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Course Selection Guide

NIHF STEM High School


Howard, Christine

Akron Public Schools



This catalog has been prepared for the students, coaches, and parents/guardians of the National Inventors Hall of Fame (NIHF) Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) High School. It should be a valuable aid to the students in their course selections. Students, with the help of their coaches, should analyze their abilities, needs and interests and let that knowledge guide them in their course selections.


Introduction and School Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

District Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 3-4

Graduation Requirements and Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Mastery and Credit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Expected Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Elective Choices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Scientific inquiry and technological design are the cornerstones of instruction for our school. Our learning environments focus on personalized learning and facilitating the development collaboration and communication skills while incorporating engineering, global awareness/competition/finance, music, art, humanities and other content areas. Learning Coaches act as advisors where they work with groups of learners to set goals and identify rigorous coursework to meet those goals. Technology is leveraged to facilitate and achieve academic excellence, creative instruction and 21st Century leaning environments.


In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo, we believe in thinking, teaching and responding differently. The way we challenge the status quo is to provide authentic, innovative and rigorous learning experiences that inspire creativity, foster inventive/critical thinking, and cultivate leadership and problem solving skills, in such a way as to promote wellness and citizenship though science, technology, engineering and mathematics.




  1. All learners can learn – BECAUSE OF WHAT WE DO

  2. Effective schools have systems in place to sustain the vision mission, beliefs and values.

  3. Ongoing sustained professional development for all members of the school community is critical to the success of this school.

  4. Success of this school requires visionary people who are devoted to the mission of providing the highest quality educational experiences for learners, which ensures creativity and inventive thinking.

  5. Coaches who teach in this school should be suited to the philosophy and belief structure of the school and should be selected on this basis.

  6. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics drive the curriculum in this school and will lead the learners toward success in the 21st century.

  7. This curriculum is taught in and enriched learning environment through authentic experiences.

  8. The health, safety and trust are articulated and valued by all members of the school community.

  9. Learner-centered approaches to learning are fundamental to effective education.

  10. Life-long learning and family, community and school partners together contribute to the learning experiences of the learner.








  1. Innovation – Creation rising from thought, study, and experimentation

  2. Inquiry – Seeking information by asking questions, exploring, and investigating

  3. Inspiration – Igniting ambition and creativity in ourselves and others

  4. Integrity – Truth, honor and trust: Doing the right thing even when no one is watching

  5. Imagination – The ability to use the creative power of the mind


Students are urged to avoid hasty decision-making when selecting courses, since changes at a later time may not be possible. Efforts will be made to provide each student with the schedule of courses selected cooperatively by the student, coaches, and their family. Sometimes the schedule of classes will not accommodate all the selections made by each student. In those cases, students will be scheduled into the courses which most closely resemble those which were unable to fit into the student’s schedule. The expectation is that students will participate in the classes selected according to the five core values of the NIHF STEM High School (Inspiration, Imagination, Integrity, Innovation, & Inquiry




4 points



4 points



3.8 points



3.2 points



3 points



2.8 points



2.2 points



2 points



1.8 points



1.2 points



1 point



0.8 points



0 points


10th Grade

4 credits

2 in core subjects

11th Grade

9 credits

5 in core subjects

12th Grade

15 credits

9 in core subjects

Mastery - The core concept is that learners master content at individual paces


A, A-, B+, B, B-

80% or higher


C-, C, C+

72% - 79%



Less than 72%

Learners who fail to reach at least competency in course will be assigned an ‘I’ for Incomplete. These learners will work with the school counselor to develop and execute a “Plan of Mastery” in which they will have a grace period with which to demonstrate competency. By the end of the grace period if a learner is unable to achieve competency by the end of their “Plan of Mastery” he/she will have the grade converted to an “F”.

Honor/Merit Roll/Class Rank

The Honor/Merit Roll is published each grading period. Students with an average of 3.5 or above qualify for the Honor Roll and students with a 3.0 to 3.499 average qualify for the Merit Roll. The rank in class gives a student’s standing in his/her class as determined by the accumulation of grade point averages over the course semesters and which are recalculated at the end of each semester.

