Happy new year 2014-01-01 11: 03

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Part of God’s righteous indignation against sinners is that He keeps them in error as an expression of His judgment upon them because of their willful wicked rebellion against Him. This is striking and sad. However, He does say that He desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:3-4) So we must be diligent to share the gospel with those around us for God’s glory and their salvation. Perhaps, the Lord in His great mercy and grace will grant them repentance and faith in His Son Jesus Christ. God bless you:)

(2014-07-01 14:33:53)

Thank you for your comment. He is a Holy God. Christians seem to forget that from time to time.

Eating Worms - 2014-06-25 06:19

"The early bird gets the worm."

Perhaps you have heard this saying.  If you have, it is likely your mother who has told you this.  She was trying to get you to take responsibility.

But as I watched the Robins this morning, I took note that they began to sing long before there was full light.  Just how early do they need to be to get the worm?

Is it that the Robins are the ones to search for worms while the other birds search for bugs or seeds?  In this case the saying is another name for Robins and their kind.  So much for a process of productivity.

My mother could just as easily have told me to become a Robin.  Though I do not give praise to myself in that I might have understood.

What strikes me more about the saying is that we use the vagaries to inspire one another.  By the nature of man's limit we reach for things that are untrue to teach what is true.  It is not this way in heaven.

Here we must teach a child or an immature adult by using stories and half truths.  They are not capable of consuming the fullness of truth.  And even those who teach in the ways of the world are not fit to teach the fullness of truth.

I am simply struck by the vast chasm of difference between the ways of Man and the ways of God.

Surprise! - 2014-06-25 06:34

Men plot in their heart and in their mind they devise means of gain.  They believe such things are hidden.  They think they can do these things in secret. 

They whisper together in inner rooms.  They carefully lay out the plan.  " We will keep this to ourselves.  When it has come to fruit then all will know.  But it will be too late for them, and we will gain."

Thus men conspire against the people and the Lord.  The people are caught unaware.  But the Lord has seen from its inception.

"Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:24)

Do not be deceived all men will answer to God.  The wise consider these things with trembling heart.  The violent greedy give it no thought at all.

CS Lewis has said that in the way of salvation, on the day when all things are revealed, there will be surprises.  He was speaking of who will be saved and who will not.  But there will be stark surprises for many who thought their sins were hidden.   The sad thing is, those who plot in secret will never read this post.

The Ship of Humanity - 2014-06-25 07:08

I am the only man who knows what has made me.  It has taken a lifetime to write the book I have become.  And it will take the perfection of eternity to read it.  This is so for every man woman and child. 

I have been wickedness.  I have endured wickedness.  I have taught wickedness.  And with all this I have brought great destruction in my years.

Before I was saved I tasted some good things.  Some good things were done for me.  Some good things I did for others.  The difference between right and wrong was shown to me very clearly.  The perspective I hold was taught by unique variety of wickedness and truth.  Thus I have become a distinctly unique creature.

Regardless my head long plunge to death God has raised me up.  As he used Pharaoh to refine his children, so God uses the wickedness of men.  (If you do not know the story of Pharaoh you will find it in the account of Moses)

Many men believe that their wickedness belongs exclusively to them.  They think it is protection and gain.  They think they stumble about, wreaking havoc as they please.  But God steers the great ship of humanity.

Every man has become what he is.  Through a variety of sources he is made to be.  It is when he is awakened by the holiness of God, that who he has become becomes useful. 

The hardness of Pharaoh's heart grew from childhood.  There is no possible way he could know he was being used; or, if you will, set up.  Moses was sent to instruct him in the sovereignty of God.  And only God knows if Pharaoh finally understood before his death.

You, my friend, can be used by God.  He does not need what you have become.  But he can certainly put it to perfectly good use.

Perhaps you have been a gentle man.  God can use that.  Perhaps you have been a warrior against society.  God can use your rebellion.  Perhaps you have been one to fully involved yourself in the things of men, for the sake of perceived good for all.  God can use that.  Perhaps you have loved wickedness and inspired others to do the same.  You understand the ways of this wicked world.  God can use that. 

God is in control.  Regardless the chaos of men, God is saving souls.  Why not let him save yours?  You certainly need him.  And he can certainly put you to good use.

Eyes in the Night - 2014-06-27 08:57

I rose before dawn, as is the habit the Lord has taught me.  My little dog lingered with me while I dressed.  I asked her, "Do you wanna go out?"  Her excitement answered in a mute yell.  Down stairs we went.

Now, it's not my habit to turn on the porch light when I let her out.  But darkness seemed really dark this morning.  And it's not my habit to go out and stand on the porch when she ventures to the grass.  But I did both this morning.

We stood there in the silence of 4am.  But a soft "huff" broke the silence.  I thought it was a deer, sounding her alarm.  Then it came again.  "That's not a deer."  It was too short and lacked the same thrust of larger lungs.  As I listened, four glowing eyes came racing across the tiny road and were headed down the drive way right toward my little dog.

It was the fox!  And not just one, there were two!  With their razor-sharp teeth and trained violence of a hungry warrior, they intended to consume my dog.  She wouldn't stand a chance.

