Julia mcquillan

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Curriculum Vitae

709 Oldfather Hall, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0324

402-730-1935, 402- 472-6070 (Fax), JMcQuillan2@unl.edu

1998 Ph.D. University of Connecticut

1991 M.A. University of Connecticut

1989 B.A. University of Connecticut, Summa cum Laude
Professional Employment
2012-Present Chair, Department of Sociology

2012-Present Director, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics Core Facility.

2011-Present Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2005-2011 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

1998-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

2005-2012 Director or Co-Director, Bureau of Social Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

2006-2007 Acting Director, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics Core Facility, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

1997-1998 Assistant to the Director of Research (Judith Fifield), Department of Family Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center.

Honors and Awards

2013 Department Executive Officer Leadership Development Fellow, CIC

2013 Co-Awardee (with Mary Anne Holmes) Chancellor's Outstanding Contribution to Women Award

2007 Nebraska Association for Sociology Graduate Students Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, University of Nebraska.

2003 Arts and Sciences College Award for Outstanding Teaching, University of Nebraska.

1999-2001 Parents Association and the Teaching Council, Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, University of Nebraska.

1998 Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society

1998 Sociologists for Women in Society, Cheryl Allyn Miller Award for the Study of Women and Work.

  1. Edward Victor Gant Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Connecticut.

Grants and Contracts
2012 “Biology of Human: Understanding Ourselves Through the Lens of Current Biomedical Research” NIH 1R25OD010506. $1.3 Million. Judy Diamond (PI), Julia McQuillan (Co-Investigator), Charles Wood (Co-Investigator). SEPA proposal National Institute of Health.
2012 “Expanding the Typology of Life Transitions in Women Using a Clinical Data-Based Approach” Kathy Kaiser (PI), Margaret Kaiser (Co-PI), Julia McQuillan (Co-PI). American Nursing Foundation. $7,500.
2012 “Big Ten STEM Writing Retreat”. The Elsevier Foundation – New Scholars Grant Awardee. $45,000. Patricia Wonch Hill (PI), Mary Anne Holmes (Co-Investigator) and Julia McQuillan (Co-investigator).
2010 “Introducing the National Survey of Fertility Barriers.” Workshop at the Population Association of America. $10,000. With Karina M. Shreffler, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, and David R. Johnson.
2008 “Advance Nebraska: NSF Institutional Transformation Grant.” HRD-0811250. Co-Principal Investigators Mary Anne Holmes, Julia McQuillan, Stephanie Adams, David Mandersheid, and Barbara Couture. $3.8 Million.
2007 “Transition From High school for Students Who Have Received Special Services.” Nebraska Department of Education Special Populations. Stacia Halada and Julia McQuillan, to the Bureau of Sociological Research. $80,763.
2004 “Infertility: Pathways and Psychosocial Outcomes.” R01 HD044144-01A. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). ($2,485,580). Principal Investigator Lynn White. Additional Co-investigators: Julia McQuillan, David R. Johnson, Larry Greil, Naomi Lacy, Mary Casey Jacob, Lauri Scheuble.
2013 Research Council Grain in Aid (UNL) (Patricia Hill, PI; McQuillan, co-investigator)

Understanding Science Identity Development and the Role of Peer Social Networks-Biology of Human The major goals of this project were to obtain funding to support the purchase of computers to aid in survey data collection at a Title I Middle School in Lincoln Nebraska, as well as to gain formative feedback for NIH SEPA Biology of Human materials. $9,862
2009 Minority Health-Related Research Projects – Tobacco Settlement Fund. Experiments on contact and cooperation with minority compared to non-minority survey participants in the Infertility: Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes study. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. $49,987.
2007 Faculty Development Leave. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. One semester leave.
2006 Laymann Fund Award. “Sustaining Breastfeeding after Employment: Assessing the Role of Child Care Providers.” With Patricia Wonch Hill. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. $7,747.
2003 Haas Award Junior Faculty Summer funding. Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. $2,500.
2001 University of Nebraska-Lincoln and-University of Nebraska Medical Center Joint NIH Research Program Competition. David Johnson, Julia McQuillan, Janis J. Twiss, Naomi Lacy, Mary Casey Jacob, and Danelle Deboer, "Managing Infertility: Social Effects on Pathways and Psychological Well-Being." University of Nebraska-Lincoln. $50,000.
2000 Gallup Research Professorship. "Intra-Individual and Intra-Couple Change in Family/Market Connections: Implications for Meeting Competing Demands." University of Nebraska-Lincoln. One course release.
1999 Layman Fund Award. "Longitudinal Work and Family Project." University of Nebraska-Lincoln. $6,350
1998 Faculty Summer Research Fellowship. “Assessing Causal Order Between Paid and Domestic Work Over Time Among Two-Earner Spouses”. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. $6,500.
1998 Research Grand-In-Aid. “Following 24 Girls as They Become Women: 1992-1999”. University of Connecticut - Storrs. $2,517.
Refereed Articles
Shreffler, Karina, Arthur L. Greil, Arthur; Julia McQuillan; Kami Gallus. Forthcoming. "Reasons for Tubal Sterilisation, Regret, and Depressive Symptoms". Journal of Infant and Reproductive Psychology.

Greil Arthur L., Slauson-Blevins Kathleen S., Tiemeyer Stacy, McQuillan Julia, and Shreffler Karina M. A New Way to Estimate the Potential Unmet Need for Infertility Services Among Women in the United States. Journal of Women's Health. Forthcoming.

Diamond, J., B. Jee, C. Matuk, J. McQuillan, A. Spiegel, and D. Uttal. (2015). Museum monsters and victorious viruses: Improving public understanding of emerging biomedical research. Curator 58(3): 299-311.

