Hennessy Modified: August 2016 Dwight Hennessy, Ph. D. Address

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Modified: August 2016

Dwight Hennessy, Ph.D.

State University of New York Buffalo State

Dept. of Psychology

1300 Elmwood Ave.

Buffalo NY 14222

(716) 878-5532


Present Positions:

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology (2006 – present)

State University of New York, College at Buffalo
Previous Positions & Employment

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY (2000 – 2006)

Lecturer, Dept. of Continuing Education, Humber College, Toronto Canada (1998 – 2000)

Project Director, Goldfarb Consultants, Toronto Canada (1999 – 2000)

Research Analyst, Goldfarb Consultants, Toronto Canada (1998 – 1999)


Ph.D. 1999 York University, Toronto Ontario, Canada

Personality and Social Psychology

M.A. 1995 York University, Toronto Ontario, Canada

Personality and Social Psychology

B.A. (Hon's) 1992 University of Windsor, Windsor Ontario, Canada


Professional Associations:

Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP)

International Association of Applied Psychologists (IAAP)

Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)

Society for the Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)

2013 President’s Award For Excellence in Teaching

2010 President’s Award For Excellence in Scholarship and Research

2008 CDHS Outstanding Faculty Partner

2007 President’s Award For Excellence in Academic Advisement

2006 McNair Scholars Program Mentor of the Year

2003 Buffalo State College Individual Development Award


CDHS Minigrant 2010-2011.

PI – Hennessy, D. A.

Short Term Evaluation of Coaching Effectiveness in HRA.

NIHCD Grant: R01 HD058588-01A2, $3,002,142.00

Improving Parenting Capacity to Promote Safe Driving For Adolescents With ADHD

Award PI: Fabiano, G. (University at Buffalo)

Co-I: Hennessy, D.

CDHS Minigrant 2010-2011.

PI – Hennessy, D. A.

The Use of Temperament Tools to Promote Adjustment of Children with Foster & Adoptive Parents.

Buffalo State College Provost Incentive Grant 2010-2011.

PI - Hennessy, D. A.

The Impact of Trait Stress and Driving Experience on Driver Space Preference.

CDHS Minigrant 2007-2010.

PI – Hennessy, D. A.

Using Temperament Tools to Match Potential Adoptive Parents and Adoptees.

Roadmap to Redesign (R2R) Grant: 2004

Redesigning Introductory Psychology to Increase Student Learning and Retention

Buffalo State College Integration of Undergraduate Research into Curriculum Grant

Co-PIs: Hennessy, D.A., Norvilitis, J. & Schuetze, P. (2003).

Buffalo State College Provost Incentive Grant 2002-2003.

PI - Hennessy, D. A. (2002). “The Impact of Fatal Vision Goggles on Drinking and Driving Intentions”.

CDHS Minigrant 2001-2002.

PI - Hennessy, D. A.

Workshops on “Understanding the Multiple Sources of Workplace Stress” and “The Many Faces of Workplace Aggression”.

Ontario Ministry of Transportation Grant #2000-01.

PI - Wiesenthal, D. L. (2000).

Stress, Aggression, and the Driver.

Courses Taught at Buffalo State College:

Introduction to Psychology (PSY 101)

Social Behavior (PSY 325)

Environmental Psychology (PSY 370)

Psychology of the Consumer (PSY 382)

Psychology of Aggression and Violence (PSY 384)

Experimental Psychology (PSY 450)

Experimental Psychology II (PSY451)

Environmental Psychology II (PSY470)

Senior Seminar (PSY 472)

Teaching Internship (PSY488)

Independent Study (PSY495)

McNair Scholars Program Research Methods (INS497)

Honors Thesis (PSY499)

Committee Membership:

2013-2014 Department Personnel Committee (Chair 01/07 – 08/08)

2012-2013 Departmental Ad Hoc By Laws Evaluation Committee

2010-2011 Department Personnel Committee

2000-present Department Graduate Follow-Up & Assessment Committee (Chair 2001-2004, 2005-2009, 2010-present)

2010-present Department Advisement Committee (Chair 2002-2009, 2010-present)