Without a thought, I flew up my arms to out stretched position and gave a loud "huff" (somewhat like a growl).  I no longer saw the eyes.  They had turned faster than I could blink.  I heard that familiar scream they make.  Both of them screaming in fear as they turned like lightning and ran away.

No fear attended my dog.  Only a slight startle at their screaming retreat.  She came up to me and just sat waiting to go back in.  She was done.

No fear attended my mind or heart.  The Lord had given me immediate wisdom, strength and peace.  He had waken me for this display.  He had wakened my dog's desire to go out.  She doesn't always want to go with me on those early morning excursions.

He had brought us to the place of confrontation.  The foxes were ready and hungry enough to challenge the presence of a man.  My little dog was ignorant of their bloody intent, enough to remain still.  He caused me to know exactly what to do and at what moment to do it.  Then He dressed me with understanding as I peacefully sat to consume my first cup of coffee.

There is a hungry bunch of foxes who prowl throughout the world.  As He has protected me and my dog this morning, He protects all His children all night and day long.  HE  IS FAITHFUL.

Praise came from me as understanding came from Him.  Fearlessness is the outcome of such teachings.  But it is not the fearlessness of a warrior.  It is that lack of fear a child has when daddy is walking with him.

Praise God for Jesus, His Righteous Christ!  Let all creation praise the One who has overcome.  God alone is good and true.  His Holy Living Word is fully dependable, true, faultless in righteousness, full of mercy and love.  The Living Word is the very meaning of "Grace".  May His Holy will be done forever.  Amen!

Love of self - 2014-06-28 16:59

Man does not have to love God.  You're more than welcome to consume the things of this world that he has created for your benefit.  And no one can force you to thank him. 

You're more than welcome to live your entire life without thinking about him and pondering eternity.  You can choose to live in the deepest of wicked behavior, or the greatest of social graces.  You are not forced to consider your life before his Holy eyes.

You don't even have to think about your own death and what will happen after.  There is an eternity.  But you don't have to ponder that.  It will come and take you when the time is right.

But if you hate him now, what will you do after this life?  Have you scoped out heaven and found yourself a place to live where God is not?  Perhaps you plan to purchase a piece of land on the edge of heaven, far away from his throne.  Have you thought that there may not be such a place?

For now you can ignore him.  You can thrive just fine with what he supplies, for he sends rain upon the just and the unjust.  But what will you do when the entirety of heaven and eternity contains the vibrant, glorious and radiant beauty of God?

Everyone you will meet will be singing beautiful songs about the God they love.  But you would hate them.  The song of selfishness you sing now is the song you want to hear.  But no one there will understand your words.  And the melody would be like a squeaking hinge or fingernails on a blackboard.

It's okay, don't worry.  God has reserved a place for those who hate him.  But the provision is made up of things you now despise.  No delicate banquet for you to attend.  No fine clothing to attract attention.  No loving family to support you in your folly.  No beautiful parties to attend.  No entertainment to distract you from your hours. And no possible hope of release.

You don't have to love God now.  But that won't change when you die.  If you don't love him now you won't love him then.

You can fill up your life with selfishness.  Its ok.  He has prepared a place for such as you.

It Matters Greatly - 2014-06-30 04:43

When one stumbles openly he does not stumble alone.  A sin is done in the presence of many, ( small or great) and the great clamor arises.  A spiritual noise is heard.  A frothing of the water comes to be.  Many who were watching stumble also.  Our foolish example has caused the fall of many.

It is wise to watch ourselves for the sake of many.  Some believe it is their choice to obey or disobey.  In one sense they are correct.  But every unholy disobedience that is done in public is sure to cause many others to stumble.

One may say this is not new, this is well known.  If that is true then why do so many cause such an uproar?   Why is there such turmoil in the family of God?  Every man is not his own keeper.

Love does no injury to his neighbor.  Love considers his brother's welfare as primary over his own.  Selfish behavior does not care.  Selfish behavior does not even consider.  And so it is necessary to speak of these things.

This is not an attack against anyone.  I mean only to waken understanding.  The age we live in is full to overflowing with wicked behavior.  Many Christians have adopted such teachings as their own; as they have received the teaching, so they do.

Consider those who once made the good confession.  (No names or actions are necessary here.)  You saw them stumble.  You felt the sorrow in your soul.  And if it did not cause you difficulty, you knew well, it did not land so softly on others.

The obvious admonition is to watch ourselves.  What we say matters.  Where people can find us matters.  What they see us doing matters.  What music we listen to matters.  What we let our eyes see matters.  As a man is, so he teaches.

2014 - 07

What Time is it? - 2014-07-01 12:46

The group, "Chicago"  sang, "Does anybody know what time it is", in 1969.  The world didn't know what time it was in 1969.  I would doubt the world is any closer to figuring it out now, 45 years later.  To be honest, even Christians won't know what time it is till the Lord returns.  But that doesn't mean we shouldn't check the "errant" clock from time to time.

