Index 2014 Introductory Notes

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829–831, 880–881; Stretham, Cambs, S James education centre 512; Sydney Ringing School (NSW, Australia) 1176

Scottish Association: 50 Years Ago 544; striking competition at Inverness 708

Scottish independence vote 967 (let)

Scoutabout 2014 799

Scouts, Norjam festival 1036–1037

A Scrapbook of Bellringing (Barnfield) 1223

"scroofs" 1236

Scudamore, Kristian (contrib) 876

Seaman, Paul S.: 1000 peals 840

Selborne, Hants, S Mary 744

Selwyn College, Cambridge 1213

sexism 715 (let)

Shebbear College, Devon: 50 Years Ago 71

Sheffield Tap (pub) 1044

'Sheilas' peal 555

Shepherd, Edgar C. (author) 1275

shopping malls 555

Shrawley, Worcs, S Mary 346

Shrewsbury, Shrops, S Chad 685–687

Shropshire QP weekend 478

Shuttleworth, Trevor 604

silent peals 1285, 1302

simulators, ringing 491 (let), 1253–1255, 1274, 1283 (let)

Sippitt, Peter: MBE 681

Sleath, Sheila (author) 1006

sliders 706

Smith, Clive (contrib) 1286–1288

Smith, Letitia and Andrew 779

Smith, Rebecca (contrib) 1316–1317

The Smoke Ring (mini-ring) 825, 826

social media: 'The Residents' Lounge' 932; Tweet from Corrie Corfield 298

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB): award deadline 1199

software: Abel 1253–1255, 1274; Strikeometer 252–253; Trident 1312–1313

Somerset QP days 96, 370, 371, 846, 1073

'Somerset Wednesday Band' 346

Songs of Praise service 655

sound of bells: Camberwell, Gr London, S Giles 1257; complaints 1234 (let), 1257; new bells at Saxlingham Nethergate, Norfolk, S Mary V 1201–1203, 1204–1205; noise levels 357–358; perception of ringing 504, 1124; poem "The Sound of Bells" 182; 'Thought for the week' 983, 1055, 1251; "Who's listening?" 1104, 1134 (let), 1158 (let), 1234 (let)

The Sound of Bells (Shepherd) 1275

South Africa: bells as memorials, WW1 550–552; Mandela, Nelson 104; 'News Review' 755

South Petherton, Som, SS Peter & Paul 1068

Southampton, Hants, S Mary: "The Lads" peal 977–978

Southampton University Guild: 60th anniversary 876; recruitment 863 (let); Summer Tour 2014 811

Southwark DG: 50 Years Ago 1235

Southwell & Nottingham DG: Nottinghamshire County Show 564; Thoroton, Notts, S Helena 128; World War I centenary 1104

Newark District: QP week 96

Southwold on Sea, Suffolk, S Edmund K&M 1228, 1252, 1259 (let)

SPAB (Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings): award deadline 1199

spires: Grantham, Lincs, S Wulfram 1252; Leicester, Leics, S Mary de Castro 76–77, 800

spliced methods: "23-splied across the ages" 212; "Splicing in whole courses" 739 (let)

SRCY see Cumberland Youths

SS Rappahannock (ship) 976

St Albans, Herts, 4 towers 1164

St David's DA: Arthur Hoare Memorial Competition 1103

St David's, Pembs, Wales, Cath Ch of S David 364

St George's Day: Colchester 645

St James' Guild: tour in USA 261

St Laurence Church Junior School celebration 823

St Martin's Guild (Birmingham): 100 Years Ago 231; Johnson, Henry 116; QP month 418; Stedman - The Ultimate Challenge 936

St Martin's Society of Change Ringers: Annual Dinner 2014 1152

St Neots, Cambs, S Mary 200

Standard Eight: Warwick 405

Standard Ten 967 (let), 991 (let)

Standfield, Adrian 1051

Stanford, Stephen (contrib) 243–244

statin use 359 (let), 383 (let), 466 (let), 492 (let), 562 (let), 714 (let)

statistics: "Biggest total" peals 1104; hand bell peals 2013 269; peals 10 Years Ago 183 (let); peals Jan-Sept 2014 1147; people over age 100 1320; quarter peal ringers 2013 255–258; quarter peals 2013 158; tower bell peals 2013 160

10 Years Ago: number of peals 183 (let)

25 Years Ago: "How many ringers?" 223; "One-third of British bells silent on Sundays" 171

Stebbings, Jayden 828

Stedman: "A Minor Monster" 1285; Cambridge University Guild 1285; "Going in" variation 891 (let); "The Monster" composition 1027, 1039 (let), 1110 (let); "The Ultimate Challenge" 936

