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Appendix 3: Interviews Cited and Sample Questions

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Appendix 3: Interviews Cited and Sample Questions


Ahmed Benbrahim, Asraïfi and former member of the Water Council of Zenaga, Figuig

Hammou Data Benbrahim, Farmer in Figuig who immigrated to Casablanca

Amar Abbou, assistant to the mayor of Figuig

Dr, Mohammed Ait Kadi,

Ahmed Bouakka, Community judge of Zenaga, Figuig

Ibrahim Mekki, Farmer

Ahmed Benbrahim 2, Farmer returning from years of emigration to France, also member of the water association of Berkouks.

Mohammed Kemmou, former member of the parliament

Hind Bouhia, assistant to the prime minister

Mohammed Benbrahim, former teacher who emigrated to Casablanca

Fatima Hekkou, wife of asraifi

Women in Figuig’s artisanal cooperative

Sample Interview Questions

While my interviews were open-ended, the following questions are a sample of the questions that helped guide my interviews. Given the culture, lack of telephone infrastructure, and the nature of my inquiry many of my interviews were impromptu and took place in an informal setting, thus almost all were preserved on video as documentation of the process. Moreover, the setting or characteristics of my interview subjects allowed for the conversation to turn to issues specific to the environment or person’s experience that incorporated these questions without inhibiting the subject’s discussion.

-Where does the Oasis get its water?

-Provide some background about Figuig and the water resources system.

-Describe the water distribution system.

-Who developed it?

-Explain the technology applied to the water distribution system today. In the past?

-Who controls the water?

-When was the water system developed?

-How is it managed today? How was it managed in the past?

-What existed prior to this system?

-Who are the major stakeholders?

-Who benefits from the system?

-Who is disadvantaged by the system?

-How is society supported by the system?

-Explain water governance in the community?

-How does the central government support the system, the community?

-Describe the political environment, administration of law, political and social institutions? How do these support the community, the water system?

-Describe the legal system

-Who owns the water? Who has rights to the water?

-Describe the community, the Ksars?

-How were they established, who administers them?

-How have things changed

-How do people subsist, make a living?

-How does the law support the community?

-How is ownership of the water/property documented?

-How is ownership determined/transferred/traded/inherited?

-How do law and Jmaâ support these rights?

-How does Moroccan law support these rights?

-Are there contradictions between the new and traditional system?

-How was the law established?

-How is water priced?

-What is the price of water?

-Explain how water is valued?

-Do people profit from water? If yes, who?

-Does ownership convey power?

-What was the role of the Jmaâ pre/during/post Colonization?

-How have social, legal, political institutions and Figuig as a whole changed since Independence?

-Are there any objections from the people of Figuig to the construction of new wells?

-Are their new technologies being introduced? New systems?

-Who is benefiting from these new systems?

-Is it the system today sustainable?

-What changed in recent years?

-What do you think Figuig will look like in 20 years?


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