Gold Seal Certificate

In order to receive the gold seal Certificate at graduation, students must apply in the spring of their senior year and meet the following criteria indicating that they:

  1. Have met all graduation requirements with a 3.0 grade point

  2. Have maintained appropriate standards of behavior and have not received any disciplinary action involving out-of-school suspension during the student’s junior and senior years in high school

  3. Have volunteered for a total of 30 hours of community service work through recognized organizations during their junior and senior years in high school (Starts in June after 10th grade)

Guidelines for College Credit Plus (CCP or CC+)

The College Credit Plus Program enables students across Ohio in grades 7-12 to enroll full-time (30 credits per year) or part-time (15 credits per year) in college courses at any of the eligible colleges. The purpose is to promote rigorous educational pursuits and to provide a wider variety of options to high school students. School districts will grant high school credit to a pupil enrolled in a college course if that pupil successfully completes the course. The credits may be counted toward their graduation requirements.

  • The parent and student must notify the school of the intention to participate in CC+ by April 1 of rhe preceding school year.

  • Learners must meet the enrollment requirements of their chosen Institution of Higher Education prior to enrollment in courses.

Credit Flexibility

Credit Flexibility allows high school students to earn credits in ways other than traditional coursework and classroom instruction. The Credit Flexibility program allows students to earn graduation credit through one of the following options:

  1. Successfully completing coursework

  2. Testing out or showing mastery of course content

  3. Pursuing an educational option and/or an individually approved option

  4. Any combination of the above options.

The purpose of Credit Flexibility is to develop learners who take primary responsibility for planning and implementing their own learning outside of the traditional classroom options. This provides personalized educational options for students in which they will identify, acquire and demonstrate competency in a given content area to earn graduation credit. Interested students should see their counselor.
NCAA/OHSAA Eligibility & Requirements

Any student athlete participating in a High School or College sport must follow all NCAA/OHSAA Guidelines and Regulations. Students who are interested need to set up an appointment with their coach and/or school counselor to review all academic requirements to determine eligibility.




4 Credits


4 Credits

Must Include Algebra I, Geometry, & Algebra II/Trigonometry


3 Credits

Must Include Physical Science, Life Science, & an Advanced Study

Social Studies

3 Credits

Must Include ½ Credit of US History & 1 Credit of US Government

Physical Education

½ Credit

Occurs Over 2 Semesters


½ Credit

Elective Subjects

6 Credits

All students must complete at least 2 semesters of Fine Arts taken in grades 7-12



(These Expectations are based on the Ohio Department of Education Diplomas with Honors Criteria)*


4 Credits


4 Credits

Must Include Algebra I, Geometry, & Algebra II/Trigonometry


4 Credits

Must Include Physics and Chemistry with District Requirements

Social Studies

4 Credits

Must Include ½ Credit of US History & 1 Credit of US Government

Foreign Language

3 Credits

Must Include at Least 2 Years of the Same Language

Physical Education

½ Credit

Occurs Over 2 Semesters


½ Credit

Elective Subjects

6 Credits

Must Include 1 Fine Arts Credit

*All students Must Maintain an Overall High School GPA Average of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 Scale

*All Students Must Obtain a composite score of 27 on the American College Testing Program’s (ACT) tests or a score of 1210 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)





College Ready
















Social Studies





Chinese (FL)

















All students must complete at least 2 semesters of Fine Arts taken in grades 7-12


Engineering Design Tools I – 1 Elective Credit

This course will integrate knowledge and skills from other courses through problem-based learning. This course will provide a broad set of design tools that are applicable in a variety of engineering fields. These tools include an introduction to drafting (CADD), engineering design (including hands-on deconstruction and design improvements), quality assurance (including applications of Excel), and geospatial mapping and geographic information systems (GIS/GPS). The culminating feature of this course is a final design project and presentation to the class.

Principles of Engineering/ Engineering Design Tools II – 1 Elective Credit

This is a course that helps students to understand the field of engineering and engineering technology. Exploring various technology systems and manufacturing processes will help students learn how engineers and technicians use technology to benefit people. The course also includes concerns about social and political consequences of technological change. Prerequisite: Engineering Design Tools I

Robotics Subject

Students will apply the knowledge and skills necessary to program and operate Robots, using the teach pendant as the main interface point. The Students will learn robotic operations and system configurations. Students will code, compile, and debug programs using the robotic programming language.

Aerospace Engineering

This course will introduce students to the evolution of flight, navigation and control, flight fundamentals, aerospace materials, propulsion, space travel, and orbital mechanics. Students will learn and apply principles of aerospace design and construction to aircraft, rockets and spacecraft.

