Incluye obras cuyo tema es tratado a través de un período temporal o cultural indicado, en territorios continentales o sin territorio geográfico explícito.
BEARD, Geoffrey William. Modern Ceramics. London; New York: Studio Vista; E. P. Doulton, [1969]. 167 p. Il. CA
BRAMAH, Edward, BRAMAH, Joan. Coffee-Makers: Three-Hundred Years of Art and Design. Quiller Press, 1989. CA.
BRAMAH, Edward. Novelty Teapots: Five-Hundred Years of Art and Design. 1992. [Amazon.com, 1999].
BUCKLEY, Cheryl. Potters and Paintresses: Women Designers in the Pottery Industry 1870-1955. London; New York: Pandora, 1987. [cit. en National Museum of Women in the Arts].
CAMERON, Elisabeth. Encyclopaedia of Pottery and Porcelain, the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. London: Faber & Faber, 1986 [cit. en Godden].
CAMERON, Elisabeth. The Encyclopaedia of Pottery and Porcelain 1800-1960. 1986. 384 p. Il. (“Facts on File”). CA.
COOPER, Ronald G. The Modern Potter. London: John Tiranti, 1947. [El primer libro enfocado hacia los ceramistas de estudio]. [cit. en Clark]
DUCRET, Siegfried von. La Porcelaine des Manufactures Européennes du XVIIIe Siècle. Paris: 1964. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet].
DUCRET, Siegfried von. The Colour Treasury of Eighteenth Century Porcelain. London: Elsevier; Phaidon, 1976. [cit. en Godden].
FAŸ-HALLÉ, Antoinette, MUNDT, Barbara. La Porcelaine Européenne au XIXe Siècle. Paris: Office du Livre; Vilo, 1983. 302 p. 485 Il. b. y n. col. Map. [MNBA]
FAŸ-HALLÉ, Antoinette, MUNDT, Barbara. Nineteenth-Century European Porcelain. London: Trefoil, 1983. [cit. en Godden]
GONZÁLEZ PALACIOS, Alvar. La Ceramiche in Europa dal Medioevo al 1925; Italia-Francia-Spagna-Portogallo-Antiquarioto Collana di Arti Decorative. Milano: Fabbri, 1982. 207 p.
HANNAH, Frances. Ceramics: Twentieth Century Design. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1986. [cit. en Clark]
HONEY, William Bowyer. European Ceramic Art from the End of the Middle Age to about 1815. London: Faber & Faber, [1949-1952]. 2 vol. Il. CA. [cit en Wallace Collection].
HONEY, William Bowyer. European Ceramic Art from the End of the Middle Age to about 1815. 1. An lllustrated Historical Survey. Rev.: Arthur Lane. London: Faber & Faber, 1963.
HORSCHIK, J. Steinzeug 15. bis 19. Jahrhunderts. Von Bürgel bis Muskau. Dresden: 1978. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
MEISTER, Peter Wilhelm, REBER, Horst. European Porcelain of the 18th Century. Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1983. [cit. en Godden].
MEISTER, Peter Wilhelm, REBER, Horst. La Porcelaine Européenne du XVIIIe Siècle. Fribourg; Paris: Office du Livre; Vilo, 1980. 319 p. 546 Il. b. y n. y col. Map. [MNBA].
OLIVAR DAYDÍ, M. La Porcelana en Europa desde sus Orígenes hasta Principios del Siglo XIX. II. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1953. 420 p. Il. en y fuera de tex. [Payró: 13-3-2]. [EMC].
PELKA, O. Keramik der Neuzeit. Leipzig: 1924 [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
TRIMBLE, Alberta C. Modern Porcelain: Today’s Treasures, Tomorrow’s Traditions 1st ed. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1962. 224 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Godden]
Incluye obras cuyo tema es tratado dentro de un territorio geográfico o cultural explícito y acotado, hasta la unidad ciudad, con o sin determinación temporal. Mediterráneas (España, Portugal, Italia, Grecia)
BRANDALEONE G. Storia della Ceramica Palermitana. Palermo: 1966. [Palermo, Sicilia Italia] [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
CAIROLA, Aldi. Ceramica Italiana delle Origini a Oggi. Roma: Editalia, 1981. [cit. en Vivas].
