Intertesting facts about the people behind twin peaks

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Compiled by Bruce Yarbor

From the TWIN PEAKS trading cards and other sources

'Laura Palmer's death is FBI case #11219

When Agent Cooper lay bleeding and thought he may die, these are the thought she dictated to Diana. He said he thought of things like these at "times like this": 1. He wished he treated people with more care and respect. 2.He would like to sit on a tall hill, in the cool grass, with the sun in his face. 3.He wished he would have been able to crack the Lindbergh kidnapping case. 4. He would love to make love to a beautiful woman that he cared for. 5. And of course, he wanted to visit


BORN: Missoula, Montana




ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Eagle Scout, Collaboration with Angelo Badalamenti included the TWINS PEAKS SOUNDTRACK and Julee Cruise’s FLOATING INTO THE NIGHT. Directed the film INDUSTRIAL SYMPHONY NO. 1, which had Julee Cruise in it.




BIRTHDAY: 11-25-53

SIGN: Sagittarius

LIKES: Baseball

EDUCATION: Carnegie Mellon University

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A playwright, actor, director, screenwriter, and producer. Can hit to the opposite field (in baseball). Writer for three years on HILL STREET BLUES and won a Writer's Guild Award for it. Wrote GOOD MORNING CHICAGO, the sequel to GOOD MORNING VIETNAM, wrote and associate-produced THE BELIEVERS, directed STORYVILLE.

STRENGTHS: Bats right, and throws right. Coached the Twin Peaks Softball team to 24-14 record in 1989-90.



BIRTHDAY: 3-22-37

SIGN: Aires

LIKES: Turkey club sandwiches and golf

EDUCATION: Eastman School of Music in NY, Manhattan School of Music.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Hold's master's degrees in composition, French horn, and piano. Has won eight ASCAP awards, has been recorded and released internationally by many artists including: Julee Cruise, George Benson, and Patti Austin. Written musical scores for 12 films including: BLUE VELVET, WILD AT HEART, CUSINS, TOUGH GUYS DON'T DANCE, NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CHRISTMAS VACATION, WAIT UNTIL SPRING DANDINI, and THE COMFORT OF STRANGERS. Collaboration with David Lynch included the TWINS PEAKS SOUNDTRACK and Julee Cruise’s FLOATING INTO THE NIGHT.




NICKNAME: "Tree Frog"

BIRTHDAY: 4-7-68

SIGN: Aries

BORN: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

LIKES: Coffee (hot, heavy cream, heavy sugar), artichokes (melted butter is a must!), a good story at a good diner over good coffee, a good idea and a whole day to think about it.

EDUCATION: Interlochen Arts Academy in Mich., Class of 1986

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Girl Scout, by writing THE SECRET DIARY OF LAURA PALMER, has become the unofficial spokesperson for Laura Palmer. Finished a screenplay at 19 years old and is set to direct it at 22. Rarely loses at Monopoly!

STRENGTHS: Damn good at keeping secrets.



BIRTHDAY: 12-1-56

SIGN: Sagittarius

LIKES: To cook

EDUCATION: Drake University

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Performed in many theatrical productions, been on TV in TWIN PEAKS, ALICE IN WONDERLAND, PUSS IN BOOTS, WIND IN THE WILLOWS, and SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. Recently completed her first film INDUSTRIAL SYMPHONY NO. 1, which was directed by David Lynch. Album FLOATING INTO THE NIGHT is produced by David Lynch and was written my David Lynch and Angelo Badalamenti, the single from it, FALLING, can also be found on the TWIN PEAKS SOUNDTRACK album, along with her song THE NIGHTINGGALE, which she preformed in the Roadhouse in Twin Peaks.

STRENGTHS: Sense of humor




BIRTHDAY: 4/19/54

SIGN: Aries

LIKES: Any Jelly donuts and a good cup of coffee

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Became an Eagle Scout as a teenager with a perfect 100 on the marksmanship test.

STRENGTHS: Acutely aware of the human mind. If he hadn't joined the FBI, he may have been a magician because the sense of magic and mystery fascinates him.

WEAKNESSES: Once allowed the execution of his professional responsibilities to be compromised by his personal feeling for a very gentle and beautiful woman.

MISC: Cooper carries a pocket-sized tape recorder now because at a kid he was forced to carry a heavy, two-reel tape recorder on his back.


