Index to the canadian aerophilatelist quarterly Journal of the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society

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- Quarterly Journal of the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society -
This Index catalogues the contents of The Canadian Aerophilatelist, quarterly publication of the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, beginning with the July 1985 inaugural issue. (The most recently updated Index is available from society member Gord Mallett [].)
All Journal articles linked to the collecting, researching and exhibiting interests of aerophilatelists and astrophilatelists are included in the Index, as well as aviation and philately articles of more general interest. The only content exclusions are advertisements, notices, meeting announcements and the like.
By using the Find function, any keyword, phrase or The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland catalogue number can be utilized to locate pertinent articles.

VOLUME I , NUMBER 1 [ July 1985 - Newsletter # 1 ]

* List of Members’ Dick Malott / request for members to 1

Collecting Interests state their areas of collecting interest
* PIPEX 85 Cover 1 cvr / photocopy of the souvenir cover 2
* ORAPEX 85 Report Kendall Sanford / CAS has 31 members, 2 - 3

details of the four aerophilatelic exhibits

* Commemorative 1 cvr / Major E.H. Montgomery / copy CF-8401 3 - 4

D-Day Cover of CFB Comox commemorative cover

* Report to FIP Commission Dick Malott / an update on air mail 4 - 5

on Aerophilately collecting in Canada, projects planned

* Israphil 85 at Tel Aviv 2 cvrs / commemorative balloon covers 6 - 7

flown to Tiberius Israel as a fund raiser

* Hot Air Balloon Race for 1 cvr / “Ottawa-Hull July 25-28 Juillet BC-8500 7 - 8

Destination Canada 85 Flown in a Hot Air Balloon”

VOLUME I , NUMBER 2 [ September 1985 - Newsletter # 2 ]

* Hot Air Balloon Race, successes and problems encountered, BC-8500 2 - 3

Destination Canada 85 forty seven autographed flown balloon

covers available and special post cards

* Hong Kong First 1 cvr / details of Cathay Pacific first day 4

Day Cover cover from Vancouver, 7 March 1984

* New AAMS The Pioneer Airplane Mails of the United 4

Publications States by Thomas O’Sullivan, American Air

Mail Catalogue - Volume V 5th Edition 1985
VOLUME II , NUMBER 1 [ February 1986 - Newsletter # 3 ]


* CAS Members Elected Ken Sanford elected as president and 1

to AAMS Positions Janice Weinstock as secretary of AAMS
* Articles in The American Ken Sanford / two Dick Malott articles on PF-7 2

Philatelist Canadian Air Mail in 1985 APS Journal PF-13
* Special ‘Canadian’ 9 cvrs / Dick Malott / Air France Paris- 8413 4

Concorde Envelopes Quebec-Montreal commemorating 450th

Flown Cartier anniv, British Airways Toronto-London
* Aviation Military 2 cvrs / CFB Shearwater NS Sept 1985, 4

Envelopes prepared for the International Air Show

* First Radio-Controlled 2 cvrs / covers flown by model aircraft at 8505 5

Air Mail in Canada Jasper Park Centennial Flight, crash covers 850915

* Annual Meeting Nelson Bentley / new name proposed for the 7

Topics chapter - “Canadian Aerophilatelic Society”

VOLUME II , NUMBER 2 [ May 1986 - Newsletter # 4 ]


* Hot Air Balloon Race, Dick Malott / details on the different BC-8500 2

Destination Canada 85 and the autographed covers available
* Northern Air Service Murray Heifetz / details regarding how CL 5 4

Stamps the stamps were printed and distributed,

question posed concerning “an imperf top”
* Auctions of Canadian some prices realised at recent J.N. Sissons, PF-6, PF-7 5

Airmail Stamps and J.H. Harmer, and C.D. Firby auctions for PF-9, PF-11

Covers better pioneers and semi-officials CLP4-2000
* Air Canada Historic address for ordering sets of 50 souvenir 8607 5