Shreffler, K.M., McQuillan, J., Greil, A.L., & Johnson, D.R. 2015. Surgical sterilization, regret, and race: Contemporary patterns. Social Science Research. 50:31-45.

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, and Andrew V. Bedrous. 2015. “The Importance of Motherhood and Fertility Intentions among U.S. Women.” Sociological Perspectives. 58:1:20-35.

Shreffler, K.M., Greil, A.L., Mitchell, K.S., & McQuillan, J. 2014. Variation in pregnancy intendedness across U.S. women’s pregnancies. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Online first.

Kazyak, Emily, Nicholas Park, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. 2014. “Attitudes toward Motherhood among U.S. Sexual Minority Women.” Journal of Family Issues. Online First.

Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan and Delida Sanchez. 2014. "Does fertility-specific distress vary by race/ethnicity? Findings from a probability sample of women in the United States" Journal of Health Psychology. Online first.

Blevins-Slauson, Kathleen; Julia McQuillan and Aurthur L. Greil. 2013. Online and In-Person Health-Seeking for Infertility. Social Science and Medicine. 99:110-115. DOI information: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.10.019.

Spiegel, A.N., McQuillan, J., Halpin, P., Matuk, C., & Diamond, J. 2013. Engaging teenagers with science through comics. Research in Science Education, 43(6), 2309-2326. Doi: 10.1007/211165-013-9358-x.

Greil, Arthur.L., Johnson, Katherine., Julia McQuillan, & Shreffler, Karina.M. 2013. The Importance of Social Cues for Medical Helpseeking: The Case of Infertility. Social Inquiry. 83:2:209-237.
Whitbeck, Les, Kellie Hartshorn, Julia McQuillan and Devan Crawford. 2012. “Factors Associated with Growth in Daily Smoking among Indigenous Adolescents”. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 19:22:768-781
McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, Kari C. Gentzler, Patricia Wonch Hill, John Hathcoat. 2012. “ Does the Reason Matter? Childlessness Specific Distress among U.S. Women.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 74:5:1166-1181.

Tichenor, Veronica., McQuillan, Julia. Greil, Authur.L., & Shreffler, Katrina.M. 2011. The Importance of Fatherhood to U.S. Married and Cohabiting Men. Fathering. 9:3:232-251. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/166/

Greil, Aurthur.L., McQuillan, Julia., Shreffler, Karina.M., Johnson, Kathleen., & Blevins-Slauson, Katherine. 2011. "Race and Medical Services for Infertility: Stratified Reproduction in a Population-Based Sample of U.S. Women." Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 52:4: 493-50. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/162/
Greil, Arthur L., Kathleen Johnson, Julia McQuillan, Naomi Lacy. 2011. "Are prior pregnancy outcomes relevant for models of fertility specific distress or infertility helpseeking?" Human Fertility 14:3:160-166.
Greil, Arthur L., Karina M. Shreffler, Lone Schmidt, Julia McQuillan. 2011. "Variation in Distress among Infertile Women: Evidence from a Population-Based Sample". Human Reproduction. 26:8:2101-2112.

Greil, Arthur L., Kathleen Slauson-Blevins and Julia McQuillan. 2011. “The Social Construction of Infertility”. Sociological Compass.5:8:736-746.

Shreffler, Karina M., Juila McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. 2011. “Pregnancy Loss and Distress among U.S. Women.” Family Relations. 60:3:342-355.
Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Michele Lowry and Karina Shreffler. 2011. Infertility treatment and fertility-specific distress: A longitudinal analysis of a population-based sample of U.S. women. Social Science & Medicine. 73:1:87-94. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/147/
McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Karina M. Shreffler. 2011. “Pregnancy Intentions among Women Who Do Not Try: Focusing on Women Who Are Okay Either Way.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 15:2:178-187. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/97/
Digest.2011. Distinct Profile Found Among Women Ambivalent about Pregnancy. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.42:3:216-217.
Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Maureen Benjamins, David R. Johnson, Katherine M. Johnson, and Chelsea R. Heinz. 2010. “Specifying the Effects of Religiosity on Medical Helpseeking: The Case of Infertility.” Social Science & Medicine. 71:4:734-742. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/109/
Fifield, Judith, Julia McQuillan, Melanie Peele, Vitaly Nazarov, Andrea Apter, Thomas Babor, Joesph Burleson, Robert Cushman, Jeri Hepworth, Eric Jackson, Susan Reisine, Joseph Sheehan, and Joan Twiggs. 2010. “Improving Pediatric Asthma Control Among Minority Children Participating in Medicaid: Redesigning Practice to Deliver a Chronic Care Model.” Journal of Asthma.47:7:718-27.
Greil, Arthur L. and Julia McQuillan. 2010. “Trying Times”: Medicalization, Intent, and Ambiguity in the Definition of Infertility.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 24:137–156. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/142/
Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Katherine M. Johnson, Kathleen Slauson-Blevins, and Karina M. Shreffler. 2010. “The Hidden Infertile: Infertile Women without Pregnancy Intent in the United States.” Fertility and Sterility. 93: 2080-3.
Greil, Arthur L., Kathleen Slauson-Blevins, and Julia McQuillan. 2010. “The Experience of Infertility: A Review of Recent Literature.” Sociology of Health and Illness. 32: 140-162. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/102/
Shreffler, Karina M., Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Naomi Lacy, and Christine Ngaruiya. 2009. “Odds of Having a Regular Doctor and Perceptions of Caring: Ethnic Patterns Among Women Aged 25 to 45.” Family Medicine. 41: 271-276. PMID: 19343558 http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/61/

McGinnis, Lee, James Gentry, and Julia McQuillan. 2009. “Ritual-Based Behavior that Reinforces Hegemonic Masculinity in Golf: Variations in Women Golfers’ Responses.” Leisure Sciences. 31(1)19-36.