I call it an errant clock.  It's not errant because it's always wrong.  It's errant because it is written in the language of The Most High God.  It doesn't signify hours or minutes.  It signifies the end of this age.  The current time is expressed in "happenings" on earth. It's errant because we perceive with the flesh, and are not privy to the activity of heaven.  It's errant because it is written by a spiritual hand, in a spiritual manner.  If we could see it, we couldn't perceive its meaning, form, or message.

Certain aspects of our world can help us unravel the "hour".  The praise of wickedness, for example, can denote nearness to the end of this age.  Yep, we see that.

A subjection of Christianity to the status of non-relevant by the entire world.  Yep, that can be witnessed.

Protection for world religions; elevation of man's interpretation of the meaning of holiness.  Yep, we can point clearly to the rise of Islam.

A means of subjection for all Peoples of the world under one leader.  Yep, technology is running ahead of that plan.

All things point to a really late hour on that spiritual clock.  Nobody has heard a chime out of it.  No one has even seen it, that they might describe it.  The clock is in the mind of God.

But look around.  Read the Bible.  Pray earnestly and see how God answers you; pay attention to what is.  There is a stress upon the world.  Like an orange being squeezed, it will "Pop" when the time is just right.


The Mind is Slave to the Soul - 2014-07-02 07:48

The mind is a very fertile and powerful organ among the members of our body.  Regardless our state of affairs, it is able to rise to the occasion.  Though it is not the source of decision.

If a man is depressed, the mind can drive him to death.  If a man is joyful, no Depression can touch him.  If a man strives to accomplish a task, within the reach of his body, his mind will quicken.  If he determines to say, "No I will not", his mind will shutdown possibilities.  The man is soul.  The body is the place where the soul lives.  The mind is therefore, the slave of the soul.

Within the boundaries of man (within the nature of constraints God has placed on this world), the mind is able to accomplish the things the soul desires.  This can be bad or good.  For if a man's soul is darkened, so his mind will be darkened.  But if a man's soul reaches for God, his mind also will reach for God.

God will respond to the soul who desires him.  Though the mind is full of wickedness, God can cause righteousness to grow.  But let the man, in his soul, first search diligently for what is God.  Let him also continue in this searching as he sees the fruit of God appear.

If I go to an apple tree, in its season of fruit, I do not expect to find skunks growing on it.  If I have planted the apple tree I will be quite miffed at its produce.  I will cut it down and burn it to ashes.  It will not matter if the tree has produced apples for years.  I have no use for skunks.  There is no place for them among my things.  And though they do exist, independent of my orchard, I will not grow them willingly.

Can we expect less of God who plants righteousness?  If a soul has once desired the holiness of God, receives what God graciously gives, then turns to embrace wickedness, can we expect God to embrace that soul?

The righteousness of God will cease in our things.  Though they will continue for a little while, as we have developed a habit, they will dissipate overtime.  In the place of the righteousness of God, we will find the fruit of wickedness.  How can we expect that to be received by God?

Let us be wise and press the mind to accomplish.  What our soul desires, the mind is forced to endure.  Therefore if we desire God, let us continue to desire more of God.  If he has blessed us with a crop of righteousness for a small desire how much more for complete desire?

Man is not body.  Man is soul clothed in a body.  The deception is complete enough to keep the fool a fool. 

No man has seen his soul.  But any man can readily see his body.  Most people believe the body is who they are.  They have not noticed the subtle difference between the decaying nature of the mind and the eternal nature of the soul.  They are caught in a deception, and there they will remain eternally.

The body cannot do the will of God if the man's soul is in rebellion.  But let the man look up and desire his maker, and he will see marked difference in his life.  The problem is, most people do not understand this.  So when they once receive the grace of God, they fall back to the desires of the body.

If a man's body is healed by God, men consider it a miracle.  But the real miracle happens when a man's soul agrees with God, and of the body is forced to obey.  The mind will do as the soul commands.  Will the soul do as God commands?

Malicious Shadows - 2014-07-02 09:43

I cannot blame the Sun

For intensely being bright.

I cannot blame the moon

For shining through the night.

I cannot blame the wicked

For hating what is right;

For embracing all that is not God,

In his blazing Holy Might.

God Himself ordained the Sun

And gave it a place to remain.

The moon remains and serves him well,

Despite its shifting name.

God has given truth to man;

Displayed abundantly.

Account we'll give on bended knee,

When his face we all will see.

This land is shadow and now proclaims:

"Your wickedness will end!"

When shadows cease and God appears,

No longer means to mend.

Malicious thoughts against the Lord;

A taunting threat displayed.

The great proud smiles of those who hate,

Their filthy lips, like tattered strings;

Unravel and are frayed.

Who has ears to hear these things?

Who has eyes to see?

Let him acknowledge Jesus Christ,

And bow his wicked knee.

Even so Lord Jesus come!

The Way it is - 2014-07-03 07:19

The gravel lays where it is placed and is forced to be ground to powder.  Once a majestic singular mountain, it is now but blowing dust in the open space.  Dust that is now forced to mingle and no longer be singular.

Raindrops fall by orders from creation.  They take their place together to create a body of water that was not before.  What was taken away is giving back.  A brief independence is forced to reunite.