2002-present CDC Departmental Liaison

2008-2010 Department Ad Hoc Program Review Committee

2007-2009 Chair, President’s Medal and Chancellor’s Award Selection Committee

2006-2007 School of Natural & Social Sciences Assessment Committee

2005-2008 Psi Chi Advisor

2003-2009 Chair, Department Assessment Committee

2003-2006 BSC Degree Navigator Advisory Committee

2003-2008 Department Personnel Committee (Chair 01/07 – 08/08)

2002-2006 FNSS Budget and Staff Allocations Committee (Chair 2002-2004)

2002-2003 Departmental Ad Hoc Self Study Committee

2001-2005 Secretary: Faculty of Natural & Social Sciences

2001-2004 Psychology Club Advisor

2001-2003 Auxiliary Services Advisory Committee

2001-2004 Department Technology Enhancement Committee

2001-2002 Chair, Ad Hoc FNSS Health Interest Research Group Speaker Series Committee

2000-2004 Departmental Ad Hoc Committee to Promote Student Empowerment and Excellence

Journal Editorial Board:

Transportation Research Part F

Journal Ad Hoc Reviewer:

Applied Social Psychology: An International Review

Accident Analysis & Prevention

Basic and Applied Social Psychology

British Journal of Social Psychology

Canadian Public Policy

Current Directions in Psychological Science

Journal of Applied Biobehavior Analysis

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology

Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

Journal of Experimental Psychology - Applied

Psychological Reports

Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology

Sex Roles

Traffic Injury Prevention

Transportation Research Part F

Violence and Victims

Edited Books:

Hennessy, D. A. (2011). Traffic psychology: An international perspective. New York: Nova Science


Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2005). Contemporary issues in road user behavior and traffic

safety research. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Peer Reviewed Publications:

Hennessy, D. A., & Schwartz, S. (2009). The influence of instrumental motives and daily hassles on

spectator aggression at little league baseball games. Contemporary Athletics, 4, 123-138.

Zhang, J., Hennessy, D. A., Luo, J.,* Song, Y.,* Ren, K.,* Zhang, Q.,* Han, Z.,* & Yao, P.* (2009).

Are women in China sexist toward other women? Psychological Reports, 105, 267-274.

Hennessy, D. A. (2008). The impact of commuter stress on workplace aggression. Journal of

Applied Social Psychology, 38, 2315-2335.

Hennessy, D. A., & Jakubowski, R.* (2007). The impact of visual perspective and anger on the Actor-

Observer Bias among automobile drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention, 8, 115-122.

Hennessy, D. A., & Schwartz, S. (2007). Personal predictors of spectator aggression at

little league baseball games. Violence & Victims, 22, 205-215.

Hennessy, D. A., Lanni, E.,* & Maiorana, N.* (2006). The impact of Fatal Vision Goggles

on intentions to drink and drive. Journal of Drug Education, 36, 59-2.

Hennessy, D. A., & Schwartz, S. (2005). Spectator aggression at little league games. Research Quarterly

for Exercise and Sport, 76, A110-A111.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2005). Driving vengeance and willful violations:

Clustering of problem driving attitudes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 35, 61-79.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2004). Age and vengeance as predictors of mild driver

aggression. Violence & Victims, 19, 469-477.

Li, F.,* Li, C., Long, Y., Zhan, C., & Hennessy, D. A. (2004). Reliability and validity of aggressive

driving measures in China. Traffic Injury Prevention, 5, 349-355.

Wiesenthal, D. L., Hennessy, D. A., & Totten, B.* (2003). The influence of music on mild

driver aggression. Transportation Research Part F, 6, 125-134.

Hennessy, D. A, & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2002). The relationship between driver aggression,

vengeance, and violence. Violence and Victims, 17, 707-718.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2002). Aggression, violence, and vengeance among

male and female drivers. Transportation Quarterly, 56, 65-75.

Hennessy, D. A. & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2001). Further validation of the Driving Vengeance
Questionnaire. Violence and Victims, 16, 565-573.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2001). Gender, driver aggression, and driver violence:

An applied evaluation. Sex Roles, 44, 661-676.