Stedman - an account of his life (Eisel) 30

Stedman Tercentenary Celebration 29–30; in London 25–27; in Oxford 154; peal reports 37, 42–43; QPs for 296

Steele, Ted (contrib) 1014–1015, 1197, 1198

steeple keeping 298

Stephens, Mary (contrib) 1104

Steyn, Francis N. (contrib) 1027

Steyn, I. N. (contrib) 1285

Steyning, W Sussex, S Andrew & S Cuthman 1208

Stoke Canon, Devon, S Mary Magd 1–3, 6

stories: Austin, Brian 17; church clocks 1206–1207; ghost story 1321, 1323; Monkhouse, Sally 600; 'Ringing history' (Davey) 1284

storms 272, 328

Stowell, Albert 108–109, 133 (let), 157 (let)

Stranton Bob Major 127

Streeter, Alan (obit) 1164

Stretham, Cambs, S James: Ringing Education Centre 512

Strikeometer (software) 252–253

striking: quality of 863 (let), 890 (let), 990 (let); 'The Residents' Lounge' 603

striking competitions: Arthur Hoare Memorial Competition 1103; Chester DG 1063–1064; Coggeshall, Essex, S Peter ad Vincula 765; Coventry DG 1104; Devonshire Ringers Guild 1171; Jack Worrall Memorial (Channel Islands) 956–957; London 12 Bell Competition 1128; Oxford DG 80, 1135, 1311; Salisbury DG 832; Scottish Association 708; use of computers 252–253, 281–282 (let), 310 (let); White Rose Shield Contest 1008; Whitechapel Trophy 1054; Yorkshire Assoc 1032

see also National 12 Bell Striking Contest; Ringing World National Youth Contest

Strong, David (obit) 188, 194, 195–196

Stroud, Glos, S Laurence 206–207

Strupczewski, Mark 504

Sturdy, Johanna 739–740 (let), 809 (let), 891 (let), 941 (let)

Suffolk: QP day in SW Suffolk 295; Sawyer, Peter and grandfather 386; "Tour de Suffolk" 1258–1259; "Towers and Bells of Suffolk" 380–382

Suffolk Guild

NE District: QP week 477; "Week of Firsts" 980

SE District: QP evening 906; QP f/night 296

Suffolk's Churches Great and Small 380–382

SUGCR see Southampton University Guild

Surrey Assoc: Peal Weekend 2014 340

Surrey University Society (USSCR) 308; "reunion on Devon border" 1032

Swansea & Brecon DG: AGM and striking competition 833; Arthur Hoare Memorial Competition 1103; Johns, Malcolm 1131

Swindon, Wilts, Christ Church: Community Centre 300

Swindon, Wilts, S Mark: Peake, Tony 327

Swiss ringers 1207 (let)

Swithland, Leics, S Leonard 1112

Sydney, NSW, Australia: Cath Ch of S Andrew 917; Sydney Ringing School 1176

'Tail Ends': accents 351; awards 827; bar codes 1127; barbecues 1175, 1207 (let), 1234 (let); the bell curve 247; bellringing scholarship 46–47; bookshops 384; Bullard, George 127; cars 578; chance meeting 1199; change 1322; chattering 682; climate change 779; colours 1079; computer automation 802, 851; dress codes 983, 991 (let); eccentricity 707; England-Australia tourism 271; English language 199; fresh perspective 175; gaffer tape 507; gold 1007; groceries 1251; height 23, 71, 104; lavatories 423; loyalty 1031; marketing 223; natural vs. artificial 303; passwords 1227; postcards 483; public relations 103; publicity 603; quotas 1055; recycling 151; rediscovering the past 1103; ringers, young 627; rivers 959; shopping malls 555; smoke 327; strategic plans 1275; subjects 731; television 911, 935; Thomas, Wilfrid Coad 755; tourism 651; travelling 1151

Taunton, Som, S Mary Magd: fund raising 804, 1077

taxation: VAT 43, 56, 359–360

Taylor bell founders see John Taylor & Co (bellfounder)

