Introduction to Warpspawn Games

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1D6 Power: Effect:

1 Teleport Move self anywhere on the map 1D3 times per battle

2 Slow Time Get double Action Points for 1D6 turns. Once per battle

3 Psionic Blast Range = 18’. Damage +1. Ignore Armor. 1D3 times per battle

4 Telepathy Initiative +1D6 and Detect +1D6. Once every 1D3 turns

5 Precognition Initiative +1D6 and Detect +1D6. Once every 1D3 turns

6 Fear Projection Opponent unit in LOS routs for 1D3 turns. 1D6 times per battle


Evolved Neohumans- Have 1D3 rolls on the skill table. Highly intelligent.

Replace physical skills with mental ones. Pacifistic.

Transhuman Supersoldiers- Have 1D3 rolls on the skill table. Highly aggressive.

No Psionics. Superiority complex.

Bioconstructs- Have 1D6 rolls on the skill table. Huge. No Psionics.

Also called Anthro-synthetics.

Bioroids- Have 1D6 rolls on the skill table. Can pass for human.

Short lifespans. Also called replicants.

Replace mental skills with physical ones. Natural Armor +1D6

Clones- Same as Humans. Often have identity issues.

Mutants- Have 1D6 positive rolls and 1D6 negative rolls on the skill table.

Usually Disfigured. Also called Distorts.

Androids- Have 2D6 rolls on the skill table. No Psionics. Very Expensive.

Can pass for Human.

Robots- Have 2D6 rolls on the basic suit system table.

Heavy Worlders- Carry +1, HTH Damage +1, Move -1. Very Short.

Spacers- Accuracy +1, Carry -1, HTH Damage -1.

Tall. Live in low gravity environments.

Cyborgs- Have 1D6 rolls on the basic suit system table.

Also called Dead-Walkers.


1 Colonial Federation

2 Terran Empire

3 Andromeda Alliance

4 Corporate Mercenaries

5 Fringeworld Pirates

6 Templars of the Church of Mankind

7 Independent Warlords

8 Rebel Worlds

9 Planetary Defense Forces

10 NeoHuman Rebellion


Space Dwarves- Carry +1, HTH Damage +1, Move -1, Armor +1, Dodge -1.

Space Elves- Carry -1, HTH Damage -1, Move +1, Dodge +1.

Space Orcs- Carry +1, HTH Damage +1, Initiative -1


Breeders- HTH to hit +3, HTH Damage +4, Move +5, Dodge +2, Armor +4

Cunning, Animalistic, Do not use technology.

Tyrants- HTH Damage +3, Move +2. 4 arms: 2 attacks per turn.

Large. Intelligent. Agressive. Biological based technology.


Hover Cycle- Rider unprotected. 50% of attacks will hit rider. Move = 25.

Ground Bike- Rider unprotected. 50% of attacks will hit rider. Move = 15.

Hover Pod- 1 Rider, 1 Passenger. Unprotected. Move = 20. Mounts 1 Heavy weapon.

Trike- 1 Rider, 1 Passenger. Unprotected. Move = 20. Mounts 1 Heavy weapon.

LAV- Crew of 2. Light Armor. 2 Heavy weapons. Move = 12

APC- Driver & 7 Passengers. Medium Armor. Turret with 2 Dual Heavy weapons. Move = 10.

Raider- Crew of 2. Move = 10. 5 Heavy weapons

Medium Tank- Crew of 3. Move = 10. Medium Armor. 3 Heavy weapons & 1 Large weapon.

Main Battle Tank- Crew of 4. Move = 8. Heavy Armor. 4 Heavy weapons & 2 Large weapons.

Battle Walker- 2 Heavy weapons. 1 Pilot. Move = 12. Armor +9. 5 Rolls on Suit Table.

Crawler- Remote Control. Move = 5. Light Armor. 1 Large weapon.


1D6 Weapon Acuracy Damage Range AOA ROF Ammo

1 Missile Racks - * 240 * 1 5

2 Magnetic Autocannon - * 120 * 2 4

3 Particle Accelerator - +7 160 2 2 3

4 Plasma Projector - +10 40 3 1 4

5 High Energy Laser - +5 200 1 2 3

6 Gaussian Field Emitter - * 60 5 1 4

Large weapons are not portable.

They are mounted on vehicles or are considered to be artillery.

Large Weapons that miss will deviate in a random direction (1D12 o’clock) for

a distance of 1D12 Inches.


1D2 Weapon Damage AOA

1 Plasma +6 7

2 Armor Piercing +15 1


1D2 Weapon Damage AOA

1 Armor Piercing +12 1

2 High explosive +5 4


1D6 Type Attacks AOA Pattern Acuracy Damage

1 Smart Bomb 1 5 - +3 +15

2 Precison Strike 2 6 5 +2 +12

3 Barrage 3 8 20 -- +10

4 Strafe 4 4 10 +1 +8

5 Saturation 5 7 5 -1 +6

6 Tac Nuke 1 10/15/20 - -- +50/10/5

These attacks can target any part of the map.

These attacks represent artillery, air strikes, cruise missiles, and orbital strikes.

Pattern- Targeted attacks must be within this distance of each other.

Strafe- The pattern is a line of attack.

It costs a unit one AP to call in a off map strike.

The strike arrives 1D6 turns after being called in.


8 Man Colonial Federation Drop Troop.

All units have Laser pistols and 4 Blast Grenades.


Heroic Skills- Natural Leader

Weapon – Bolter Pistol & Chain Sword. Ammo: AP

Armor Systems- High Density Armor, Command Module, Engineering Module,

Battle Computer, Sensor Suite


Weapon - Gauss Rifle

Armor Systems- Medtech Kit, Stealth Package, Engineering Module,

Scientific Sampler, Sensor Suite


Weapon - Blaster Rifle

Armor Systems- Power Amplifier, Reflex Augmentation x2, Jet Pack, Battle Computer


Weapon - Plasma Rifle

Armor Systems- Built in Grenade Launcher, Force Field, High Density Armor,

Stim Injector, Advanced Exoskeleton


Weapon - Bolter Squad Gun. Ammo: Tracer

Armor Systems- High Density Armor x3, Sensor Suite, Targeting Computer


Weapon - Laser Sniper Rifle

Armor Systems- Stealth Package, Targeting Computer x2, Reflex Augmentation, Sensor Suite

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