Hennessy, D. A., Wiesenthal, D. L., & Kohn, P. M. (2000). The influence of traffic congestion,

daily hassles, and trait stress susceptibility on state driver stress: An interactive perspective. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 5, 162-179.

Wiesenthal, D. L., Hennessy, D. A., & Gibson, P. M.* (2000). The Driving Vengeance

Questionnaire (DVQ): The Development of a scale to measure deviant drivers' attitudes. Violence and Victims, 15, 115-136.

Wiesenthal, D. L., Hennessy, D. A., & Totten, B.* (2000). The influence of music on driver

stress. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30, 1709-1719.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (1999). Traffic congestion, driver stress, and driver

aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 25, 409-423.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (1997). The relationship between traffic congestion,

driver stress, and direct versus indirect coping behaviour. Ergonomics, 40, 348-361.

Book Chapters:

Hennessy, D. A. (2013). Personal predictors of driver aggression in Moscow. In B. C. Guevara and N. A

Becerra (Eds.), Psychology of Aggression: New Research (pp. 79-98). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A. (2011). Social, personality, and affective constructs in driving. In B. Porter (Ed.),

Handbook Of Traffic Psychology (pp. 149-164). New York: Elsevier.

Hennessy, D. A.. & Chilicki, J.* (2011). Name discrimination of potential job applicants: The spillover

of commuter stress and modern racist attitudes. In D. A. Hennessy (Ed.), Traffic psychology: An international perspective (175–194). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A., Howard, S. E.,* & Carr, E.* (2011). Driver space preference: Differences across age,

gender, and traffic conditions. In D. A. Hennessy (Ed.), Traffic psychology: An international perspective (233–250). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A. (2011). Does driving safety culture explain discrepant seat belt use between St.

Martin and St. Maarten? In D. A. Hennessy (Ed.), Traffic psychology: An international perspective (pp. 265–270). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A. (2008). The impact of driving vengeance and perceived control on state

driver aggression in low and high congestion. In P.O. Inweldi (Ed.), Transportation Research Trends (pp 201-213). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A., & Jakubowski, R.* (2008). The impact of stressful commuting on

subsequent performance during low versus high frustration tasks. In A.M Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 54 (pp. 263-272). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A., Hemingway, J.,* & Howard, S.* (2007). The effects of media portrayals of

dangerous driving on young drivers’ performance. In F.N. Gustavvson (Ed.), New Transportation Research Progress (pp. 143-156). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A., Jakubowski, R.,* & Benedetti, A.* (2005). The influence of the Actor-

Observer Bias on attributions of other drivers. In D. A. Hennessy & D. L. Wiesenthal (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Road User Behavior and Traffic Safety Research, (pp. 13-20). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Wiesenthal, D. L., & Hennessy, D. A. (2005). The effects of multiple variable prompt

messages on stopping and signaling behaviors in motorists. In D. A. Hennessy & D. L. Wiesenthal (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Road User Behavior and Traffic Safety Research, (pp. 181-194). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Hennessy, D. A., Wiesenthal, D. L., Wickens, C.,* & Lustman, M.* (2004). The impact of

gender and stress on traffic aggression: Are we really that different? In J. P. Morgan (Ed.), Focus on Aggression Research (pp. 157-174). Nova Science Publishers.

Invited Presentations:

Hennessy, D. A. (2013). The Person-Situation Transaction in Traffic Safety. Symposium presentation

at the 121st Annual American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, HI: July 31-August 4, 2013.

Hennessy, D. A. (2010). The relationship between driver space preference, trait stress, and fatigue.

Symposium presentation at the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Melbourne, Australia: July 11-16.

Hennessy, D. A. (2009). Traffic Psychology in the 21st century. Invited presentation at the Department of

Psychology, Moscow State University, November 9.

Hennessy, D. A. (2009). Psychological health and your commute: Is commuting dangerous? Invited

presentation at the Centre for Russia and the United States. Moscow State University: November 19.

Hennessy, D. A. (2009). Universal (mis)communication in the traffic environment. Invited presented at

the Annual Conference on Language, Lexicography, and Communication. Moscow State University: November 23.

