Hammonton Board of Education 566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey agenda august 23, 2012

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Hammonton Board of Education

566 Old Forks Road, Hammonton, New Jersey


August 23, 2012

Call to order Mr. Joseph Giralo presiding
Roll Call Mr. Thomas Attanasi

Mr. Robert Bauers

Mrs. Barbara Berenato

Mr. Manny Bermudez

Mrs. Terri Chiddenton

Mr. Louis DeStefano

Mr. John Lyons

Mr. Salvatore Mento III

Mr. Leo Petetti

Mr. Eric Weiss

Mr. Joseph Giralo

It is noted for the record that Mr. Louis DeStefano, representing the Folsom Board of Education, is precluded from voting, under the constraints of N.J.S.A. 18A:38-8.1 and .2.

Open Public

Meetings Act

Statement “The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend any meetings of public bodies at which their interests may be discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Hammonton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time, purpose and place thereof published in the Press of Atlantic City on July 21, 2012; and mailed to The Hammonton News, Hammonton Gazette; and posted on authorized premises.”

Session WHEREAS, Section 8 of the Open Public Meetings Act., N.J.S.A. 11:40-12 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, this public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Town of Hammonton in the County of Atlantic and State of New Jersey, as follows: The public shall be excluded from discussion on the actions upon the hereinafter specified subject matter: Personnel matters, contracts/litigations, negotiations, matters of attorney/client privilege. Any discussion held by the Board which need not remain confidential, will be made public as soon as is practicable. Minutes of the closed session will not be disclosed until the need for confidentiality no longer exists. The Board will reconvene to public session at the conclusion of the closed session. This Resolution shall become effective immediately.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
Time: ____________
Reconvene to

Public Session Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
Time: ____________

Flag Salute The President will lead those assembled in the flag salute.


Action Items:
1. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Board Minutes of July 12, 2012 and August 2, 2012. (Open & Closed Sessions). Exhibit A

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

2. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the purchase order lists for July 2012 in the amount of $37,269,645.77. Exhibit B

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

3. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the bill list for August 2012 in the amount of $1,578,102.35. Exhibit C

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

4. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the check lists for July and August 2012 in the amount of $812,483.39. Exhibit D
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

5. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education to ratify the June 2012 payroll in the amount of $3,272,447.62. Exhibit E
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
6. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education to ratify the July 2012 payroll in the amount of $724,215.16. Exhibit F
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
7. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the July 2012 General Fund and Special Revenue Fund Expense Account Adjustments which include Appropriation Transfers. Exhibit G
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
8. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the July 2012 Food Service expense list, bank reconciliation and accounts receivable and the additional June expense list as prepared by the Food Service Director. Exhibit H

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

9. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education to certify that, as of June 2012; no budgetary line item account has been over-expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, and, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, accept the Board Secretary’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report prepared by the Assistant Business Administrator for the month of June 2012. Exhibit I
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
10. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved by the Hammonton Board

of Education approve to extend award for banking services to Susquehanna Bank for the period of July 1, 2012 to September 18, 2012. Exhibit J

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

11. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the additions/alterations to the Hammonton Middle School VCT/Carpet installation Change Order No. 1 increase in the amount of $841 as per attached Exhibit K
Original Vineland Tile Co Inc. Contract $62,488.00

Change Order No. 1 841.00

Amend Vineland Tile Co Inc. Contract $63,329.00

12. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a resolution to renew membership in NJSBAIG and join the Cape Atlantic Insurance Pool – CAIP a fund within the New Jersey School Board Association Insurance Group for the 3 year term July 1, 2012 through July 1, 2015.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
13. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve hy-point farms for the purchase of milk and dairy for the 2012-2013 school year based on extended pricing.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

14. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education authorize the purchase of a walk in freezer for the high school from Silipena Commercial Refrigeration & Air Conditioning in the amount of $12,200 based on lowest quote to be paid by food service program.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

15. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education authorize the purchase of a 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan without extended warranty from Matt Blatt Dealerships based on lowest quote of $18,999 plus fees of $431.10.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
16. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Hammonton Education Foundation to be covered by the school district’s general liability policy for activities held by the Hammonton Education Foundation to benefit the school district per Exhibit L
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
17. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the All Sports Booster Club to be covered by the school district’s general liability policy for activities held by the All Sports Booster Club to benefit the school district per Exhibit M
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
18. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education award a contract to Atlantic Investigations, LLC to provide DOT services as per attached Exhibit N
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
19. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the renewal of System 3000 accounting and human resource software for 2012-2013 in the amount of $15,226. Exhibit O
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
20. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Telecommunication System Service/

