Snow Days Plot the amount of snow that I received according to the pictures in the slide show. Connect each point with a line to form a line graph.
Let the y-axis represent total inches of snow and let the x-axis represent time in hours.
1. The last picture in the slide show showed my snow total after 10 hours. What was the average rate of snowfall from the 10- hour point to the end of the storm (23 hours)?
2. Between which two pictures (times) do we find the greatest average snowfall rate? What is that snowfall rate? How does the steepness of this line segment compare to the steepness of other line segments on the graph?
0 5
10 15 20 25 0
2 4
6 8
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
In ch es o
a cc um ula tio nHours of snowfall
Between 8 hours and 10 hours.