Hennessy, D. A. (2009). Hostile and vengeful attitudes as a response to threatened group esteem.

Invited presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference on Security and Counter Terrorism Issues. Lomonosov Moscow State University: October 29-31.

Hennessy, D. A. (2004). Traffic stress spillover: Can a bad commute really influence your work

day? University of Western Illinois Psychology Department Colloquium Series.
Academic Presentations – National & International Peer Reviewed:

Hennessy, D. A. (2006). The interrelationship between driving and other life space

environments. Paper presented at the 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology.

Athens, Greece: July 16-21.

Hennessy, D. A., Lanni, E.,* & Maiorana, N.* (2005). Evaluating the effectiveness of Fatal

Vision Goggles on drinking and driving intentions. Paper presented at the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XV. University of New Brunswick.

Schwartz, S., & Hennessy, D. A. (2005). Personal predictors of spectator aggression at little

league baseball game. Poster presented at the American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) Convention. Chicago: April 12-16.

Sarama, K. L.,* Hennessy, D. A., Intrieri, R. C., & Goodwin, P. E. (2004). An examination of

factors that influence roles associated with occupations. Poster presented at the 112th annual convention of the American Psychological Association. Honolulu,: July 28 – August 1.

Latta, T. A.,* Sheffer, S. M., & Hennessy, D. A. (2004). Attitudes toward female same-sex erotic

behavior influenced by physical-attractiveness stereotype. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society. Chicago: May 27- May 30.

Hennessy, D. A. (2003). From driver stress to workplace aggression. Symposium presented at

Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Toronto ON, Canada: August 7 – 10.

Wiesenthal, D. L., Hennessy, D. A., & Lubertacci, F.* (2003). Reducing driver stress.

Symposium presented at the Annual American Psychological Association Convention. Toronto ON, Canada: August 7 – 10.

Hennessy, D. A., Jakubowski, R.,* & Benedetti, A.* (2003). The influence of the Actor-

ObserverBias on attributions of other drivers. Paper presented at the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XIII. University of Calgary: Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Hennessy, D. A. (2001). Female aggression versus male violence on the roadway. Paper

presented at the Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference XII University of Western Ontario: London, Ontario, Canada.

Hennessy, D. A. (1999). The influence of driving vengeance on aggression and violence. Paper

presented at the Multidisciplinary Road and Traffic Safety Research Conference XI: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

Wiesenthal, D. L., & Hennessy, D. A. (1999). Driver stress, aggression, and vengeance: What is

road rage? Paper presented at the Multidisciplinary Road and Traffic Safety Research Conference XI: Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada.

Wiesenthal, D. L., & Hennessy, D. A. (1997). Using prompting strategies for safer driving.

Paper presented at the Multidisciplinary Road and Traffic Safety Research Conference X: Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

Wiesenthal, D. L., & Hennessy, D. A. (1995). Traffic congestion, driver stress, and coping

behaviours. Paper presented at the Ontario Ministry of Transportation Fifth Annual Highway Safety Research Conference, Toronto, Canada; September 28.
Academic Presentations – Regional:

Bieniek, C.*, Leo, B.,* & Hennessy, D. A. (2013). Sooner rather than later: The role of

primacy and recency in the driver attribution process. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York: March 1-4.

Sturdivant, L.*, & Hennessy, D. A. (2013). Bullying: Behavioral consequences on college

students. Poster presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York: March 1-4.

Turley, J.*, & Hennessy, D. A. (2013). The impact of animated television on verbal aggression. Poster

presented at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York: March 1-4.

Whited, R.,* Incorvaia, P.,* & Hennessy, D. A. (2012). Personal Predictors of Driving Space

Preference. Poster presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Pittsburgh: March 1-4.

Till, K.,* & Hennessy, D. A. (2011). Adulthood Influenced by Childhood: Family of Origin and

Close Romantic Relationships. Poster presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Boston: March 10-13.

Chilicki, J.*, & Hennessy, D. A. (2009). Name discrimination in selection of potential employees. Mid

Hudson Psychology Research Conference. Newburg, NY: April 4.

