Hacettepe üNİversitesi jeoloji MÜhendiSLİĞİ BÖLÜMÜ ÖĞretiM Üyeleri ve sci yayinlari

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2000-2005 Mart

Jeoloji -Hidrojeoloji

  1. Abidin Temel Prof. Dr.

  2. Adil Binal Öğr. Gör. Dr.

  3. Ali İhsan Karayiğit Prof. Dr.

  4. Alparslan Arıkan Prof. Dr

  5. Atilla Çiner Prof. Dr

  6. Biltan Kürkçüoğlu Öğr. Gör. Dr.

  7. Candan Gökçeoğlu Doç. Dr.

  8. Cem Saraç Prof. Dr

  9. Cemal Tunoğlu Prof. Dr

  10. Dilek Turer Öğr. Gör. Dr.

  11. Emel Bayhan Doç. Dr.

  12. Erçin K. Kasapoğlu Prof. Dr.

  13. Erdal Şen Öğr. Gör. Dr.

  14. Erkan Aydar Prof. Dr

  15. Ersen Buket Doç. Dr.

  16. Harun Sönmez Doç. Dr.

  17. Hasan Bayhan Prof. Dr

  18. Hüsnü Aksoy Doç. Dr.

  19. İsmail Hakkı Demirel Doç. Dr.

  20. Kadir Dirik Doç. Dr.

  21. Levent Tezcan Yrd.Doç. Dr.

  22. Mehmet Ekmekçi Doç. Dr.

  23. Meral Doğan Yrd.Doç. Dr.

  24. Özlem A. Atilla Öğr. Gör. Dr.

  25. Reşat Ulusay Prof. Dr

  26. Serdar C. Bayarı Prof. Dr

  27. Süleyman Kocaefe Öğr. Gör. Dr.

  28. Şakir Şimşek Prof. Dr

  29. Tekin Yürür Yrd.Doç. Dr.

  30. Türker Kurttaş Yrd.Doç. Dr.

  31. U. Kağan Tekin Doç. Dr.

  32. Üner Çakır Yrd.Doç. Dr.

  33. Yavuz Erkan Prof. Dr

  34. Yurdal Genç Yrd.Doç. Dr.

"Preface", "1-2 sayfalık özetler", "correction", "obituary", "editöre mektup" türü yayınlar listeye alınmamıştır.

Listedeki eksik ve hataları lütfen okay@itu.edu.tr adresine bildiriniz.

  1. Alici P, Temel A, Gourgaud A, 2002, Pb-Nd-Sr isotope and trace element geochemistry of Quaternary extension-related alkaline volcanism: a case study of Kula region (western Anatolia, Turkey). JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 115 (3-4): 487-510 JUN 30 2002, Times Cited: 3

  2. Alici P, Temel A, Gourgaud A, et al., 2001, Quaternary tholeiitic to alkaline volcanism in the Karasu Valley, Dead Sea rift zone, Southeast Turkey: Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopic and trace-element approaches to crust-mantle interaction. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 43 (2): 120-138 FEB 2001, Times Cited: 3

  3. Alpaslan M, Frei R, Boztug D, Kurt, MA, Temel, A., 2004, Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic constraints indicating an enriched-mantle source for late Cretaceous to early Tertiary volcanism, Central Anatolia, Turkey. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 46 (11): 1022-1041 NOV 2004, Times Cited: 0

  4. Alpaslan M, Temel A, 2000, Petrographic and geochemical evidence for magma mixing and crustal contamination in the post-collisional calc-alkaline Yozgat volcanics, Central Anatolia, Turkey, INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 42 (9): 850-863 SEP 2000, Times Cited: 1

  5. Alpaslan M, Yilmaz S, Temel A, 2004, Geochemistry of post-collision Pliocene-Quaternary Karasar basalt (Divrigi-Sivas, Eastern Turkey): Evidence for partial melting processes. GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA 55 (6): 487-500 DEC 2004, Times Cited: 0