Tree roots split dirt and rock to produce obedient fruit.  In its proper time the fruit appears and does not fade until ordered to fall.  With a crash the limbs shatter on the ground.  What was once tall and magnificently beautiful becomes rot for the growth others.

Three specimens to show God's will dictated.  He alone is life, there is no life apart from him.  Yet what shall be said of man?

His body follows the dictates of God: to grow, to do, and to die.  But man is not faithful, as all creation endures.  He contrives means of rebellion.

How many ponder these things as they sit in open places?  How many allow themselves to be struck by the nature of sin?  And how many of those will fall on their face and beg for mercy?

Salvation belongs to our God and to the lamb.  What errant creature is able to save himself? 

Preparation - 2014-07-03 08:15

Is there a sane man who will go out to cesspool, cover himself with filth, then go immediately to be seated as a royal guest at a royal banquet?  Don't men go through all pains to clean themselves in the best of possible ways?  Don't they make every effort, lest even a hair be out of place?

The royalty of men is not to be compared to the royalty of the living God.  Many men think they will be seated at the royal banquet of God; the wedding banquet at which no sin will sit.

"Come and let us reason together, says the lord."  There is a promised dressing for the most earnest of men.  For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  But how shall a man dress himself today?

There is a Royal Proclamation to be made in this place.  How shall a man proclaim what he is not willing to hear?  And if he has not allowed himself to be dressed for royal proclamation in this place, how shall he expect to be dressed in the royal garment of the Royal Banquet?

Preparation is now.  Preparation does not begin at culmination.  They are two distinctly different times and places.  Is there more that can be said?

Pliablility, Willing Capitulation - 2014-07-03 09:41

I'm sitting at warehouse waiting to the time I can leave.  The engine is turned off and the windows are open.  The doors to the warehouse are also open.

I can hear a radio playing as they work.  The sweet sounds of an emotional song drift through the air.  And a thought surprises me at its appearance.

I don't listen to the radio except when I come near someone else.  I do not let music effect my emotion.  And when I do, it is not the music to grabs my attention.  The lyrics hold far more value to me.  The music is the gift wrap for the message.  What's inside is rarely godly.

That's just the way it is with me whether good or bad.  But the striking thought is, that is not the way it is with America (perhaps the entire world).

It is as though man needs music like he needs water, sleep, shelter, clothing and food.  Lacking or void of the promise of God, they search desperately to be filled with anything of perceived value.   Even most Christians find it difficult to be inspired without the sound of Christian music.  To me it is like audible pornography.  Once a man learns to love it, he cannot seem to find the strength to cease.

I am not boasting of my situation.  I am who God has caused me to become.  But I recognize that the striking diffirence would not be seen if I too allowed myself to inspired by music.  Again, God has done this in me.

I am also struck by the awareness that men cannot turn away from music.  And I cannot understand why silence is such an abomination.  But that's the way it is, isn't it.

What does that mean?  It means that because of man's compulsive behavior with music he is vulnerable through that door.  Whatever the song says, he thinks.  Tell me that's not exploited. 

Would silence lend itself to conscious prayer or introspection?  Is that what's going on?  Has anyone else even thought this through, that they may have answers?

If you would be free then be free!  Put away all the things that manipulate your mind.  If today's music is not of men, what is it?  And if it is of men, can it be of God?

Where is strength?  Is it found in the testimony of others, whether good or bad.  Do we really have such little strength that we require the manipulation of others?   Are we really afraid to think for ourselves?  Are we terrified of the unveiling judgment of God?

To find out, just shut off the music for a month.  Then you will know what YOU are made of, and not what everyone else tells you you must be.

Perhaps I read this wrong.  Perhaps the music was sent by God.  What do you think?

Good Feet - 2014-07-03 11:55

If he is blessed whose feet brings Good news, what do we call the feet of those whose feet do not?

From where does Good news come?  From where does "the other" originate?

The Land of Shadows - 2014-07-04 04:01

Man, who are you; you who live in darkness and refer to heaven as if it is but a Shadow?  Because you have never perceived it, you deny it.  You accuse what is true, without thought.

You have never touched it, or so you think.  You have never seen it, or so you think.  You have never heard it, or so you think.  You do not know its dimensions or what it contains, or so you think.

You mock what is holy, without knowledge.  All the while you, who live in the land of shadow, unjustly refer to heaven as shadow.  By this you speak your own language.  By this you use false accusation against He who is Holy and true.

You contrive your own vision while ignoring what can be seen.  You invent sounds of your own to replace what can be heard.  You relegate the space of a building, that you have erected with your own hands, and call it holy.  There you have placed God.  And you will not welcome him in your streets or homes!  God is driven from your business for the sake of money and power.

You dress yourself with glory among men.  But you push God of as a popper and a beggar.  You promote what is vile, while you call what is holy vile.  How shall you be received?

The glory of God can be seen in the things that were made without your hands.  All creation testifies to life and faithfulness but you close your eyes.  "These cannot be truth they are not built by man."  So you say.  And by this saying you retain your own condemnation.

The Word of God is present among the people but you refuse to listen.  You prefer the sounds of shadow.  And you sin against the Lord by calling the shadow good.  You refuse to listen to the words of life.  Therefore you remain a shadow.