Taylor, James 1101

Taylor, John (contrib) 1033–1035

teaching ringing: Birmingham School of Bell Ringing 829–831, 880–881; "Keep on teaching" 863 (let); Sydney Ringing School (NSW, Australia) 1176; 'Thought for the week' 1227; using simulators 1253–1255, 1274, 1283 (let); Westminster, Gr London, S Clement Danes 323; Worcester, Worcs 354–355

see also ART; ITTS

technology see computers/ technology

teddy bears: Ringing Roadshow 801; "Wolvercote Teddies" 801

Teignmouth, Devon: 'Powerhouse Kidz' 957, 959

television: 'Tail Ends' 911, 935

see also broadcasts

Templecombe, Som, Blessed Virgin Mary 1158 (let)

terminology: "Belfry Liff" 1311; English language 199; "Problems only ringers will understand" 868–869; "Ten ringers you will meet" 874; "That's all!" 627

Teugels, Jef L. 550–552

Tewkesbury Shield 2014 577

Thomas, John 920, 966 (let), 991 (let), 1013 (let)

Thomas, Wilfrid Coad 755

Thompson, Mischa 625

Thoroton, Notts, S Helena 128

Thorrington, Essex, S Mary Magd 152

'Thought for the week': Advent 1323; ageing and ringing 199, 297; Bellringers' Hymn 223; The Bellringing (folksong) 555; the Bible 151; the brain 375; centenaries 47; clergy 731; commemorative ringing 959; "Disturbing bells?" 579; diversity 875; Easter 399, 423; floods 603; "For the Fallen" 1199; getting old 1031; "Grace" 707; harvest 1127; Holy Week 351; learning to ring 851; mistakes 127; morality 1275; "Music to the ears" 911; neighbours 507; New Year 23; "Our lives, like bells, while changing, an ordered course pursue..." 827; outings 1103; perfection 483; permission to ring 1055; public benefit 175; "Ready for anything" 1175; recruitment in the 21st century 803; relationships 683; religion and ringing 1079; Ringing Roadshow 1007; "Ringing the changes" 1151; sound of bells 983, 1055, 1251; teaching ringing 1227; "That's all!" 627; tiredness 531; weddings 651

Thurcaston, Leics, All Saints 821, 1112

Tibenham, Norfolk, All Saints 640

Tideswell, Derbys, S John Bapt 931

Time in Rutland (Ovens and Sleath) 1006

Todmorden, W Yorks, Unitarian 1177–1181

Tomlinson, Brian 352

Tompsett, Mike 149

Tompsett, Sue (contrib) 540

Tong, W Yorks, S James 1272

Tour de France ringing 487–489, 491 (let), 757–762

tourism 651, 1152

tours see outings/ tours

Tower and Belfries Committee see under Central Council Committees

tower movement 1133

Tower Stewardship Committee see under Central Council Committees

Town, Jennie (contrib) 632–633

Town, Katie (contrib) 877

Townsend, Basil 316

tractor ploughing, as hobby 1156–1157

Trafalgar Day peal 1213

transferable rings: Chatham Bells 125

Tremain, Phil (contrib) 400

Trident (software) 1312–1313

Truro DG: AGM 2013 312; peal of Surprise Maximus 616; QP day 266; QP week 1192; "Youngest "first"" 764

Central District: Ring & Ramble 1064; Spring Festival 508

Tsar bell 1008

Tucker, Kathryn (contrib) 913–917

Tuhey, Rosemary (contrib) 1077

Tulloch, Highland, Scotland, Tulloch Ringing Centre 1249

tune ringing: carillons 1200; Leonard Stanley, Glos, S Swithun 1084–1085; 'The Residents' Lounge' 835

tuning bells 376, 1110 (let); Michaelchurch Escley, Herefs, S Michael 1039–1040, 1062 (let)

Turner, Claire 1053

Turner, Richard (obit) 1250

Turramurra, NSW, Australia, S James 1223

The Turret Clock Keeper's Handbook (McKay) 397

Twitter (social media) 298

Tyrell, Wendy (contrib) 67

UBSCR (University of Bristol Society of Change Ringers): in London 1004; in Lundy 867

Udal, Adrian: (contrib) 777, 1039–1040; Ringing World resignation 1008, 1012

ULSCR see University of London Society

United States: 'News Review' 755

50 Years Ago: "Three peals in America" 524

tours: "Arthur and the Colossus" 1247, 1248; St James' Guild 261

see also Washington, DC, USA

university: dinners, at University Societies 884; ringing at 809 (let); "Ringing with no Society" 874

University of Bristol Society of Change Ringers (UBSCR): in London 1004; in Lundy 867

University of East Anglia (UEA) 874

University of London Society (ULSCR): Bailey, Roger 155; London, C London, S Olave, Hart Street 854; National 12 Bell Striking Contest 2014 328; Peal Weekend 2014 364; Ringing World "Comic takeover" 853, 855, 863 (let), 891 (let); Summer Tour 2014 874

