4MPEG-4 Part 21
National body comments on the MPEG-J GFX CD were reviewed. It was noted that there was overwhelming support to make the design generic which is applicable to different multimedia systems, renderers, and graphics formats. An output document with a study of disposition of comments was produced. The proposals in m12068 aiming to make the design even more generic was reviewed based on the feedback and changes to the MPEG-J GFX architecture were made keeping this spirit.
4.1.1Decision on FCD
Given the above changes in the architecture, it was decided to delay progressing to FCD for MPEG-4 Part 21 to the 73rd MPEG meeting in July. An interim AHG meeting is planned on May 25-26, 2005 in Tokyo to finalize all issues regarding the FCD. Instead a 2nd study of CD (N7173) will be issued.
4.2M12068 – A generic architecture for GFX media handling 4.2.1Outline of the proposal
The proposal is aimed to support the following usage scenario:
Application opens a content - e.g. terminal.open (http://server.com/content.mp4)
Application starts rendering loop - e.g. get screen area, init graphics hardware etc.
Application retrieves composition data from decoder - e.g. frame=decoder.getVideoFrame()
Application renders composition data - e.g. texture map video frame onto surfaces
Note: composition data may or may not be render-able data meaningful only for application’s logic and composition.
The salient features of the proposal are described below:
The multimedia system is viewed a black box with 4 components orchestrated by application (MPEGlet):
DataSource for protocol handling
Player for media handling
Control for processing handling
Renderer for presentation handling
Conceptually, not different from MPEG-4 or any other multimedia systems
Higher level API than MPEG-4 (OD/ESD)
Does not enforce a specific implementation of the multimedia system
Interfacing with MPEGlets
Like other resources, Players are created via the ResourceManager
URI locators are used :// (RFC 2396). URI are more generic OD access is possible using XMT-like URI: od://od_id [ @es_id ] Content descriptors follow MIME syntax (RFC 2045, 2046) - More generic and already available for MPEG types (RFC 3016, 3555, 3003, 3119, 3640). Much easier to interface with non-MPEG types Application-specific DataSources
An application can create its own protocol handler (i.e. DataSource)
In general, it’s a demux that output multiple streams
A player can be created from such a DataSource
Enable synchronization with other players
Enable apps to decode data frames (AU) themselves
Proposed design used in JMF, DVB-MHP, and Lightweight for mobile: MMAPI (JSR-135)
Use of MMAPI proposed:
Extend for elementary stream control and composition buffer access
Control for specific ES processing
CB access reusing GFX previous spec
Accessing composition data
ElementaryStream interface provides access to BufferInfo.
MMAPI design is sufficient. However, it is done for simple media playback
We need access to streams’ CB(Composition Buffer)
We need to attach a renderer to a player
MMAPI as the basis of the API design but, as shown, we recommend to define our own MPEG-J API
100% compatible with MMAPI spec
Use different MPEG specific interfaces/controls
Wraps MPEG-4 Systems (does NOT replace it)
API can also work with non-MPEG-4 systems
MIDP Record Management System is enough
Record = application-specific byte[]
Storage format is terminal vendor specific
In some cases, the store may need to be used on different terminals. A storage format may be defined.
MMAPI and RMS are already in millions of phones, APIs are ‘safe’
The Java classes comprising the application define its logic and media must be retrieved from elementary streams. MPEG-4 Systems Object Descriptor framework defines many possibilities to interact with the streams flowing into a terminal. However, from an application point of view, higher-level functionalities are preferable:
Connect to a media location using a protocol,
Control of the playback of a media (e.g. play, pause, stop a video stream and its associated audio),
Retrieve the output of a stream for composition on the terminal’s output,
Possibly, control the post-processing of a media
In this specification, such an abstraction is represented by the concepts of DataSource, Player, and Controls in Mobile Media API specification:
DataSource abstracts protocol handling,
Player abstracts content handling,
Control provides a way to interact with the Player’s processing.
Figure 1 provides a conceptual view of the interaction between DataSources, Players, Renderers, and MPEGlet. DataSources, Players, and streams may expose controls for the MPEGlet.