  6. Aydan O, Ulusay R, 2002, Back-analysis of a seismically induced highway embankment failure during the 1999 Duzce earthquake. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 42 (6): 621-631 SEP 2002, Times Cited: 2

  7. Aydan O, Ulusay R, 2003, Geotechnical and geoenvironmental characteristics of man-made underground structures in Cappadocia, Turkey. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 69 (3-4): 245-272 JUN 2003, Times Cited: 0

  8. Aydar E, Bayhan H, Gourgaud A, 2003, The lamprophyres of Afyon stratovolcano, western Anatolia, Turkey: description and genesis. COMPTES RENDUS GEOSCIENCE 335 (3): 279-288 MAR 2003, Times Cited: 0

  9. Aydar E, Gourgaud A, 2002, Garnet-bearing basalts: an example from Mt. Hasan, Central Anatolia, Turkey. MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY 75 (3-4): 185-201 2002, Times Cited: 1

  10. Aydar E, Gourgaud A, Ulusoy I, Digonnet F, Labazuy P, Sen E, Bayhan H, Kurttas T, Tolluoglu AU., 2003, Morphological analysis of active Mount Nemrut stratovolcano, eastern Turkey: evidences and possible impact areas of future eruption. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 123 (3-4): 301-312 MAY 1 2003, Times Cited: 1

  11. Bardet N, Tunoglu C, 2002, The first mosasaur (Squamata) from the Late Cretaceous of Turkey. JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY 22 (3): 712-715 SEP 19 2002, Times Cited: 2

  12. Bayari CS, 2002, A rare landform: Yerkopru travertine bridges in the Taurids Karst Range, Turkey. EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS 27 (6): 577-590 JUN 2002, Times Cited: 0

  13. Bayari CS, Kurttas T, 2002, Coastal and submarine karstic discharges in the Gokova Bay, SW Turkey. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 35: 381-390 Part 4 NOV 2002, Times Cited: 0

  14. Bayari S, 2002, TRACER: an EXCEL workbook to calculate mean residence time in groundwater by use of tracers CFC-11, CFC-12 and tritium. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES 28 (5): 621-630 JUN 2002, Times Cited: 0

  15. Bayhan E, Ergin M, Temel A, et al., 2001, Sedimentology and mineralogy of surficial bottom deposits from the Aegean-Canakkale-Marmara transition (Eastern Mediterranean): effects of marine and terrestrial factors. MARINE GEOLOGY 175 (1-4): 297-315 MAY 15 2001, Times Cited: 1

  16. Bragin N, Bragina L, Tunoglu C, Tekin UK , 2001, The cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) radiolarians from the Tomalar Formation, Central Pontides, northern Turkey. GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA 52 (6): 349-360 DEC 2001, Times Cited: 1

  17. Bragin NY, Tekin UK, Ozcelik Y, 2002, Middle Jurassic radiolarians from the Akgol formation, central Pontids, northern Turkey , NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR GEOLOGIE UND PALAONTOLOGIE-MONATSHEFTE (10): 609-628 OCT 2002, Times Cited: 1

  18. Brown SD, Chiavari G, Ediger V, Fabbri D, Gaines AF, Galletti C, Karayigit AI, Love GD, Snape CE, Sirkecioglu O, Toprak S, 2000, Black Sea sapropels: relationship to kerogens and fossil fuel precursors, FUEL 79 (14): 1725-1742 NOV 2000, Times Cited: 3

  19. Cebeci Y, Ulusoy U, Simsek S, 2002, Investigation of the effect of agglomeration time, pH and various salts on the cleaning of Zonguldak bituminous coal by oil agglomeration FUEL 81 (9): 1131-1137 JUN 2002, Times Cited: 1

  20. Celik Y, Karayigit AI, 2004, Chemical properties and petrographic composition of the lacustrine Seyitomer lignites (Miocene), Kutahya, Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 26 (4): 339-352 MAR 2004, Times Cited: 0