Engineering Capstone

The capstone course provides opportunities for students to apply knowledge, attitudes and skills that were learned in Engineering program in a more comprehensive and authentic way. Capstones often include project/problem based learning opportunities that occur both in and away from school. Under supervision of the school and through community partnerships, students may combine classroom learning with work experience. This course can be delivered through a variety of delivery methods including cooperative education or apprenticeship.

Computer Hardware

Students will learn to install, repair, and troubleshoot computer hardware systems. They will perform preventative maintenance practices and learn techniques for maintaining computer hardware security. Communication skills and professionalism in troubleshooting situations will be emphasized.

Computer Software

Students will apply knowledge and skills of commercial and open source operating systems in portable, stand alone, and networked devices. Students will install a variety of operating systems manually and using remote assistance. They will learn to configure, modify, and troubleshoot operating systems. Desktop virtualization, system security, and operating system history will be addressed.

Biomedical Engineering

Students learn the use of cell culture techniques for bioscience research and commercial applications. Topics include cultivation of cell lines, bench-top fermenter management, detection of contamination, and an introduction to bioassays. Students will use microbiological techniques to manipulate, evaluate, and study cell growth. Focus will be on media formulation, preparation, autoclaving, and clean up procedures for the vessel and accessories. Further, students will implement quality control methods, maintain records and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Honors English 9 – 1 English Credit

Honors 9th Grade Language Arts is a survey of different writing styles, such as: short story, novel, poetry, drama, essay, article, speech, and memoir. The course will focus on understanding how the styles we study work to achieve their goal. In particular, the course will focus on the elements of literature to deepen appreciation for how writers craft their work. This course will also provide the foundational skills for academic writing. It will provide learners with the opportunity to develop their skills as writers to help succeed in their post-secondary education and in the job environment.

Honors English 10 – 1 English Credit

Honors 10th Grade Language Arts is an examination of different works of literature from around the world. This course will cover works from all six inhabited continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North American, and South America. The purpose of studying world literature is to help learners gain an understanding and appreciation of different cultures. The 10th grade course will also help learners to continue to refine the reading, writing, and speaking skills that they learned in 9th grade. Prerequisite: Honors English 9

Honors ELA 11: American Literature – 1 English Credit

American Literature supports the Common Core by emphasizing critical reading approaches to effectively interpret and evaluate meaning of complex literary texts and synthesize ideas from informational texts. Students will learn how language, including syntax and grammar, influence the understanding of what is read. They will use stylistic and thematic elements of narrative, informational and persuasive texts to refine writing to inform, influence, engage and entertain audiences. Students will refine their self-directed skills as they complete two independent reading projects and provide insightful information and conclusions. They will use critical thinking across multiple disciplines to evaluate for accuracy and relevance reasoning used in complex situations.

Pre-requisite: Honors English 9 and 10 

Honors ELA 12: British Literature – 1 English Credit

British Literature supports the Common Core by continuing to emphasize critical reading approaches to effectively interpret and evaluate meaning of complex literary texts and synthesize ideas from informational texts. Students will continue to learn how language, including rhetoric, syntax and grammar, influence the understanding of what is read. They will use stylistic and thematic elements of narrative, informational and persuasive texts to refine writing to inform, influence, engage and entertain audiences. Students will refine their self-directed and research skills with a self-designed research project throughout the semester. They will use critical thinking across multiple disciplines to evaluate for accuracy and relevance reasoning used in complex situations. Pre-requisite: Honors English 9, 10 & 11


Honors ELA 12: British Literature ONLINE - 1 English Credit

This course will be a highly self-directed version of traditional ELA 12 held online.

Pre-requisite: Honors English 9, 10 & 11 AND a recommendation by Coach Mrs. Metcalf
Foreign Language - Chinese
Chinese I – 1 Foreign Language Credit

Chinese I will be an introduction to the Chinese language and culture. Learners will learn the Pinyin (Chinese Phonetics) four tones to create a solid foundation to further study Chinese. Basic topics such family, numbers, colors, fruit, animals, sports, weather, shopping, etc. will be introduced to learners as well as how to give basic greetings, collect personal information, and order food in Chinese.. This course will also implement and practice 21st century skills and all topics are taught in reference to the Ohio’s New Learning Standards: 9-12 World Language Programs.