BIRTHDAY: 5/13/50

SIGN: Taurus

LIKES: Cowboy hats and Japanese food

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School; Washington State College

WEAKNESSES: Gets lonely. Doesn't feel like he can always live up to the admiration that the townspeople give him, he doesn't always have the answers and solutions.

MISC: Harry has been sheriff for 6 years. He moved up the ranks from Assistant Sheriff after a lifelong ambition to become the chief law officer in his hometown. Because he knows all about the townspeople’s interest and lifestyles, he is better at his job than an outsider would be. The Sheriff’s Station is located in the center of TWIN PEAKS on Highway 21, which is the main street. Two blocks down the street is the Wagon Wheel Bakery.


BIRTHDAY: 2/27/60

SIGN: Pisces

LIKES Lucy Moran

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Saved Cooper's life once

STRENGTHS: Has a big heart, but it breaks when he sees something bad.

WEAKNESSES: Clumsy and cries too much



BIRTHDAY: 5/27/62

SIGN: Gemini

LIKES: To please others

EDUCATION: Tacoma High School; Mrs. Smith's School Of Secretarial Science.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Employee of the year in 1988

STRENGTHS: Caring and sensitive, has good communications skills, and is dedicated to Sheriff Truman.W

EAKNESSES: Doesn't know when to say no



BIRTHDAY: 9/16/50
SIGN: Virgo

LIKES: Native American art and crafts like Jewelry

EDUCATION: Zuni Reservation High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Has won the one-armed ax throw at the Packard Timer Games for the last 5 years straight.

STRENGTHS: Is able to speak the truth into the wind.

WEAKNESSES: Is intolerant of those who would rape and destroy the beauty of the earth.


NICKNAME: "Blue Eyes"

BIRTHDAY: 7/22/72

SIGN: Cancer

LIKES: Potato pancakes with creamed corn topping

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Won the Blue Ribbon at the National Riding and Jumping Derby, and was crowned Twin Peaks High School Prom Queen, started the local Meals-On-Wheels.

STRENGTHS: Loves to try new things

WEAKNESSES: Was so afraid of BOB

BIRTHDAY: 1/1/73

SIGN: Capricorn

LIKES: Harley Davison Motorcycles

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Had to raise himself and did a good job considering

STRENGTHS: A quiet inner strength and prefers to be alone

WEAKNESSES: Doesn't trust anyone but most people trust him



BIRTHDAY: 1/30/34

SIGN: Aquarius

LIKES: Bright colors and Hawaiian shirts, anything Hawaiian

EDUCATION: Punahou School in Hawaii, University of Hawaii Medical School.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Place third in interscholastic surfing competition in his senior year in high school, his research on "tropical disorders" is still the basis for treatment techniques of that mental ailment.

STRENGTHS: Sees the world through rose-and aqua-colored glassed, thereby balancing the right and left side of his brain.

WEAKNESSES: Inability to conform to any reality



BIRTHDAY: 5/25/29

SIGN: Gemini

LIKES: V-neck sweaters and occasional day off

EDUCATION: University of Washington; University of Washington Medical School.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Former president of the Northwest Chapter of the American Medical Association, served on the national committee of the AMA for the study of euthanasia.

STRENGTHS: A caring bedside manner and commitment to the practice of family medicine.

WEAKNESSES: Doesn't devote enough time to his family


BIRTHDAY: 9/2/72

SIGN: Virgo

LIKES: James Hurley

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Honor roll all 4 years of high school, voted "most likely to succeed" in her senior class.

STRENGTHS: Careful, even though she's adventurous

WEAKNESSES: Her undying friendship with Laura


BIRTHDAY: 1/10/83

SIGN: Capricorn

­LIKES: Chicken and magic tricks

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks Elementary School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: One of the youngest Master Magicians who can make himself disappear.

STRENGTHS: Good at slight-of-hand magic tricks

WEAKNESSES: He dislikes creamed corn



BIRTHDAY: 6/22/68

SIGN: Cancer

LIKES: Chocolate malted with whipped cream on top

EDUCATION: Missoula High School in Montana

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Values her independence, has job and own apartment

STRENGTHS: Very close to Laura Palmer and her parents

WEAKNESSES: People often think she is Laura Palmer


BIRTHDAY: 6/28/34

SIGN: Cancer

LIKES: Fishing and a good game of chess

EDUCATION: Missoula High School in Montana

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Perennial winner of the annual Twin Peaks Chess Tournament, caught an area record 364 lb Sturgeon at Black Lake last year that was 10'9" long.