Berdahl, Terceira and Julia McQuillan. 2008. “Occupational racial composition and Non-Fatal Work Injuries.” Social Problems. 55:549-572. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/17/
McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, and Veronica Tichenor. 2008. “The Importance of Motherhood Among Women in the Contemporary United States.” Gender & Society. 22: 477-496. 6 http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/7
Jacob, Mary Casey, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L Greil. 2007. “Psychological Distress by Type of Fertility Barrier.” Human Reproduction. 22: 885-894. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/3
McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Rosalie A. Torres Stone. 2007. “Infertility and Life Satisfaction Among Women.” Journal of Family Issues. 28:955-981.


Stone, Rosalie Torres and Julia McQuillan. 2007. “Beyond Hispanic/Latino: The Importance of Ethnicity-Specific Earnings Analyses.” Social Science Research.36:175-200.


White, Lynn and Julia McQuillan. 2006. "No Longer Intending: The Relationship Between Relinquished Fertility Intentions and Distress." Journal of Marriage and Family. 68(2) 478-490.http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/11
White, Lynn, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. 2006. “Explaining Disparities in Infertility.” Fertility & Sterility. 85:853-857.
White, Lynn, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, and David R. Johnson. 2006. “Infertility: Testing a Helpseeking Model.” Social Science & Medicine. 62:1031-1041.


McGinnis, Lee, Julia McQuillan, and Connie Chapple. 2005. “I Just Want to Play: Women and Golf.” Sociology of Sport & Social Issues. 29:313-337.


Fifield, Judith, Julia McQuillan, Steven Armelli, Howard Tennan, Susan Reisine, and Glenn Affleck. 2005. “Strain, Daily Work Stress and Pain in Workers with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Do Job Characteristics Make a Bad Day Worse?” Work & Stress. 18:275-291.


Chapple, Connie, Julia McQuillan, and Terceira Berdahl. 2005. "Gender, Social Bonds and Delinquency: A Comparison of Boys’ and Girls’ Models.” Social Science Research. 34:357-383. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/10
Greil, Arthur L. and Julia McQuillan. 2004. “Help-Seeking Patterns among U.S. Women.” The Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 22:305-319.


McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Lynn White, and Mary Casey Jacob. 2003.” Frustrated Fertility: Infertility and Psychological Distress Among Women.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 65:1007-1018. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/13
McGinnis, Lee, Seungwoo Chun, and Julia McQuillan. 2003. "A Review of Gendered Consumption in Sport and Leisure." Special issue on gender of Academy of Marketing Science Review. Online Journal: http://www.amsreview.org/articles/mcginnis05-2003.pdf


McQuillan, Julia, Judith Fifield, Joseph Sheehan, Susan Reisine, Howard Tennen, Victor Hesselbrock, and Naomi Rothfield. 2003.” A Comparison of Self-Reports of Distress and Affective Disorder Diagnosis in RA: An ROC Analysis.” Arthritis & Rheumatism. 49:368-376.. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/12
McQuillan, Julia and Julie Pfeiffer. 2001. "Why Anne Makes us Dizzy: Reading Anne of Green Gables from a Gender Perspective." Mosaic. 34:17-32.
Fifield, Judith, Julia McQuillan, Howard Tennen, T. Joseph Sheehan, Susan Reisine, Victor Hesselbrock, and Naomi Rothfield. 2001. “History of Affective Disorder and the Temporal Trajectory of Fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 23:34-41. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/1
Twiggs, Joan, Julia McQuillan, and Myra Marx Ferree. 1999. “Meaning and Measurement: Reconceptualizing Measures of the Division of Household Labor.” Journal of Marriage and the Family. 61:712-724. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/sociologyfacpub/32/
Fifield, Judith, Howard Tennen, Susan Reisine, and Julia McQuillan. 1998. “Depression and the Long-Term Risk of Pain, Fatigue and Disability in Patients with RA.” Arthritis & Rhuematism. 41:1851-1857.


Ferree, Myra Marx and Julia McQuillan. 1998. “Gender-Based Pay Gaps: Methodological and Policy Issues in University Salary Studies.” Gender & Society. 12:7-39.


Fifield, Judith, Susan Reisine, Joseph Sheehan, and Julia McQuillan. 1996. "Gender, Paid Work and Symptoms of Emotional Distress in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients." Arthritis & Rheumatism. 39:427-435.
Weakliem, David, Julia McQuillan, and Tracey Schauer. 1995. "Towards Meritocracy? Changing Social Class Differences in Intellectual Ability." Sociology of Education. 68: 271-286.
Reisine, Susan, Julia McQuillan, and Judith Fifield. 1995. "Predictors of Work Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients - A Five Year Follow-up." Arthritis & Rheumatism. 38:1630-1637.

Book chapters
Wonch Hill, Patricia , Mary Anne Holmes , and Julia McQuillan (2014), The New STEM Faculty Profile: Balancing Family and Dual Careers, in Vasilikie Demos , Catherine White Berheide , Marcia Texler Segal (ed.) Gender Transformation in the Academy (Advances in Gender Research, Volume 19) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.3 – 20
Johnson, K.M., J. McQuillan, A.L. Greil, & K.M. Shreffler. 2014. “Towards a More Inclusive Framework for Understanding Fertility Barriers.” In Reframing Reproduction: Conceiving Gendered Experiences, M. Nash (ed). Palgrave MacMillan.
McQuillan, Julia and Myra Marx Ferree. 1997. "The Importance of Variation Among Husbands and the Benefits of Feminism for Families." Pp. 213-225 in Alan Booth (ed.) Men in Families. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Technical and Evaluation reports

Shreffler, K.M., J. McQuillan, A.L. Greil, & K.M. Johnson. 2011. “On the Fence: New Insights on Pregnancy Ambivalence.” National Council on Family Relations Report 56(2): F7-9.