Maintenance Contract with RFP Solutions, Inc. for the high school - $8,325.12, middle school - $3,669.84 and early childhood education center- $2,846.16 from July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
21. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the renewal of the Fire Alarm Service Contract with ProTec Systems, Inc. for the middle school at a cost of $3,000 for the 2012-2013 school year.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
22. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve to award contract to B&D Pole Barn LLC for the construction of a pole barn at the high school in the amount of $32,758.36 based on lowest quote.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
23. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve to award contract to Wireless Communications & Electronics for the purchase of mobile radios in the amount of $6,630 based on lowest quote.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
24. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve to award contract to Stewart Business Systems for the purchase of two copy machines in the amount of $8,998 based on state contract price.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
25. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the 8th Grade and 12th Grade awards for school year 2011-2012. Exhibit P
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
26. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Brett DiNovi & Associates Behavioral Consultation to provide behavioral consultation to the staff and families of Hammonton School District in the amount of $60/hour for Clinical Associates and $115/hour for Behavioral Consultant when deemed necessary by the Child Study Team.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

27. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Psychiatric Evaluations by James Hewitt, MD when deemed necessary by the Child Study Team as per the attached fee schedule. Exhibit Q
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
28. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Neurodevelopmental Evaluations by Chester J. Minarcik, Jr., MD, when deemed necessary by the Child Study Team as per the attached fee schedule. Exhibit R
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
29. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a contract with RPS, Inc. to provide physical, occupational, speech and language therapy services from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Exhibit S
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

30. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Shared Services Agreement for Speech-Language Services in the amount $36,927 for school year 2012-2013. Exhibit T
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

31. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve Shared Services Agreement between Waterford and Hammonton for the Special Education Services employee John Lavell in the amount of $51,650. Exhibit U
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
32. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education authorize the purchase of fifteen Dell computers for the Early Childhood Education Center in the amount of $10,435.20 based on state contract pricing.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
33. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012 Atlantic County Special Services School District Extended School Year Program Agreement for 910197, 910712, 910714, 910677, 910198, 217095, 910707, 909913, 911112, 909942, 910207, and 217036 for a total of $2,000 per pupil. Personal Care Aide Services for 910712 and 910714 shared at $2,140 and 217095 at $2,140. These are existing placements.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
34. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve tuition contract with Atlantic County Vocational School for 2012-2013 school year in the amount $73,346.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

35. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Larc School tuition contract for 910751 for a total of $221.44 per diem (210 days) for a total amount of $46,502.40. This is an existing placement.

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

36. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Larc School tuition contract for 909941 for a total of $221.44 per diem (210 days) for a total amount of $46,502.40. This is an existing placement.

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

37. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Y.A.L.E. School Southeast, Inc., Camden County tuition contract for 220001 for a total of $308.00 per diem (210 days) for a total amount of $64,680.00. This is an existing placement.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
38. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Y.A.L.E. School Atlantic, Inc., Atlantic County tuition contract for 910563 for a total of $291.09 per diem (210 days) for a total amount of $61,128.90 per student. This is an existing placement.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
39. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Y.A.L.E. School Southeast II, Inc. tuition contract for 909864 for a total of $269.11 per diem (210 days) for a total of $56,513.10. This is an existing placement.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
40. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Y.A.L.E. School East, Inc. tuition contract for 910717 for a total of $256.87 per diem (210 days) for a total of $53,942.70. This is an existing placement.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
41. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the 2012-2013 Y.A.L.E. School East, Inc., Atlantic County tuition contract for student ID #215026 for a total of $256.87 per diem (210 days) for a total of $53,942.70. This is an existing placement.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
42. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve the 2012-2013 Archway tuition contract for 222155 for a total of $191.92 per diem (215 days) for a total amount of $41,262.80. This is an existing placement.

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

43. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve tuition contract between Black Horse Pike Regional Board of Education and Hammonton Board of Education for school year 2012-2013 for GG for a total of $11,152. Income to the District.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
44. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve tuition contract between Paulsboro Board of Education and Hammonton Board of Education for school year 2012-2013 for NT for a total of $11,152. Income to the District.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
45. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of Education approve tuition contract between Woodbury Board of Education and Hammonton Board of Education for school year 2012-2013 for BY for a total of $11,152. Income to the District.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
46. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve all school bus routes for school year 2012-2013. (Copy of the bus routes are in the district office for your perusal)

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

47. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the Latchkey Program Bank Reconciliation for June 2012. Exhibit V
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

48. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the purchase of 50 iPads with 2-year AppleCare+ from Apple Inc. based on state contract pricing in the amount $29,370 for the Early Childhood Education Center.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
49. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the purchase and loaning of textbooks/workbooks to St. Joseph Elementary School per attached. These textbooks/workbooks will be purchased through Non-Public Textbook State Aid Funding. Exhibit W