  21. Cevik SY, Ulusay R, 2005, Engineering geological assessments of the repeated plane shear slope instability threatening Babadag (Turkey) and its environmental impacts. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 47 (5): 685-701 MAR 2005, Times Cited: 0

  22. Ciner A, Kosun E, Deynoux M, 2002, Fluvial, evaporitic and shallow-marine facies architecture, depositional evolution and cyclicity in the Sivas Basin (Lower to Middle Miocene), Central Turkey. JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 21 (2): 147-165 DEC 15 2002, Times Cited: 1

  23. Demirel IH, 2004, Petroleum systems in the eastern and central Taurus region, Turkey, MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 21 (8): 1061-1071 SEP 2004, Times Cited: 0

  24. Demirel IH, Gunay Y, 2000, Tectonic and karstic effects on the western Taurus region, southwestern Turkey: Relations to the present temperature gradients and total organic carbon content. ENERGY SOURCES 22 (5): 431-441 JUN 2000, Times Cited: 4

  25. Demirel IH, Gunay Y, Yurtsever TS, 2001, Evaluation of petroleum source rocks on the coastal area of the western Taurus region, Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 23 (6): 541-552 JUL 2001, Times Cited: 0

  26. Demirel IH, Gunay Y, Yurtsever TS, 2002, Evaluation of hydrocarbon source rock potential from well data on the Elmali Nappes, western Taurus region, Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 24 (5): 461-470 MAY 2002, Times Cited: 0

  27. Demirel IH, Guneri S, 2000, Cretaceous carbonates in the Adiyaman region, SE Turkey: an assessment of burial history and source-rock potential, JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 23 (1): 91-106 JAN 2000, Times Cited: 4

  28. Demirel IH, Sarac C, 2003, Calculation of the amounts of hydrocarbons generated from the Lower Antalya Nappes, Western Taurus Region: The importance of the fractional conversion (f) value. PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 21 (9-10): 1347-1368 2003, Times Cited: 0

  29. Demirel IH, Sarac C, Sen O, 2000, Geostatistical reserve estimation: A case study in the Canakci coal seam of Ermenek Basin, Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 22 (10): 925-933 DEC 2000, Times Cited: 0

  30. Demirel IH, Yurtsever TS, Guneri S, 2001, Petroleum systems of the Adiyaman region, Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY 18 (3): 391-410 MAR 2001, Times Cited: 1

  31. Deynoux M, Ciner A, Monod O, et al., 2005, Facies architecture and depositional evolution of alluvial fan to fan-delta complexes in the tectonically active Miocene Koprucay Basin, Isparta Angle, Turkey. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 173 (1-4): 315-343 JAN 3 2005, Times Cited: 0

  32. Dirik K, 2001, Neotectonic evolution of the northwestward arched segment of the Central Anatolian Fault Zone, Central Anatolia, Turkey. GEODINAMICA ACTA 14 (1-3): 147-158 Sp. Iss. SI JAN-MAY 2001, Times Cited: 2

  33. Dogan M, 2002, Environmental pulmonary health problems related to mineral dusts: Examples from central Anatolia, Turkey. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 41 (5): 571-578 JAN 2002, Times Cited: 3

  34. Dogan M, 2003, Sources and types of mineral dust in regions of Turkey with endemic malignant mesothelioma. INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT 12 (6): 377-383 DEC 2003. Times Cited: 0

  35. Dogdu MS, Bayari CS, 2005, Environmental impact of geothermal fluids on surface water, groundwater and streambed sediments in the Akarcay Basin, Turkey. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 47 (3): 325-340 FEB 2005, Times Cited: 0

  36. Ekmekci H, Ekmekci OB, Sonmez H, Ozturk Z, Domanic N, Kokoglu E., 2005, Evaluation of fibronectin, vitronectin, and leptin levels in coronary artery disease: Impacts on thrombosis and thrombolysis. CLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS 11 (1): 63-70 JAN 2005, Times Cited: 0