Cross-Canada Flight envelopes - flown by Lockheed, CF-TCC

* CPAL Inaugural Flight Bill Bartlett / CAS member prepares and 8609 8

Vancouver-Shanghai mails 200 special flight covers, special cachet

* Winning Aerophilatelic Airgraph & Forces Air Letters - E.R. Toop, 8

Entries at ORAPEX 86 Helicopter Mail England 1948 to 1978 - Nelson

Bentley, Helicopters on Stamps - G.E. Lepine
VOLUME II , NUMBER 3 [ October 1986 - Newsletter # 5 ]

* New Society Name Dick Malott / effective 1 July 1986 the 2

Confirmed at July Canadian Chapter of AAMS is known

Executive Meeting as “The Canadian Aerophilatelic Society

* Plans for CAS Annual plans are attached, guest speaker is to be 2

Convention at CAPEX 87 Bob Bradford - Associate Director of National

Aviation Museum, attachment (2 pages)
* CAS Constitution Pat Sloan / the ten-section recommended 2

CAS Constitution, to be presented at the

annual CAS convention, attachment (4 pages)
* Photographs at Al Starkweather / photos of Dick Malott 3 - 5

AMERIPEX 86 receiving George Angers Memorial Award

and Pat Sloan with astronaut Hank Hartsfield
* AAMS President Ken Sanford / photo and description of Bill 5

Visits Saanichton Bartlett’s aerophilatelic display in his small

B.C. post office, attachment (2 pages)
* El Al Israel Airlines 2 cvrs / sponsored by the Canadian 8605 6

Tel Aviv-Toronto- Association for Israel Philately, flown April

Tel Aviv Inaugural 1986, copy of certificate of authentication
* The Airmail Stamps Patrick Campbell / a detailed analysis of Scott 6

of Soviet Russia (Russia) C10, C11, C34-35 and the ANT-3 plane,

illustrations, attachment (11 pages)
*Canadian Dispatches 5 cvrs / Al Starkweather / examples of these 3023 7

to Pan American Flights flights are discussed, request for other 3137

relevant information, attachment (5 pages)
* Aerophilatelic Exhibits Dick Malott / “with proper planning and 10

preparation most of our CAS members could

do well at international exhibitions”, listing

given of future FIP international exhibitions

VOLUME III , NUMBER 1 [ February 1987 - Newsletter # 6 ]

* Souvenir Booklets Dick Malott / 500 CAS souvenir booklets 2

for CAPEX 87 being produced, CAS executive busy

preparing for CAPEX activities

* CAS Membership Ken Johnson / total membership is 69 4 - 6
* Patricia Airways Murray Heifetz / members asked to check 6

Yellow Perf Stamp their copies for details of the yellow perf

stamp (SC18) with the FED script
* Victoria International Bill Bartlett / cancelled post cards prepared, 7

Airport Post Card front shows the airport, red cachet on back

depicts Brian Peck’s JN-4, attachment (1 page)
* American Stamps Patrick Campbell / details of the stories ‘behind’ 7

on Soviet Stamps Scott C61, C62 and C68, refers to Levanevski

and Fleetster Type 17-A, attachment (3 pages)
* Pan Am Study 1 cvr / Robert Miller / brief account of Pan 3921 7

Group Formed Am’s link with Canada, attachment (1 page)

* Fokker-Carried Pat Sloan / request for information on mail 8

Canadian Air Mail carried by Fokker Universal and Fokker Super

Universal aircraft during the 20s and 30s
VOLUME III , NUMBER 2 [ October 1987 - Newsletter # 7 ]

* Report on CAPEX 87 Dick Malott / several CAS aerophilatelic 3

items including the CAS booklet sold well
* Commemorative Booklets 1 cvr / Dick Malott / description of five 3 - 4

Available booklets, Warplane Heritage Museum envelope

* CAS Membership Ken Johnson / total membership is 99 5
* Yukon Airways and Reginald Lyon / information wanted regarding 6

Exploration Co. Ltd. aircraft, pilots, and flight details

* History of Airmail Jim Brown / information wanted regarding 7

in British Columbia any aspect of B.C. aviation history

* Book Review: Rocket Mail by Dr. Max Kronstein / “profusely illustrated 8

Flights of the World European, Indian & U.S. rocket flight history

Mexican, Australian and Cuban flights”

VOLUME IV , NUMBER 1 [ October 1988 - Newsletter # 8 ]

