Ice nucleation captures water: lichen Fungus provides uv protection: lichens
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Ice nucleation captures water: lichen
Fungus provides UV protection: lichens
Communities prevent asbestos dispersion: plants and lichens
Organism tolerates heat and desiccation: lichen
Lichen metabolite has antimicrobial activity: lichens
Leaves survive desiccation: Spanish moss
Compounds repel slugs: Dicranum moss
Mechanism concentrates inorganic carbon: diatoms
Algae produce oil: diatoms
Tiny capsules trap prey: bladderwort
Toxic blooms aid predation: dinoflagellates
Moving parts are lubricated: diatoms
Intricate silica architecture survives forces: diatoms
Estuaries rely on ecosystem engineers: diatoms
Membranes tolerate high alkalinity: cyanobacteria
Organisms concentrate carbon dioxide: green algae
Pulled support stalks have low flow stress: algae
Leaves resist tearing: brown algae
Extensibility helps stop spread of cracks: macroalgae
Compounds cause UV radiation tolerance: dinoflagellates
Red pigment protects against UV rays: snow algae
Algae protects from freezing: snow algae
Bioluminescence protects from predation: dinoflagellates
Biofilm-inhibiting chemical protects surfaces: red alga
Biofilm inhibition protects surfaces: freshwater algae
Protective coating prevents dehydration: sea-wracks
Stretchable architecture resists breakage: bull kelp
Joint shaped as suction cup prevents peeling: bull kelp
Spiral-shaped flow is optimal: bull kelp
Blades balance light interception, drag: bull kelp
Stabilized bromine protects from bacteria: kelp
Case protects during years at sea: Polynesian box fruit
Flexibility encourages twisting, not bending: banana
Chemical protects from disease: grapes
Juice launches seeds: squirting cucumber
Convex surface geometry resists adhesion: pumpkin
Skin protects from fungal pathogens: pumpkin
Leaves disorient beetles, prevent attack: cucumber
Valve regulates water permeability: yellow bush lupine
Seeds dispersed across the sea: sea bean
Transport tubes plugged when damaged: fava bean
Biofilm inhibition protects surfaces: peas
Hydration increases internal pressure: legumes
Leaves optimize internal state: mangrove
Seeds float to the best conditions: red mangrove
Seedpod autorotates: sycamore
Bill reduces drag: black skimmer
Leading edge of seed creates vortex lift: maple
Seed glides to earth: Alsomitra vine
Single-winged seeds travel far: sycamore
Seeds disperse long distances: liana
Wrinkly surface provides desert camouflage: Tamaulipas living rock cactus
Fibonacci sequence optimizes packing: sunflowers
Modified leaves assist climb: passion flower
Flower structures protect pollen: angiosperms
Pollen catapults from flower: bunchberry
Hooked beak snags flowers: flowerpiercer
Light-transmitting fibers: Venus flower basket
Flowers follow sun: snow buttercups
Wood resists fracture: trees
Leaves resist bending: trees
Leaves resist gravitational loading: broad-leaved trees
Resin protects damage: conifer trees
Continuous fibers prevent structural weakness: trees
Bark protects buds from fire: eucalyptus trees
Bark resists fire: ordeal tree
Branches protected from the sun: quiver tree
Iridescent thin layer provides photoprotection: understory rainforest plants
Features enhance cooling effect: shade trees
Bark keeps surface cool under the sun: trees
Elevated leaves reduce evaporation: quiver tree
Tree structure reduces water loss: umbrella thorn trees
Ecosystem manages poor soils: tropical rain forest
Leaves protect from the elements: conifers
Branches protect plant from wind: Arctic willow
Flexibility limits bending in wind: trees
Roots stabilize trees against wind: longleaf pine
Poison protects seeds: yews
Strychnine protects seeds: strychnine trees
Toxic sap protects tree seeds: hura tree
Coating removes unwanted organisms: trees
Excretions provide antimicrobial protection: olive trees
Transport system prevents spread of embolisms: conifersBurning stimulates flowering: grass treesBurning stimulates flowering: grass treesBurning stimulates flowering: grass treesBurning stimulates flowering: grass trees
Investing resources increases competitive success: trees
Growth rate aids fire resistance: camel's foot tree
Relationships essential to pollination: Brazil nut tree
viding shelter for multiple organisms: English oak
Dormant buds ensure fire survival: jarrah
Branches survive intense wind: live oak
Poisonous sting wards off predators: nettles
Trunk protected from predators: half-mens plant
Torpor conserves energy: common poorwill
Thin-walled tubular stems resist buckling: bamboo
Plants survive repeated drying and rehydration: lesser clubmoss
Vines repair themselves: pipevine