CONTI, Giovanni. L’Arte della Maiolica in Italia. Milano: 1973. [Cit. en Wallace Collection].
CONTI, Giovanni. L’Arte della Maiolica in Italia. Milano: 1957. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
FERRARI, Oreste, SCAVIZZI, Giuseppe. Maioliche Italiane del Seicento e del Settecento. Milano: 1965. [cit. en Wallace Collection].
KÖPKE, Wulf. Frauentopferei in Spanien. Berlin: Baessler Archiv, 1974. [cit. en Vivas].
LAFUENTE FERRARI, Enrique. Cerámica Española de la Prehistoria a Nuestros Días. Madrid: 1966. [cit. en Vivas].
LANE, Edward Arthur. Italian Porcelain, with a Note of Buen Retiro. London: Faber & Faber, 1954. xvi, 79 p. Il. (“The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain”). CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]. [cit. en Peterson].
LE CORBEILLER, Clare. Eighteenth-Century Italian Porcelain. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1985. 32 p. CA.
LEVY, Saul. Maioliche Settecentesche, Lombarde e Venete. Milano: Görlich [c. 1962.]. 33 p. 404 Il. CA.
LEVY, Saul. Maioliche Settecentesche, Piemontese, Ligure, Romagnole, Marchigiane, Tuscane, e Abruzzesi. Milano: 1964. [cit. en Wallace Collection].
LIVERANI, Giuseppe [1957]. Five Centuries of Italian Majolica. New York: McGraw Hill, 1960. 258 p. Tit. or.: La Maiolica Italiana sino alla Comparsa della Porcelana Europea. CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]. [cit. en Peterson].
LIVERANI, Giuseppe [1957]. La Maiolica Italiana sino alla Comparsa della Porcelana Europea. 1ª ed. Milano: Ba. Nazionale del Lavoro, 1957. 263 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Wallace Collection].
LIVERANI, Giuseppe [1957]. La Maiolica Italiana sino alla Comparsa della Porcelana Europea. 2ª ed. Milano: Electa, 1958. 264p. Il. CA.
MECO, José. O Azulejo em Portugal. Lisboa: Alfa, 1989. [cit. en Sánchez Pacheco]
MORAZZONI, Giuseppe. La Terraglia Italiana. Milano: 1956. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
MORAZZONI, Giuseppe. Le Porcellane Italiane. Vol. 1. Tex.: Saul Levy. Milano: Görlich, 1960. 162 p. CA. [MNAD].
MORAZZONI, Giuseppe. Le Porcellane Italiane. Vol. 2. Milano: Görlich, 1960. 234 Il. (sin texto). CA. [MNAD]
MOSCA, L. Napoli e l’Arte Ceramica. Ed. rev. Napoli: 1963.
MUSEO DE PORCIÚNCULA (Palma de Mallorca. Convento San Francisco). La Cerámica Popular de Mallorca en los Últimos Cinco Siglos. Tex.: Juan Llabres Ramis. Palma de Mallorca: Museo de Porciúncula, 1977. 188 p. (“Estudios Monográficos”). CA. [cit. en Vivas]. [cit. en Sánchez Pacheco]
RACKHAM. Bernard. Italian Maiolica. 2nd ed. London: Faber & Faber, 1963. (“The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain”). [cit. en Wallace Collection].
RACKHAM. Bernard. Italian Maiolica. London: Faber & Faber, 1952. xvi, 35 p. 100 Il. (“The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain”). CA.
RANGONA, A. La Maiolica Siciliana dalle Origine all’Ottocento. Palermo: 1975. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
RAY, Anthony. English Delftware Pottery. London: 1968. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
ROSSO, Fulvio. Per Virtú del Fuoco; Uommini e Ceramiche del Novecento Italiano. Aosta: Musimesi, 1983. 207 p.
SABO, Rioletta et. al. Portuguese Decorative Tiles: Azulejos. 1998. [Amazon.com, 1999].