  37. Elhatip H, Afsin M, Kuscu I, Dirik, K., et al., 2003, Influences of human activities and agriculture on groundwater quality of Kayseri-Incesu-Dokuzpinar springs, central Anatolian part of Turkey. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 44 (4): 490-494 JUL 2003, Times Cited: 0

  38. Emri S, Demir A, Dogan M, et al., 2002, Lung diseases due to environmental exposures to erionite and asbestos in Turkey, TOXICOLOGY LETTERS 127 (1-3): 251-257 FEB 28 2002. Times Cited: 6

  39. Ercanoglu M, Gokceoglu C, 2002, Assessment of landslide susceptibility for a landslide-prone area (north of Yenice, NW Turkey) by fuzzy approach. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 41 (6): 720-730 FEB 2002, Times Cited: 2

  40. Ercanoglu M, Gokceoglu C, Van Asch TWJ, 2004, Landslide susceptibility zoning north of Yenice (NW Turkey) by multivariate statistical techniques. NATURAL HAZARDS 32 (1): 1-23 MAY 2004, Times Cited: 0

  41. Ercanoglu M, Gokceoglu C., 2004, Use of fuzzy relations to produce landslide susceptibility map of a landslide prone area (West Black Sea Region, Turkey). ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 75 (3-4): 229-250 NOV 2004, Times Cited: 0

  42. Erguler ZA, Ulusay R, 2003, A simple test and predictive models for assessing swell potential of Ankara (Turkey) Clay. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 67 (3-4): 331-352 JAN 2003, Times Cited: 3

  43. Erguler ZA, Ulusay R, 2003, Engineering characteristics and environmental impacts of the expansive Ankara Clay, and swelling maps for SW and central parts of the Ankara (Turkey) metropolitan area. ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY 44 (8): 979-992 NOV 2003, Times Cited: 0

  44. Fukushima Y, Kose O, Yurur T, et al., 2002, Attenuation characteristics of peak ground acceleration from fault trace of the 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey) earthquake and comparison of spectral acceleration with seismic design code. JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY 6 (3): 379-396 JUL 2002, Times Cited: 1

  45. Gautier P, Bozkurt E, Hallot E, Dirik, K., 2002, Dating the exhumation of a metamorphic dome: geological evidence for pre-Eocene unroofing of the Nigde Massif (Central Anatolia, Turkey). GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 139 (5): 559-576 SEP 2002, Times Cited: 2

  46. Gokceoglu C, 2002, A fuzzy triangular chart to predict the uniaxial compressive strength of the Ankara agglomerates from their petrographic composition. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 66 (1-2): 39-51 OCT 2002, Times Cited: 5

  47. Gokceoglu C, Aksoy H, 2000, New approaches to the characterization of clay-bearing, densely jointed and weak rock masses. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 58 (1): 1-23 SEP 2000, Times Cited: 1

  48. Gokceoglu C, Sonmez H, Ercanoglu M, 2000, Discontinuity controlled probabilistic slope failure risk maps of the Altindag (settlement) region in Turkey. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 55 (4): 277-296 MAR 2000, Times Cited: 6

  49. Gokceoglu C, Sonmez H, Kayabasi A, 2003, Predicting the deformation moduli of rock masses. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 40 (5): 701-710 JUL 2003, Times Cited: 2

  50. Gokceoglu C, Ulusay R, Sonmez H, 2000, Factors affecting the durability of selected weak and clay-bearing rocks from Turkey, with particular emphasis on the influence of the number of drying and wetting cycles. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 57 (3-4): 215-237 JUL 2000, Times Cited: 4

  51. Gokceoglu C, Yesilnacar E, Sonmez H, et al., 2004, A neuro-fuzzy model for modulus of deformation of jointed rock masses. COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS 31 (5): 375-383 2004, Times Cited: 0

  52. Gokceoglu C, Zorlu K, 2004, A fuzzy model to predict the uniaxial compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity of a problematic rock. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 17 (1): 61-72 FEB 2004, Times Cited: 0