Rind resists rotting: flowering plants
Plants rise above flooding: peatland plants
Glassiness protects plants in drought: blue gem plant
Pollen coat prevents dehydration: plants
Hairs prevent evaporation: arid zone plants
Bulk prevents moisture loss: cushion plants
Tightly packed stems insulate against cold: cushion plants
Weak leaves deal with strong winds: plants
Red leaves hide plants from insects: plants
Plant poison neutralizes digestive juices: cotton grass
Thylakoidal system transports folded proteins: plants
Photosynthesis with low CO2: peatland plants
Surviving low nutrient, low light conditions: peatland plants
Enzyme catalyzes many reactions: plants
Creating energy from sunlight: plants
CO2 breakdown used in organic compound manufacturing: plants
Cork bars water, dissolved ions and gases: plants
Catalysts facilitate water-splitting: plants
Structures optimize material use: plants
Dead leaves insulate against fire: cape aloe
Increasing fire resistance: Arizona fescue
Nanoparticles block UV light: English ivy
Waxy coating protects from heat and drought: euphorbia
Flower's pattern attracts/deters insects: Aaron's beard
Chemical repels insects: catnip
Compounds deter insect feeding: water smartweed
Dead leaves function as insulation: giant groundsel
Fatty acids prevent freezing: cotton plants
Small leaves buffer ambient temperature: sacred datura
Flexibility reduces drag: daffodil
Scales prevent structural penetration: fig
Camouflage reduces herbivory: pebble plants
Photosynthesis: Cooke's koki'o
Flower creates heat: philodendron
Structure and shape provide flexibility: vines
Leaves resist crosswise tearing: grasses
Floating mats adjust to water levels: beaked sedge
Flexibility allows twisting, not bending, in wind: sedges
Microscopic silica blades protect: meadow grasses
chers prevent fungal growth: pitcher plant
Fungal gardens kept free of 'weeds': leaf-cutter ants
Ecosystem withstands attack: Kentucky bluegrass
Fronds hyperaccumulate arsenic: ladder brake fern
Cells survive extreme water loss: resurrection fern
Hydrophobic surface allows self-cleaning: sacred lotus
Slime inhibits evaporation: lobelia
Furry bracts serve as insulation: lobelia
Ice in rosette protects bud from frost: lobelia
Dense covering protects from cold: snow lotus
Seed coat and enzymes protect seed: lotus
Bract forms waterproof structure: titan arum
Internal thermostat regulates temperature: skunk cabbage
Leaf surfaces are hydrophobic: Lady's mantle
Thick leaves, pseudobulb resist fire: Victorian orchid
Compacted leaves form efficient heat insulation: grass tree
Round shape reduces water loss: pebble plants
Pheromone mimic repels aphids: South American potato
Leaves convert photons to energy: spinach
Lightweight structure aids dispersal: dandelions
Symbiosis enhances pollutant breakdown: plants and microbes
Roots absorb nutrients from dead leaves: cushion plants
Leaves maximize sun exposure: plants
Pigment enhances light absorption: tropical plants
Structures maximize light absorption: plants
Crystals draw sunlight into plant: window plants
Pressure sucks moisture from soil: desert plants
Walls keep insect feet from sticking: pitcherplants
Flowers selectively attract pollinators: orchid-flower plants
Internal leaf surface increases gas exchange: plants
Vascular systems transport fluids and solutes: plants
Xylem conduits transport water: plants
Rod-like reinforcements provide strength: plants
Enzymatic liquid digests insects: green pitcher-plant
Hairs cause loss of footing: marsh pitchers
Long roots grow in saline water: Tamarix tree
Leaf fan optimizes cooling and wind resistance: fan palm tree
Trees comb water from clouds: cloud forests
Suckers steal water and nutrients: Australian Christmas tree
Trees generate pressure: oaks
Structures absorb amino acids: potbelly airplant
Leaves capture water: bromeliads
Epiphytes capture nutrients: bromeliads
Membranes desalinate water: mangrove
Aerating device delivers oxygen: mangroves
Calming coastal waters: red mangrove
Pressure makes air move: black mangrove
Oxygenating soil: mangroves
Tissues absorb nitrogen: haircap moss
Rootlets reabsorb nutrients: giant groundsel
Leaves optimize photosynthesis: giant water-lily
Photosynthesis in low-light conditions: Taeniophyllum orchid
Leaves focus light: begonias
Leaves retain air films underwater: water fern
Grooves gather water: thorny devil
Water absorbed from humid air: brown dog tick
Leaf arrangement collects water: epiphytes
Roots absorb moisture from humid air: orchids
Ribbon-like roots absorb moisture: Taeniophyllum orchid
Rosettes capture fog: Tillandsia
Spores are self-propelled: wood ear mushroom
Filter feeding moves water: Venus flower basket
Elaborate stigmas capture pollen grains: grasses
