2. Introduction A venture meter is a device to measure the flow rate of a flowing fluid through a pipe first created by a hydraulic Engineer Clemens Herschel (1842-1930). Venturi meters are made of cast iron, bronze or steel. It consist of a short conical inlet section known as diverging section leads to a throat section, then to along discharge cone known as the converging section. One end of a manometer is attached at the location of convergence and the other end is attached to the throat of the Venturimeter thus measuring the pressure difference by means of manometer. An example of Venturimeter is shown in the fig 1.1: Fig 1.1: A Venturimeter. Dd : Diameter of the inlet or pipe and throat. PP Pressure at inlet and throat. hm: Manometric deflection. (Venturi meter-construction, 2016, mecholic).