Index 2014 Introductory Notes

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Ringing World Index 2014


Index 2014
Introductory Notes
acronyms and abbreviations: ANZAB Australian & New Zealand Assoc of Bellringers; AGM Annual General Meeting; Assoc Association; B Bob; BR bell ringers; CA County Association; CC Central Council; contrib contributor; D Delight; DA Diocesan Association; DG Diocesan Guild; obit obituary; QP quarter peal; quarters quarter peals; RW Ringing World; S Saint; S Surprise; TB Treble Bob; TP Treble Place
filing orders: Mc filed as Mac; personal initials under first letter e.g. AJB in the ‘A’ section; St filed as Saint.
locators: bold locators are used where appropriate to indicate the most significant reference(s); italics are used for photographs and illustrations; the suffix (let) is used to indicate a letter.
Alphabetical Index

12-bell ringing: London 12 Bell Competition 1128

see also National 12 Bell Striking Contest

'43-ers: Phillips, Marlene 532; plaque 501, 627

Ab Kettleby, Leics, S James 1081–1083

Abel (software) 1253–1255, 1274

accreditation see ITTS

Adelaide Ringing School 1224–1225, 1226

Administrative Committee see under Central Council Committees

Advent: 'Thought for the week' 1323

Africa: bells as memorials, WW1 550–552; Mandela, Nelson 104; 'News Review' 755

see also Kilifi, Kenya, Africa, S Thomas

ageing and ringing: "Mid-Week Geriatrics" 19; recruitment 1283 (let); 'Thought for the week' 199, 297, 1031

Ainsworth, Dr Marion S. (obit) 211, 220

Ainsworth, Elva (contrib) 224, 356, 1184

AJB (Barnfield, A. J.): 25 Years Ago 1031 (let)

(author) A Scrapbook of Bellringing 1223

(contrib) 965

see also 'Down the Pub'; 'The Residents' Lounge'

Aldershot, Hants, S Michael Archangel 865

Aldwick, W Sussex, S Richard 936

Aley, William H. (Bill) (obit) 68

Almondsbury, Glos, S Mary V 1013 (let)

'Alternative Hobbyist': dancing with bells on 1256; "Drink in 1000" 1306–1307; National Trust volunteer 1208; vintage tractor ploughing 1156–1157

America see United States

Anderson, Winifred: MBE 779

anniversaries: Barrow & District Society 481; Beacham, David 1300; Becket, Anne and David's wedding 1073; Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Angela 405, 784–785; Butterfield, William 1019; Chelmsford, Essex, Cath Ch of S Mary V, S Peter & S Cedd 719; D-Day 652, 821; Devonshire Ringers Guild 933, 935; Evans, Revd Stanley 1280–1281; Haslam, Keith and Olive's diamond wedding 1240; Holborn, Gr London, S Giles in the Fields 230 (let), 466 (let), 560–562, 992; Hook, Ronald and Isabel 316; "The Lads" peals 977–978; Lincoln, Lincs, Cath Ch of BVM 1294; Magna Carta 157 (let), 531; Martin, Alan and Pat's golden wedding 1245; Merton College, Oxford 212, 1075; Middleton, Gr Man, S Leonard 1057–1059; Munden, Alan and Liz's 40th wedding 1170; Oxford DG Bell Fund 1009–1012; Pegg, Dick and Daphne's diamond wedding 995; Pershore, Worcs, Abbey Ch of Holy Cross 568; Rose, Hilary and Mike's wedding 749; Rothera, David and Sue's wedding 1019; Shakespeare's birth 495; Shrewsbury, Shrops, S Chad bells' 685–687; Southampton University Guild 876; Tibenham, Norfolk, All Saints 640; Washington, DC, USA, Cath Ch of S Peter & S Paul 913–917, 918 (let), 967 (let); Wormingford, Essex, S Andrew 743

see also World War I commemorations

Anthony, Anne (contrib) 580

Antiques Roadshow (BBC TV): van Dyck portrait 49–50, 52, 79 (let), 584, 764

ANZAB: Christchurch, SI, New Zealand 751; Festival 2014 152, 738–739; 'News Review' 755

