Lab 9
Firewalls, anti-virus software.
What is a firewall?
Adding exceptions to Firewall.
Demo of firewall using Remote Desktop Software
Network profile settings: Domain, Private and Public
Firewall log file and interpreting it
Customizing Incoming & Outgoing connections
Windows Firewall
Youtube video on Firewalls:
This video is 15 minutes long so we recommend you watch it on your own time.
Theory 1 : Research what is meant by a firewall.
Write down a brief description in your own words.
Use your VMWare account to carry out this lab sheet.
Task 1: Turn on the firewall in Windows 7, if it’s not already on. How did you do this?
Refer to:
You can have different security settings for your computer at home/work (private) versus public. Public would be using your computer when on a train or in a cafe or hotel.
Allow Programs communicate through the Firewall
Task 2: What is the exceptions list of a firewall used for? How do you use it?
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