SÁNCHEZ PACHECO, Trinidad (coord.). Suma Artis. Historia General del Arte. Vol. XLII. Cerámica Española. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1997. 681 p. Il. b.y n. col. Bibl. Glos. [INSC].
SANDAO, Arthur. Faiença Portuguesa, Seculos XVIII-XIX. Barcelos (Portugal): Do Minho, 1976. [cit. en Vivas].
SCOTT-TAGGART, John. Italian Maiolica. London: 1972. [cit. en Wallace Collection].
SCOTT-TAGGART, John. Spanish Pottery and Porcelain. London: 1970 (zerox copy of page proofs). [cit. en Wallace Collection].
SCHÜTZ, I. La Mujer en la Alfarería Española. Agost: Centro Agost-Museo de Alfarería, 1993. [cit. en Sánchez Pacheco]
SOLER FERRER, María Paz. Historia de la Cerámica Valenciana. Valencia: Vicent García, 1988-1989. 4 vol. [cit. en Sánchez Pacheco]
STAZZI, Francesco. Italian Porcelain. New York: Putnam, [1967]. 127 p. Il. CA.
STAZZI, Francesco. Porcellane Italiane. Milano: 1964. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
VASCO VALENTE. Cerâmica Artistica Portuense dos Séculos XVIII e XIX. Porto: Fernando Machado, [1939?]. 243 p. 79 Il. [MNBA].
VYDROVÁ, Jirina. Italian Maiolica. London: 1960. [cit. en Wallace Collection].
VYDROVÁ, Jirina. Italská Majolika. Praha: 1973. [cit. en Wallace Collection]. del Norte y del Oeste (Francia, Islas Británicas, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Islandia, Países Bajos, Bélgica, Luxemburgo, etc.)
BALLU, Nicole. La Porcelaine Française. Paris: Charles Massin, s.f. 16 p. [EMC].
BARTLETT, John A. British Ceramic Art 1870-1940. 1993. [Amazon.com, 1999].
BEMROSE, Geoffrey. Nineteenth Century English Pottery and Porcelain. London: Faber & Faber, 1952. [cit. en Peterson].
BERGESEN, Victoria, GODDEN, Geoffrey A. (ed.). Encyclopaedia of British Art Pottery 1870-1920. 1993. [Amazon.com, 1999].
BIRKS, Tony [1967]. Art of the Modern Potter. London: Country Life Books, 1967. [cit. en Clark].
BIRKS, Tony. Art of the Modern Potter. New York: Van Nostrand; Reinhold, 1976. [cit. en Peterson]
BIRKS, Tony. Art of the Modern Potter. Rev. and enl. ed. London: Country Life Books, 1976. 208 p. Il. b. y n. y col. CA.
BIRKS, Tony. The Art of the Modern Potter. 2° ed. Radnor (Pennsylvania): Chilton, 1989. fot. [cit. en Peterson]
BUCKLEY, Cheryl. Potters and Paintresses, Women Designers in the Pottery Industry 1870-1955. London: The Women’s Press, 1990. [cit. en Peterson].
CLARK, Garth. The Potter’s Art. A Complete History of Pottery in Britain. London: Phaidon Press, 1995. 239 p. Il. b. y n y col. Bibl. Cronología. Glos. [INSC].
CLARKE, David L. Beaker Pottery of Great Britain and Ireland. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969. [cit. en Clark]
CHARLES, Rollo. Continental Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century. London: Ernest Benn, 1964. 198 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Godden].
CHARLESTON, Robert Jesse. (ed.). English Porcelain 1745-1850. London: Ernest Benn, 1965. 183 p. Il. Bibl. CA.
DIGBY, George Frederick Wingfield The Work of the Modern Potter in England. London: J. Murray, 1952. 110 p. Il. CA. [Abarca el período 1920-1950] [cit. en Peterson]
ERNOULD-GANDOUET, Marielle. La Céramique en France au XIXe siècle. Paris: 1956. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
FAŸ-HALLÉ, Antoinette, LAHAUSSOIS, Christine. Le Grand Livre de la Faïence Française. Fribourg: Office du Livre, 1986. 242 p. Il. b. y n. y col.