* CAS Membership Ken Johnson / total membership is 119 3 - 5

* National Aviation Dick Malott / official opening of the CF-8802 5 - 6

Museum Official National Aviation Museum, aerogramme

Opening: June 17, 1988 and postcard flown by Snowbirds at Moose

Jaw and then recancelled at Rockcliffe

* FISA Membership Pat Sloan / CAS is now an official FISA member 6
* PIPEX 89 Show Keith Spencer / an exhibition will be held in 8

Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame, the theme

to be airmail - stressing the bush pilot influence
* Ernest C. Foy Flight E.M. Pierpoint / post cards commemorating PF-16 9

the 7 August 1919 flight across the Rockies

from Vancouver to Calgary
* New System for Air Dick Malott / air mail to Europe from Montreal 10

Mail to Europe and Toronto will be trucked to New York - then

flown to Brussels - then channelled into a courier

system, problems for Canadian air mail collectors

* Book Review : by Simine Short - AAMS / “... all currently known 11

Glider Mail instances of mail flown in motorless aircraft”

VOLUME V , NUMBER 1 [ June 1989 - Newsletter # 9 ]

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 131 2 - 3

* Concorde Flight Covers Canadian Stamp News - Dick Malott / 8901 4

four different covers prepared by CAS

for British Airways Concorde flight from

Ottawa to the Arctic Circle and return,

attachment (1 page)
* Plans for a Canadian Murray Heifetz, Neil Hunter, Richard 4

Air Mail Catalogue McIntosh / plans for a computer-based

catalogue, presented at the CAS annual

meeting, [the ideas outlined are instrumental

in the eventual publication of The Air Mails of Canada and Newfoundland]

attachment (9 pages)

* Aerophilatelic Winners: winners include Ritch Toop, Mike Shand, 4 - 5

ORAPEX 89 and Pat Sloan, Charles Verge, Nelson Bentley,

ROYAL 89 Dick Malott, G.M. Cooper, Michael Hing
VOLUME VI , NUMBER 1 [ March 1990 - Newsletter # 10 ]

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 126 2

* Canadian Aerophilatelic Dick Malott / regular flight covers are 2

Flight Covers all but impossible to obtain due to lack of

interest by Canada Post, Air Canada and

Canadian Airlines

* CAS Special Plaques the plaques are for presentation to two 3

groups; those who have contributed to

aerophilately in Canada & internationally,

and to novices in exhibiting aerophilately

* Canadian Search for Lost 2 cvrs / Murray Heifetz / a vignette of 3731 4

Russian Aviators aviation history about the Sir Hubert

Wilkins search for the missing trans-polar

Russian flyers, attachment (2 pages)

* WW I German Flight 7 cvrs / Fred Blau / detailed history of 4

Attachment in Palestine the flight detachment, translated from the

German magazine Der Israel Philatelist,

attachment (4 pages)

* Directions in Space Compex Magazine, Dr. R. Ramkissoon / 4

Cover Collecting hints for setting up a space cover

collection, attachment (3 pages)
VOLUME VI , NUMBER 2 [ November 1990 - Newsletter # 11 ]

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 130 2

* Snowbirds and MIG-29 Dick Malott / as a CAS fund-raiser, 2 - 3

Flown Covers aerogrammes were flown by the Snowbirds

and by the pilot commander of a MIG-29
* Fiftieth Anniversary Dick Malott / the Ottawa fly-past involved 3

Flights for the Battle one Hurricane fighter, one Lancaster bomber

of Britain and nine F-18’s, autographed envelopes

are available, attachment (3 pages)

* Book Review : BNAPS Topics - Vic Willson / “photographs 4

A Handbook of the and listings of places and dates of use”,

Airmail Slogans of Canada attachment (1 page)

by D.G. Rosenblatt

* Book Review : Pat Sloan / “a chronological review of 4

The Airmails of aviation and airmail events ... a detailed study

Egypt by John Sears of airmail stamps & design”, attachment (1 page)
* Book Review : Historie Pat Sloan / “an outstanding compendium of 4

