From idea to essay a rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook Eleventh Edition Jo Ray McCuen

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1. What gift was the son trying to give his father?

_____ a. a football

_____ b. a fruit bowl

_____ c. an erector set

_____ d. a drawing of his father

  1. Why was the son trying to give his father a gift?

_____ a. because it was Hanukkah

_____ b. because his father's birthday was coming up

_____ c. because the son had gotten bad grades

_____ d. because he wanted his allowance increased

  1. What was the name of the tough kid in the father's neighborhood?

_____ a. Gudgie

_____ b. Biff

_____ c. Spike

_____ d. Harry

  1. What does the narrator say was the worst part about crying?

______ a. catching his breath

______ b. hiding his tears

______ c. feeling silly

______ d. trying to stop

  1. What did the grandmother say about the narrator's gift?

_____ a. that anything from a child was beautiful

_____ b. that he misunderstood her

_____ c. that the color did not match the furniture

_____ d. that she did not know how he could afford it

Excerpt from Night
Elie Wiesel


1. What old familiar fear did the author admit to having?

_____ a. that his mother would not keep up

_____ b. that he would lose his father

_____ c. that he would not find his sister

_____ d. that he would have nowhere to sleep

  1. What no longer made an impression on the prisoners?

_____ a. the bad food

_____ b. the brutality of the guards

_____ c. the coarseness of the other inmates

_____ d. the sight of the crematory

  1. What was the author's father stricken with?

_____ a. heart failure

_____ b. syphilis

_____ c. malaria

_____ d. dysentery

  1. What did the author's father try to tell him?

_____ a. where the family's money and gold were buried

_____ b. how to escape the camp

_____ c. what medicine to take for the author's illness

_____ d. where the author's mother was hiding

  1. How did the father's neighbors treat him?

_____a. they tried to help him.

_____ b. they beat him.

_____ c. they ignored him.

_____ d. they read scripture to him.

In Another Country
Ernest Hemingway


  1. Where did the men find themselves every afternoon?

_____a. on the firing range

_____b. at the commissary

_____c. in the hospital

_____d. in church

  1. What sport did the narrator play before the war?

_____a. ping-pong

_____b. basketball

_____c. soccer

_____d. football

  1. Why did the man who had lost his nose in the war receive no medal?

_____a. He had been a spy against his country.

_____b. He had not been in the war long enough to earn a medal.

_____c. He refused a medal offered to him.

_____d. He wanted a gold medal, not a bronze one.

  1. Why did the major insist that soldiers in a war should not marry?

_____a. Because he must not lose everything

_____b. Because a wife keeps a soldier from doing his best

_____c. Because a bachelor can have more fun than a married man

_____d. Because the army does not pay enough to keep a family

  1. What did the major learn when he made his phone call?

_____a. He learned that the war was over.

_____b. He learned that his hand would need radiation treatments.

_____c. He learned that his wife had died.

_____d. He learned that his wife was pregnant.

The Tell-Tale Heart
Edgar Allan Poe


1. Which of his senses does the narrator say was especially acute?

_____ a. his sense of taste

_____ b. his sense of smell

_____ c. his sense of vision

_____ d. his sense of hearing

  1. Why did the narrator want to kill the old man?

_____ a. to steal the old man's money

_____ b. to revenge the old man’s insults

_____ c. to do away with the old man's eye

_____ d. to avoid having to pay the old man rent

  1. What lantern did the narrator use to break into the old man's room?

_____ a. a ship's lantern

_____ b. a storm lantern

_____ c. a dark lantern

_____ d. a farmer's lantern

  1. How did the narrator kill the old man?

_____ a. he threw the bed on top of him.

_____ b. he stabbed him to death.

_____ c. he shot him.

_____ d. he threw him out the window.

  1. What did the narrator do with the old man’s body?

_____ a. he cut it up and buried it under the floorboards.

_____ b. he buried it in the garden.

_____ c. he hid it in the attic.

_____ d. he threw it in the river.


The Lament
Anton Chekhov

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