McQuillan, Julia, Bryner, Nicole.R., Richardson, Amanda., & Spiegel, Amy. N. 2011. World of Viruses Summative Evaluation Report: Study I Results. 2011.
McQuillan, Julia and Amanda Penn Richardson. Membership Committee Report on Patterns in SWS membership and reasons for non-renewal for 2009
McQuillan, Julia. Consultant for the American Bankruptcy Institute study of Fees. Stephen J. Lubben. "ABI Chapter 11 Professional Fee Study" (December 1, 2007). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1020477
McQuillan, Julia and Cheryl Wiese. 1999. "Request for Proposals to Study the Death Penalty in the State of Nebraska, 1973-2000". Nebraska Crime Commission.

McQuillan, Julia. 1996. Consultant. Truck Renting and Leasing Industry Report: Size, Growth and Purchasing Trends (Survey Based on 1994 Operations).
McQuillan, Julia. 1993. Consultant. “World Presidents' Organization: Event Preferences Survey Results.”
McQuillan, Julia. 1993. Consultant. Report of the Working Group on the Status of Women Faculty at the University of Connecticut Health Center.

Jacob, M.C., McQuillan, J., Greil. A.L., White, L. 2003. Psychological distress by type of fertility problem. Program Supplement, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, p. S51.
Book Reviews
McQuillan, Julia. 2011. When Couples Become Parents: The Creation of Gender in the Transition to Parenthood. 25: 4: 536-538.
McQuillan, Julia. 2000. Review: Weaving Work and Motherhood. Anita Ilta Garey in Journal of Marriage and the Family. 63:595-596. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/bosrfacpub/4
McQuillan, Julia. 2000. Review: Challenges for Work and Family in the Twenty-First Century by Dana Vannoy and Paula J. Dubeck (Eds) in Social Science Quarterly.

McQuillan, Julia. 1993. Review: Never Too Thin by Eva Szekely (1988) and Anorexia and Bulimia: Anatomy of a Social Epidemic by Richard Gordon. (1990) in Gender & Society (Pp. 473-475).
Other Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

McQuillan, Julia. 2014. My reflections on Patterson. Speak for Sociology. Blog. http://speak4sociology.org/2014/12/04/my-reflections-on-patterson/

Shreffler, Karina.M., Julia McQuillan, Aurthur.L. Greil and Katherine.M. Johnson. 2011. “On the Fence: New Insights on Pregnancy Ambivalence.” National Council on Family Relations Report 56(2): F7-9.
De Welde, Kris, Laura Logan, Jessica Holden-Sherwood, Julia McQuillan, and Joya Misra. 2010 “Me and My Posse: Making Feminist Change in the Academy.” Sociologists for Women in Society, Network News, Vol 27(4): 4-6.
Manuscripts under Review
Tichenor, Veronica, McQuillan, Julia, Arhur L. Greil, Andrew Bedrous, Amy Clark, Karina Shreffler. Attitudes Towards Motherhood: An Intersectional Analysis among Women in the United States.

Gibbs, Larry; Stacy Tiemeyer, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. "Sexual Satisfaction and Pregnancy Intentions among Married and Cohabiting Women in the U.S.: Variations by Race and Ethnicity" 1-7-2015

Invited Presentations/Panels
2015 “From Discovery to Identity: Finding Ways to Engage All Youth In Science.” Midwest Regional Noyce Regional Meeting. Omaha, NE. October 30.

2015 “Adding Value to Science Communication through Social Science Partnerships” UNL Sci-COMM Conference. October 4, 2015. Program of Excellence in Biological Systems Engineering.

2014 “Mission: Graduate Programs Prepare students to Produce and Apply Sociological Theories, Knowledge, and Methods as well as to Think Critically and to Engage Meaningfully in Multiple Employment Sectors.” Panelist at the American Sociological Association Director of Graduate Studies Workshop, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca. August 15.

2014 “Moving Towards Promotion to Full Professor: Leadership and Scholarship Development” Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Department of Human Development and Family Science, March 27

2013 Academic Leadership Workshop on Diversifying the Leadership and panel about being a Department Chair. University of Nevada-Las Vegas; October

2013 Implicitly Reducing Implicit Bias. Panel on Implicit Bias. Advance Co-PI meeting. March. Alexandria, VA.

2012 Surgical Sterilization, Regret & Race. Women’s and Gender Studies. University of Nebraska. Fall. With Karina Shreffler.

2012 Women’s Foundation of Lincoln Nebraska, Women’s Health Public Access T.V. Show on “Infertility”.

2012 “Unanticipated Interconnections between Men in Families and Women in STEM” Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Ceremony Talk. University of Nebraska. April.

2012 “STEM faculty Experiences by Gender, Race and Rank” Eastern Sociological Society Invited Panel on Pathways and Potholes: Entry, Persistence, and Exit in STEM Fields – Mini-Conference: Women in Science. February 25. New York City. With Christina Falci, Megumi Watanabe, Patricia Wonch Hill and Mary Anne Holmes.

2012 “Overburdened by Home an Job Devotion: Raising Questions about Gender Assumptions to Bring Some Relief”. College of Arts and Sciences Staff Council. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. February 16, 2012. 3:00-4:00 pm.