Figure 1 Conceptual view of the terminal from an application.
Elementary streams (ES) output composition buffers abstracted by a BufferInfo interface that enables access to a Buffer interface that wraps native composition data:
For a video decoder, the TexInfo interface extends BufferInfo and provides image specific information. Buffer may wrap a byte array of pixels or a video decoder buffer.
For an audio decoder, Buffer wraps PCM data that can be used by an audio mixing engine. An AudioInfo interface extending BufferInfo provides audio specific information.
For other decoders, specific BufferInfos may be defined.
An application communicates with the terminal resources via contexts. A context typically encapsulates the state management for a device. The application manager may run multiple applications at once, each with its own contexts but only one context can be active at a time for a device and, in general, a context is valid for one thread of execution.
In this specification, the following contexts are discussed (but not restricted to these contexts only):
Application context or MPEGletContext – enables the application (MPEGlet) to communicates with the application manager within the terminal.
Rendering contexts – to access graphic resources (e.g. OpenGL driver) and audio resources.
System contexts – to access stream information
ResourceManager is the central interface between the MPEGlet and the terminal’s resources. It enables creation of Players from DataSource and provides convenient methods for creating players from locators and input streams. It enables creation of Renderers, access to the RecordStore and to the system’s time base.
Figure 2 – ResourceManager and its factory methods.
This interface defines the following methods:
Player createPlayer(String locator) creates a Player from a locator, which takes the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier i.e. a string of the form :// for example: http://server.com/movie.mp4. To access a media from an object descriptor, the syntax “od://” is used with replaced by the appropriate object descriptor identifier.
Player createPlayer(DataSource source) creates a Player for a DataSource.
Player createPlayer(InputStream stream, String content_type) creates a Player to playback a media from an InputStream.
String[] getSupportedProtocols(String content_type) returns the list of protocols supported for a content type.
String[] getSupportedContentTypes(String protocol) returns the list of supported content types for the given protocol.
TimeBase getSystemTimeBase() returns the system time-base, which is a continuously ticking source of time in the system.
RecordStore getRecordStore() returns RecordStore object.
Renderer createRenderer(String name) creates a Renderer given its fully qualified class name.
The media API is modelled after JSR-135 Mobile Media API (MMAPI). Within the context of MPEG-4 terminals, the MMAPI encapsulates MPEG-4 Systems objects and provides high-level controls to interact with such objects. Since MMAPI has been designed with mobile phones specific features, this specification proposes the following features to be optional or not supported:
Movie/audio capture is optional
MIDI and tone support are optional
GUIControl and its derivative VideoControl are not supported because they conflict with usage of Renderers
MMAPI’s Manager factory class is not supported and its methods are instead moved to ResourceManager
In addition, MMAPI has been enhanced with the following features:
Elementary stream composition buffer access
Renderer control
Figure 3 depicts the API with the above features.
Controls defined in JSR-135 are reused except those for video rendering that have been replaced by GFX RendererControl to attach a player to a renderer and StreamControl for accessing elementary streams output.
Figure 3 – Predefined controls
Figure 4 – Elementary stream information access
Persistent storage (record store)
ResourceManager provides access to the RecordStore object (see section 20), which implements a generic persistent storage mechanism. A generic persistent storage mechanism is necessary for the applications targeted by this specification, for example to save applications’ state, game score, and so on.
The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) provides the Record Management System (RMS) in the javax.microedition.rms package. A record store consists of a collection of records that will remain persistent across multiple invocations of the MPEGlet. RMS records consist of byte arrays.
An application can store any kind of information including elementary streams of a given content. Stored contents can be played back from the store by creating a Player from an InputStream encapsulating a stored content
It was pointed out that it was desirable to be compatible with JSR 234 by having separate Location and Orientation controls for audio. JSR-234 has a GetSpectator in Global Manager to specify the position of the listener. It would also be desirable to extend 3d audio use by for example having acoustic properties in the 3d objects’ materials. It was decided that either the raw decoded audio should be made available or a mechanism has to be defined to specify the objects and materials for the audio processor
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