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

50. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Technology Agreement with St. Joseph High School per attached. The items being purchased will be through Non-Public Technology State Aid Funding. Exhibit X

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

51. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the Technology Agreement with St. Joseph Elementary School per attached. The items being purchased will be through Non-Public Technology State Aid Funding. Exhibit Y

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

52. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify a request from the Samuel Donio Foundation for Education to waive the use of facilities fees for the July 11, 2012 Scholarship Presentation/Meeting..
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
53. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of

Education approve the request for disposal of textbooks per attached Exhibit Z

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
54. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of

Education acknowledging discussion of the findings by the Division of Food & Nutrition review of the School Food Service Fund and approve Corrective Action Plan. Exhibit AA

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

55. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved by the Hammonton Board of

Education acknowledging discussion of the findings by the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance review of the Application for State School and as of October 15, 2009, Review of the District Report of Transported Resident Students as of October 15, 2008 and Review of Extraordinary Aid for Special Education Costs – FY2010-2011 and approve Corrective Action Plan. Exhibit BB

Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

Personnel It is hereby noted for the record that all Personnel recommendations are drawn with the Superintendent’s recommendation for approval.
56. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify a letter of resignation from Matthew Pinto, substitute bus driver, effective July 17, 2012.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
57. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a letter of resignation from Carin Giangiulio, district bus driver, effective August 22, 2012.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
58. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a revised unpaid Family Leave of Absence for Danielle Galletta, elementary school teacher, from approximately January 30 to approximately March 22, 2013. (NOTE: She will be applying for family leave insurance)
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
59. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve an unpaid leave of absence for Francie Giacobbe, elementary school instructional aide, from September 4 to September 6, 2012.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
60. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following personnel for the 2012-2013 Latchkey Program as per attached Exhibit CC.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
61. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following replacement personnel for the 2012-2013 early childhood center Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator (CIC) as per attached Exhibit DD.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

62. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a letter of resignation from James Falconiero, middle school part-time personal care aide, effective July 26, 2012.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
63. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a letter of resignation from Mykal Shaner, high school part-time special education aide, effective August 22, 2012.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
64. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the recommendations of the following personnel for the Extended School Year Program as per attached Exhibit EE.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
65. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following replacement personnel for the 2012-2013 high school P.A.S.S. committee as per attached Exhibit FF.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
66. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the District Website Stipends as per attached Exhibit GG.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
67. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the recommendation of a salary adjustment for April Huda for the Project Enrich Summer Program from $25/hour to $35/hour.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
68. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the additional 1.25 hrs/day for Oscar Garland for the mail run from October 31, 2011.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
69. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a salary adjustment for the following personnel effective September 1, 2012:

Louis Caruso – from BA+30 - $53,354 to MA (in field-$375) - $55,283

Yolanda Deangelo - from BA+15 - $53,897 to MA (in field-$375) - $56,661

Brad Groatman – from BA+45 - $58,311 to MA (not in field) - $59,148

Susan Sterback – from BA+30 - $54,693 to BA+45 - $55,490
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
70. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following personnel:
Angel Bermudez – district part-time (replacement L.B.) maintenance worker Exhibit HH

John Simon – district part-time (replacement P.R.) custodian Exhibit II
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

71. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following personnel pending receipt of all necessary paperwork (current substitute pay schedule approved by the Board June 14, 2012: Regular County Substitute Certificate - $75.00 per day, Regular Standard State Teaching Certificate - $80.00 per day, School Nurse - $100.00 per day):
Gabrielle Giordano - early childhood center part-time (replacement S.D.) special education instructional aide Exhibit JJ

Nicole Melora – elementary school part-time (replacement G.S.) special education aide Exhibit KK

Beth Emmons – middle school part-time personal care aide Exhibit LL

Dawn Scola – district part-time 3-hour food service worker Exhibit MM

Jessica Schramm – substitute teacher. She has a special education certificate

Kenneth Snyder – substitute teacher. He has a social studies certificate

Jonathan Howell – substitute teacher. He has a mathematics certificate

Christine Barbera – substitute teacher. She has an elementary education certificate

Aimee Gollihur – substitute teacher. She has an elementary education certificate

Diana Sabella – substitute teacher. She has an elementary education certificate

Kevin Storck – substitute teacher. He has a social studies certificate

Tony Burton – substitute teacher pending a New Jersey substitute certificate

Samantha Brascetta – substitute teacher pending a New Jersey substitute certificate