FISHER, Stanley W. F. R. S. A. English Ceramics. Earthenware. Delft. Stoneware. Cream-Ware. Porcelain. Including a Section on Welsh Factories. London; Melbourne: Ward Lock, 1966. 256 p. CA. [MNAD]. [INSC: fotocopia]
FONTAINE, Georges. La Céramique Française. Paris: 1946. [cit. en Arwas].
FOUREST, Henry-Pierre, GIACOMOTTI, Jeanne. L’Oeuvre des Faïenciers Français du XVIe à la Fin du XVIIIe Siècle. Présentée par… Paris: 1966. 327 p. (“Connaissance des Arts. Grands Artisans d’Autrefois”). CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
GARNER, F. H., ARCHER, M. English Delftware. London: 1972 [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
GAUTHIER, Serge. Les Porcelainiers du XVIIIe Siècle Français. Pref.: Serge Gauthier. Paris: Hachette, 1964. 335 p. Il. [Payró: 13-3-1].
GIACOMOTTI, Jeanne [1963]. Faïences Françaises. Pref.: Henri-Pierre Fourest, Conservateur du Musée National de Céramique de Sèvres. (Suisse): Medea Diffusion; Le Livre Partout, 1977. 262 p. 52 Il. col. 133 heliograbados. [MNAD].
GIACOMOTTI, Jeanne. French Faïence .New York: Universe, 1963. 267 p. 133 Il. col. [MNBA].
GODDEN, Geoffrey A. Encyclopaedia of British Porcelain Manufacturers. London :1988. [cit. en Sánchez Pacheco]
GODDEN, Geoffrey Arthur. An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of British Pottery and Porcelain. London: 1966.
GODDEN, Geoffrey Arthur. British Pottery and Porcelain 1780-1850. London: 1968. [cit. en Godden].
GODDEN, Geoffrey Arthur. British Pottery and Porcelain 1780-1850. London: Arthur Barker, 1964. 199 p. CA.
GODDEN, Geoffrey Arthur. Jewitt’s Ceramic Art of Great Britain,… New Yok: Arco, [1972, c. 1971]. CA.
GODDEN, Geoffrey Arthur. Jewitt’s Ceramic Art of Great Britain 1800-1900. London: 1972 [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
HAGGAR, Reginald George, MANKOWITZ, Wolf. The Concise Encyclopedia of English Pottery and Porcelain. [London]: A. Deutsch, [1957]. 312 p. CA.
HAGGAR, Reginald George, MANKOWITZ, Wolf. The Concise Encyclopedia of English Pottery and Porcelain. New York: Hawthorne, [1957]. CA.
HAGGAR, Reginald George. English Pottery Figure 1669-1860. London: J. Tiranti, 1947. xxxvi p. 40 Il. [FADU].
HAGGAR, Reginald George. Recent Ceramic Sculpture in Great Britain. London: J. Tiranti, 1946. 48 p. Il. [FADU].
HASLAM, Malcolm. English Art Pottery, 1865-1915. London: 1975. .
HONEY, William Bowyer. English Pottery and Porcelain. Rev. ed. London: R. J. Charleston, 1962 .
HONEY, William Bowyer. French Porcelain of the 18th. Century. London: Faber & Faber, 1950. xv, 78 p. [Estudio histórico] CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]. [cit. en Peterson].
HORNE, Jonathan. English Tin-Glazed Tiles. J. Horne Antiques, 1989. [cit. en Herbert, Huggins].
HUDSON MOORE, N. The Old China Book. Including Staffordshire, Wedgwood, Lustre and other Pottery and Porcelain. New York: Tudor, 1946. 300 p. Il. b. y n. [EMC].
JONGE, C. H. de. Dutch Tiles. London: Pall Mall Press, 1970. [cit. en Herbert, Huggins]. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
KORF, Dingeman. Dutch Tiles. Drawings by the Author. Trad. del holandés: Marieke Clarke. New York: Universe, 1964. 133 p. CA.