  53. Goncuoglu MC, Kuwahara K, Tekin UK, et al., 2004, Upper Permian (Changxingian) radiolarian cherts within the clastic successions of the "Karakaya Complex" in NW Anatolia. TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES 13 (2): 201-213 MAY-AUG 2004, Times Cited: 2

  54. Gursu S, Goncuoglu MC, Bayhan H, 2004, Geology and geochemistry of the pre-Early Cambrian rocks in the Sandikli area: Implications for the Pan-African evolution of NW Gondwanaland. GONDWANA RESEARCH 7 (4): 923-935 OCT 2004, Times Cited: 0

  55. Isik NS, Doyuran V, Ulusay R, 2004, Assessment of a coastal landslide subjected to building loads at Sinop, Black Sea region, Turkey, and stabilization measures. ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 75 (1): 69-88 SEP 2004, Times Cited: 0

  56. Karabiyikoglu M, Tuzcu S, Ciner A, et al., 2005, Facies and environmental setting of the Miocene coral reefs in the late-orogenic fill of the Antalya Basin, western Taurides, Turkey: implications for tectonic control and sea-level changes. SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY 173 (1-4): 345-371 JAN 3 2005, Times Cited: 0

  57. Karakaya MC, Karakaya N, Temel A, 2001, Kaolin occurrences in the Erenler Dagi volcanics, southwest Konya Province, Turkey. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 43 (8): 711-721 AUG 2001, Times Cited: 0

  58. Karakaya N, Karakaya MC, Temel A, Tunoglu, C., 2004, Mineralogical and chemical characterization of sepiolite occurrences at Karapinar (Konya Basin, Turkey). CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS 52 (4): 495-509 AUG 2004, Times Cited: 0

  59. Karayigit AI, 2001, Mineralogy and trace element contents of the Akalin seam, Gelik mine, Zonguldak-Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 23 (8): 699-709 SEP 2001, Times Cited: 1

  60. Karayigit AI, 2003, Mineralogy and trace element contents of the upper carboniferous coals from the asma-dilaver and gelik mines in Zonguldak, Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 25 (7): 689-702 JUL 2003, Times Cited: 0

  61. Karayigit AI, Celik Y, 2003, Mineral matter and trace elements in Miocene coals of the Tuncbilek-Domanic basin, Kutahya, Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 25 (4): 339-355 APR 2003, Times Cited: 2

  62. Karayigit AI, Gayer RA, 2000, Trace elements in a Pliocene-Pleistocene lignite profile from the Afsin-Elbistan field, eastern Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 22 (1): 13-21 JAN 2000, Times Cited: 7

  63. Karayigit AI, Gayer RA, Ortac FE, et al., 2001, Trace elements in the Lower Pliocene fossiliferous Kangal lignites, Sivas, Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 47 (2): 73-89 AUG 2001, Times Cited: 6

  64. Karayigit AI, Gayer RA, Querol X, et al., 2000, Contents of major and trace elements in feed coals from Turkish coal-fired power plants , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 44 (2): 169-184 AUG 2000, Times Cited: 15

  65. Karayigit AI, Kerey IE, Bozkus C, 2002, Depositional environments of Oligo/Miocene coal-bearing strata and coal quality from the Oltu-Balkaya Basin, northeastern Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 24 (7): 653-665 JUL 2002 , Times Cited: 0

  66. Karayigit AI, Onacak T, Gayer RA, et al., 2001, Mineralogy and geochemistry of feed coals and their combustion residues from the Cayirhan power plant, Ankara, Turkey, APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY 16 (7-8): 911-919 JUN 2001, Times Cited: 3

  67. Karayigit AI, Querol X, 2002, Mineralogy and elemental contents of the Sirnak asphaltite, Southeast Turkey. ENERGY SOURCES 24 (8): 703-713 AUG 2002, Times Cited: 0

  68. Karayigit AI, Spears DA, Booth CA, 2000, Antimony and arsenic anomalies in the coal seams from the Gokler coalfield, Gediz, Turkey, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 44 (1): 1-17 JUL 2000, Times Cited: 7