Stems move air: Phragmites australis
Branching pattern enhances exchange and transport: cypress
Mats uniformly distribute resources: black grama grass
Water aids pollination: eelgrass
Elevated rings increase diversity: seaside arrowgrass
Disturbances maintain heterogeneity: Great Plains mesic grasslands
Species diversity maintains grasslands: Tanzania's Serengeti Plain
Tree and grass savanna maintains equilibrium: Transvaal savanna
Diversity creates long-term stability: prairie grassland
Mutualistic relationship is maintained: fig tree and fig wasp
Leaves channel water: sacred fig
Internal perforations transport nutrients: sphagnum moss
Vessels resist bubble formation: trees
Underground storage enables regeneration: jarrah trees
Interwoven trees gain structural support: tropical trees
Relationship provides nutrients, stability: bracket fungi and trees
Leaves deter herbivory: birch trees
Wood self-assembles: trees
Evaporation releases seeds: Brazilian hura trees
Spiral fibers strengthen tree trunks: whitebark pine
Seeds survive extreme falls: Brazil nut tree
Fruiting tree holds key role in forest: Caesaria tree
Vein system resilient to damage: plants
Seeds disperse by jet action: ice plants
Root systems control erosion: vascular plants
Structural composition provides strength in changing conditions: plants
Reinforced fibers provide strength: plants
Lignified parenchyma cells provide strength: plants
Sclereid cells prevent soft tissue collapse: plants
Collenchyma cells provide strength, flexibility: plants
Circular, tapering beams stabilize: plants
Stems resist buckling: plants
Lower water content releases seeds: petunia
Surface tension flings spores: fern
Hooks adhere to wooly coats: burdock
Glands excrete excess salt: mangrove
Old leaves help remove excess salt: mangrove
Selective strategies aid competitive success: mangrove forests
Collaboration benefits multiple participants: mangrove forests
Seeds survive various conditions: mangroves
Corky tuber stores water: Hottentot bread plant
Surface cells store water: ice plant
Relationship provides nutrients: pitcher plant
Seeds are dispersed long distances: South African grapple plant
Interaction helps retain water: forests
Ecosystems recover after disturbance: forests
Multiple organisms strip nutrients: forests
Seed dispersal aids recovery from disturbance: tropical rain forests
Disturbances help maintain diversity: western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests
Disturbances maintain habitat: Scandinavian heath and beech forests
Pit-and-mound topography fosters biodiversity: Douglas fir forests
Fallen trees stabilize, enrich soil: Douglas fir forests
Fungal root-rot renews forest: mountain hemlock forests
Ecosystems recover from disturbance: forests
Buttressing resists uprooting: English oak
Pollen release triggered by bird landing: mistletoe
Sticky berries adhere: European mistletoe
Shrub maintains biodiversity: Banksia
Lightweighting: Scots pine
Maintaining genetic and species diversity: black mustard
Seeds survive long sea voyages: coconut palm
Compounds control 'weeds': fine-leaf fescue
Nurse logs provide new habitat: western hemlock
Tussocks enhance species diversity: upright sedges
Branches provide support: Russian thistle
Skeleton provides support: sponges
Spicules are rigid structural materials: sponges
Support cells resist compression: nasturtium
Trusses provide support: Cholla cactus
Fibers reinforce hydrostatic skeletons: sunflowers
Leaves given structural support: giant water-lily
Fibers keep tall spikes upright: titan arum
Deciduous trees produce more soil water: oaks
Flowers selectively deter insects: acacia
Microbial biodiversity maintained: heather moorland
Folds allow efficient leaf deployment: plants
Roots maximize water uptake: plants
Pollen survives extreme dehydration: flowering plants
Flowers accommodate short growing season: alpine snowbell
Orchids capture pollen: bucket orchids
Pollen fastens to a bee's head: orchids
Flowers increase pollen transfer: orchids
More successful pollination: orchids
Sticky hairs capture insects: Roridula plant
Leaves change colors under different lighting: Selaginella ferns
Burning stimulates flowering: grass trees
Optimizing size aids survival: sessile barnacles
Spring directs spore dispersal in high humidity: horsetail
Oils vaporize to create scent: titan arum
Cactus hides from the sun: mescal cactus
Leaves glued together: grass trees
Running up and down trees: treecreepers
Structures facilitate pollen dispersal: pine trees
Seeds dispersed over long distances: Anisoptera tree
Odor attracts seed dispersers: Durio tree
Hairs change position quickly: sundew
Plants use osmosis to create an actuator.