University of the Third Age 1283 (let)

unringable bells: 1733 Croatia 1110 (let); Bath, Som, Christ Church, Walcot: peace bell 1307; Bayeux Cathedral: Peace bell 652; HMS Erebus 1155; porous bell, Assisi 882; Robert Hooke Biodiversity Bell 1273; Tsar bell 1008

unringable rings 611 (let), 635 (let), 662 (let), 990–991 (let); number of bells vs ringers 1038–1039 (let), 1086–1087 (let); Ringing Roadshow 581–583, 585–586, 1232–1233

Unsworth, Ian (contrib) 1098–1099, 1100

Uphill, Michael (contrib) 793

USA see United States

Usk, Monmths, Wales, S Mary 1134

USS Pittsburgh (ship) 781–783, 785

USSCR (University of Surrey Society of Change Ringers) 308

Vale, Guernsey, Channel Is, S Michel du Valle: Strong, David 196

van Deventer, Pieta J. U. 550–552

van Dyck portrait 49–50, 52, 79 (let), 584, 764

VAT (tax) 43, 56, 359–360

vegetarians 1207 (let), 1234 (let)

Vermelles, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France 1129–1131

Vickers, Ray 1213

Vine, Trish (contrib) 992

Virginia Theological Seminary: new bells 336, 1277–1279

Vivian, Beaut (obit) 1320

Wakefield, W Yorks, S Helen, Sandal Magna 176

Waller, Ben (contrib) 29

Wallis, Richard J. (contrib) 255–258

Walsall, W Mids, S Matthew: "The Lads" peal 977–978

Walters, Jane (contrib) 207

Waltham Abbey, Essex, Holy Cross 207

Wareham, Dorset, Lady S Mary 712–714, 1030

Warren, Gudrun E. (contrib) 640

Warwick school Foundation Guild of Bell Ringers 309, 882

Washington, DC, USA 544

Washington, DC, USA, Cath Ch of S Peter & S Paul: 50 Years Ago 256, 917, 991; 50th anniversary 913–917, 918 (let), 967 (let); Pipe, George 918 (let), 920 (let)

Watts, Helen (obit) 1076

Wayfarers: next generation 1087–1088

weather: flooding across UK 272, 328, 603; Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 224

Weaver, Esme (nee Taylor) (obit) 479–480

Webb, Helen (contrib) 376

websites: BellBoard 515, 626, 884; Campanophile 1276

wedding fees 223, 1234 (let), 1283–1284 (let)

weddings 651; 100 Years Ago, "Leicester ringer's wedding" 812; individual weddings see marriages; ringing for 1158 (let); same sex wedding 1252

see also anniversaries

Wellen, Robert (contrib) 553, 832, 1060–1061

Weller, Leslie: MBE 48; obituary 419

Wellington Bell Ringing: Marycrest handbells 1308–1309

Wells, June D. (contrib) 1249

Welsh Colleges Society: Gloucestershire tour 1246; Master's QP Tour 302

Wesley, S. S.: 25 Years Ago 748

West Anglia Guild 77, 152

West Cork Weekend 2014 778

West Wales Assoc (defunct) 389

Westminster, Gr London, Collegiate Ch of S Peter (Westminster Abbey) 177–179

Westminster, Gr London, S Clement Danes 323

Westminster, Gr London, S Margaret 680–681

Westminster, Gr London, S Stephen 254, 401–404, 610 (let)

Westwood, Ken 1116

Whaley Hall, Derbys: van Dyck portrait 49–50, 52, 79 (let), 584, 764

Whent, Dennis (obit) 1322

White, Alfred (bell hanger) 852, 1002–1004

White, Captain E. G. (Jeff) (obit) 374, 420

White, Cuthbert George: 50 Years Ago 175

White, Geoffrey Vardon (obit) 244

White, James (contrib) 680–681

White, John (obit) 824

White, Michael V. (contrib) 1309

White Road Shield Contest (Yorkshire) 1008

Whitechapel Bell Foundry Ltd: news 279; Virginia Theological Seminary 336, 1277–1279

Whitechapel Trophy 1054

Whitehead, Mavis 200

Whitehead, Peter (contrib) 750–751

Whiting Society 400

Wigney, Mike (contrib) 729, 731

Wilcox, David (contrib) 825, 826

Williams, Derek and Mary (contrib) 1308–1309

Williams, Michael A. (contrib) 154

Williams, Mrs Michelle (contrib) 980

Wills, Patrick (contrib) 799

Willson, William 609

Wilson, Rowan (contrib) 1258–1259

Wimborne Minster, Dorset, S Cuthberga 568, 835 (let), 966 (let)