Howard, S.*, Hennessy, D. A., & Hemingway, J.* (2008). Can media portrayals of dangerous

driving in the media influence young drivers’ performance? Paper presented at the 36th Annual Hunter College NEURON Psychology Conference. New York: April 12.

Maiorana, N.,* & Hennessy, D. A. (2006). The impact of televised verbal aggression on

subsequent verbal behavior. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Baltimore: March 16-19.

Jakubowski, R.,* & Hennessy, D. A. (2006). The effects of commuter stress on subsequent

aggression and performance. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. Canyons, UT: April 20-22.

Hennessy, D. A., Jakubowski, R. D.,* Maiorana, N.,* Calcano, M.,* Kaylor, K.,* Lopez, F. A.,*

Walter, G.,* & Wilson, S. E.* (2005). Does product prompting and social desirability impact preference in a blind taste test. Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Boston: March 9 – 11.

Haseley, E.,* Osberg, T., & Hennessy, D. A. (2005). Which children possess psychopathic

tendencies? : Empathy, guilt, narcissism, and facial affect recognition as indicators. Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Boston: March 9 – 11.

Lanni, E.,* & Hennessy, D. A. (2004). The impact of Fatal Vision Goggles on drinking and

driving intentions. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Washington DC: April 13 – 14.

Hennessy, D. A. (2003). Driving vengeance and wilful violations: Clustering of problem driving

attitudes. Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Baltimore MD: March 13 - 16.

Hennessy, D. A., Jakubowski, R.,* & Benedetti, A.* (2003). The influence of the Actor-

ObserverBias on attributions of other drivers. Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Baltimore MD: March 13 - 16.

Hennessy, D. A., & Wiesenthal, D. L. (2002). The influence of music on mild driver aggression. Poster presented at Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. Boston

MA: March 7 – 10.
Academic Presentations – Local:

Hennessy, D. A. (2011). Personal predictors of driver aggression among drivers in Moscow. Poster

presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2010). Personal predictors of driver space preference: A pilot project. Poster

presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2009). The influence of instrumental motives and daily hassles on spectator aggression

at little league baseball games. Poster presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2007). The impact of televised verbal aggression on subsequent verbal

behavior in young adults. Poster presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2006). The effects of commuter stress on workplace aggression and

performance. Poster presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2004). Do ‘Fatal Vision Goggles’ alter intentions to drink and drive? Poster

presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2003). Age and vengeance as predictors of mild driver aggression. Poster presented at

Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY.

Hennessy, D. A. (2002). Driving vengeance and willful violations: Clustering of problem

driving attitudes. Poster presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY: February 5 – 7.

Hennessy, D. A., & Schwartz, S. (2002). Can vengefulness increase spectator aggression at

little league games? Poster presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY: February 5 – 7.

Hennessy, D. A. (2001). Does culture mediate driver aggression? Presentation at the

International Awareness Week: Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY: March 26-31.

Hennessy, D. A. (2000). Who’s driving that car? An examination of roadway aggression among

female drivers. Poster presented at Focus on Scholarship and Creativity Symposium: Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY: November 6-10.

Hennessy, D. A. (1998). Driver stress, traffic congestion, and roadway aggression. LaMarsh

Symposium on Violence and Conflict Resolution: York University, Toronto, Canada; April 16.

Hennessy, D. A. (1998). Driver stress, traffic congestion, and music. Paper presented at the

Sixth Annual Psychology Conference: York University, Toronto, Canada; April 23.

Hennessy, D. A. (1998). Vengeance and aggression: An application within the driving

environment. Paper presented at the LaMarsh Symposium on Violence and Conflict Resolution: York University, Toronto, Canada; October 19.

Wiesenthal, D. L., & Hennessy, D. A. (1997). Prompting safe driving behaviours. Paper

presented at the York University, Social/Personality Brown Bag Seminars, Toronto, Canada; November 17.

Hennessy, D. A. (1995). The relationship between traffic congestion, stress, and coping. Poster

presented at the Fourth Annual In House Psychology Conference: York University, Toronto, Canada; April 28.
Note: * denotes student researcher
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