Insert acquisition plan number Template Acquisition Plan for it programs Version 0

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(Insert acquisition plan number)

Template Acquisition Plan for IT Programs

Version 3.0
Section A. Acquisition Background and Objectives
A1a. Statement of Need

This is a  new  revised acquisition plan for      

(If this is a revised plan, please give the date of the initial plan and the number of times it has been revised.)
It is an acquisition plan to support the       (program name) program. The program is in the       (pre-development, development, low rate production, full rate production, maintenance, disposition) phase. The program received approval to enter this phase from       (name the approval body) on       (date).
The Mission Need Statement for this program was approved by       (review and approval body i.e. JRC, IRB) on       (date).
OMB circular A-130 has been met by      
The applicable Exhibit 300 associated with this AP is      .
A1b. Program History      

(In the gray box provide a short statement about the program. Describe the end goal you hope to achieve and how it relates to DHS’s mission. Provide a 250 word or less summary of the technical history of the program. Include in the history the program type, current program phase and accomplishments. If this program is part of a larger initiative describe the relationship with the initiative. Provide the date of the Mission Need Statement approval if applicable. Describe what you are buying? What will it do? What is the reliability, availability, maintainability, accuracy requirements etc.?) . Describe operations, technologies or activities involved in the acquisition that incorporate more than one DHS component. Provide the date of the Mission Need Statement approval if applicable Describe the type of research information associated with or developed under the program. Describe the type of technology developed under or used by the program to meet its goals. Include all technology associated research, development and production processes/applications.)
A1c. Contract History

Contract Identifier

Contractor or Source

Contract Vehicle

Supplies or Services


Historical or Estimated Contract Value

(Identify each contractual vehicle or way funds have been spent supporting the program by name and number if applicable)

(List the Agency, name of contractor or name of organization who ultimately received or used funds to support the program.

(List whether funds were obligated against a contract, order, interagency agreement, intra-agency agreement etc).

(Short description of what was provided)

(How many supplies or beginning and end date for services)

(amount transferred for work performed. List any fee paid for management or contract administration separately)

(Complete one entry for the chart above for each action completed or ongoing for the program. Remember to include program support contract actions as well as contractual actions that directly supported the mission.)
A2. Applicable Conditions      

(In the gray box, discuss the interrelationship between and amount the contractual actions in the contract history chart above and the contractual actions described in this AP.)

Section B. Technical Issues
B1. Capability or Performance      

(In the gray box describe the characteristics required to provide the supplies or services. Describe any special knowledge, experience required. How do these characteristics support the MNS and meeting DHS’s mission? Is CMM or other certification required?)
B2. Delivery or Performance-Period Requirements      

(In the gray box describe any urgency issues that are associated with the need to meet the program requirements. When does the contractor need to start and why? When does the contractor need to be finished and why? Did these limitations affect your acquisition strategy? If so, describe how.)
B2a. The Contract actions will begin      

(In the gray box, state the date projected for the award of each contract action described in the AP. If more than one action is included in the AP, list each action and start date separately.)
B2b. The maximum term of each action including all options will be      

(In the gray box, state the maximum amount of time including transition periods that each contract vehicle will last. If more than one action is included in the AP, list each action and term separately.)
B3a. The       will be procured using 

(In the gray box describe the supply or service to be acquired. Pick the business arrangement from the drop down box that will be used. If the contract action is not performance based, provide the rationale for not using performance based contracting?)
B3b. The Market Research to support the acquisition plan was performed by       (provide the name of person or people performing the research). The primary research mechanism was 

(Pick the primary tool used for market research and if other, describe research performed. Then summarize results of Market Research Report.)
B4. Test and Evaluation      

(In the gray box, describe the expected methods to be used by the government to measure the performance of the supplies or services provide. Describe who will perform the testing and how DHS will ensure performance is acceptable and meets DHS’ mission pursuant to the MNS?)
B4a. Development Testing      

(In the gray box, describe either how you tested the contractor’s work against the MNS/Acquisition Program Baseline or how you will test the contractor’s work against the MNS/Acquisition Program Baseline.. If you have a test report, include the title, number and date and summarize the results.)