Chinese II – 1 Foreign Language Credit

Chinese II will be based on the textbook “Integrated Chinese Level 1 - Part 1”. Learners should already have some foundational knowledge of the Chinese language and culture and they are ready to further explore these topics. Learners will focus on the formal lessons in the textbook to try and improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. In addition, specific Chinese history, traditions, holidays, culture, etc. will be incorporated into each of the lessons. This course will also implement and practice 21st century skills, such as critical thinking and global awareness and all lessons will be taught in reference to the Ohio’s New Learning Standards: 9-12 World Language Programs.

Prerequisite: Chinese I
Chinese III – 1 Foreign Language Credit

Chinese III will be based on the textbook “Integrated Chinese Level 1 - Part 2”. Learners should have developed a solid foundation of the language and culture after two years of study and should be prepared to further explore these topics both here and in preparation for college. Learners will focus on the formal lessons taught in the textbook in order to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course will implement and practice 21st century skills, such as critical thinking and global awareness and all lessons are taught in reference to the Ohio’s New Learning Standards: 9-12 World Language Programs.

Prerequisite: Chinese II

Algebra I – 1 Mathematics Credit

This course is designed for learners who did not earn credit in Algebra I prior to attending NIHF STEM High School. It is an accelerated course in Algebra that includes factoring, solving linear systems of equations, linear algebraic laws of rational and real numbers, polynomials, and exponents. Student will also work on solving linear and quadratic equations focusing on preparing learners for advanced courses.

Honors Geometry – 1 Mathematics Credit

In this course, learners will explore more complex geometric situations and deepen their explanations of geometric relationships, moving toward formal mathematical arguments. Learners will experience math topics in numeric, symbolic and graphic forms. Learners will be expected to demonstrate mastery of course material mentally, using paper and pencil techniques and with technology. Reasoning and sense-making will be emphasized along with procedural performance.

Pre-requisite: Algebra I
Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry- 1 Mathematics Credit

This course is a required portion of the STEM curriculum and is designed for students who have completed Algebra I and Honors Geometry. Topics include the quadratic exponential, log functions, trigonometry, conics, and systems of real and complex numbers. Sequences and series will also be explored and their connections to real world applications.

Prerequisite: Algebra I & Honors Geometry
Applied Statistics – 1 Mathematics Credit

In Applied Statistics, students will learn more advanced methods of collecting and analyzing data and draw conclusions from that data so they can begin to make informed decisions and answer questions about everyday life situations. They will learn to evaluate the quality of surveys, observational studies, and experiments. Students will use correlation with visual displays to analyze associations in data. They also will determine the probability of a sample statistic for a known population and draw simple inferences. They will practice 21st century skills including, but not limited to, critical thinking, problem solving, use of appropriate technology, information and media literacy, and communication.

Prerequisite: Algebra II/Trigonometry
Pre-calculus - 1 Mathematics Credit

This course is designed to cover topics such as: polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Learners will work more in depth with trigonometry, linear systems, matrices, sequences, series, and probability. Learners will explore analytics geometry topics in 2 and 3 dimensions and work with limits along with an introduction to calculus. The learner should have received a B- or better in Algebra II to be eligible to enroll in this course.

Prerequisite: Algebra II/Trigonometry and a Coach’s Recommendation.
Calculus – 1 Mathematics Credit
In this course, students will study the branch of mathematics that deals with fundamental theory of Calculus including the rates of change in continuous and varying quantities. The class will include exercises in the graphical, numerical, analytical & verbal representation of functions; derivative rates of change, & the use of derivatives to solve a variety of problems. Students will learn to communicate mathematical solutions both orally & through writing, use technology to help solve problems & interpret results, & verify their own conclusions. Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus
Physical Education/Health
Health - .5 credit per semester

The health course is directed toward the immediate and future physical, emotional, and social needs of the students. Included in the course curriculum are units on addictions, mental health, body systems, health careers, physical fitness, communicable diseases, CPR, and wellness. Each unit is comprehensively covered through the use of speakers, films, class discussions and projects.

Physical Education I – ¼ credit per semester

Physical Education II – ¼ credit per semester

In these courses, learners demonstrate mastery through physical activity, class projects and topic-based group discussions. A weekly exercise log sheet based on each learner’s anaerobic and aerobic activity is maintained. Intermediate skills as well as team and individual activities will be a focus for learners. Physical Education classes are co-educational.

