Extended basic [Downloaded from compu-serve] important to use extended basic, the file extbas. Obj should be copied to a new work disk containing dos and then renamed autorun

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**************** *EXTENDED BASIC* **************** [Downloaded from COMPU-SERVE] IMPORTANT ========= To use EXTENDED BASIC, the file EXTBAS.OBJ should be copied to a new work disk containing DOS and then renamed AUTORUN.SYS. NOTE: A "TRANSLATOR" PROGRAM IS ---- REQUIRED FOR EXTENDED BASIC TO FUNCTION IF YOU ARE USING AN ATARI XL/XE COMPUTER MODEL. PART I. INTRODUCTION ==================== EXTENDED BASIC is a programmer's aid package which adds 12 useful commands to BASIC. The commands are Direct Mode commands and function as if they were included within the BASIC CARTRIDGE themselves. Various types of commands are DOS related, editing and reference. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- - ATARI 400/800 - 32K Ram - ATARI 810 Disk Drive or its Equivalent - ATARI BASIC Language Cart. - Optional System Printer LOADING EXTENDED BASIC ---------------------- 1. Turn the computer off. 2. Insert the Basic Cartridge in the left slot (Not req'd with the XE or XL models). 3. Turn on your disk drive. 4. When the BUSY light goes out, open the disk drive door and insert the EXTENDED BASIC diskette with the label in the lower right-hand corner nearest you. (use disk drive one if you have more than one drive.) 5. Load a TRANSLATOR program or its public domain version XLFIX.OBJ, if you have an XE or XL model Atari. 6. Turn on your computer and your TV set. The program will load in memory and start automatically. 7. After the system boots the top line on the screen should say: "Extended Basic 1.0". You may now edit and run Basic programs normally, but with the added power of Extened Basic resident in your computer's RAM. PART II. USING EXTENDED BASIC ============================= CORRECT METHOD OF INPUT ----------------------- All Extended Basic commands must be entered in DIRECT MODE and there can be only one command per line. EXAMPLE:1 -DELETE 10,100 2 -DELETE 10,100:LIST 10,100 3 -LIST 10,100:DELETE 10,100 The correct method of entering the command is Example 1. In example 2 the DELETE command will be executed but the LIST command will be ignored. In example 3 Basic will return a syntax error and neither command will be executed. EXTENDED BASIC COMMANDS ----------------------- The following commands comprise the Extended Basic program: EDITING DOS UTL REF CONTROL ------- ------- --- ------- RENUMBER DIRECTORY QREF @D DELETE LOCK XREF @E REPLACE UNLOCK SIZE @X MARGIN ERASE RENAME EDITING IN EXTENDED BASIC ------------------------- All direct mode input to BASIC is converted from lower-case to upper-case and inverse to normal. The only text that is not converted is the text within double quotes. PART III. EDITING COMMANDS ========================== RENUMBER -------- The Renumber command takes the program text in memory and renumbers it according to the parameters entered with the command. Extended Basic will renumber the program even if the program contains variable branching and unreferenced line numbers. Variable branching and unreferenced line numbers are displayed during the renumber process. FORMAT: RENUMBER [strt][,new][,inc][,output] Short hand for RENUMBER is REN. PARAMETER EXPLANATION strt Starting line number, the default is the first line of the program. new New line number, the default is the starting line number. inc Increment between line numbers, the default is 10. output Device which the error flags will be printed to. Valid output devices are E:,S:,P:. The default is E: EXAMPLES: RENUMBER 10,,20,"P:" The program will be renumbered starting at 10 with increments of 20, the error flags will go the the system printer. REN.,,5 If the first program line was 100 then the program will be renumbers starting at 100 with increments of 5, the error flags will go to the TV screen. RENUM.,1000,,"E:" The program will now start at 1000 with increments of 10, the error flags will go to the screen. RENUMBER ERROR FLAGS -------------------- The error flags are printed whenever a variable branch or an unreferenced line number is encountered. the types of error flags are as follows: V/1000 The V indicates a variable branch and 1000 is the line number it occurs in. #/40000/1000 The # indicates an unreferenced line number, the 40000 is the unknown line number and the 1000 is the line number it occurs in. DELETE ------ The DELETE command will delete all line numbers within the two para- meters. FORMAT: DELETE strt [,END] Short Hand: DEL. PARAMETER EXPLANATION strt Starting line number. end Ending line number, the default is the starting line number. EXAMPLES: DELETE 10,100 Lines 10 thru 100 are deleted DEL.20 Line 20 is deleted. REPLACE ------- The REPLACE command will replace a variable name with a new variable name. FORMAT: REPLACE "old-var","new-var" Short Hand: REPL. PARAMETER EXPLANATION old-var Old Variable Name, this must be a valid variable name. new-var New Variable Name, this must be a valid variable name and unique. If old-var is a string then new-var must be a string. The same applies to array names. The format of the variable name is described in the BASIC REFERENCE MANUAL. ERRORS RETURNED BY REPLACE -------------------------- ERROR CODE EXPLANATION: 22 Old Variable Name not found. 23 New Variable Name already exists. 