appeals see fund raising

Archbishop Tenison CE High School bells 580

Arditti, Paul (obit) 126

Armed Forces peal 197, 199

Armitage, Geoff (contrib) 956

Army Guild: Armed Forces peal 197, 199

Around Ringers: Devon 2014 1020

ART (Association of Ringing Teachers) 277–279; "Better basics boost beginners" 101, 110–112 (let), 133 (let); charity status 531; "difficult questions" debate 525–526, 576, for ongoing debate see under ITTS; 'Learning the Ropes' 19, 149, 173, 224, 1324; Ringing Roadshow 892; strategic changes 919; Youth Group Toolbox 32

art work: Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red (Cummings) 1148; fantasy bell tower card 304; Gloucester, Glos, S Mary de Crypt 467–468; Liverpool, Mers, Our Lady & S Nicholas, Pier Head 753; mystery 18thC painting 200, 254 (let), 335 (let); van Dyck portrait 49–50, 52, 79 (let), 584, 764

Arthur Hoare Memorial Competition 1103

ASCY see College Youths, Ancient Society of

Ashworth, Colin (obit) 20, 23

Aslett, Hilary (contrib) 1208

Aspland, Andrew R. 575

Assoc of Ringing Teachers see ART

Aston Clinton Ringing Centre 1240

Atkinson, John (obit) 578

Atlanta, GA, USA, S Luke 336

Attwood, Jim 85

Audley, Helen (contrib) 732

Audsley, Herbert E. 716

augmentations: Ab Kettleby, Leics, S James 1083; Roos, ER Yorks, All Saints 732, 1132–1133

Austin, Brian 17

Australia: Adelaide Ringing School 1224–1225, 1226; Bathurst, NSW, Australia, Cath Ch of All Saints 906; England-Australia tourism 271; Melbourne, VIC, Australia 1110, 1135; Sydney, NSW, Australia, Cath Ch of S Andrew 917; Sydney Ringing School 1176; Turramurra, NSW, Australia, S James 1223

Averham, Notts, S Michael & All Angels 1229–1231

awards: Bell Club Awards 1134 (let); Leicestershire County Council Award Scheme 231; Marmalade Awards 1035; Perth, WA tourism award 1152; Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings 1199; 'Tail Ends' 827

Awbridge, Hants, Clock House Bells 508, 1207 (let)
baby boomers 604

Badby, Northants, S Mary 598

Badcock, Reginald Charles (obit) 504

Bagley, David (contrib) 577

Bailey, Roger: memorial weekend 155; 'remembered' 716

Baines, Betty: MBE 3

Baker, David (contrib) 623

Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, S David, Glanadda 248

Banister, William 235, 1307

Banwell, Som, S Andrew: Summer Trip 1026; World War I 840

barbecues 1175, 1207 (let), 1234 (let)

Barford, Warks, S Peter 1276

Barnes, John (contrib) 1232–1233

Barnes, Peter G.: 80th birthday 174

Barnfield, A. J. (AJB): 25 Years Ago 1031 (let); A Scrapbook of Bellringing 1223

Barrow & District Society: 10th anniversary 481

Barrow in Furness, Cumbria: bells project 1323; S James Gt 71, 225–228, 297

Basford, Hazel (contrib) 1052

Bashford, Alfred 1259

Basingstoke, Hants, S Michael 846

Bateman, Donald (contrib) 1177–1181

Bates, David B. (contrib) 1057–1059

Bath & Wells DACR: 100 Years Ago 754; Devrell, Peter J. 725; QP f/night 476; Somerset, Wilts & Dorset peal week 924

Taunton branch: ringers, young 159

Bath, Som, Christ Church, Walcot 235, 1152

Bath, Som, S Michael, Twerton on Avon 683

Bathurst, NSW, Australia, Cath Ch of All Saints 906

Battle of Mons (WW1), Cheshire Regiment 1028–1029

Baulcombe, Harry (contrib) 854

Bayeux Cathedral: Peace bell 652

BBC see broadcasts

BBC Music Magazine 128

Beacham, David 1133, 1300; (contrib) 501

Beale, Janice (contrib) 801

bearings 514 (let); 100 Years Ago 333, 530, 544; self-aligning 333, 530; York, N Yorks, Cath & Metropolitical Church of S Peter (York Minster) 360, 406 (let)

Beaudesert, Warks, S Nicholas 73–75

Beaufoy, Helen (contrib) 32, 824

Becket, Anne and David 1073

Bedford, Beds, S Paul: 10 Years Ago 324

Bedfordshire Assoc: Ringing World National Youth Contest 709; young ringers 607, 609