Leaves fold in response to touch: sensitive plant
Stem sends out climbing gear: cheese plant
Folding allows compact shape: hornbeam
Cone scales are humidity-sensitive: pine
Mutant gene flattens leaves: snapdragon
Leaves have elasticity, shape memory: resurrection fern
Signal directs sperm: fern
Roots attach firmly: English ivy
Tendrils enable upward climb: rattan palm
Sticky berries adhere: Australian mistletoe
Leaves modified for climbing: glory lilies
Adhering to multiple substrates: blackberry
Stem used for climbing: honeysuckle
Seeds drilled into soil: wheat
Plant growth responds to touch: wall cress
Capsules launch seeds: Namaqualand mesems
Leaves transmit long-distance signals: Arabidopsis
Compounds protect against predators: milkweed
Cyanogenic poison protects from herbivores: acacia
Thermogenesis attracts pollinators: cycads
Electron flow generates heat: sacred lotus
Luminescence signals ripening: banana
Fire opens seed capsules: banksia
Bumblebees get a foothold: snapdragons
Leaves signal presence of predators: acacia
Underwater roots get oxygen: giant water-lily
Wood reacts to bending: poplar
Mucus reduces turbulence: barracuda
Highly effective swimming: fish
Fins provide streamlined shape: tuna
Fish maintain stability in turbulence: spotted boxfish
Immune system protects from toxin: horse mackerel
Mucus coat protects against stings: clownfish
Respiration rate allows survival in low oxygen: blind shark
Shell provides drought protection: lungfish
Blood flow regulates heat exchange: alligator
Glycoprotein prevents ice crystals: Antarctic ice fish
Bodies stay warm in cold water: skipjack tuna
Rapid color change used for protection: cuttlefish
Electric organ stuns prey, deters attackers: electric catfish
Stripes serve as long-distance camouflage: lionfish
Pigment granules assist hiding: ray-finned fish
Scales protect skin: cartilaginous fish
Fins used to communicate: fish
Light used for camouflage: hatchet fish
Mucus has antibacterial properties: bony fish
Skin inhibits microbes: shark
Fish thrives in freshwater and seawater: Atlantic salmon
Surviving extended confinement: lungfish
Cells manage monovalent ions: fish
Intestine osmoregulates: marine teleosts
Lure attracts prey: anglerfish
Organ generates electricity: electric stargazer
Electric organs generate volts: ray
Scales form protective armor: garpike
Tail prevents sinking: sturgeons
Gills exchange oxygen efficiently: fish
Chin used to hunt: elephantnose fish
Hunting in murky water: goldfish
Scales form protective layer: bony fish
Stream community depends on ecosystem engineers: sediment-processing fish
Swimbladder retains gases: ray-finned fish
Capturing prey above the water's surface: archer fish
Teeth scrape and grind to break down coral: parrotfish
Jelly substance provides structural support: jellyfish
Excavating behavior increases ecosystem biodiversity: red grouper
Gas-holding structure aids buoyancy: cuttlefish
Swim bladder helps maintain buoyancy: ray-finned fish
Eggs are buoyant: oviparous fish
Muscular system enables jet propulsion: cuttlefish
Tails aid fast swimming: swordfish
Eggs adhere in seawater: cuttlefish
Beak holds fish: puffin
Slime reduces drag: fish
Moving in tune with body size: penicillate jellyfish
Pulsing used for underwater movement: jellyfish
Swimming forward and backward: knife fish
Skin helps save swimming energy: fish
Tissue provides neutral buoyancy: ocean sunfish
Electric organs used in navigation: knifefish
Lateral line system acts as sonar: fish
Blind cave-dwellers have super senses: Alabama cavefish
Fish body is a swimming tongue: channel catfish
Fish respond to magnetic fields: rainbow trout
Eyes see above and below water surface: four-eyed fish
Special eyes increase photosensitivity: spookfish
Crystals create iridescent sheen: rainbow trout
Shooting snout snags prey: sling-jaw wrasse
Efficient propulsion system: bluefin tuna
Sucker-like structure used to attach: remora
Energy boost from vortices: bull trout
Olfactory sense pinpoints spawning river: Atlantic salmon
Tusks sense chemicals: Narwhal
Fins taste by touch: gurnards
Baleen plates filter food: blue whale
Lungs efficiently expel air: fin whale
Branching protects from blockages: blue whales
Lingual rete precools blood: gray whale
Deep divers manage temperature: beaked whales
Skin resists microorganisms: pilot whale