  69. Karayigit AI, Spears DA, Booth CA, 2000, Distribution of environmental sensitive trace elements in the Eocene Sorgun coals, Turkey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY 42 (4): 297-314 MAR 2000, Times Cited: 9

  70. Kayabasi A, Gokceoglu C, Ercanoglu M, 2003, Estimating the deformation modulus of rock masses: a comparative study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 40 (1): 55-63 JAN 2003, Times Cited: 6

  71. Kerey IE, Meric E, Tunoglu C, et al., 2004, Black Sea-Marmara Sea Quaternary connections: new data from the Bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey. PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY 204 (3-4): 277-295 FEB 25 2004, Times Cited: 0

  72. Kumsar H, Aydan O, Ulusay R, 2000, Dynamic and static stability assessment of rock slopes against wedge failures. ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 33 (1): 31-51 JAN-MAR 2000, Times Cited: 4

  73. Kurkcuoglu B, Sen E, Temel A, Aydar E, Gourgaud A ., 2004, Interaction of asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle: The genesis of cale-alkaline volcanism at Erciyes Volcano, central Anatolia, Turkey. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 46 (3): 243-258 MAR 2004, Times Cited: 0

  74. Kurkcuoglu B, Sen E, Temel A, Aydar, E., Gourgaud, A., 2001, Trace-element modeling and source constraints for tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts from a depleted asthenospheric mantle source, Mt. Erciyes Stratovolcano, Turkey. INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW 43 (6): 508-522 JUN 2001, Times Cited: 2

  75. Kuscu I, Gencalioglu-Kuscu G, Sarac C, et al., 2004, An approach to geochemical characterization of productive versus barren granitoids in terms of iron in Central Turkey, JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES 24 (3): 311-325 DEC 2004, Times Cited: 0

  76. Kuznetsova KI, Bragin NY, Voznesenskii AI, Tekin UK., 2003, Jurassic planktonic and benthic cosmopolitan foraminiferal communities of central Turkey. STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION 11 (5): 450-467 SEP-OCT 2003, Times Cited: 0

  77. Le Pennec JL, Temel A, Froger JL, Sen S, Gourgaud A, Bourdier JL., 2005, Stratigraphy and age of the Cappadocia ignimbrites, Turkey: reconciling field constraints with paleontologic, radiochronologic, geochemical and paleomagnetic data. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 141 (1-2): 45-64 MAR 1 2005, Times Cited: 0

  78. Nefeslioglu HA, Gokceoglu C, Sonmez H, 2003, A Mamdani model to predict the weighted joint density. LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 2773: 1052-1057 2003, Times Cited: 2

  79. Nefeslioglu HA, Gokceoglu C, Sonmez H, 2004, An approach to determine the weathering characteristics of discontinuities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 41 (3): 387-388 APR 2004, Times Cited: 0

  80. Ocakoglu F, Gokceoglu C, Ercanoglu M, 2002, Dynamics of a complex mass movement triggered by heavy rainfall: a case study from NW Turkey. GEOMORPHOLOGY 42 (3-4): 329-341 JAN 15 2002, Times Cited: 1

  81. Ozyurt NN, Bayari CS, 2003, LUMPED: a Visual Basic code of lumped-parameter models for mean residence time analyses of groundwater systems. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES 29 (1): 79-90 FEB 2003, Times Cited: 0

  82. Sanfilippo A, Hakyemez A, Tekin UK, 2003, Biostratigraphy of Late Paleocene-Middle Eocene radiolarians and foraminifera from Cyprus. MICROPALEONTOLOGY 49 (1): 47-64 SPR 2003, Times Cited: 0

  83. Sarac C, Demirel IH, Sen O, et al., 2004, Geostatistical simulation of the total organic carbon values: An example from petroleum source rocks on the coastal area of western Taurus region, Turkey. PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 22 (3-4): 367-379 2004, Times Cited: 0