LAGERCRANTZ, Bo. Modern Swedish Ceramics. Ed.: Lennart Sundström. Trad.: Burnett Anderson. Sweden: Lindqvists, 1950. s.p. CA. [MNAD]
LANDAIS, Hubert. La Porcelaine Française. XVIIIe. Siècle. Milano: Hachette, [c. 1963]. 128 p. fot. [EMC].
LANE, Edward Arthur. English Porcelain Figures of the Eighteenth Century. London: Faber & Faber, 1961. 148 p.CA. [MNAD].
LANE, Edward Arthur. French Faience. 1st ed. London: Faber & Faber, 1948.xi, 49 p. (“The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain”). CA.
LANE, Edward Arthur. French Faience. 2nd. ed. London: 1970. [cit. en Lang].
LANE, Edward Arthur. French Faience. London: Faber & Faber, 1963. [cit. en Peterson].
LANE, Edward Arthur. French Faience. New York: D. van Nostrand, 1948. (“The Faber- van Nostrand Monographs …”). CA.
LEMMEN, Hans van. ¨Nineteenth Century Dutch Tiles¨. Journal of Tiles and Architectural Ceramics Society. Vol. I, 1982, p. 1-7. [cit. en Herbert, Huggins].
McNAB, Jessie. Seventeenth-Century French Ceramic Art. Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987. 40 p. [Amazon.com, 1999]. CA.
MEYER HEISIG, E. Deutsche Bauerntöpferei. Munchen: 1955.
MUSÉE DÉPARTAMENTAL DE L’OISE (Beauvais). La Céramique Architecturale des Annés 1900 dans le Beauvaisis. 1980. [cit. en Herbert, Huggins]
OPIE, Jennifer. Scandinavian Ceramics & Glass in the Twentieth Century. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1989. [cit. en Woodham]
PILLET, Marc. Potiers et Potieries Populaires en France. Paris: Dessain et Toldrá, 1982. [cit. en Vivas].
RICE, Paul, GOWING, Christopher. British Studio Ceramics in the 20th. Century. Radnor (Pennsylvania): Chilton, 1989. 272 p. CA. [Amazon.com, 1999].
ROSE, Muriel. Artist Potters in England. London: Faber & Faber, 1955. ix, 29 p. Il. (“The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain”). CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
ROSE, Muriel. Artist Potters in England. Rev. ed. London: 1970.
RUSCOE, William. English Porcelain Figures 1744-1848. London: John Tiranti, 1947. [cit. en Vivas].
RUST, W. J. Nederlands Porselein. Amsterdam: 1952 . [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
RUST,W. J. Nederlands Porselein. Amsterdam: 1978. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
SAVAGE, George. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century French Porcelain. London: Barrie & Rockliff, [1960]. 243 p. CA. [cit. en Godden]
SAVAGE, George. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century French Porcelain. New York: Macmillan, [c. 1960]. 243 p. CA.
SAVAGE, Leonard George Gimson. 18th Century English Porcelain. London: 1952. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet].
SAVAGE, Leonard George Gimson. Englische Keramik; Fayencen, Porzellan, Steingut, Steinzeug. Vorwort von Peter Wilhelm Meister. Übersetzung von E. F. und P. W. Meister. Fribourg; Schweiz: Office du Livre, [1961]. 441 p. Il. CA.
SAVAGE, Leonard George Gimson. English Ceramics. 1983. [Amazon.com, 1999].
SAVAGE, Leonard George Gimson. English Pottery and Porcelain. London: Oldbourne Press, [1961]. 431 p. Il. CA.
SAVAGE, Leonard George Gimson. English Pottery and Porcelain. 1st. American ed. New York: Universe, [1961]. 431 p. Il. CA.
SEMPILL, Cecilia. English Pottery and Porcelaine. 3rd. impr. (rev.). London: Collins, 1944-47. 46 p. fot. b. y n. y col. [EMC].
TAIT, Hugh. “The Earliest English Stoneware”. Ars Ceramica. Nº 5, 1988 [cit. en Clark].
TILMANS, Emile. Faïences de France. Preface de Fernand Guey. Directeur Honoraire des Musées des Beaux-Arts et de Céramique de Rouen. Paris: Éditions des Deux-Mondes, 1954. 326 p. Il. CA. [MNAD].