Aerophilatelique: Latecoere data, information, anecdotes, and historical

Aeropostale, Air France: facts about one of the world’s great pioneer

1914 - 1940 by Gerard airlines, attachment (1 page)

Collott and Alain Cornu

* Book Review : Airline Ken Sanford / “to assist English speakers 4

and Airmail Encyclopedia, there is a translation of words and phrases

Volume 1 published by gives much more information on the airmail

The Flying Dutchman service than just rates ... a tremendous work”,

Aerophilatelic Society attachment (2 pages)
* Book Review : Historie Ken Sanford / “an aerophilatelist’s 4

Aerophilatelique (same delight ... history of Latecoere Airline ...

book as above) listing of significant flights and crashes”,

attachment (1 page)
* Book Review : A History Ottawa Citizen - Peter Ward / “a complete 4

of Airlines in Canada by listing of all the airlines ever formed here,

John Blatherwick with notes and pictures of the aircraft”

* An Aerophilatelist’s Editorial Excerpt from FISA Bulletin 82 / 5

Guide to FIP an airmail collector’s thoughts on the evaluation

of an aerophilatelic exhibit, including Treatment,

Importance, Knowledge, Research, Condition,

Rarity and Presentation, attachment (8 pages)
VOLUME VII , NUMBER 1 [ March , 1991 - Newsletter # 12 ]

* 60th Anniversary of the Federal Ministry of Transport / AP-3001 2

R-100 at Saint-Hubert 18 December 1990, dedication of a

plaque at the National Aeronautical

School of Saint-Hubert, attachment (1 page)

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 137 3

* McGreely Express Murray Heifetz / the label sometimes CL-45 3

Label found on Klondike airways covers

prepared by Roessler of New Jersey,

attachment (1 page)

* FIP Championship this is the last time Dick Malott’s exhibit PF-6 3

Class Pioneer and will be entered into an international PF-16

Semi-Official Flown competition

Air Mail Exhibit

VOLUME VII , NUMBER 2 [ September 1991 - Newsletter # 13 ]

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 142 2

* Aerophilatelic Column Aerophilately Today - R. K. Malott / 3

in the Stamp Collector “anyone able to attend a world stamp

exhibition should do so; it’s a wonderful

experience”, attachment (1 page)

* Atherton World-wide Linn’s Stamp News / every Scott-listed 5 - 6

Airmails Sale airmail stamp is represented, plus printing

varieties, attachment (1 page)
* Canadair’s Regional Air International, Patrick Campbell / 9115 6 - 7

Jet Prototype first flight covers were carried aboard

RJ 7001 / C-FCRJ on 10 May 1991
* Canadian Airways Mike Painter / is researching the plate CL 51 8

Stamps CL51 & CL52 positions of the stamp flaws, also the CL 52

plane depicted - the Junkers CF-AQW
* The 1991 Snowbirds Dick Malott / the 1991 team flew and CF-9100 9 - 10

autographed a number of items for the CF-9101

National Capital Air Show, over Parliament CF-9102

Hill, and at the Saskatchewan Air Show

* London to London Ron Leith’s Public Auction #8 / hammer PF-30 12

Philatelic Items price for vignette - C$9 000, for the special cancellation on a government

envelope - C$575
* Advertising Post Cards Dick Malott / is compiling a listing of 12 - 13

postcards issued by the major Canadian

airlines, information from members solicited
VOLUME VIII , NUMBER 1 [ March 1992 - Newsletter # 14 ]

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 140 2

* PHILANIPPON 91 Canadian Stamp News, Otto Hornung, 2

Dick Malott / data on the Canadians who

received awards, a serious loss that occurred,

and main events at the Japanese Exhibition

attachment (4 pages)
* Aerophilatelic Column Aerophilately Today - R. K. Malott / 2

in the Stamp Collector this yet-to-be published column includes

more data about the Japanese Exhibition,

information about upcoming Canadian and

USA exhibitions, attachment (4 pages)
* CAS “Contribution Dick Malott / over the last six months, six 2

Awards” award and contribution plaque presentations

have been made, attachment (6 pages)
* Western Canada 2 cvrs / Murray Heifetz / further CL 40 3