STRENGTHS: Can bait a hook in the dark

WEAKNESSES: He loves Catherine Martell


BIRTHDAY: 11/20/40

SIGN: Scorpio

LIKES: Family traditions

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Has a strong sense of civic, served on the Twin Peaks Town Council for 13 years, was president of the United Way for two terms, plans to be chief operating officer of the upcoming Ghostwood Country Club and Estates, always wins "Best Costume" at Halloween parties.

STRENGTHS: Speaks fluent Japanese and French

WEAKNESSES: Spiteful when she doesn't get her own way


BIRTHDAY: 9/2/62
SIGN: Virgo

LIKES: Frequent shopping trips to Seattle

EDUCATION: Fujimoto High School in Japan

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: The youngest female corporate executive/owner in the multimillion-dollar timber industry when she inherited Packard Mill.

STRENGTHS: Extremely self-motivated and has developed a survival mentality from numerous male mentors.

WEAKNESSES: She has bad luck with men


BIRTHDAY: 9/30/50

SIGN: Libra

LIKES: Big Ed Hurley

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School; Twin Peaks Community College

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Former Miss Twin Peaks 1969, Twin Peaks Chamber of Commerce Small Business Owner Of The Year 1987.

STRENGTHS: Makes a great cup of coffee, always looking for new recipes to improve her diner.

WEAKNESSES: Makes a poor choices in men, can't get along with her mother.



BIRTHDAY: 5/30/72

SIGN: Gemini

LIKES: TV, but mostly soaps

EDUCATION: 2 years only at Twin Peaks High School, didn't graduate

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Is a hard worker, thinks she hasn't accomplished anything in life yet but wants to become manager at the RR Diner.

STRENGTHS: Is very tolerant and accepting of others

WEAKNESSES: Missed part of life by not staying in school and by marrying too young.


BIRTHDAY: 4/25/68

SIGN: Taurus

LIKES: Money, ice cream, and birthday cake

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School; MTA Truck Drivers School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Bought his own 16-wheel truck by the time he is 20 years old by working hard at paper route and other jobs, was a hall monitor in high school.

STRENGTHS: A hard worker and therefore a good provider for his family.

WEAKNESSES: A bad judge of character, has a bad temper


NICKNAME: "Briggsie"

BIRTHDAY: 12/10/72

SIGN: Sagittarius

LIKES: Football

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Starting quarterback on the Twin Peaks High School football team and team captain his senior year, hold the record for most pass completions in the schools history with 150, voted "Most Handsome" male in his senior year.

STRENGTHS: A strong passing arm, leadership abilities, very successful with women, Shelley adores him.

WEAKNESSES: Prefers short cuts to success, doesn't study much and hates going to class.



BIRTHDAY: 10/26/50

SIGN: Scorpio

LIKES: The purr of a well-tuned engine, Norma Jennings' coffee

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Wide receiver on the famous 1968 State Champions Twin Peaks High School football team.

STRENGTHS: Knows American made car engines like back of hand

WEAKNESSES: Can't make big decisions in his personal life, a bad shot.


BIRTHDAY: 1/25/50

SIGN: Aquarius

LIKES: Chocolate shakes

EDUCATION: 3 years only at Twin Peaks High School, didn't graduated

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Only person to be a Twin Peaks High School cheerleader in two different non-consecutive decades (1966 and 1989), invented the silent drape runner.

STRENGTHS: Has been known to bend steel with her bare hands

WEAKNESSES: Has 20-0 vision, has a strong jealous streak


REAL NAME: Margaret Lanterman


SIGN: Libra

LIKES: Fresh Bear Claws and broccoli, reading historical novels, and taking long walks in the woods.

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School; Evergreen State University in Washington.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Instrumental in teaching fire prevention in Twin Peaks, taught ballroom dancing, visits the sick and the unhappy, a former candy striper, is a nature docent with the Twin Peaks Wilderness Society.

STRENGTHS: Her forearms

WEAKNESSES: Rugged, good-looking men, and saplings.



BIRTHDAY: 8/4/40


LIKES: Cuban cigars

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School; Stanford University

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: President of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Stanford, served on the Governor's special Advisory Board for Trade and Development, doubled annual earnings of family business in four short years.

STRENGTHS: Has a nose for business transactions, persuasive powers to close deals.



NICKNAME: "Princess"

BIRTHDAY: 8/15/72


LIKES: Saddle shoes, wool sweaters, and skirts

EDUCATION: Twin Peaks High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: President of the Twin Peaks High School French Club, voted "Best Dressed" in her senior class.