Biggleswade District: QP day 347

beer advertising 1207 (let), 1234 (let), 1283 (let)

'Beer Matters' 492; "Beside still waters..." 728; 'Cider Matters' 1075; "Monkey Business... and Dark Arts" 1206; "Multum in parvo" 625; "musings" 1289

belfries 155

bell casting see bell founding

Bell Club Awards 1134 (let)

bell founders: in Carmarthen, Wales 1122–1124; Royal Eijsbouts 205; Royal Petit & Fritsen 205; Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd 279, 336, 1277–1279

see also John Taylor & Co

bell founding: Bath, Som, Christ Church, Walcot 1152; Bowditch, Richard Frederick (obit) 647–648; Christchurch Cathedral, SI, New Zealand 69, 333; porous bell 882; Virginia Theological Seminary 336, 1277–1279; Worcester (1200-1640) 688–691

Bell Funds: Fred E. Dukes International Bell Fund 1228; Keltek Trust 2013 129–131; Oxford DG 1009–1012

bell hangers: White, Alfred 852, 1002–1004

bell noise levels 357–358

see also sound of bells

bell restoration see restoration projects

Bell Restoration Committee see under Central Council Committees

bell tuning 376, 1110 (let); Michaelchurch Escley, Herefs, S Michael 1039–1040, 1062 (let)

BellBoard (website): peal location descriptions 515; 'The Residents' Lounge' 626, 884

Bellringers' Hymn 223

The Bellringing (folksong) 555

bells, unringable see unringable bells

Benbow, Harriet (contrib) 867

Benn, Tony (obit) 352

Bennett, James 8

Bennett, Joan (obit) 372

Bere Regis, Dorset, S John Bapt 1051

Berkeley, Glos, S Mary V 1196

Besselsleigh, Oxon 1002–1004

Beverley & District Ringing Society 1146

Beyton, Tim 821, 905, 1264

Bilston, W Mids, S Leonard 1134 (let)

Binns, Peter (contrib) 608

biodiversity 1273

Biographies Committee see Butler, Bill; Central Council Committees

Birchington, Kent, Waterloo Tower, Quex Park 626

Birmingham School of Bell Ringing 829–831, 880–881, 908–909

Birmingham University Society (BUSCR): "49 years on" 1044

Birmingham, W Mids, S Martin (Bullring) 78 (let)

25 Years Ago 31, 51, 530

Birmingham, W Mids, S Nicolas, King's Norton 984

birthdays: band of Southwold on Sea, Suffolk, S Edmund K&M 1228, 1252, 1259 (let); Barnes, Peter G. 174; Brown, Ron 846, 852; Bugler, Roger 424; Churchill, Winston 1282; Datson, Jean 1040; Dowling, George 123; Dunn, Jim 984; Flavell, Paul 45; "in Kent and Sussex" 597; Marshall, Mike 221; Matthews, Keith 28; Nicholson, John 183; Payne, Joan 1300; Rothera, David 176; Sanderson, Doreen 1128; Tomlinson, Brian 352; Vickers, Ray 1213; Vivian, Beaut 1320; Westwood, Ken 1116; Whitehead, Mavis 200

Blagrove, Monica (obit) 37, 44

Bletsoe, Beds, S Mary 992

Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red (Cummings) 1148

Blundell, Giles (contrib): Stedman Tercentenary Celebration 29

see also 'News Review'

bolt failure, on clappers 835 (let), 890 (let), 941 (let), 966 (let), 991 (let), 1063 (let)

Bonham, George 200

'Book Review': Order and Disorder in the Early Nineteenth Century (Central Council) 181; A Scrapbook of Bellringing (Barnfield) 1223

books: bookshops 384; Central Council publications 1222; Edwardian notebook 108–109; An English Baby Boomer: My Life and Times (Hall) 604; Medieval Women (Layser) 941 (let); "Ringing Book Titles" jigsaw 888; The Sound of Bells (Shepherd) 1275; Stedman - an account of his life (Eisel) 30; Suffolk's Churches Great and Small 380–382; Time in Rutland (Ovens and Sleath) 1006; The Turret Clock Keeper's Handbook (McKay) 397

