijing, China

Lead code developer of ECAN: The Open Cognition Project, 2008-

AGI-09 Planning Committee

AGI-08 Workshop Program Committee

Awards and Honors
Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin,


Grade Winner, New Mexico Mathematics Contest, 1974
Fluent in German
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