Stefanie Saia – substitute teacher pending a New Jersey substitute certificate

Kasey Taylor – substitute teacher pending a New Jersey substitute certificate

Louis Apalucci – substitute teacher pending a New Jersey substitute certificate

Cheri Spragan – substitute bus aide - $10.00/hr

Lois Payne ­–substitute bus aide - $10.00/hr
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________
72. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the placement of the following students from Rowan College to perform clinical practices:
Natalie Marquez middle school

Callie Darroch early childhood center and high school
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
73. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the placement of Edwin Truitt, a student from Stockton College, to perform 80-hour fieldwork in the high school.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
74. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the FY2013 NCLB (No Child Left Behind Act) allocations as per attached Exhibit NN.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
75. Resolution No. 12 08 R: Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a request from a parent, whose family will be moving into Hammonton in September or October, to have his child, a 5th grader, start the school year in the Hammonton School District.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________
76. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve a request from a parent, whose family will be moving into Hammonton at the end of September, to have her child, a 6th grader, start the school year in the Hammonton School District.
Motion: ____________ Second: ___________

77. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education delete the following policies for the 2nd reading:
P-1210 Community Relations – Community Organizations – Booster Clubs

P-1220 Community Relations – Ad Hoc Advisory Committees

P-1230 Community Relations Other School-Connected Organizations – Home School Association

Motion: ____________ Second: ____________

78. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve the following policies for 2nd reading: and adoption:
P-1225 Community Relations – Other School-Connected Organizations

P-4119.26 Instructional Personnel – Acceptable use of Computer Network(s)/Computers & Cell Phones by Teaching Staff Members

P-4219.26 Support Personnel – Acceptable use of Computer Network(s)/Computers & Cell Phones by Support Staff Members

P-5132 Students – Dress Code Guidelines

P-6145.4 Instructional Program – Sports-Related Concussions & Head Injuries

P-6147.2 Instructional Program – New Jersey Interdistrict Public School Choice Program

Motion: ____________ Second: ____________

79. Resolution No. 12 08 R (W): Resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education ratify the following Use of Facilities Requests, which were approved subject to receipt of all necessary documentation and reviewed by the Risk Management Consultant, who has approved all Certificates of Insurance unless noted otherwise:


(1) Janet Holloway, Title I Professional Development, Monday to Wednesday, August 20, 21, and 22, 2012; 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
(2) New Jersey Department of Education, Jim Palmer, School Choice, Tuesday, August 14, 2012; 10:00 am to 12:00 NOON
b. Gymnasium/Art Room/Classrooms/Cafeteria
(1) AtlantiCare After-School Program/Hammonton Family Success Center, Anella Scardino/Tricia Mento, After School Program, Monday to Friday, September 4, 2012 to June 11, 2013; 3:00 to 6:20 p.m.


a. Fields

(1) Stick Chix Field Hockey, Sue Perna, Field Hockey Practices, Monday to Friday, July 23 to November 9, 2012; 5:00 to 8:00 pm

(2) Stick Chix Field Hockey, Sue Perna, Field Hockey Practices, Monday to Friday, July 16 to 19, 2012; 9:00 to 11:00 am
(3) Stick Chix Field Hockey, Sue Perna, Field Hockey Practices, Monday to Friday, September 4 to November 9, 2012; 2:30 to 4:30 pm
(4) Hammonton Youth Soccer Association, Paul Massey, Fall Travel Soccer Season, Monday to Friday, August 1 to November 30, 2012, 5:00 to 8:30 pm; Saturday and Sunday, August 1 to November 30, 2012, 11:30 am to 4:00 pm
b. Classroom/Cafeteria

(1) N. J. Department of Personnel, Terri Keiper, Civil Service Testing, Thursdays, October 4 to December 13, 2012; 5:00 to 10:00 pm


a. Classrooms/Cafeteria/Gymnasium

(1) Spirit Extreme, Liz Rodier, Cheerleading Competition, Sunday, October 27 and 28, 2012; 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

(2) Spirit Extreme, Liz Rodier, Cheerleading Competition, Saturday and Sunday, January 19 and 20, 2013; 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

b. Cafeteria

(1) Project Enrich, Lou Caruso, Reception, Friday, August 3, 2012; 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

c. Gymnasium/Library/Classrooms

(1) Janet Holloway, Title I Summer Programs/ESY/Summer Science/ECEC/Student Testing, Monday to Friday, June 25 to August 3, 2012; 8:30 am to 12:30 pm

d. Auditorium/Classroom

(1) High School Athletics, Frank Torcasio, Parent Meeting, Wednesday, August 15, 2012; 7:00 to 10:00 pm

Motion: _____________ Second: _____________


Administrators’ Report

April 2012 School Monies

May 2012 School Monies

May 2012 School Nurse
Public Comment

Adjournment Motion_________ Second: __________


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