Booth, Richard (contrib) 584, 961–963, 965

Booth, Roger (contrib) 1253–1255, 1274

Boston, Lincs, S Botolph 55

Boumphrey, Margaret (obit) 46, 1305

Bowditch, Richard Frederick (obit) 640, 646, 647–648

Boyce, Charlotte 821, 905, 1264

Boyce, Les (contrib) 933, 935

Brading, IoW, S Mary V 79

Bradpole Ringing Centre 1187

Bragg, Susan 44

Bray, Anne (contrib) 1053

Breadsall, Derbys, All Saints 764

Brecon, Powys, Wales, S Mary 7 (let)

Bricheno, Lucy (contrib) 884

Brindle, Frank (obit) 148

British Pathé films 611–612

broadcasts: Antiques Roadshow 49–50, 52, 79 (let); BBC Essex Radio 645; Christmas 32; German radio programme 352; Great British Railway Journeys 104; litter 636 (let); Panorama 628; Pudsey Bear at Coventry Cathedral 1195; television age ratings 911; Tour de France ringing 757–762

Brock, Dennis 24

Brown, Alan 612, 624

Brown, Christopher and Jacqueline 860–861

Brown, David (contrib) 386

Brown, Ron: 90th birthday 846, 852

Bucknell. Ian D. (contrib) 536–537

Bugler, Roger 424

Bullard, George 127

Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Angela 405, 784–785

bureaucracy 1158 (let), 1182 (let)

BUSCR (Birmingham University Society): "49 years on" 1044

Bushey, Herts, S James: restoration 21

Butler, Bill (contrib) 716; Bennett, James 8; Coles, Charles Thomas 134; Fearn, George Ernest 463, 539 (let); Golden, Frank Nolan 1016; Jenkins, Edward 1136, 1158 (let); Morris, Ernest 229, 281 (let); Poole, Harold Joseph 334, 359 (let); Roberts, Charles William 586; Thomas, John 920, 966 (let), 991 (let), 1013 (let)

Butterfield, William 1019

Buttery, John 'Jack' 500, 501
Cadoxton juxta Neath, Neath PT, Wales, S Catwg 389

calendar, Ringing World 1146

call changes: Devon formulae 182 (let); quarter peals 990 (let), 1063 (let)

Camberwell, Gr London, S Giles 1257

Cambridge University Guild (CUGCR): Guild Week 2014 1301; silent and non-conducted peal 1302

Campanophile (website) 1276

Campling, George (contrib) 20, 23

Campton, Beds, All Saints 1194

Canada: "Arthur and the Colossus" tour 1247, 1248

Care of Churches Bells Committee (CCC)

10 Years Ago 111

carillons: 50 Years Ago 720; in northern France 677, 681; "Thank you" 1200; using tower bells to imitate 1084–1085

Carless, Paul 31

Carlisle, Cumbria, Cath Ch of Holy & Undivided Trinity 385

Carmarthen, Carms, Wales, S Peter 1122–1124

cars 578

Carter, Donald: 4000 QPs 266

Carter, John (obit) 1174

Carter, Richard P. J. (contrib) 4–5, 268

Carter, Valerie (obit) 268

Castle Bromwich, W Mids, SS Mary & Margaret 400

Cater, Gail (contrib) 1112

Cater, Roger (contrib) 485–486

cats: 'Poet's Corner' 1227

Cattermole, Paul 1204

Cawley, David (contrib) 461–462, 1280–1281, 1318–1320

CCCBR see Central Council

'CD review': ART Youth Group Toolbox 32; peal recording 1285

centenaries see anniversaries; World War I commemorations

Central Council: 100 Years Ago 578, 633; 116th AGM 430–436, 943; 117th AGM 427, 653, 656–660, 706, 756, 763 (let), 942–947, 959; 118th AGM 661; Accounts 2013 438–440, 943; affiliation fees 503–504, 538 (let), 562 (let); Annual Report 2013 427–429, 437–460, 943; book publications 1222; Carter Ringing Machine Collection 458; communications 30–31 (let); "difficult questions" 514–515 (let), 525–526, 538 (let), 576, 587–588 (let), for ongoing debate see under ITTS; Dove's Guide 458–459; "End of year message" 1281; English Heritage 531, 1195; Kent CA 533–535; member nominations 430; non-methods 490–491 (let), 1284 (let); Order and Disorder in the Early Nineteenth Century (Central Council) 181; Rescue Fund for Redundant Bells 459; and Ringing Roadshow 887, 985–986, 988–989; Rolls of Honour 425, 458; special strategic meeting 803, 809 (let)