The dimensions of your world end at the sight of your eyes.  What is within your world is not holy and good.  You know this but prefer to ignore.  Therefore you are blind.

Holy is a blazing, eternal life.  When it appears the shadows are dispelled.  Your eyes cannot stand the intensity of what is true.  Your ears cannot interpret the sounds of heaven.  And though you live your life of shadows within the holy God, you cannot perceive his dimension or nature.

Who are you?  Who are you to love what is shadow and ignore what is pure light?  You hinder yourself.

The door approaches.  Even as you live this day, it has come that much closer.  Soon it will engulf you.  And you will permanently leave this place of shadows.

Allow yourself to wake up.  Now is the day of salvation.  The sights, sounds, dimensions, and nature of eternity will confront you.  If you remain in shadows you will not perceive correctly on that day.   Though you will stand in the presence of heaven you will be locked eternally with blindness deafness and no ability to perceive.

Salvation is near.  You live in eternity.  For God lives forever, and this place of shadows is in his presence.

By his great wisdom he has created this place of blindness.  Frustrated by he who accused, it has become a land full of shadow and sin.  By this place he will know the heart of all men.  By this place he has proved his faithfulness.  By this place his Holy Son sits enthroned forever.

Will you mock him?  Will you continue to contrive your own heaven?  Will you remain apart from him?  Will you invent your own God?

Or will you stop?  Will you humbly ask for eyes that see?  Will you humble yourself and ask for ears that hear?  Will you throw away your pride and receive the knowledge his wisdom is willing to give?

A cloak is placed over what is holy, in this realm of shadows.  It is not to be perceived nor movable by man, without the mercy of God.  But to those who will humble themselves, and ask with consistent and earnest heart, the Lord reveals what is true.

The land of shadows today says, "We are better than those who came before".  Prove to me then how you are dissimilar to all men!   You elevate yourself!

If you point to your toys I will call you a liar.  Your toys are not you!  This is a lie you embrace willingly, which is spawned from those who live in the land of shadows.

If you show me what is called the modern God, I will call you a liar!  For Jesus Christ is the exact representation of the Heavenly Father, and he is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Your modern God is nothing more than some rock you have carved.  With great pride and a lifted chin, you look down on what is true. This idol is a spawn of those who live in the land of shadows.

Testify!  Prove to me that you know the living God, and I will remove these words from before your face.  I have eternal confidence these words will never move.

You punish a man who in endangers others and himself.  You restrain him for his safety and that of others.  You chastise the rebellious among you liberally. Yet you balk at these words.

You consider these words harsh.  They are but the tip of a feather against the skin.  These words a testimony from a man.  On the day you are engulfed the approaching door, you will hear these words from the Holy One himself.  Do you think you will balk then?

Gird Yourself with Strength - 2014-07-04 04:52

Is the strength of the gospel to be at peace with the world,  or is it to be at odds?

Is the strength of the gospel strength to stand and testify?  Or is it only strength to hide?

There is death to self.  There is death to temptation.  There is the death of the body.  And there is death to the acceptance of the world.

Who will testify with power, who has not testified before?  Who will embrace their fear with a death grip; restrain themselves for the sake of His holy name, and fight like a dog over a bone, mindless of injury to themselves?

The strength of the gospel is a sound mind and fearless heart.  You don't have to ask for it.  Just take it!  He will generously guide those who step out to fight. 

This is the strength of the gospel you have received.  Do not be deceived by those who drink from the fountain of: "let's all just get along."

The Limits of Can - 2014-07-05 06:36

The list of limits, which restrain the life of man, is long.  He is bound up and constrained by the Holy dictates of God's great Wisdom.  The list of "can" is shorter, yet no less sure.  The first constrains rebellion.  The second unleashes holy righteousness with the unlimited power of God himself.

Man presses against the limits of restraint.  They invent machines to push into those limits, and succeeds.  There will be no glory from God for such pernicious strivings.  How can rebellious desire be rewarded?

But who, among men, reaches to the limit of "can"?   It is written for all to read, "With God all things are possible".   In the way of obedience, this was said.  In the way of salvation to obedience, this was said.  Who, among men, reaches to the fullness of God's Holy words?

There are the limits of this world.  The final limit, among men, is reached at the point of death; the release of the soul from the constraints of flesh.  All men will surely reach this limit and pass through.

Many will reach the next impenetrable limit of condemnation; they will go no farther.  No rebellious striving will produce success.  But who will reach beyond that finality to the unspeakable limits of eternity?

God is a God of order.  He has placed limits for all creatures.  In this age, he has constrained.  So it will be in the next age.  In this age he constrains rebellion.  In the next he will constrain Holy order.  Yet who, among men, reaches to the limit of "can"?

Jesus offers righteousness to man now.  Jesus is the righteousness of man forever.  Yet what shall be said of the fullness of possibility in this place of testing?  Who has reached the fullness of God's willingness to give?  Who, among men, reaches deep to become what God is willing to give?