2011 “Loaded Words: How Gender Stereotypes Can Backfire” Sponsored by the Women’s Commission. Weslyan University. December 1, 2011. 3:30pm.

2011 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Karina Shreffler. National Survey of Fertility Barriers: Lessons for Practitioners from Population Data. . University of Nebraska Medical Center. Department of Family Medicine. May 10, 2011.

2011 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina Shreffler, Patricia Wonch Hill and John Hathcoat. “Identity, Stigma, and Childlessness Distress: Focusing on Reasons Why Women Have No Children.” Family Interest Group. University of Nebraska. April 15.

2010 Wonch Hill, Patricia and Julia McQuillan. August, 2010. Work and Childcare Contexts on Breastfeeding. National Institute of Child Health and Development conference on Contextual Influences on Breastfeeding Decision-Making Processes

2010 McQuillan, Julia, Christia Falci, Megumi Watanabe, and Mary Anne Holmes. “Perceptions of Climate and Connectivity Among UNL STEM Faculty: Insights from STEM faculty at UNL from 2008: Part 2.” University of Nebraska-Lincoln. April.

2010 Falci, Christina, Julia McQuillan, Megumi Watanabe, and Mary Anne Holmes. “Perceptions of Climate and Connectivity Among UNL STEM Faculty: Insights from STEM faculty at UNL from 2008: Part 1”. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, February.

2010 McQuillan, Julia. Guest Lecture Women’s Studies 101 – Transnational Feminism. “Global Infertility.” University of Nebraska. March.

2009 “Trying to, Trying Not to, or Okay Either Way: Categorizing Women Who Do Not Plan Pregnancies.” University of Oklahoma. October.

2009 “The Importance of Population Based Research for Understanding Women’s Health Issues.” Testimony to the Office of Research on Women’s Health. Strategic Planning Meeting. Brown University. Providence, RI. September.

2008 Utilizing Internal Funding Resources to Develop Successful Grant Proposals” Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics workshop. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. September.

2007 “Context and Change in Health Research: A Multilevel Model Approach.” University of Connecticut Health Center, Ethel Donaghue Center for Translating Research into Practice and Policy Seminar Series. Farmington, CT. September.

2007 “Context and Change in Health Research: A Multilevel Model Approach.” Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics workshop. University of Nebraska- Lincoln September.

2007 “Designing Evaluation plans for NSF Advance Grant Proposals” with Mindy Anderson-Knott. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. May.

2007 “Academic Survey Research Organizations: Transitions to New Directors.” Academic Survey Research Organizations (ASRO). Ann Arbor, MI. February.

2007 “Interviewing for Academic Jobs.” Career Development Committee. Sociologists for Women in Society. New Orleans, LA. February.

2002 “Gender and Power in Two Earner Marriages." LeMoyne College

Survey Evaluation and Analysis Lab (SEAL). Syracuse, NY. March.

2000 “Analysis of Hierarchical Data." Special Session sponsored by the Research and Theory Section of the National Council for Family Relations. Minneapolis, MN.

Public Sociology
January 2013 Women’s Health 10: Infertility (Available on youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70DbWILXxEA)

“Recognizing Students’ Science Identity” Lincoln Public Schools, Middle and High School Science Teachers annual back to school workshop. Morrill Hall. August 8, 2014.

Selected Refereed Presentations and Posters (From over 50)
2015 Tiemeyer, Stacy, Larry Gibbs, Karina Shreffler, Arthur Greil, and Julia McQuillan. “Sexual Satisfaction Among U.S. Women in Marital and Cohabiting Unions: Are Pregnancy Attitudes Relevant?” Presented at the May 2015 Population Association of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

2015 Shreffler, Karina M., Julia McQuillan, Arthur Greil, Stacy Tiemeyer, and Kathleen S. Slauson-Blevins. "Infertility and Fertility Intentions, Desires, and Outcomes among U.S. Women" Poster will be presented at the 2015 Population Association of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

2015 Julia McQuillan. Organizer and Presenter. Identities in Middle School: Lessons from a School-Wide Social Network Study. March 26. Kansas City, MO.

2015 Julia McQuillan, Loretta Bass, Ligaya McGovern, Akiko Yoshida. Organizers for the MSS Authors Book Panel. March 26. Kansas City, MO.

2014 Greil, Arthur, Julia McQuillan, Kathleen S. Slauson-Blevins, Stacy Tiemeyer, and Karina M. Shreffler. “Estimating the Need and Unmet Need for Infertility Services.” Poster presented at the 2014 Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

2014 Julia McQuillan. Starting a Dialogue: Childfree, Reproduction, and Family Scholars.. Sociologists for Women in Society. Round Table.

2013 Patricia Wonch Hill, Mary Anne Holmes, Julia McQuillan. The New Faculty Profile. March. ADVANCE PI Meeting. Alexandria, VA.

2012 Patricia Wonch Hill, Mary Anne Holmes, Julia McQuillan.. Can we Afford Not To Pay Attention to Gender Equity in U.S. Universities? Bergen, Norway. August. Gender Equity in Higher Education.

2012 Julia McQuillan, Veronica Tichenor, Arthur L. Greil, Andrew Bedrous. Motherhood & Meanings Among Black, Hispanic, Asian, & White Women in the U.S.A. Eastern Sociological Society. February. New York City.
2012 Julia McQuillan, Patricia Wonch Hill, Mary Anne Holmes. Academic Rank & Faculty Perceptions: Is Higher Better for White Men Only? Eastern Sociological Association. February, New York City.
2012 Julia McQuillan, Kathleen Johnson, Arthur L. Greil, Karina Shreffler. Beyond Involuntary Childlessness: Toward a More Inclusive Notion of Reproductive Barriers. Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN.