Central Council Committees: 117th AGM elections and reports 659–660, 945–947, 959; history 408

Administrative Committee: 117th AGM 659, 945; Report 2012 433; Report 2013 441–443; special strategic meeting 803, 809 (let)

Bell Restoration Committee: 117th AGM 660, 946; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 455–456; Ringing Roadshow 1007; unringable rings 581–583, 585–586, 611 (let)

Biographies Committee: 117th AGM 660, 946–947; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 456–457; see also Butler, Bill

Compositions Committee: 117th AGM 660, 947; Report 2012 435; Report 2013 457

Education Committee: 117th AGM 660, 947; Report 2012 435; Report 2013 457–458

Information and Communications Technology Committee: 117th AGM 660, 947; Report 2012 433–434; Report 2013 458

Library Committee: 117th AGM 659, 945–946; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 442–443

Methods Committee: 50 Years Ago 1135; 117th AGM 659, 946; 2014 decisions 281 (let), 465 (let), 489–490, 490–491 (let), 527–528, 538 (let), 539 (let); non-method blocks 692 (let), 702–703, 740 (let), 786 (let), 1284 (let); "Non-Methods Committee" 1284 (let); Report 2012 434; Report 2013 443–444

Peal Records Committee: 117th AGM 659, 946; 2014 decisions 490; correction to peals analysis 600; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 444–447

Public Relations Committee: 117th AGM 659, 946; commemorative plaques 1233; December meeting 1288; July meeting 793; media 301; public perception of ringing 764–765; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 447–451

Publications Committee: 117th AGM 659, 946; 2014 changes 502; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 451–452

Redundant Bells Committee: 117th AGM 659, 946; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 452

Ringing Centres Committee: 117th AGM 659–660, 946; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 452–453

Ringing Trends Committee: 117th AGM 660, 946; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 453

Tower and Belfries Committee: 117th AGM 660, 946; belfries 155; chiming and clock hammers 258; garters 651; "go" of a bell 949; gudgeons 762; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 453–454; ringing rooms 103; roofs 727; rope holes 24; rumbles 810; sliders 706; "Wobblemeter" 1133

Tower Stewardship Committee: 117th AGM 660, 946; Report 2012 434; Report 2013 454

certification see ART (Association of Ringing Teachers); ITTS (Integrated Teacher Training Scheme)

Chambers, Neve 756

Chandler, Steve (contrib) 1196

Channel Islands: Jack Worrall Memorial striking competition 956–957; split from Winchester Diocese 109; World War I commemoration 940

Chatham Bells, Kent 125

Chediston, Suffolk, S Mary 744

Cheesman, Sheila (contrib) 1228

Chelmsford, Essex, Cath Ch of S Mary V, S Peter & S Cedd 719

Cherry, Lord Chief Justice: 100 Years Ago 776

Chesson, Nicholas (Nick) John (obit) 506, 848

Chester DG: striking competition 1063–1064

Cheshire Branch: QP festival 478

Wirral Branch: QP f/night 96

Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury 1207 (let), 1234 (let)

child protection: 10 Years Ago 157; RW Safeguarding Policy 154

Chiltern Midweek Group 539–540 (let), 549

chiming hammers 258

Christchurch, SI, New Zealand: bell founding 69, 333; bell-shaped planters 484, 502; fund raising 710; handbells 67; new tower 1260; old bells 332; transitional ringing facility 750–751

Christmas: 50 Years Ago 32; 100 Years Ago 1282; festive engineering 47; ghost story 1321, 1323; Hamilton, NI, New Zealand, Cath Ch of S Peter the Apostle 67; under Oliver Cromwell 1317; Ringing World puzzle competitions 171, 1290; Shrawley, Worcs, S Mary 346; "When peal chimes and bells for Christmas" 1305

Church Bells (newspaper 1870-1906) 1128

Church Times (newspaper) 29, 1324

Churchill, Winston 1282

'Cider Matters' 1075

Cirencester, Glos 412

City of London, new Sheriffs 777

clappers, wooden 835 (let), 890 (let), 941 (let), 966 (let), 991 (let), 1063 (let)

