Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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Declare which of your units are attacking (= assaulting).

Units attack into the enemy front directly across from them.

Defending enemy units get to attack first, then attacking units.

Roll XD6 (Fire Roll) for each unit.

X = the Strength of the Unit minus the number of casualty markers on it.

Roll Result

1-3 Nothing

4-5 One Random Enemy Unit gets a Pinned Marker

6 + One Random Enemy Unit gets a Casualty Marker

Some Tactics Cards increase/decrease the number of Fire Rolls made.

A Pinned unit cannot make Fire rolls.

A unit with casualty markers equal to its Strength is destroyed (remove from play).


Each unit with Pinned Markers on it may roll 1D6 (Rally Roll)

Roll Result:

1-4 Nothing

5-6 Remove one Pinned Marker

If a unit has more Casualty & Pinned Markers on it than its

base Strength it routs (remove the unit from play).

A Leader unit (HQ) that has not moved or attacked this turn may attempt

to rally a target pinned unit. (Make a Rally Roll +2)

Leader units get +2 to Rally themselves.


Armored units get to make an armor save when they are hit.

Roll 1D6 (Armor Roll):

Roll Result:

1-5 Nothing

6 Ignore a Pinned Result/Treat a Kill Result as a Pinned Result

Units with heavier armor get a bonus to this roll.

Note: Tanks are immune to damage caused by snipers.


If your opponent has no units left on a Front, your units on that front may

attack into an adjacent Front with a +1 on all Fire & Supression rolls.


U = Units (Squads & Vehicles)

UI = Infantry Squad

S = Support (Attacks by Artillery & Airplanes)

STR = Strength

# = Copies of that card in the deck

Assault = The unit gets +1 to Fire Rolls when Attacking (Assaulting)

Defense = The unit gets an extra 2 Fire Rolls when Defending

Anti-Tank = Any damage done by this unit is randomly distributed to Vehicles or

artillery units first.

Medium Tank = (Armor(Roll +2)+ Suppression + Anti-Tank + Assault)

AT Gun = (Suppression + Anti-Tank + Defense + unit cannot Assault)


Card Name Type STR # Notes

Company HQ U 1 1 Leader

Platoon HQ U 1 3 Leader

Rifle Squad UI 2 3

Replacement Squad UI 2 2 Morale Rolls at -1

Heavy Rifle Squad UI 3 1

Engineering Squad UI 2 1 Assault

Half Squad U 1 2

Recon Team U 1 2 Recon

Browning 30 Calibre MG U 1 1 Defense

Browning 50 Calibre MG U 1 1 Defense & Suppression

60mm Mortar U 1 1 Suppression

81mm Mortar U 1 1 Suppression(Roll +1)

M1A1 Bazooka Team U 1 1 Anti-Tank

M4A1 Sherman Tank U 1 1 Medium Tank

M8 Armored Car U 1 1 Recon(Roll +1) & Armor


Card Name Type STR # Notes

Company Leader U 1 1 Leader

Platoon Leader U 1 3 Leader

Jagergruppe Infantry Squad UI 2 2

Stosstrup Heavy Squad UI 3 1

Pioniere Engineering Squad UI 2 1 Assault

Half Squad UI 1 1

Recon Team U 1 2 Recon

Light MG 34 U 1 1 Defense

Heavy MG 42 U 1 1 Defense & Suppression

80cm Mortar U 1 1 Suppression (Roll +1)

Pazerschreck Team U 1 1 Anti-Tank

Panzer IV G Tank U 1 1 Medium Tank

Scharfschutze Sniper U 1 1 Suppression

7.5cm PaK 40 AT Gun U 1 1 AT Gun

Half Track U 1 1 Armor & Suppression


Card Name # Notes:

Smoke 2 Negate Suppression Roll

Hedgerows 1 Fire rolls vs all Defenders at Front at -1

Open Field 1 Defenders get +1 to Fire Rolls

Tree Line 1 Negate target Fire roll vs Defender

Daylight Push 1 Defenders at front get +1 to Fire Rolls

Woods 1 Fire rolls vs all Defenders at Front at -1

Howitzer Battery 2 4 Suppression Rolls

Artillery Barrage 2 4 Suppression Rolls

Dive Bomber 1 3 Suppression Rolls

Strafing Run 1 3 Suppression Rolls

Air Support 1 3 Suppression Rolls

Air Superiority 1 3 Suppression Rolls (Americans Only)

Radio 1 Draw an extra Squad card in Deploy Phase

Flame Thrower 1 Engineering Squad gets +2 Fire Rolls this turn

Commando Raid 1 Recon Squad gets +2 Fire Rolls this turn

Satchel Charge 1 Unit gets +1 Fire Roll

Enfilade 1 All your units on a Front get +1 to Fire Rolls

Grenades 1 Infantry Unit gets +1 Fire Roll

Entrenched 1 Fire Rolls vs Defender at -1

Veteran Unit 1 Target unit can Move & Assault this turn

Green Unit 1 Target unit can do nothing this turn

Shaken 1 Negate Morale Roll

Professionalism 1 Make an extra Morale Roll (German only)

Out of Ammo 1 Target unit can make no suppression Fire for rest of game

Breakdown 1 Target Vehicle cannot Move or Assault for rest of game

Reserves 1 Draw an extra Squad card in Deploy Phase

Reinforcements 1 Draw an extra Squad card in Deploy Phase (Americans Only)

Mine field 1 4 Fire Rolls vs Assaulting Units

Forward Observer 1 All suppression rolls vs the target front this turn are +1

Crossfire 1 All your units on a Front get +1 to Fire Rolls

Seasoned Commander 1 Draw 2 Tactics cards

Rifle Grenades 1 Infantry squad gets 1 Suppression Roll

Machine Guns 1 German Infantry squad gets 1 Suppression Roll

Panzerfausts 1 German non-tank unit gets Anti-Tank ability this turn

Air Reconnaissance 1 Same as successful Recon Mission

Opportunity Fire 1 Defender gets +1 Fire Roll

Unit Separated 1 Put Pinned marker on Non-HQ unit

Fog of War 1 Target Front cannot be attacked this turn

Take Cover 1 Negate Suppression Roll

Awaiting Orders 1 Target Unit cannot assault

Formation Disorder 1 Target Front cannot be assaulted this turn

Surprise Contact 1 Defense&Assault Fire Rolls are simultaneous on target front

Ambush 1 Defenders at front get +1 to Fire Rolls

Overrun 1 Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1

Surrounded 1 Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1

Breakthrough 1 Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1

Blitzkrieg 1 Fire rolls by all German assaulting units at Front at +1

Concentrate Force 1 Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1

Trapped 1 Fire rolls by all assaulting units at Front at +1

Hilltop Vantage 1 Defenders at front get +1 to Fire Rolls

Camouflage 1 Negate Suppression Roll

Mud 1 Negate target Move

Roads 1 Target Unit can Move & Attack this turn

Buildings 1 Negate target Fire roll vs Defender

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