APPENDIX B: Summary of Required Event Messages Generated
For future use.
APPENDIX C: Call Signaling and Application-Specific R/FS Checklist
This appendix is intended to summarize H.323-specific and application-specific considerations mentioned in the referenced requirements / specifications.
Specify that VLANLIST be set to the value of NVVLANLIST, and that NVVLANLIST then be set to null after the point when H.323 procedures will no longer attempt to change the VLAN ID.
Specify that NVL2QVLAN be set to the same value as L2QVLAN after the telephone has successfully registered, and after the point when H.323 procedures will no longer attempt to change the VLAN ID.
96x1H-IPI.3.1.100, flowchart 2b
Specify that the in-use router IP address be saved in non-volatile memory after the telephone has successfully registered, for possible reuse during a subsequent startup.
96x1H-IPI.3.1.100, flowcharts 3a-1a and 3b-1a
Specify that the set of values of parameters that were set from a configuration file be saved in non-volatile memory after the telephone has successfully registered, for possible reuse during a subsequent startup.
flowchart 4c
Specify any parameter (such as MCIPADD) that is set from NVCALLSRVR.
Specify signaling to cause an active, registered telephone to reset itself to force the download of a new release of software, and specify whether the telephone should unregister before resetting.
Specify when the manual address information programming procedure may be invoked via “* to program” (if and only if PROCSTAT is “0” and PROCPSWD is null) before local procedures can be invoked via button-press sequences that begin with pressing the mute button.
Specify when user-specific data is backed-up and restored.
Specify that any local procedures that set VPN parameters enforce the same parameter values for specific profiles that are specified in 96x1H-IPI.4.2.200.
Specify that the telephone unregister from the call server before Sleep Mode is invoked.
Specify procedures, if any, used to set QOS parameters (L2QAUD, L2QSIG, DSCPAUD and DSCPSIG) or the VLAN ID (L2QVLAN).
Specify any procedures that invoke transmission of an ICMP Echo (ping) message, and the process and format with which to return the results.
Specify procedures to prevent IPv4-Mapped IPv6 addresses from being manually programmed as IPv6 addresses.
Specify the UDP/TCP port numbers used for the telephone’s signaling and audio, and how far-end IP addresses and port numbers are obtained for audio.
Specify any signaling that invokes or terminates traceroute, and by which the results are to be returned.
Specify any use of TCP keep-alives.
Specify that the set of values of parameters that were set from a value in a DHCP message be saved in non-volatile memory after the telephone has successfully registered, for possible reuse during a subsequent startup.
Specify procedures, if any, used to set RTCPCONT, RTCPFLOW, RTCPMON or RTCPMONPORT.
Specify the use of SRTP/SRTCP (vs. RTP/RTCP) and associated key distribution and management.
Specify when registration of the CNA test plug with the CNA Admin Module is initiated.
Specify how the codec to be used is selected.
Applications that use the HTTP client should specify whether TLS/SSL is to be used if a URI begins with “https://” (and if so, what certificate(s) may be used to authenticate the server), whether any optional or non-standard headers are to be included in messages, how they will operate with respect to specific response codes received by the HTTP client (e.g., 3xx (Redirection), 401 (Unauthorized), 407 (Proxy Authentication Required), etc.), whether and how saving or caching of cookies or files is to be supported, whether HTTP authentication is to be supported, whether authentication credentials are to be saved in non-volatile memory, how many sets of credentials are to be saved for reuse if more than one set of credentials is to be saved, and any application-specific prompt text to be displayed on the authentication screen.
Applications that use the HTTP server should specify when and how the server receive port is activated, the Request-URI that identifies the application, the conditions under which specific response codes will be sent, and the processing of the content received in the POST.
Applications that require TLS should specify which versions are to be allowed (i.e., TLS 1.0, SSLv3 or both), and which cipher suites are to be allowed.
96x1H-IPI.5.1.1550 (Note)
Applications should specify whether they will provide any additional built-in trusted CA certificates.