Clark, Geoffrey James (obit) 268

Clarke, Stephen (contrib) 484, 649

Cleal, George 812

Cleobury Mortimer, Shrops, S Mary V 156

Clifton, Graham (contrib) 1156–1157

climate change 779

clock hammers 258

clocks: "a short story" 1206–1207; Cleobury Mortimer, Shrops, S Mary V 156; Petworth, W Sussex, S Mary 528

closures (rings): Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales, S David, Glanadda 248

Coatsworth, Brian (obit) 1126

Codling, Ros (contrib) 1124

Coggeshall, Essex, S Peter ad Vincula: striking competition 765

Colchester, Essex: St George's Day 645

Coleman, James (contrib) 1315–1316

Coleman, John (contrib) 201–203

Coles, Charles Thomas 134–138, 205 (let)

Coles, Lynda R. (contrib) 1087–1088

College Youths, Ancient Society of (ASCY): "afloat" 981; Annual Dinner 2013 4–5, 13; "Dinner weekend - a view from continental Europe" 1286–1288; elections 2014 1199; Leicestershire peals 972; in South Wales 412; tour 2014 1092; World War I 937–938

100 Years Ago: cricket 787; new master 1235; new officers 1212; no annual dinner 1213

Collins, Judy (contrib) 956–957

commemorative ringing: Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Angela 405, 784–785; D-Day 70th Anniversary 652; George, Prince of Cambridge 41; Houghton on the Hill, Leics, S Catharine 1008; publicity 1288; St George's Day 645; 'Thought for the week' 959

see also World War I commemorations

competitions, Ringing World: Christmas 2013 solutions 171; Christmas 2014 puzzles 1290; writing 715

complaints about bell noise 1234 (let), 1257


for carillon 1200

palindromic peals 7 (let)

Stedman: "A Minor Monster" 1285; "Going in" variation 891 (let); "The Monster" 1027, 1039 (let), 1110 (let)

Compositions Committee

see under Central Council Committees

computers/ technology: Abel (software) 1253–1255, 1274; Campanophile (website) 1276; odd struckness meters 382–383 (let); replacing jobs 802, 851; simulators, ringing 1253–1255, 1274, 1283 (let); in striking competitions 252–253, 281–282 (let), 310 (let); Trident (software) 1312–1313

concerts: Westminster, Gr London, S Stephen 254


1000 peals: Ridley, John R. 924

2000 peals: Salter, David G. 411

'First Peal as Conductor': Bardsley, Oliver P. 1209; Barker, Peter W. H. 1237; Birt, Nigel G. 313; Booth, Louise 638; Bradley, Timothy P. 696; Haseldine, Kevin R. 1211; Hitchings, Tina 838; Hodgson, Andrew D. 717; Hughes, Denise A. 493; Jenkins, Christopher D. 1091; Kemble, Matthew 993; Kirton, Peter G. 922; Lawson, Gareth L. M. 208; Lipscombe, Simon E. 838; Mulvey, John F. 742; O'Hagan, Michael 1018; Pearson, Matthew S. 969; Pipe, Henry J. W. 639; Ramsbottom, James P. 1043; Smith, Alistair A. F. 233; Storey, Jonathan D 663; Watkins, James J. 718

Cook, Colin (contrib) 1125

Cooper, Chris K. (contrib) 325, 326–327

Cooper, Martin L. (contrib) 1229–1231

Cooter, William 267, 270–271, 491 (let)

Corfield, Corrie 298

Cork, Ireland: West Cork Weekend 2014 778

Corke, Rex (obit) 324

Corless, Megan (contrib) 875

Cornish, Francis (contrib) 804

Coronel Battle (1914) 1182 (let)

'corrections', Ringing World: '43-ers 627; Almondsbury, Glos, S Mary V 1013 (let); CC 117th AGM 706; Chiltern Midweek Group 549; "Getting Bells Restored" 763 (let); Gloucester, Glos, S Mary de Crypt 610–611 (let); Lindoff, Gabriel 359 (let); National 12 Bell Striking Contest 335 (let); new variation 312; peals 8, 138, 340, 971, 1016; Roadshow 931, 1013 (let); Thomas, John 1013 (let)

Couperthwaite, W. John (contrib) 502

courses, teachers/teaching see ITTS

Coventry DG: Beaudesert, Warks, S Nicholas

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