STRENGTHS: Inquisitive, adventurous, lots of personal charm, can perform a neat little trick with a cherry stem that makes her desirable and mysterious.

WEAKNESSES: Spoiled rotten, moody, and naïve



BIRTHDAY: 12/4/45

SIGN: Sagittarius

LIKES: Brie and good French bread

EDUCATION: Gonzaga University in Washington, Gonzaga University Law School.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Finished college on a five-year plan as an academic red-shirt, finished law school in three years, took three tries to pass the state bar exam.

STRENGTHS: Gets along great with foreigners

WEAKNESSES: Feels he is always in the shadows of his brother Ben Horne, and he is.



BIRTHDAY: 3-23-60
SIGN: Aries

LIKES: Ascots and English Tea

EDUCATION: Eton College (the best, of course), England

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: He brings the latest European vogues to the otherwise drab and dull northwest fashion scene of Twin Peaks, since he is the head buyer of Men's Fashions at Horne's Department Store.

STRENGTHS: An impeccable dresser, superb dancer, a qualified clothier, and a smoker.

WEAKNESSES: He finds it hard to express negative thoughts about oneself.


BIRTHDAY: 4-1-40

SIGN: Aries

LIKES: Caviar, champagne, and fancy women

­EDUCATION: Quebec Reform School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Shrewd business dealings have made him a very wealthy man with many important connections.

STRENGTHS: Smart instincts and quick reflexes have served him well.

WEAKNESSES: Not a particularly caring or sensitive guy who tends to discard friends quickly.



SIGN: Unknown

LIKES: Unknown

EDUCATION: White Lodge

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Befriended Cooper and gave him the clues to find Laura's killer, also returned his ring.

STRENGTHS: Came from the place where the spirits that rule man and nature reside, is a messenger of truth.

WEAKNESSES: Can only be seen by those who believe.


A.K.A.: Mike

A.K.A.: The One-Armed Man

BIRTHDAY: 2-6-38

SIGN: Aquarius

LIKES: Shoes

EDUCATION: Spokane Voc-Tec High School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: He lived to tell about BOB!

STRENGTHS: Can tolerate BOB.

WEAKNESSES: Without his drugs, he is BOB's familiar.


A.K.A.: Killer BOB

A.K.A.: Leland Palmer

BIRTHDAY: From the beginning of time

LIKES: Nothing!

EDUCATION: No formal education

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Has survived as long as man has been on earth.

STRENGTHS: Can inhabit human souls and through them, act out evil, and thinks punishment is the only acceptable form of retribution.

WEAKNESSES: Cannot possess everyone.



BIRTHDAY: 2-26-44

SIGN: Pisces

LIKES: Forties and fifties music

EDUCATION: University of Washington, U. of Washington Law School

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: As a third year law student was elected editor of the U. OF WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW, won all of that school's prestigious Moot Court Competitions as well as awards for "Best Brief" and "Best Oral Argument." Today has successful law practice that specializes in corporate and securities law.

STRENGTHS: Able to handle complicated international business deals. Love to dance and sing, with a better-than-adequate tenor voice. And is a scratch golfer.




BIRTHDAY: 3-3-46

SIGN: Pisces

LIKES: A cigarette and a good glass of Chablis

EDUCATION: Missoula High School, University of Montana

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: President of the local bridge club until Laura's murder.

STRENGTHS: A strong-willed woman who has a great deal of tolerance for pain and anguish. Has a sixth sense.

WEAKNESSES: Does not see the evil in the world until it is too late. Should have more open communication with family. Too dependent on sedatives.


BIRTHDAY: 9-13-56

SIGN: Virgo

LIKES: French cuisine and big cities

EDUCATION: Yale University, FBI Academy

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Graduated first in my class at Yale, has advance training in chemistry and forensic studies at the FBI Academy.

STRENGTHS: Analytical skills in forensic science as it translates human behavior.

WEAKNESSES: Doesn't possess strong people skills, and has a disdain for small-town mentalities.



BIRTHDAY: 1-3-38

SIGN: Capricorn

LIKES: Fly-fishing

EDUCATION: Boys High School in NYC, Virginia Military Institute

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Flew a twin-engine plane solo at the age of 8.

STRENGTHS: Good at keeping secrets, speed-reading, and birthday surprises.

WEAKNESSES: Didn't listen to my own intelligence that said the owls are not what they seem.

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