  84. Sen E, Aydar E, Gourgaud A, Kurkcuoglu B., 2002, Initial explosive phases during extrusion of volcanic lava domes: example from rhyodacitic dome of Dikkartin Dag, Erciyes stratovolcano, Central Anatolia, Turkey, COMPTES RENDUS GEOSCIENCE 334 (1): 27-33 JAN 2002, Times Cited: 2

  85. Sen E, Kurkcuoglu B, Aydar E, et al., 2003, Volcanological evolution of Mount Erciyes stratovolcano and origin of the Valibaba Tepe ignimbrite (Central Anatolia, Turkey). JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH 125 (3-4): 225-246 JUL 20 2003, Times Cited: 1

  86. Sen PA, Temel A, Gourgaud A, 2004, Petrogenetic modelling of Quaternary post-collisional volcanism: a case study of central and eastern Anatolia. GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE 141 (1): 81-98 JAN 2004, Times Cited: 1

  87. Simsek S, 2003, Hydrogeological and isotopic survey of geothermal fields in the Buyuk Menderes graben, Turkey. GEOTHERMICS 32 (4-6): 669-678 AUG-DEC 2003, Times Cited: 0

  88. Simsek S, Gunay G, Elhatip H, et al., 2000, Environmental protection of geothermal waters and travertines at Pamukkale, Turkey. GEOTHERMICS 29 (4-5): 557-572 AUG-OCT 2000, Times Cited: 5

  89. Sonmez H, Gokceoglu C, Ulusay R, 2003, An application of fuzzy sets to the Geological Strength Index (GSI) system used in rock engineering. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 16 (3): 251-269 APR 2003, Times Cited: 4

  90. Sonmez H, Gokceoglu C, Ulusay R, 2004, A Mamdani fuzzy inference system for the geological strength index and its use in slope stability assessments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 41 (3): 513-514 APR 2004, Times Cited: 0

  91. Sonmez H, Gokceoglu C, Ulusay R, 2004, Indirect determination of the modulus of deformation of rock masses based on the GSI system. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 41 (5): 849-857 JUL 2004, Times Cited: 0

  92. Sonmez H, Nefeslioglu HA, Gokceoglu C, 2004, Determination of wJd on rock exposures including wide spaced joints. ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING 37 (5): 403-413 NOV 2004. Times Cited: 0

  93. Sonmez H, Tuncay E, Gokceoglu C, 2004, Models to predict the uniaxial compressive strength and the modulus of elasticity for Ankara Agglomerate. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 41 (5): 717-729 JUL 2004, Times Cited: 0

  94. Sulukcu S, Ulusay R, 2001,Evaluation of the block punch index test with particular reference to the size effect, failure mechanism and its effectiveness in predicting rock strength. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES 38 (8): 1091-1111 DEC 2001, Times Cited: 1

  95. Tekin UK, 2002, Late Triassic (Late Norian-Rhaetian) radiolarians from the Antalya Nappes, Central Taurides, Southern Turkey. RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA 108 (3): 415-440 NOV 2002, Times Cited: 1

  96. Tekin UK, 2002, Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Sinemurian) radiolarians from the Antalya Nappes, Central Thurids, Southern Turkey, MICROPALEONTOLOGY 48 (2): 177-205 SUM 2002, Times Cited: 4

  97. Tekin UK, Goncuoglu MC, Turhan N, 2002, First evidence of Late Carnian radiolarians from the Izmir-Ankara suture complex, central Sakarya, Turkey: implications for the opening age of the Izmir-Ankara branch of Neo-Tethys. GEOBIOS 35 (1): 127-135 JAN-FEB 2002, Times Cited: 4.

  98. Tekin UK, Mostler H, 2005, Longobardian (Middle Triassic) entactinarian and nassellarian radiolaria from the Dinarides of Bosnia and Herzegovina. JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY 79 (1): 1-20 JAN 2005, Times Cited: 0

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