Insurance fund and insurance appropriation accounting reason for issue

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  1. 1. GENERAL

a. This section outlines the basic requirements with respect to the type of financial documents used most frequently by the Finance and Insurance Divisions for transactions affecting insurance funds and the insurance appropriation. So that the general ledger account entries normally coded on such documents may be processed by the MSA/GEAC system, input will have to be prepared for all transactions which are not processed automatically by the system.

b. A transaction type (TT) code has been assigned to all financial documents which are normally used as posting media to maintain the accounting system (MP-6, Part II, Supp. No. 3.2, Figure 106.F1). The TT code applicable to each document is shown by each document title, for example, TT 310.
    1. 2. SF 215, DEPOSIT TICKET (TT 310)

a. SF 215, Deposit Ticket, will be used for all insurance collections deposited with Federal Reserve banks and branches thereof, as well as, other Federal depositories.

b. SF 215 will be prepared and distributed in accordance with the instructions contained in MP-4, part I.
c. When copy 4 is received in the Accounting Section, it will be used as the media to process input to account for the collection by the MSA/GEAC system. SF 215's received in the Accounting Section for foreign collections will require additional input (TT 105) to update the International Transaction (Gold-Flow) master record.
    1. 3. VAF 29-328, UNDERWRITING WORKSHEET, (VARO&IC Philadelphia Only)

a. VAF 29-328, Underwriting Worksheet, is used to establish the amount of converted insurance (USGLI only) revived upon termination of a total and permanent disability insurance award; included thereon are the amounts of loan, loan interest, lien and lien interest revived when applicable. It is also used to notify Finance that payments of total and permanent disability which are currently being made will be discontinued and held in abeyance at the request of the insured.

b. Two copies of the VAF 29-328 will be received in the Accounting Section. One copy will be used to support the preparation of input to update the general ledger account master records and will be filed in the Accounting Section. The second copy will be forwarded to VARO&IC Philadelphia Actuarial Staff.
c. When VAF 29-328 referring to an abeyance case is received, the Accounting Section will prepare a memorandum identifying the case involved and forward to the Operations Section so that the award payment records may be adjusted.

a. VAF 29-368d will be generated by the ADP system for each policy in force at time of death and will contain identifying data by policy. When the "Settlement Information" is completed by the ADP system, the entries necessary to adjust the affected general ledger accounts and to establish liability for the amount to be paid will be processed automatically by the ADP system.

b. Whenever it is necessary to correct, provide supplemental information, or make off-tape payments, copy 3 of VAF 29-368d will be received in the Finance Division. The entries on this form will have to be analyzed to determine if any off-tape accounting must be accomplished or if input must be prepared to adjust the ADP award master records.

a. VAF 29-444 for all types of death insurance awards will be prepared by the Insurance Division to authorize payments in the Awards system. The amount paid on the basis of each VAF 29-444 processed for a particular day will be included on the system generated SF 1166 (ADP) for that day.

b. If for any reason payment must be made outside the ADP system, the payment will be vouchered on a manually prepared SF 1166.

a. VAF 29-462 for total disability and permanent disability awards will be prepared by the Insurance Division. Based upon the information as noted on the VAF 29-462, input cards will be prepared and payment will be made automatically through the ADP systems. The amount paid on the basis of each VAF 29-462 processed for a particular day will be included on the system generated SF 1166 (ADP) for that day.

b. Matured endowment awards will normally be processed for payment by the ADP system automatically. Four days before the policy maturity date, the computer automatically completes all of the accounting transactions and establishes a pending award's master record. Award input documents to effect payment will also be processed automatically at this time. VAF 29-462 for matured endowment awards will be prepared by the Insurance Division for those cases that the system cannot process automatically will be input by the Insurance Division via VICTARS (Veterans Insurance Claims Tracking and Response System) into the Awards system. The amount paid will be included on the system generated SF 1166 (ADP).
c. If for any reason payment of Disability Benefits or Matured Endowments must be made outside the ADP system, the payment will be vouchered on a manually prepared SF 1166.
    1. 7. OF 1017G, JOURNAL VOUCHER (TT 311, 331 & 352)

OF 1017G will be used for the following purposes:

a. To document general ledger transactions when the entries cannot be made from basic documents and for adjustment of previous ledger entries. The form will be prepared in an original only, numbered consecutively beginning with the number "1" each fiscal year. The form will be signed by the Chief of the Accounting Section. Each transaction will be adequately described and the form supported by working papers cross-referenced to documents or accounts when necessary for full clarification.
b. To document expenditure transfers or adjustments between appropriation, funds or receipt accounts which affect a single VA station. When OF 1017G is used to document such transactions, it will be treated in the same manner as SF 1081 for filing purposes. A complete description of the transaction will be made and the voucher will be clearly marked "EXPENDITURE TRANSFER" or "ADJUSTMENT" to indicate the nature of the document. The OF 1017G will not be submitted to the Treasury regional disbursing offices.

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