24 Invalid Variable name. EXAMPLES: REPLACE "A$","B$" All occurences of A$ is replaced with B$ and A$ is removed from the Variable Name Table. REPL."ARRAY(","DARRY(" All occurences of ARRAY( is replaced with DARRAY( and ARRAY( is removed from the Variable Name Table. REPLA."COUNTER","LCOUNT" All occurences of COUNTER is replaced with LCOUNT and COUNTER is removed from the Variable Name Table. MARGIN ------ The MARGIN COMMAND automatically sets the left and right margins for you. FORMAT: MARGIN [left][,right] Short Hand: MAR. PARAMETER EXPLANATION left Left Margin, this must be greater than or equal to 0 and less then 40. The default is 2. right Right Margin, The must be greater than or equal to 0 and less then 40. The default is 39. EXAMPLES: MAR.0,39 The margins are set to the extreme left and right edges of the screen. MAR. The margins are set as they are after System Reset. PART IV. DOS UTILITIES ====================== Five Dos commands are included in the Extended Basic program. They will allow the programmer limited file maintenence. **************NOTE***************** The DOS command has been disabled for the reasons of giving the programmer the most free memory, and that DUP will overwrite Extended Basic's memory. If you need to go to DOS the following commands will get you there. @X DOS *********************************** DIRECTORY --------- The DIRECTORY COMMAND will print the Directory of a Disk to the output device. FORMAT: DIRECTORY [drive#][,output] Short Hand: DI. PARAMETER EXPLANATION drive# Disk Drive number the contains the disk you wish the directory of, the default is drive 1. output Device in which the printed output is to go. Valid devices are E:,S:,P:. The default device is E:. EXAMPLES: DIR. The directory of drive #1 is displayed on the screen. DIR.,"p:" The directory of drive #1 is printed on the system printer. DIRECTORY 2 The directory of drive #2 is displayed on the screen. LOCK, UNLOCK AND ERASE ---------------------- FORMAT: LOCK"D[n]:FILESPEC[.EXT]" This command will lock the selected file, or files that meet wildcard specs. FORMAT: UNLOCK"D[n]:FILESPEC[.EXT]" This command will unlock the selected file, or files that meet wildcard specs. FORMAT: ERASE"D[n]:FILESPEC[.EXT]" This command will erase the selected file, or files that meet wildcard specs. PARAMETER EXPLANATION n Drive number. FILESPEC Filename & optional Extension. RENAME ------ This command will rename a file with a new file name. FORMAT: RENAME"D[n]:OLDNAME.EXT,NEWNAME.EXT" PARAMETER EXPLANATION n Drive number. OLDNAME The old Filename. NEWNAME The new Filename. PART V. REFERENCE COMMANDS ========================== Three reference commands are included. They are QREF, XREF and SIZE. QUICK REFERENCE --------------- The QREF command is a quick dump of the Variable Name Table. When the Screen fills up press any key to continue to the next screen. FORMAT: QREF [ouput] Short Hand: QR. output Device in which the printed output is to go. Valid devices are E:,S:,P:. The default device is E:. CROSS REFERENCE --------------- The XREF command is a cross reference of all variables used in the program. It will print the variable name, and all occurences of it. FORMAT: XREF [output] Short Hand: XR. output Device in which the printed output is to go. Valid devices are E:,S:,P:. The default device is E:. EXAMPLE: XREF"S:" A$ 2/100 1/110 10/1000 A$ is the variable name and in the second line the 2/100 indicates 2 occurences in line number 100. The 1/110 indicates 1 occurence in line 110. SIZE ---- The size command requires no parameters. It will return the number of variables in the program, The program length and the amount of free space remaining. FORMAT: SIZE Short Hand: SI. OUTPUT FORMAT: number of variables / program size / free memory remaining EXAMPLE: SIZE 12/500/28500 This indicates that there are 12 variables in the Variable Name Table. The program length is 500 bytes and there is 28500 bytes of memory remaining. PART VI. CONTROL COMMANDS ========================= There are three control commands which modify the control of Extended Basic. DISABLE ------- The @D command will temporarily disable Extended Basic. This command should be used before running any program that contains any INPUT statements. FORMAT: @D ENABLE ------ The @E command will renable Extended Basic. This is the power up mode. FORMAT: @E TERMINATE --------- The @X command will terminate Extended Basic in case it is not required of more memory is needed. A NEW command should be done after @X to reclaim lower memory. FORMAT: @X **************** ********* REFERENCE CARD ********** **************** EDITING COMMANDS **************** COMMAND SHORT PARAMETERS ------- ----- ---------- RENUMBER REN. [strt][,new][,inc][,output] DELETE DEL. strt[,end] REPLACE REPL. "old-var","new-var" MARGIN MAR. [left][,right] DOS UTILITIES ************* COMMAND SHORT PARAMETERS ------- ----- ---------- DIRECTORY DI. [drive#][,output] LOCK LOCK "D[n]:FILESPEC[.EXT]" UNLOCK UNL. "D[n]:FILESPEC[.EXT]" ERASE ERA. "D[n]:FILESPEC[.EXT]" RENAME RENA. "D[n]:OLDNAME.EXT,NEWNAME.EXT" REFERENCE COMMANDS ****************** COMMAND SHORT PARAMETERS ------- ----- ---------- QREF QR. [output] XREF XR. [output] SIZE SI. CONTROL COMMANDS **************** COMMAND EFFECT ------- ------ @D Temporarily disable Ext.BASic. @E Renable Ext.BASIC. @X Terminate Extended Basic. ***********************************

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