TILMANS, Emile. Porcelaines de France. Preface de Fernand Guey. Directeur Honoraire des Musées des Beaux-Arts et de Céramique de Rouen. Paris: Éditions des Deux Mondes, 1953. 320 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet]
TOWNER, Donald C. English Cream-Coloured Earthenware. London: Faber & Faber, 1957. 107 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
ULDALL, Kai. Gammel Dansk Fajence Fra Fabriker i Komgeriget og Hertugdømmerne. Københaun: Thaning & Appels, 1961. 229 p. 214 Il. col. CA.
WATKINS, C. Malcolm. North Devon Pottery and its Export to America in the 17th. Century. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1960 [cit. en Clark].
WATKINS, Malcom C. North Devon Pottery and its Export to America in the 17th Century. Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1960 [cit. en Clark]
WATNEY, Bernard. English Blue and White Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century. London: Faber & Faber, 1963. 137 p. [MNAD].
WATNEY, Bernard. English Blue and White Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century. 2nd. ed. London: Faber & Faber, [1973]. xxii, 242 p. Il. b. y n. y col. (“The Faber Monographs on Pottery and Porcelain”). CA.
WATNEY, Bernard. English Blue and White Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century. 2nd ed. London: 1973
WILLS, Geoffrey. English Pottery and Porcelain. London: Garden City: Guinness Signature; Doubleday, 1969. vii, 383 p. Il. CA. del Centro y del Este (Alemania, Suiza, Liechenstein, Austria, Polonia, República Checa, Eslovaquia, Rumania, Rusia, Bulgaria, Hungría, Yugoslavia, Eslovenia, Croacia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania)
BAKURDJIEV, Georgi. Bulgarian Ceramics. Sofia: Bulgarski Hudozhnik, 1955. 38 p. [cit. en Peterson]. CA
BOCK, Gisela Reineking von. Keramik des 20 Jahrunderts Deutschland. Munchen: Keysersche, 1971. [cit. en Vivas].
BOCK, Gisela Reineking von. Meister der Deutschen Keramik 1900 bis 1950. Köln: 1978. [cit. en Vivas].
CSANYI, Károly. Geschichte der Ungarischen Keramic, des Porzellans und Ihre Marken übers Thomas Mátrai. Budapest: Verlag des Fonds für Bildende Künste, 1954. 159 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet].
DUCRET, Siegfried von. Deutches Porzellan und Deutches Fayence, mit Wien-Zürich-Lyon. Fribourg; Pawlak: Office du Livrel; Herr-sching.1962 und 1974. [BIG].
DUCRET, Siegfried von. German Porcelain and Faïence, with Vienna, Zurich and Lyon. London: 1961. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]
EISENHAUER, Hans Robert (dir.). Obras Maestras. Artesanos de Renania del Norte-Westfalia. Origen: Alemania. Prod.: FWF-Film, Inter Nationes. Cámara: Norbert Assheuer. Sonido: Wolf Gutbier. Idioma: español (doblado). VHS, PAL. 30’. Col. Tit. or.: Meisterstücke. Kunsthandwerker in Nordrhein-Westfalen [VIG].
GAIMSTER, David [1997]. German Stoneware 1200-1900. Archaeology and Cultural History. London: British Museum Press, 1997. 462 p. Il. b. y n. y col. [cit. en British Museum Press Catalogue 2000].
HONEY, William Bowyer. German Porcelain. London: Faber & Faber, [1947]. xv, 56 p. CA. [EMC].
HÜSELER, Konrad. Deutsche Fayencen. Stuttgart: 1956-1958. 3 vol. [cit. en Fleming, Honour].
KLEIN, Adalbert. Moderne Deutsche Keramik. Darmstadt: F. Schneekluth, [1956]. 40 p. 20 Il. (“Wohnkunst und Hausrat, Einst und Jetzt”, 27). CA.
SCHÖNBERGER, Arno. Deutsches Porzellan. München: 1949. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet].