B4b. Operational Assessment     

(In the gray box, describe operation assessments if they are planned or indicate that it is not applicable.)
B4c. Operational Testing      

(In the gray box, describe operation assessments if they are planned or indicate that it is not applicable.)
B4d. Acceptance Testing      

(In the gray box, describe how the supplies or services procured will be accepted by the government. Summarize the information that will be included in the resulting contracting vehicle and indicate who will perform the acceptance. Note that acceptance may be performed based on something other than formal testing.)
B5. Logistics Considerations      

(If any of the logistics for the program will be provided through a contracting vehicle, describe how the logistics matches the program needs. If there is a logistics plan, provide the title, number and date for the plan. Address each of the following areas that are applicable:)
B5a. Training
B5b. Installation
B5c. Maintenance and Repair
B5d. Upgrade or Modification
B5e. Data and Publications
B5f. Facilities and Connectivity

Section C. Business and Management Issues
C1. Cost, Budgeting and Funding
C1a. The Independent Government Estimate

Prior Year Obligated Amount

FY 1

FY 2

FY 3

FY 4

FY 5

Total Funding

Supply or Service 1

Quantity or PoP

Independent Government Estimate

(In the chart, provide the independent government estimate of the cost each acquisition by fiscal year and the associated quantity or period of performance. Then describe how the costs were estimated.)
C1b. Source of Funds

Prior Year Obligated Amount

FY 1

FY 2

FY 3

FY 4

FY 5

Total Funding

Funding Source 1

Amount Required

Amount Budgeted

(Under or Overage)

Funding Source 2

Amount Required

Amount Budgeted

(Under or Overage)

Total Funding

Amount Required

Amount Budgeted

(Under or Overage)

(In the table, describe each source of funds that will be used to fund the effort and if the amount currently budgeted and available. In the Under or Overage row provide the difference between the amount required and the amount budgeted for the effort. Note that the amount required should equal the independent cost. If the amount required does not equal the amount in the table, explain the difference in a note below the table.)
C2. Trade-offs and Risks
C2a. Trade-offs      

(In the gray box, describe the trade-offs considered when arriving at the information in paragraph B1 above and the independent cost estimate in paragraph C1. above. If there is insufficient funding to meet the independent government estimate, will the program consider reducing the capability as discussed in paragraph B1 above to meet the funding shown in the table in C1. above? If not, what will happen if there is insufficient funding to procure the capability needed?)
C2b. Risks

Risk Event

Risk Category

Risk Probability


Risk Management


(Identify the risk)

(Cost, Schedule, Performance, Political or Organizational)

(High, Medium or Low)

(What would happen and how sever would it be if the risk event occurred)

(Describe the mitigation strategy)

(Name and title of the person who is responsible for managing the risk)

(Complete the table for each known risk.)
C3. Acquisition Considerations
C3a. Acquisition Streamlining 

(Click and select all that apply if the services will be provided by a contractor if known).
C3b. Acquisition Considerations

Supply or Service

Type of Contracting Vehicle

Rationale for Use of Contracting Vehicle

(Summarize what will be acquired)

(Indicate whether a contract, IA, Task Order, Delivery Order, MIPR, GSA Order, BPA etc will be used)

(Summarized why this vehicle was chosen and what alternatives were considered and why the others were rejected.)

C3c. Sources      

(In the gray box, summarize the Market Research Report and list the prospective sources based on the market research performed. If not small business set aside in accordance with FAR 19.1, discuss why not.)
C3d. The actions listed in C3b will contain  will not contain  options in accordance with FAR 17.2.
C3e. The action(s) listed in C3b will  will not  be conducted as multi-year procurements in accordance with FAR 17.1.
C4. Contractor vs. Government Performance and Inherently Governmental Functions      

(In the gray box summarize the determination that the work described in the acquisition is not inherently governmental. Discuss whether the requirement is current met using government or contractor.)
C5. Contract Administration, Management Information Requirements and Technical Data
C5a. The Contracting Officer Technical Representative is      
C5b. The COTR will manage the technical aspects of the contracting vehicles by      

(Describe who will oversee the contractor’s performance, who will make judgment calls when the contractor has questions or could perform alternative tasks, who will manage .