Airways Stamps and information needed on the stamps’ double

'Morgan Covers' perforations and on the status of two

flown covers, attachment (3 pages)

* “Aerogramme Going the 1 cvr / Canadian Stamp News - Dick Malott / 3

Way of Airmail Stamps” data on recent aerogrammes and balloon

souvenir envelopes, attachment (2 pages)
VOLUME VIII , NUMBER 2 [ August , 1992 - Newsletter # 15 ]

* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 146 2

* Book Review : by Charles Entwistle, Ken Sanford / 2

Wartime Airmails - “the alternate route for the British

The Hoseshoe Route air services which started in 1940 when

Italy declared war”, attachment (1 page)

* Book Review : by Charles Entwistle, Ken Sanford / 2

Undercover Addresses “the undercover addresses which were used

of World War II during WW II for mail without showing

the true destination”, attachment (1 page)

* Book Review : by Karlheinz Wittig / “a basic chronological 2

Brazilian First listing of first flights connected with Brazil

Flights until 1949 list of literature references”, attachment (1 page)
* Canadian Air Force Ron Miyanishi / a compiled listing of flown 2

Flown Covers and commemorative covers, request for

additions or corrections, attachment ( 8 pages)
* Aerophilatelic Column Aerophilately Today - Dick Malott / contains 2 - 3

in the Stamp Collector several topics - upcoming major aerophilatelic

exhibitions, Canadian flown commemorative

and military covers ... , attachment (6 pages)

* Souvenir Aviation Dick Malott / aviation items from Air Canada 3 - 4

Post Cards and Canadian Air Lines are becoming sought after memorabilia - especially aviation

post cards depicting aircraft

VOLUME IX , NUMBER 1 [ February 1993 - Newsletter # 16 ]

* Changes in CAS Dick Malott : President (new) 2 - 3

Executive Positions Mike Shand : Vice-President (new)

Ron Miyanishi : Secretary (new)

Nelson Bentley : Treasurer (continuing)
* CAS Membership Ritch Toop / total membership is 147 3
* Aerophilatelic Column Aerophilately Today - R. K. Malott / 3

in the Stamp Collector numerous items including a discussion

of the need to attract young people to

aerophilately, attachment (6 pages)

* Fiftieth Anniversary of 2 cvrs / Nelson Bentley / Tiger Moth and CD-92.1 4

Gateau Gliding Club glider flown souvenir covers for the 50th

anniversary of the Gateau Gliding Club

and Pendleton Airport, attachment (1 page)

* Trans World a ten page listing is available of first and 4

Philair Club commemorative flights to and from Canada

during the period 18 April 1950 to 4 April 1992
* Canadian Air Dick Malott / the CAS, with AAMS support, 7 - 8

Mail Catalogue is starting a project to prepare and publish an

Air Mail Catalogue which will feature all aspects

of aero\astrophilately of Canada and NFLD, catalogue sections suggested

* Book Review : Spirit by June Lunney, Trelle Morrow / “a beautiful 9

of the Yukon book with many photos ...”, attachment (1 page)

VOLUME IX , NUMBER 2 [ December 1993 - Newsletter # 17 ]

* CAS Membership Ron Miyanishi / total membership is 162 2

* First Flight Covers Dick Malott / covers available include the CF-9302 4 - 5

Available from CAS 17 June 1993 Battle of Britain Memorial

Flight and the 18 September 1993

Shearwater International Air Show

* Book Review : by Ian McQueen, Ken Sanford / “shows 5

Jusqu’a Airmail all known air mail markings from various

Markings countries to show that a letter was to be

carried part way” attachment (1page)

* Mini Book Reviews : Ken Sanford / “the first two books ... a 5

chronological listing of flights to and

from Germany except for Lufthansa, ...

the third book listing all the North

American catapult flights and covers”

attachment (1 page)

* Canadair Limited John Peebles / a history of the aircraft 5

Planes on Stamps produced by Canadair Ltd and their

representation on world postage stamps,

attachment (4 pages)

* Fire at the Canadian Dick Malott / two articles about the 6

Warplane Heritage museum’s history and the recent fire which

Museum destroyed five vintage aircraft including a

Spitfire and Hurricane, attachment (3 pages)

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