Winchester & Portsmouth DG (W&PDG): Channel Islands 109; future of ringing 356; Strong, David 196; WW1 centenary 727

Winchester College Society: 50 Years Ago 598

Wingrave, Bucks, SS Peter & Paul 48, 835 (let)

Winter, Alan (contrib) 765

Witten, Leslie (obit) 68

Wivenhoe, Essex, S Mary V 316

"Wobblemeter" (tower movement) 1133

Wolfgang, Richard (contrib) 1246

women ringers see lady ringers

Wood, Harold Frank (obit) 979–980

Wood, Robert Paul (obit) 389, 395–396

Woodbridge, Suffolk, S Mary V 181

Woodward, Jean 230 (let); (contrib) 200

Woodward, Lucy 1285

Worcester, Worcs: bell founders (1200-1640) 688–691, 739 (let); teaching ringing 354–355; World War I 764; young ringers 353–354

Worcester, Worcs, Cath Ch of Christ & BVM 224, 876, 1193

Worcester, Worcs, S Helen's (redundant) 360, 407

Worcester, Worcs, S Martin in the Cornmarket: Ringing World National Youth Contest 304, 532, 557–559

Worcester, Worcs, S Stephen, Barbourne 249–251, 253

World War I commemorations 282 (let), 310 (let); 100 Years Ago 866, 924, 939, 950; "a short story" 1206–1207; Aldershot, Hants, S Michael Archangel 865; Aldwick, W Sussex, S Richard 936; Banwell, Som, S Andrew 840; Battle of Mons, Cheshire Regiment 1028–1029; Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red (Cummings) 1148; Claverley ringers 828; College Youths, Ancient Society of 937–938; Coronel Battle (1914) 1182 (let); Cumberland Youths 1052; 'Doodlebug' Church 1318–1320; East Hagbourne, Oxon, S Andrew 847; German Battleship bell 310, 335–336 (let); Gloucester & Bristol DA 1098–1099, 1100; Great Bowden, Leics, SS Peter & Paul 810; Guernsey, Channel Is 940; Guildford DG 727; Holt, Norfolk, S Andrew 980; Houghton on the Hill, Leics, S Catharine 1008; Inveraray, ArgyllBute, Scotland, All Saints 1193; Milton Keynes, Bucks 968; New Alresford, Hants, S John Bapt 1196; Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne+Wear, Cath Ch of S Nicholas 967 (let); 'News Review' commemorations 978; Nottingham, Notts, S Mary V & All Souls, Bulwell 1026; 'Poet's Corner' 828, 835 (let), 910; Prince Harry 1200; Putney, Gr London, S Mary 935; QPs for 906; ringers and the war 840, 1049–1050; Rolls of Honour 425, 458, 491 (let), 805–808, 1060–1061, 1131, 1157; Salisbury DG 1060–1061; South Africa 550–552; Southwell & Nottingham DG 1104; SS Rappahannock 976; Thurcaston, Leics, All Saints 821; Vermelles British Cemetery 1129–1131; Wareham, Dorset, Lady S Mary 1030; Winchester & Portsmouth DG 727; Wingrave, Bucks, SS Peter & Paul 835 (let); Worcester, Worcs 764, 1193

see also Remembrance

Worle, Som, S Martin 105–106

Wormingford, Essex, S Andrew 743

Worsley, Gr Man, S Mark 1228

Wraight, Tim (contrib) 125

Wratten, Margery Alice (obit) 299

Wrington, Som, All Saints 298
YACR see Yorkshire Assoc

Yarkhill, Herefs, S John Bapt 629–631

York, N Yorks, All Saints, Huntington: 25 Years Ago 1109

York, N Yorks, Cath & Metropolitical Church of S Peter (York Minster): 50 Years Ago 351; bearings 360, 406 (let); Potter, John C. 1234; striking competition 1032, 1062 (let)

York seminar: future of ringing 224

Yorkshire Assoc (YACR): change of President 575; "friendships rekindled" 1272; future of ringing York seminar 224; General Meeting at Wakefield, W Yorks, S Helen, Sandal Magna 176; Jasper Snowdon Commemoration 1112; Life Members Day 960; "Ringing in the Dales" 1106; striking competition and general meeting 1032, 1062 (let); Summer Course 2014 1097; White Rose Shield Contest 1008

Western branch: QP week 370

Yorkshire Maximum place bells 610 (let)

Yorkshire, Tour de France 487–489

Yorkshire Tykes 856–859

young ringers see ringers, young

Ypres, Belgium 937–938


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