The Place of No Return - 2014-07-06 11:34

I write this as help to my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I write this as instruction to the wicked that they may understand.  I write this as admonition and hope.  If you will bear with it, there will be understanding.

A man wakes and guilt covers him.  Perhaps as he closed his eyes the guilt restrained his sleep until his flesh could fight no more.  He is aware of the holiness of God.  He is aware of his own utter lack.  This awareness has crushed multitudes, and they never rise again.

Many arrive to this place of understanding.  They perceive the nature of "good".   They also perceive the nature of their own wickedness.  This perception can be a wall of steel brick 7000 miles high.  Here, millions have died for lack of faith.

What does a man do, before the perfect face of God, when he finds he is guilty of sin?  What repairs can be made? What action can be taken?

We are forced to consider the righteousness of God.  Regardless our sin, he is faithful and true.  His Son did not bleed for no reason.  Therefore if we believe that, what we must do becomes clear.

We approach God in prayer confessing our sins.  He responds by freeing our conscience.  Now we must rise and start the war again.  Not to believe, is to call God a liar.  Not to believe this to say: "Christ died for nothing".  We cannot do that.   Such a saying is worse than our sin.

How useless is it to beat yourself for the things you have done?  There is a mountain to climb.  Wallowing in your pityful state does no good.  It brings no glory to Christ.  And it does not fulfill the Word of God.  Not to mention the devastating blow to our testimony.  We teach, by necessity, what we believe.

I understand how difficult it is to let go and just run.  But if we believe God, what choice is there?  He takes no pleasure in our sin.  But it is his pleasure to see us have faith and go. 

Again, the proof of his desire is in the death of his Son.  He encountered death for the will of God.  The will of God reaches to reunite what is broken.  And that he has accomplished through His Holy Son.

"The Faith" does not wallow in disrepair.   It stands as quickly as legs can find balance, and strives toward obedience.  Faith that comes through any other means than the Holy Blood of Christ is no strength of faith at all.  But understanding and strength come when we believe the Holy Word of God regarding the sacrifice of his Son.

Have you been wallowing in your frailty for years?  Isn't it about time to believe?

Prayer - 2014-07-07 10:28

People, by majority, tend to avoid prayer.  To most, prayer is like those little hammers you can buy to smash out your window in case you drive into a lake.  In fact it is so like that little hammer, that most people can't remember where they put it when they need it the most.  If they remember at all.

But prayer is not exclusively for men.  When you tell people they should pray, they think of themselves as ugly and unworthy therefore afraid of the Most High God.  And they equate God with a holy law they cannot and are not willing to fulfill.  They may say "okay" but they will not.

People think of prayer as something they are expected to do as a righteous ritual.  But prayer is not for us.  Prayer is for God.  He takes delight in seeing his creatures come to him.  So when we don't pray we rob him of his joy.

I will make a fool of myself by giving this example.  I lay on my bed one day, feeling fully unworthy of his presence.  I spoke a few words to him but did not kneel before Him in prayer.

Then I sensed that familiar loving voice of the Lord Jesus.  "It is not right to keep what belongs to him."

The understanding was immediately clear.  Humanly speaking, I was hurting God's feelings.  I was busily robbing him of his joy.  With that understanding, it was very easy to get up and kneel in humility to give him praise and thanks.

When people refuse to pray, they are often correct about their guilt.  But the guilt will not dissipate unless we go to the one who can remove it.  He will remove it if we come to him in humility and earnest intent.

How do I know this?  Because Jesus willingly allowed himself to be murdered so that he may become the mercy of God.   He is the crown jewel in all God's creation.  No one exalts trivia.  Rather, he gives glory to his greatest prize.  How much more does God?

If we are guilty of sin, that is one thing.  But to be guilty of non-belieg is an entirely different matter.  By refusing to believe we are counting God's greatest prize as far less valuable.

God was deadly serious about offering his Son as the sacrifice for our sins.  He is deadly serious about how we receive that sacrifice.  (It is not possible to put that more strongly.)  Therefore he is deadly serious about saving us.  Therefore he is deadly serious about his desire to commune with his creation.

There is holy wrath waiting for those who refuse to believe.  But his generosity and mercy are even more potent for those who receive His gift. 

This is true.  It is a faultless saying.   Why then would anyone refuse to give God what is rightfully his?

With the promise of utter annihilation , and the promise of eternal embrace, how can anyone choose the former?  It is not logical.  It makes absolutely no sense.  God refers to such a choice as foolish.

His people, in this place, willingly testify that God is a beautiful loving Father.   Ask and they will tell you how much God loves them. 

(I can only hope that the man you think is a Christian, and approach to ask, is truly in love with God.  Beware, many masquerade by wearing the name.)

With even a summary view of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you will get the picture of God in Jesus.  If you approach those books with humility, understanding will come.

There is no safety away from him.  But near him there is all safety and confidence, not to mention a clean conscience.  And by going to him we give him what is his. 

I had a dear old friend you once told me, "It is impossible to out give God.  He has a bigger shovel."  If you give him what he wants, do you think he will not rightly give you what you need?