C5c. Contract Administration The IA will include  will not include  Earned Value Management as an administration tool.      

(In the gray box, summarize the quality assurance surveillance plan and how that plan will be applied to in-house or reimbursable service performance. Describe how DHS’ interests will be protected and how DHS will receive any management or technical data required. List the Government’s EV team members and discuss how the government will analyze and use the earned value data to assess and monitor contract performance. Specifically discuss how financial and non-financial incentives and disincentives will be linked to the government’s analysis of the EV data.)
The solicitation  will include  will not include a pre award Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) (Discuss how the IBR will be used within the source selection, how the information will be evaluated and discuss how the schedule will accommodate the pre award IRB. If post award IBRs will be included, provide a summary of the initial timing of the IBRs, their location, the government representatives who participated and the type of specific information that will be reviewed by the government. A copy of the Source Selection plan must accompany the Acquisition Plan for review and approval of this source selection process).

C5d. Services will be accepted after successful completion of      . Invoices will be reviewed by the COTR to ensure that the Contractor has met all of the acceptance criteria prior to approval and payment of each invoice.
C6. Transition Planning      

(In the gray box discuss:

(1) Transition to a new service provider (as above), to include phase in requirements,

(2) Transition at the end of the acquisition to a follow on provider if applicable.)
C7. Government Furnished Information and Property      

(In the gray box, if applicable, describe whether the requesting or servicing agency will provide the property or information and to whom the property or information is returned to after completion of each contract action.)

Section D. Other Considerations
D1. Priorities, Allocations and Allotments Not Applicable.
D2. Make or Buy/Lease or Buy Not Applicable.
D3. Environmental Consideration and Energy Conservation.      

(In the gray box, list the environmental and energy conservation clauses that will be included in the resulting contract action.)
D4. Security Considerations
D4a. Does the acquisition involve access to classified information? ( Describe if and what kind of sensitive, operational, or critical infrastructure information be disclosed in this acquisition)
D4b. All  Some  None  of the employees performing the resulting work will be required to pass a background investigation  possess a secret level clearance  possess a top secret level clearance for at least some of the work to be performed.
D4c. The following clauses will be included in the resulting IA addressing security      
D4d. Non-US suppliers will  will not  be permitted to compete for this acquisition. (Describe if all work is required to be performed within the United States or its territories, how the program will protect sensitive information and facilities from non-US supplier access and if the contract requires each person participating in the contract to be a US citizen?)
D5. Other Issues
D5a. Standardization.      

(In the gray box discuss whether these are commercial services or unique to the government and whether for any follow on procurement the services will be standardized across DHS or purchased as commercial services.)
D5b. Strategic Sourcing.      

(In the gray box, discuss whether the commodity council has reviewed the acquisition and determined that it is a unique requirement that does not need to be consolidated with other DHS requirements for similar services.)
D5c. Open Systems.      

(If the acquisition is for software, describe whether the software resulting from each contractual action will be open system software and how the contract action will limit or prevent the procurement of proprietary software.)
D5d. Occupational Safety and Health Considerations.      

(In the gray box, discuss any applicable clauses or information that will be included in each contractual action.)
D5e. System Safety Program.      

(In the gray box, discuss any applicable clauses or information that will be included in in each contractual action.)
D5f. Fair Labor Standards. The Services Contract Act is  is not  applicable to this AP. If applicable, all required clauses and provisions will be included in the solicitation and resulting contractual instrument by the receiving agency.
Section E. Participants in AP Development




Telephone Number


Program Manager

Contracting Officer

Budget Officer


Small Business Specialist


Section F. Milestones for the Acquisition Cycle

(Provide the schedule through award of each contractual action and any planned modifications to or administration of each contractual action).


Date Completed or Due

Person Responsible

Program initiated

Program Manager

IPT formed

Program Manager

AP approved

(Acquisition specific events)

Source Selection Sensitive

See FAR 3.104


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