Honors Biology – 1 Science Credit

This course explores the composition, diversity, complexity and interconnectedness of life on Earth. Fundamental concepts of heredity and evolution provide a framework through inquiry-based instruction to explore the living world, the physical environment and the interactions within and between them. Learners engage in investigations to understand and explain the behavior of living things in a variety of scenarios that incorporate scientific reasoning, analysis, communication skills and real-world applications.

Honors Physical Science – 1 Science Credit

Learners will demonstrate an understanding of the composition of physical systems and the concepts and principles that describe and predict physical interactions and events in the natural world. This includes demonstrating an understanding of the structure and properties of matter, the properties of materials and objects, chemical reactions and the conservation of matter. In addition, it includes an understanding of the nature, transfer, and conservation of energy. A specific focus on motion and the forces affecting motion will be covered as well as the nature of waves and interactions of matter and energy. Learners should also demonstrate an understanding of the historical perspectives of physical science, the scientific approach, and any emerging issues associated with the physical sciences.
Chemistry – 1 Science Credit
This is a college preparatory, lab-based course that investigates the relationships between the structure and properties of matter. This course will build on the concepts learned in the Biological and Chemical Systems courses and integrates the math and science experiences. This cumulative knowledge will then be applied to many topics involving real-world situations. The student will study atomic structure, periodicity, moles and stoichiometry, bonding, kinetic theory, acid/base chemistry, reaction rates and chemical equilibrium. Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry
Physics – 1 Science Credit

Physics is a college preparatory, lab-based course that investigates the interaction between matter and energy and how it relates to the world around them. This course will build on the concepts learned in the Physical Sciences course. The students will study mechanics: including linear and non-linear motion (forces, energy, momentum, and simple machines), general introduction to thermodynamics (heat and transfer of energy), optics, and electromagnetism and how each of these subjects is used in technology and engineering. Prerequisite: Honors Geometry/concurrent scheduling with Honors Algebra II or higher math course and a Coach recommendation.

Human Biology - 0.5 Science Elective Credits

This course investigates the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Learners will explore today’s health science and medical fields and engage in investigations to understand and explain the behavior of the human body that incorporates scientific reasoning, analysis, communication skills and real-world applications. The course will implement and practice 21st century skills at all levels and will adhere to our own STEM core values of: Innovation, Inquiry, Inspiration , Integrity, & Imagination All of the body systems are taught in reference to the Ohio Life Science Standards, the Ohio Model Curriculum, The Next Generation Science Standards, The Common Core Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, and A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Science and Engineering Practices

Social Studies
Honors World History – 1 Social Studies Credit

This course concentrates on the period of history between 1750 to the present. While emphasis is focused on European history and the events that shape our modern Western society, the course is also structured to include non-western cultures and their contributions to the present world situation. Learners will develop skills in primary source analysis, interpretive historical reading and essay writing.

Honors American History – 1 Social Studies Credit

U.S. Studies from 1877 to the Present: Post-Reconstruction through the 20th Century

Tenth-grade students continue the chronological study of the history of the United States with emphasis on domestic affairs. This study incorporates each of the seven social studies standards. As students study historic eras, they consider the geographic, cultural, economic and governmental changes that have occurred. Students develop a deeper understanding of their role as citizens and continue to expand their command of social studies skills and methods. Prerequisite: Honors World History
Honors Government – 1 Social Studies Credit

This course covers the judicial, executive and legislative branches of local, state, and federal government with an emphasis placed on the government’s role in everyday life. Learners will discover the importance of our governing body with further exploration into its history, impact on its citizens, as well as key events and dates relevant to the present day.

Prerequisite: Honors US History
Digital Media/Technology – 1 Elective Credit

This course is designed to teach learners how to create digital media that will incorporate design principles, text, sound, graphics and photo and video editing. Learners will utilize various hardware accessories including digital cameras, digital camcorders and scanners in their multimedia designs. Current copyright laws will be researched, discussed and practiced throughout the course.