"Come!" - 2014-07-08 09:28

There is horror at my feet.  The mercy of God has come to save.  What provokes these words remains unspeakable.  For the provocation is the Holy Spirit of God.

If I could speak what he has done, who among us would understand?  The language of the flesh cannot receive the language of the Spirit.  what God speaks in the moment, takes days to explain.

If I would speak of the horror that lay at my feet, men would perceive.  But to what value?  I would only be speaking of the things men already know.

What I desire to share, the words of men are not sufficient to describe.  Even the desire to have you understand, is beyond our grasp to comprehend.

I speak of the glory of God to save the souls of men.  I speak of how his love and wisdom and strength come upon a man.  I speak of how vastly different is my perception from His.  I speak of He who is Holy.  Yet willing to love those who are not.  For the singular purpose that they too may become holy.

I know there are some in this world who understand.  I know they too have tasted the mercy of God.  I know they too recognize the limits of communication between men in regard to the Holy things of God.

I am at complete lack to describe the horrors of sin.  I am void of means to describe the glory of God.  My words are small, pathetic and horribly lacking.  Still I am compelled to try.

When we reach the throne of God it will be too late to warn.  So this is the place of attempt.  But what warning can be given that has not already been said?  For we speak to the ears of men who cannot understand.

At the throne of God understanding will come.  But what good will that do then?  Today is our only day for salvation.  With all the strength I have, I tell you, "Seek the face of God!"

Look around you at the things you say you own.  On that day you will abhor every single one of them.  In this I am trying with all I know to give strength to the warning of the judgment of God.

Look within you at the things you think are good.  On the day you appear before him you will see what is Good, and abhor the perception you now have.

Please reach deep and find mercy for this message.  I cannot even describe the sincerity behind these words.  I beg you to receive these words.  And I confess, pathetically, this is the best I can give.

The Spirit of God says, "Come!"  Before the door on your life is sealed, come! 

What man thinks is pure is nothing but trash.  There is a purity, blazingly other.  I have perceived it by His grace, and horror at my folly consumed me.  Yet I thank him that I have perceived this before I am bound to stand before him.

Woe to man!  For he is of a people of unclean lips and hearts.  The Spirit of God says, "Come".

Anxious Eyes - 2014-07-08 09:49

I look to the sky that I may see clouds rising over the sea. 

There is a drought upon the land; a vast unholy drought.

The souls of men are shriveled up with the dryness of sin, yet they do not perceive.

I look to the horizon, and my ears strain against the breeze.  Will I see the water of life give life to what is dead?

Will men fall on their shriveled knees to beg for the mercy of God?  They already stand proudly, defiantly, dead.

Where is the blazing glory of God among all men?  Where is his name first among the words of men?  Where is the boldness of life?

I look toward the rising sun. 

I watch to where it sets. 

I peer with failing eyes at where the moon will rise.

With anxious heart I wait.

Two rooms - 2014-07-08 13:51

In my house are many rooms where I may live and thrive.

But two stand out as special rooms, for Him they glorify.

One room is bare, kept clean for prayer.  The other is kept for man.

In one my anxious heart is healed.  The other for words to send.

A path between the two is worn; a richly trodden way.

This is the path I've taken thrice, this wondrous golden day.

The room of send abounds with shelves, and a pile upon the floor.

The shelves contain the rarer words.  The pile I use the more.

What words appeal?  What words reject?  What words will action bring?

My fingers scurry through the mess to cause your heart to sing.

" Praise God all creatures big and small.  Adore his Holy name.  His righteousness and mercy sent has saved my soul from shame!"

What's it Take? - 2014-07-09 10:02

I watched out the upstairs window, at a Blue Jay and a Robin.  "How cute." I mused.  "They are waiting their turn with a piece of bread."

But a piece of bread does not flutter when a bird lifts its head from pecking.  It was the Robin's baby!

For a moment, she took her eyes off her love.  The Blue Jay took opportunity.  Now the baby languishes toward death, while the mother watches from a small distance.  Helpless to hope.  Lacking in size and talent to fight back.  Unable to morn.  Yet unable to look away.

I looked immediately for relevance to humanity, Christianity, and the nature of Spiritual reality.  "How does this apply to us?"

I remembered my thoughts in the shower.  "diligence gives life.  Slothfulness invites death.

Men love to play, rest, relax and be slothful.  Every man either fights against it, or he gives in rather often.  "What's the matter with just hangin out?"  Everything is wrong with just hangin out!

A buzzard is a fright filled animal.  He loves peace and tranquility.  Yet when hunger comes, he must embrace a certain elevated level of stress.  He hates it.  But it's a necessity.

Demons are much the same.  They hate righteousness.  They love peace and tranquility.  They are sloth amplified.  So when they come across someone just hangin out, they look with intense interest.  "Is he dead to God?  Or is there still some faith left.  Will he agree with my wicked and unholy desires?  Or will he balk at suggestions?"  If you agree with their enticements, they will consume you.

In my 60 years, I've learned that diligence produces peace and tranquility.  When things are in order and finished, there is a time to hang out.  But you won't find diligent people hanging out to play games till sun up.  They will be tired and ready for rest.