2011 Falci, Christina, Julia McQuillan, Megumi Watanabe, and Mary-Anne Holmes. “Gender and Isolation in the Ivory Tower: Insights from Social Network Analysis of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Departments.” Roundtable Presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA August 2010

2012 McQuillan, Julia. Critic for an “Author Meets Critic” Session on Sara Damaske “For the Family”, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, Mn, March, 2012.

2012 McQuillan, Julia, Aurthur L. Greil, Katherine M. Johnson, Katrina Schreffler. Reframing Reproduction. Paper session, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, MN, March, 2012.

2011 Johnson, Katherine M. Arthur L. Greil, Julia McQuillan, Karina Shreffler. Fertility and Infertility: Toward the Integration of Two Research Traditions. National Council On Family Relations, Theory Construction and Research Methodology (TCRM). Orlando, FL. November 2, 2011.

*Katherine Johnson received the award for the best student paper at the TCRM meeting.

2011 Cooper, Ashley Frear, Julia McQuillan, Stacia Jorgensen and Amanda Richards. 2011. Do Extra Efforts enhance Retention of Racial/Ethnic Subgroups in Longitudinal RDD Telephone Surveys? American Association of Public Opinion Research. Arizona.
2011 Anderson-Knott, Mindy, Amanda Richardson, Ashley Frear Cooper, Julia McQuillan and Stacia Jorgensen. Text Box Formatting in a State Omnibus Survey: Content, Response and Perceptions. American Association of Public Opinion Research. Arizona.
2011 Shreffler, Karina, Katherine Stamps Mitchell, Julia McQuillan and Arthur L. Greil. American Women’s Pregnancy Histories: Patterns of Correlates and Intentions. American Sociological Association Session on Family Demography.
2011 Berdahl, Terciera and Julia McQuillan. Aging and Intersectionality. American Sociological Association.
2010 Cooper, Ashley Frear, Andrew Bedrous, Julia McQuillan, Stacia Jorgenson and David R. Johnson. Poster. “Why so Hard to Find? Using state-level cell-only, unemployment, and immigration rates to assess panel survey contact success.” Annual Meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Research. Chicago, Il. May.
2010 McQuillan, Julia, Karina Shreffler, and Arthur L. Greil. Presentation. “Infertile Women’s Reasons for Not Seeking Treatment: Values, Social Pressure, and Fertility Intentions among U.S. Women.” Annual Meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society. Chicago, IL. April.
2010 Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Karina Shreffler, Katherine M. Johnson, and Kathleen Slauson-Blevins. Presentation. “The Importance of Social Cues for Medical Helpseeking: The Example of Infertility.” Annual Meeting of Eastern Sociological Society. Boston, MA. March.
2009 Greil, Arthur .L., Karina M. Shreffler and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. “Explaining Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Helpseeking: The Case of Infertility.” Presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. August.
2009 Burch, Andrea R., Arthur L. Greil and Julia McQuillan. Poster. “Types of Infertility and Distress: Results for a Nationwide Sample of Women.” American Psychological Association. Toronto, Ontario. August.
2009 Shreffler, Karina M., Patricia Hill, Arthur L. Greil, and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. “Distress among US Women by Type of Pregnancy Loss.” American Sociological Association. SanFransisco, CA. August.
2009 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Karina M. Shreffler. Roundtable Presentation. “Importance of motherhood and fertility intentions.” American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. August.
2009 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Karina. Shreffler. Presentation. ”Okay Either way.” Midwest Sociological Society Meeting. DeMoines, IA. April.
2009 McQuillan, Julia. Raleigh Contreras, Arthur L. Greil, and Karina M. Shreffler. Presentation. “Importance of Fatherhood in the lives of Men in Relationships with Women.” Eastern Sociological Society. Baltimore, MD. March.
2009 Falci, Christina, Megumi Watanabe, Julia McQuillan and Mary-Anne Holmes. “STEM Faculty Network Marginalization within Departments by Gender and Race” Poster session at the NSF ADVANCE Conference, Washington, D.C. October 2009.

  1. Shreffler, Karina M., Arthur l. Greil, and Julia McQuillan. Symposium Presentation. “Relationship Satisfaction and Fertility Intentions for Married and Cohabiting Couples.”National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR. November.

2008 Shreffler, Karina, Cheyl Delk, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil. Poster. ”Racial/Ethnic Differences in Surgical Sterilization: Rates, Regrets and Distress.” National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR. November.