WARE, George Whitaker. German and Austrian Porcelain. Francfort-am-Main: L. Woeller Press, 1952. 244 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet] de Europa
CECCACCI, Susan McDaniel. Architectural Terra-Cotta in the United States Before 1870. Boston University Graduate School, 1991. Master of Arts Thesis, sin editar. [cit. en Tunick]. .
CLARK, Garth [c. 1979]. American Ceramics Eigthteen Seventy-Six to the Present. Rev. ed. New York: Abbeville Press, 1988. 351 p. Il. Tit. or.: EVERSON MUSEUM OF ART (Syracuse, New York). A Century of Ceramics in the United States 1878-1978. A Study of its Development. Tex.: Garth Clark. Foreword: Ronald A. Kuchta. Preface: Margie Hughto .New York: E. P. Dutton [c. 1979]. 371p. 326 Il. 40 Il. col. Fot. [Exposición itinerante]. [cit. en Peterson como 1987]
COLLARD, Elizabeth. Nineteenth-Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1967. 441 p. 56 Il. [MNBA]. .
COLLARD, Elizabeth. Nineteenth-Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada. 2nd. ed. Montreal: McGill; Canada University of Totonto Press, 1984. 496 p. Il. CA.
DONHAUSER, Paul S. History of American Ceramics. Dubuque (Iowa): Kendall-Hunt, 1978. [Estudio histórico] [cit. en Peterson]. .
FRELINGHUYSEN, Alice Cooney. American Porcelain: 1770-1920. New York: 1989. [cit. en Lang].
GARNER, F. H. Oriental Blue and White. London: 1970. [cit. en Fleming, Honour]. .
HOWARD, David Sanctuary, AYERS, John. China for the West. London: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1978. [cit. Morley-Fletcher]. .
HOWARD, David Sanctuary, AYERS, John. Masterpieces of Chinese Export Porcelain. London: Sotheby Parke Bernet, 1981. [cit. en Vivas]. .
IOANNOU, Noris. Ceramics in South Australia, 1836-1986: from Folk to Studio Pottery. Gordon & Breach, 1986. 386 p. [Amazon.com. 2000]
KARLSON, Norman. American Art Tile: 1876-1941. 1998. [Amazon.com, 1999]. .
KARSHAN, Donald. The Splendor of American Ceramic Art, 1882-1952. Fot.: James Quince. 1991. [Amazon.com, 1999]. .
KETCHUM, William C. American Stoneware. New York: 1991. [cit. en Lang]. .
KETCHUM, William C. Pottery and Potteries of New York State 1650-1900. 2nd. rev. ed. Syracuse (New York): Syracuse University Press, 1987. 632 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Lang].
LASANSKY, Jeanette. Central Pennsylvania Redware Pottery, 1780-1904. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1989. (“Oral Tradition Project”). CA. [Amazon.com, 1999].
LEVIN, Elaine. The History of American Ceramics: 1607 to the Present; from Pikkpkins & Bean Pots to Contemporary Forms. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1988. CA. [cit. en Peterson]
MUSEO SAN ROQUE (Buenos Aires). El Azulejo. Un Motivo Ornamental muy Caro a los Rioplatenses a través de Tres Siglos. Tex.: José María Peña. Buenos Aires: Museo San Roque, 1968. 11 p. 22 Il. (“Cuadernos del Museo San Roque”). [MNBA].
NADAL MORA,Vicente. :El Azulejo en el Río de la Plata: Siglo XIX. Buenos Aires: Instituto de Arte Americano e Investigaciones Estéticas, 1949. Il. col. [MNBA].
SCHEURLEER, D. F. L. Chinese Export Porcelain. London: 1974.
SCHWARTZ, Marvin D., WOLFE, Richard [1967]. A History of American Art Porcelain. New York: Renaissance, [1967]. 93 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Divis, Ernould-Gandouet]
STILES, Helen E. [1941]. Pottery in the United States by…; Foreword by R. Guy Cowan. With Photographic Illustrations, Decorative End Papers and Line Drawings by Marion Downer. 1st ed. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1941. 329 p. Il. CA. [cit. en Peterson].
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