Introduction to Technology (Project Lead the Way Computer Science) – 1 Elective Credit
Entrepreneurial Studies - .5 Elective Credits

In this course you will learn the basics needed to plan and launch your own business. Do you have what it takes to start a new business? Do you have an idea for a business but need the tools to get started? This course will provide you with the core skills you need to become successful. In this course you will study the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. You will also learn about self-employment and basic economic concepts related to small businesses, such as competition and production. This course will also walk you through the steps of setting up a business, including developing a business plan, a mission and a vision, attracting investors, and marketing your company. Pre-requisite: Online only and a Recommendation is required.

Visual Design
Visual Design Primer

Visual design takes the form of charts, drawings, boxes and more. In this first course for the Visual Design and Imaging pathway, students gain a perspective of symbols, typography and product output. They acquire basic knowledge of today’s role of graphics in communication industries. Focusing on the consumer, students analyze products and create their own designs for critique. They learn how safety, deadlines, teamwork and ethics relate to the work.

Arts and Communication Primer

The worlds of art designers, performers and media artists intersect historically, culturally and aesthetically. In this introductory course for the Arts and Communication Career Field, students learn the basics of performance, design, audio and video. They review brochures, photographs, news stories, videos and other products common to the visual, media and performing arts industries.

Digital Image Editing

This course focuses on manipulating images for final output through print and Web-based production. Students obtain a brief perspective on analog image editing and delve into the world of editing digital photos, illustrations and other artwork. They learn to adjust resolution and exposure, modify color, compress data and format and manage files. Students will use problem-solving strategies and work collaboratively to complete the creative process with artists, printers and Web developers.

Performing Arts
Concert Band (Grades 9-10) – 1 Elective Credit (Fine Arts)

Concert Band is offered to all students with previous experience on a traditional band instrument. Continued emphasis is given to the development of musicianship and basic skills through a large repertoire of appropriate level band literature. Concert Band is a performance class; therefore, students are expected to attend all rehearsals, sectionals and performances. Performance activities, including special events, clinics, tours, rehearsals, and concerts all during non-school hours, are an essential part of the course and will be considered in the grading process.

Choir – 1 Elective Credit (Fine Arts)

Learners will use and identify musical terms and symbols for articulation and expression, and demonstrate sight-reading abilities in choral selections. Throughout rehearsals and performances, learners will demonstrate technical accuracy, appropriate tone quality, articulation, intonation and expression for the works being performed with good posture and breathe control. Throughout this course learners will perform and discuss music with different eras/genres (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic, Impressionistic, Jazz, Gospel, Spiritual, Folk Songs, and Broadway). The Choir will perform in several concerts each year with mandatory rehearsal and performance.

Orchestra – 1 Elective Credit (Fine Arts)

String Orchestra is offered to students with previous experience on a traditional string instruments. String Orchestra members will study and perform challenging chamber and orchestra music of varying periods. Performance activities, including special events, clinics, tours, rehearsals, and concerts all during non-school hours, are an essential and graded part of the course.

Visual Arts

Graphic Design I/II - .5/.5 elective credit(s) (Fine Arts)

This course is designed to prepare students for work in both 2D and 3D formats with emphasis on lettering design, layout design and basic design. Further work in the course will include creating an internet-based layout, creating a video layout, and study of Graphic Designers, game designers and other influential designers.

Draw and Design I/II - .5/.5 elective credit(s) (Fine Arts)

This course is intended to be an introductory course where the basics of art, including the Elements of Art and The Principles of Design, are studied and expanded upon.  Students will engage in these concepts through drawing from observation, figure drawing, still life drawing, and drawing from the imagination.  Other subjects covered will be Art History, the different types of art movements, and specific art criticism and aesthetics.  This course will lay the groundwork for future art courses. 

Painting - .5 elective credit (Fine Arts)

Independent Study – Art - .5/1 elective credit(s) (Fine Arts)

This selection of activities is offered to help students round out their STEM experience with activities that complement their academic courses as well as provide opportunities to explore areas of interest. These programs do NOT earn credit, but provide evidence that students are willing to learn more about a subject that interests them and meet requirements to participate in programs that extend the school day. Participation in these programs adds distinction to a college or scholarship application.
If students have an interest in forming a new activity, they can add to this list by finding an advisor and setting up a purpose for the group.

Chess Club – Open to all. See Coach Glocar.
Drama Club

Meets: After School as needed to prepare for a musical or play

Desirable:  any fine arts performance skills such as singing, dancing acting 

Necessary:  Total commitment! 