Yet they will take the time to pray; that precious sacrifice of "last hour of strength".  They will have busied themselves all day with things that matter, taking care of the charge before them.  They will not have even caught the eye of demons.  And, when their day is done, they will ask the Lord of Life to watch over their unconscious mind.  They are diligent to the core.  And they will LIVE.

Rest, peace, play and slothfulness will murder you.  Those who love you will watch with mute horror, as you are devoured by wicked behavior.  Your house will become a trash heap of useless dribble.  And life will elude you all your days.

The Perfect Family - 2014-07-09 17:03

Do you remember how you obeyed your parents?  Have you seen how your children obey you now?  Do you remember how rebellion lived inside you like a hungry lion?  Can you hear your children roar now?

Yet your parents loved you.  Regardless your children's faults you love them. 

How much joy and love would have been shared if you had been a fully obedient child?  What a magnificent family you would have if your children were willingly obedient.  How much more adoration between you?

Did your parents know exactly what to do and when, every single day?  Do you make mistakes in raising your child now?  What if your parents had been faultless people?  What if you were a perfect parent today?   What an incredibly strong bond there would be between child and parent.

Have you considered how the Father in Heaven loves his Holy Son Jesus?  Both of them faultless for eternity.  Both of them, the essence of love.  Both of them perfectly wise.  The Father agreeing with the Son.  And the Son agreeing with the Father.

If you can sense the strength of love in a perfect family, you could multiply that times 10 billion and never come close to the love the Father has for the Son.

God told his Son to go teach his rebellious people and die at their rebellious hands on a cross.  The Son agreed and accomplished his Father's will.  How precious to God the Father has Jesus the Holy Son of God become?  Causing a division between them is absolutely impossible.

He who has the Father has the Son.  He who has the Son has the Father.  They are identical in their mercy.  They are inseparable in righteousness.  Between them judgment is unanimous.  If power in God was forever, it is doubly so now.

Thinking of Jesus in any other terms is forbidden by the Holy throne of the Most High God.  Those who reject the Son, reject the Father also.  Those who do not obey or glorify Jesus, do not obey or glorify the Father either.  It is eternally impossible to have one without the other.

The Spirit of God is able to teach us this same obedience.  How much love does the Father have for those who obey and love his Son?  Let us make every effort to join them in their perfect family.

Good - 2014-07-09 22:15

What word speaks "Good"?  It belongs to the Most High God.  What word speaks "Beauty"?  That too belongs to the Most High God.

Men speak of such things; good, beauty, honor, glory, magnificent, exquisite, and 100 more.  They do not refer to the Holy Lord God in these words.  Instead they use these to describe themselves among men.

What right does man have to use what belongs to God alone?  To misuse these words without consideration of the Sovereign Holiness of God.

By practice they have forgotten him.  They place themselves first and justify their words.  Indeed men together have become futile creatures. 

God is First! - 2014-07-10 07:17

I wake in a rest stop.  With stuttering bones I sit in the driver's seat.  The promise of sunrise already lights my place.  And my eyes drink what is placed before me.

Shadows of colorless shapes fill my eyes.  But a shadow of blazing intensity fills my soul.  The first will pass to history as the brilliant Sun rises to my left.  The second demands my full attention, for it is God who will be first.

The shadows are there; statues of men lay between the rising Son and my eyes.  The choice is brilliantly clear.  "To prayer with me!  These things of men put God last.  But I must put Him first."

A love for He is from eternity clears the fog from my mind.  His Holiness appears as a jarring jolt.  And the folly of men recedes.

What love has man for this place of prayer?  He testifies to himself by the statues he has placed in this rest stop, and absence of praise for God who has given him hands.

Along the highway, to arrive at this place, I saw no sign of thanks to God.  I saw only small crosses to glorify the death of a man.  A rich crop of signs has grown up to direct the body.  But where are the signs for God?

There should have been a sign that said, "Praise be to God in His mercy!  We give thanks to you, O' Holy One, for allowing us to build this highway."  But there will be no such sign to find.

Man restrains his praise for God, yet elevates himself.  I too am man, and so I confess.  But confession is only the beginning.  Where is the choice within me to elevate God to first?  It must be found, and quickly!  Or prayer will be but words.

Open my eyes O' Holy One.  Have mercy on this fool!  I see with clarity how all men have treated you as trash; how they relegate you as last.  But you have made me stand in a place where such lies blatantly reek of the pride of man.  If you are not first then I am last forever.

You are of eternity, and your Glory has always been so.  A countless host will proclaim in your favor.  They will turn their face from any man who promotes himself.  So they take their stance.  They have been proven and so they will remain.  Yet man considers that he would be acceptable among their ranks.

The great cloud of witnesses sing, "Holy praise to the Sovereign God.  And to his Holy Son!  For salvation belongs to God alone and to the Lamb."

This song is to be sung forever.  And the great cloud of witnesses readily agreeds.  All the while man promotes himself.  And refuses a place for His Holy Name in this place of testing. 

What, indeed, is to be the outcome of the pride of men?  It is not what they expect.  For God's judgment has stood, it will stand, and it will remain forever;  God is first!

Amen, amen, amen!

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