2008 Hathcoat, John, Karina M. Shreffler, Julia McQuillan and Arthur L. Greil. Poster. “Childlessness Distress and Psychosocial Well-being.” National Council on Family Relations Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR. November.
2008 Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, and Karina M. Shreffler. Presentation. “The Importance of Motherhood and Medical Help-seeking among Infertile Women.” Society for the Study of Social Problems. Boston, MA. August.
2008 Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, David R. Johnson, and Andrea R. Burch. Presentation. “Dissecting the Effects of Religiosity on Medical Helpseeking: The Case of Infertility.” Association for the Sociology of Religion. Boston, MA. November.
2008. Greil, Arthur, Kathleen Slauson-Blevins and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. “The Experience of Infertility: A Review of Recent Literature.” Conference on Reproductive Health Challenges.” Oslo, Norway. August.
2008 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Raleigh Contreras. Presentation. “Self-Identifying as Infertile: A Preliminary Investigation.” Conference on Reproductive Health Challenges. Oslo, Norway. August.
2008 Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, and Andrea R. Burch. Presentation. Stages in Infertility Helpseeking: Findings from a Representative Sample of US Women. Conference on Reproductive Health Challenges; Oslo, Norway. August.
2008 Jacob, Mary Casey, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. Poster. “ Fertility barriers and psychological distress.” American Psychological Association, Boston, MA. August.
2007 McQuillan, Julia and Ann Hobbes. Presentation. “The Effect of Divorcing on Perceived Sacredness of Marriage.” National Council on Family Relations. Pittsburgh, PA. November.
2007 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, Veronica Tichenor. Presentation. “The Salience of Motherhood among Women in the Contemporary United States.” American Sociological Association. New York, NY. August.
2007 Shreffler, Karina M., Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, and Christina Ngaruiya. Presentation. “Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities for Women of Childbearing Age: Continuity and Perceptions of Care. American Sociological Association. New York, NY. August.
2006 Hill, Patricia and Julia McQuillan. Poster. “Sustaining Breastfeeding after Employment: Assessing the Role of Child Care Providers.” National Council on Family Relations. Minneapolis, MN. November.
2006 Berdahl, Terceira and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. “Occupational Racial Composition and Non-Fatal Work Injuries”. American Sociological Association. Montreal, Quebec. August.
2006 Torres Stone, Rosalie and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. “Labor Market Effects on the Children to Mothers’- Hourly-Wage Relationship.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Montral, Quebec. August.
2005 Torres Stone, Rosalie, Julia McQuillan and Florence Maätita. Presentation. “The Importance of Ethnicity-Specific Analyses in the Exploration of the Motherhood wage penalty.”Society for the Study of Social Problems. Philadelphia, PA August.
2005 McQuillan, Julia and Arthur L. Greil. Presentation. “Thinking about Motherhood.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Philadelphia, PA. August.
2005 Greil, Arthur L. and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. “Exploring the Ambiguities of Fecundity Status.” Reproductive Disruptions Conference. Ann Arbor, MI. May.
2004 Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, and Rosalie Torres Stone. Presentation. “Fertility Problems and Life Satisfaction among Women”. American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA. August.
2003 McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Lynn White and David R. Johnson. Frustrated Fertility. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. August.
2002 Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Lynn White and David R. Johnson. Presentation. “Infertility, Treatment-Seeking, and Psychological Distress.” International Conference on Infertility. Goa, India, October.
2001 Chapple, Connie, Julia McQuillan and Terceira Berdahl. Presentation. “Gender, Delinquency, and Social Control Theory: Addressing a Persistent Critique.” American Society of Criminology. Atlanta, GA. November.
1999 McQuillan, Julia and Myra Marx Ferree. Presentation. “Gender and Grievances among Two Earner Couples.” American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL. August.
1999 McQuillan, Julia and Julie Pfeiffer. Presentation. “Gender Vertigo: Or Why Anne makes us Dizzy”. Conference on Modern Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature. Nashville, TN. March.
1996 Twiggs, Joan and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. "The Division of Household Labor: Toward a Gender Hierarchy of Task Measurement". Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, MD. April.
1996 McQuillan, Julia. Presentation. "Gender Based Pay Gaps: Institutional versus Individual Explanations." Eastern Sociological Society. Boston, MA. March.
1995 McQuillan, Julia and Myra Marx Ferree. Presentation. "The Importance of Variation Among Husbands and the Benefits of Feminism for Families: Comments on John Gottman's ‘Toward a Process Model of Men in Marriages and Families.’" Conference on Men in Families, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA. November.

  1. Reisine, Susan, Judith Fifield, and Julia McQuillan. Presentation. "Chronic Illness and Work Status Over Time." Eastern Sociological Society. Baltimore, MD. March.

Presentations to the University of Nebraska Community

2016 McQuillan, Julia. January 21. Peer Powered: Helping Each Other Find the Good (aka Trying to Be Relentlessly Positive). Department Executive Officer Brown Bag Session.

2014 McQuillan, Julia and Stacy Tiemeyer. “Disparities in Unintended Pregnancies & Unmet Need for Infertility Health Services- Innovating Combined Integrated & Missing Data Analysis Models.” Poster presented at UNL Minority Health Disparities Initiative Winter 2014 Retreat, Ashland, NE
2011 Falci, Christina, Julia McQuillan and Megumi Watanabe. “STEM Faculty Networks across Social Status and Climate.” Department of Sociology Colloquium, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE March 2011.
2010 McQuillan, Julia and Christina Falci. “Perceptions of Climate and Connectivity among UNL STEM Faculty: Insights from STEM faculty at UNL from 2008.” ADVANCE-Nebraska results presentation to STEM Faculty. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE April 2010.
2010 Falci, Christina and Julia McQuillan. “UNL STEM Faculty Networks and Climate.” ADVANCE-Nebraska results presentation to STEM Faculty. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE February 2010.

Courses Taught
Introduction to Sociology, Social Problems, Social Psychology

Sociology of Health and Health Professions, Introduction to Research II,

Sociology of Marriage and Family, Family Diversity, Advanced Graduate Statistics (OLS


Seminars in Family, Gender, Social Psychology, Multilevel Modeling, Publishing

Ucare Students (Undergraduate Research Experience)

Raleigh Contraras (2009), Divya Gopal (2010-2011), Mandy Arter (2010-2011), Chan Wai (2010-2011), Shelby Koenig (2013-2014)

Chair of Undergraduate Thesis

Nelson, Amber. 2001. “Single Motherhood: The Struggle for self-sufficiency”

Ngariyua, Christine. 2006. “Odds of having a regular doctor by Race.”
Member of Undergraduate Thesis Committee

Erin Barth* (Environmental Studies 2012), Brian Trump (History, 2011)*, Rachel West (Sociology 2000), Michaela Wolf* (Environmental Studies 2011)*

Current Chair or Co-Chair

Lyndie Christensen Nader (PhD), Stacy Teimeyer (Ph.D.),

Current Member

Katheryn Bass (Ph.D.), Kate Hunt* (Ph.D.), Micheal Leber (Ph.D.), Lesa Johnson (Ph.D.), Rebecca Power* (MA), Megumi Watanabe (Ph.D.), Deadric Williams (Ph.D.)