Sponsor/Advisor: Coach Shama-Hana

How to join: By Audition per show

Engineering/Robotics Club – Open to all. See Coach Griffith

Gaming Club – Open to all. See Coach Cohen
Health Professions Affinity Communities (HPAC)

HPAC is a program designed to support and guide 9th-12th graders who have an interest in extending their connection to, and preparing for, a career in the health professions. HPAC offers a range of academic and community-based experiences with the aim of empowering learners to take charge of their academic and career development, as well as make a difference in the health of their local community. As part of this group, learners are required to develop an action plan that will make a difference in the health of our community and, with collaboration with other learners, NEOMED students and staff from NEOMED and The University of Akron, develop a presentation that will be shared at NEOMED’s Scholar’s Day in the spring.

Meetings: held afterschool, during lunch, during innovation periods and on a few weekends (announced via Blackboard, Morning Meeting, email and STEM website).

Sponsor/Advisor: Coach Hanna

How to join: Must attend the first informational meeting in the fall (see above for announcement methods).
Intermural Sports – See Coach Palumbo. Sports will vary with the season.
Music Theory, Composition & Technology

This course is dedicated to composing both individual and group pieces which could be used in performances, contests, shows or by APS for public media.  Basic keyboard skills will be taught.  Learners should have a love for music and creativity, and should own a keyboard that can connect through USB to their laptops. 

Meetings: After school 2 hours a week, times TBA. 

Sponsor/Advisor: Coach Shama-Hana

How to join: contact Coach Shama-Hana
National Honor Society

Membership in the NIHF STEM chapter of the National Honor Society is an honor bestowed upon a student. Selection for membership is by a Faculty Council and is based on outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities. Candidates become members when inducted at a special ceremony, held in the spring of each year. To be eligible for membership, students must be a member of those classes (sophomore, junior, senior) designated as eligible in the chapter bylaws. (Freshmen are not eligible.) Candidates must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of at least one semester. NHS sponsors at least one service project a year and all members are required to participate.

Requirements: Students must have a cumulative scholastic average of at least 3.3 (on a 4.0 scale) or the equivalent standard of excellence. Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, and character. Membership in National Junior Honor Society is beneficial, but it does not guarantee membership in the National Honor Society chapter at the High School.

Meetings: Biweekly

Sponsor/Advisor: Coach Hanna

How to Join: By Selection/Induction

Science Olympiad

The Science Olympiad is a national nonprofit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science and providing recognition of outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. Science Olympiad is a competitive event. Most events are team competitions requiring teamwork, group planning, and cooperation. The emphasis is on learning, participation, interaction, having fun, and developing team spirit. The Science Olympiad Tournaments are academic interscholastic competitions, which consist of a series of 23 individual and team events students prepare for during the year. These challenging and motivational events are well balanced between the various science disciplines of biology, earth science, chemistry, physics, computers, and technology. There is also a balance between events requiring knowledge of science facts, concepts, processes, skills and application.


  • Attend Science Olympiad practices throughout the year AND Science Olympiad Regional Tournament in the spring.

  • Contribute a fee (TBD) to help pay for materials and/or transportation.

  • Develop and coordinate fund raisers that will help pay for materials and/or transportation

  • Meetings: Weekly

  • Sponsor/Advisor: Coach Roberts

  • How to join:

    • In the fall, the Science Olympiad advisor will announce via Blackboard, Morning meeting, Email, and School website the first informative meeting. Come to this meeting!

  • Per Science Olympiad rules, there can be only 15 learners per team and each High School can have up to two teams.

  • **If more than 30 learners are interested, then there will be a try-out competition. The top 30 scores will be selected for the teams.

Student Council

Commitment level: High

Meetings: Student council meetings and activities comprise an average of two hours per week. We meet both before school, during advisory, and after school. Student council meets 2-3 times per month and members are expected to attend all meetings unless they are excused by student council advisor. Activities go outside of the weekday such as volunteer opportunities, dances, and STEM showcase events that require commitment on Saturday 4-6 times per year.

Advisor: Coach Popa

How to Join: Positions on student council are by election. Elections are held in the fall. Anyone can

Assist on a committee.

The Five goals of Student Council:

  1. To develop attitudes of, and give practice in, good citizenship.

  2. To assist in school management.

  3. To provide a training ground for developing leadership.

  4. To provide a forum for student expression.

  5. To promote the general welfare of the school


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