Navigation underwater: whales
Flippers provide lift, reduce drag: humpback whale
Powerful tail used for swimming: humpback whale
Noise stuns prey: spinner dolphin
Sound waves stun prey: bottlenose dolphin
Blubber absorbs heat: bottlenose dolphin
Snout reduces turbulence: dolphin
Body shape reduces friction: dolphin
Organs aid navigation: dolphin
Chirps carry through water: dolphins
Blubber structure stores and releases energy: porpoise
Teeth crush shells: walrus
Tusks conserve materials: walrus
Whiskers reduce drag: harbor seals
Nasal turbinates reduce water loss: northern elephant seal
Bulging proboscis amplifies sound: southern elephant seal
Whiskers sense prey movement: harbor seals
Fur decreases water turbulence: seals
Guard hairs form waterproof barrier: seals
Teeth are resilient: sea otter
Ear flaps keep water out: otters
Tongue cuts through fish scales: lamprey
Electric organs have many purposes: Amazon electric eel
Extra jaws help hold, transport prey: moray eel
Slime and fibers protect: hagfish
Adapting swimming technique: lamprey
Alkaline surfaces volatilize ammonia: loach
Body moves smoothly through water: African freshwater electric eel
Energy-efficient long distance swimming: eel
Senses help navigat during migration: European eel
Electricity helps communications: mormyrid electric eels
Specialized gills filter plankton: basking shark
Conserving energy in times of scarcity: basking shark
Light used for camouflage: velvet belly lantern shark
Sharp teeth always available: nurse sharks
Swimming efficiently: sharks
Body designed for fast, efficient swimming: shortfin mako shark
Skin reduces drag: shark
Nostrils detect minute quantities of blood: great white shark
Organs detect electrical currents: great white shark
Spaced eyes enhance visual fields: hammerhead shark
Skin detects thermal signals: blacktip reef shark
Hunting in the dark: piranha
Pigment filters excessive light: balloonfish
Teeth are self-sharpening: American beaver
Stalk structure improves feeding position: sea anemone
Tissues resist bending under stress: giant green anemone
Relationship protects from predators: clownfish, anemones
Inflating for protection: porcupinefish
Body changes shape: sea anemone
Supportive gel enables extreme shape change: sea anemone
Tube feet assist locomotion, feeding: lined sea star
Microscopic holes deter fractures: starfish
Body buffers thermal variations: sea star
Limb shedding assists escape: starfish
Skeleton components arranged efficiently: starfish
Vision without eyes: purple sea urchin
Radiating shape makes for efficient transport: sea urchin
Teeth self-sharpen: sea urchins
Thin "shells" resist impact loading: sea urchins
Shape distributes stress: sea urchin
Crystals co-orient: purple sea urchin
Threads adhere underwater: sea cucumber
Secondhand weapons protect from predators: sea slug
Skin lights up when touched: swimming sea cucumber
Body changes stiffness: sea cucumber
Toxins protect from predators: jellyfish
Light used for instant signaling: comb jellies
Moving cilia create iridescence: comb jellies
Ink cloud distracts predators: octopus
Deployable web distracts predators: blanket octopus
Muscular system enables jet propulsion: octopus
Tentacles adhere underwater: octopus
Siphon directs underwater movement: octopus
Secretions break down algal walls: stony corals
Optimizing exposure to sunlight: stony corals
Matrix stiffens connective tissue: sponges
Fluid pressure provides support: blue crab
Pressure provides structural support: blackback land crab
Limbs sacrificed to escape predators: crabs
Portable cases protect from predators: caddisflies
Minerals conserved during moult: crustaceans
Claw snaps shut: pistol shrimp
Appendage strikes with force: mantis shrimp
Breaking down wood: galatheid crab
Setae draw water from mud: marsh crab
Hair-like structures filter fine materials: fiddler crab
Social networking aids housing search: hermit crabs
Underwater sensors detect odors: spiny lobster
Eyes sensitive to circular polarized light: mantis shrimp
Eyes see color with precision: mantis shrimp
Hairs detect changes in water current: shrimp
Complex structures focus reflected light: lobster
Microscopic plates produce interference colors: copepods
Eyes allow periscopic vision: ghost crabs
Eyes perceive polarized light: horseshoe crab
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