Member of Completed M.A. Thesis for the following students

Abi Ati, Rachel Brown, Lyndie Christensen, Tucker Handley, Rebecca Harris, Alian Kasabian, Nathan Palmer, Nicholas Park, Deb Ruigh, Kayla Sanders, Alexis Swenderer, Jill Thayer, Misty Thomas, Yan Wang, Rachel West, Angela Wheeler

Member of Completed Ph.D. Thesis

Dr. Kathy Acosta, Dr. Shannon Bader*, Dr. Anna Bellatorre, Dr. Terciera Berdahl, Dr. Mohyin Chang, Dr. Albert Chu*, Dr. Suraj Commuri*, Dr. Chris Garneau, Dr. Jie Gao Fowler*, Dr. Andrew Garbacz*, Dr. Tanya Gladney, Dr. Mu Wan. Huang*, Dr. Levi Littvay*, Dr. Lee McGinnis*,Dr. Paul Olson, Dr. Nicholas Park, Dr. Aaron Peaks, Dr. Kayla Pritchard, Dr. Cassandra Uclair Unger*, Dr. Allison Vetter, Dr. Jeffrey Willett, Dr. Susan Wortmann, Dr. Tiffany Widdington*, Chad Wertley*

*Indicates a student in a department other than Sociology.
Chair of M.A. Thesis
Elizabeth Richardson. 2014. “Is Gaining, Losing, or Persisting with a Fertility Problem Associated with changes in Self-Esteem?”

Renita Tyrance. 2013. “Witnessing Interpersonal Violence at Home: Adolescence and School Achievement.”

Straley, Beth. 2012. “Abortion and Distress: The Role of State-Level Restrictive Policies Regarding Reproduction”

Shanahan Gentzler, Kari. 2011. Motherhood Situation and Life Satisfaction: Are Reasons for Having No Children Important?

Bennette, Jana. 2007. “Under Construction: Evaluating Social Constructions of Stalking in Social Science Research”.

Sheffield, Tiffany. 2007. “Does Wanting it Matter?”

Ades, Laci. 2006. “Horror in the Halls: Examining Adolescent Fear of Crime and Academic Difficulty.”

Thaden, Brooke. 2001. “Lives Put on Hold: Families Caught in a Corporate merger.”

Chair or Co-chair of completed Ph.D. Dissertations

Snyder, Bryan. 2012.” Hard Work, Overcoming, and Masculinity: An Ethnographic Account of High School Wrestlers' Bodies and Cultural Worlds”

Park, Amy. 2012. “A Phenomenology of the Meaning of Motherhood for African American and Hispanic Women Who Do Not Have Children in the United States.”

Hobbes, Anne . 2011. Aversive racism and implicit biases in civil rights workers in the United States

Slauson, Blevins, Kathleen. 2011. “Infertility help seeking and social support: Do conventional theories explain internet behaviors and outcomes?”

Wonch Hill, Patricia. 2010. “The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Child Care for Working Mothers in the United States.”

Bedrous, Andrew V. 2010. “Comparing Individual- and National- Level explanations of Environmental Attitudes.”

Edwards, Crystal. 2005. “A Mixed Method Analysis of Mental Health Related Foster Care Placement.”

Norwood, Carolette. 2004. “Microeconomic Schemes in Rural Ghana: A Mixed Method Evaluation of microcredit on Women’s Empowerment and Family Planning Studies.”

Professional Service
Association roles

2015-2018 Elected Council Member, Family Section of the American Sociological Association.

2015 Population Association of America, Poster Judge

2015 Population Association of American, Discussant, Session 209 Work & Famlies

2015-2017 Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Nominations Committee

2012-2013 Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) ByLaws Strategic Planning Committee

2010-2013 Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Publications Committee (Co-Chair the last 2 years))

2010-Present Editorial Board, Journal of Marriage and Family

2010 Academic Association of Survey Research Organization. Membership and Advocacy Committee.

2010 Goode Book Award Committee for the American Sociological Association Family Section

2008-2010 Membership Committee, Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) Membership Committee – Analyzed membership patterns, conducted a membership survey, and wrote a report.

2006-2011 Editorial Board, Gender & Society

    1. Nebraska State Director of the Midwest Sociological Society

  1. Goode Book Award Committee for the American Sociological Association Family Section

2002-2006 Sociologists for Women in Society Social Action Committee
Sessions organized

2014 for 2015 “No Sex, Just a Baby” Thematic Session for the American Sociological Association.

2013 for 2013 “Pathways to Promotion to Full” Workshop. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.

2013 for 2013 “Sociology of Reproduction” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.

2012 for 2013 “Infertility and Childlessness: Determinants, Choices, Treatments and Consequences” for the 2013 Population Association of American Annual Meeting.

2012 “Sociological Perspectives on Parenthood and the Life Course” Midwest Sociological Association Meeting

2011 “Sociology of Parenthood” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting.

2010 “Parenthood” for the Family section of the American Sociological Association.

2007 “NSF Advance Planning Meeting.” University of Nebraska –Lincoln.

2006 “Analyzing Longitudinal and Panel Data: Options and Possibilities” for the Midwest Sociological Society

2005 “Meaning in Families” for the Family section of the American Sociological


2005 “ABS/SWS Sister-to-Sister Task force on Collaboration Opportunities” at the Sociologists for Women in Society meeting.
Departmental Service

2012-Present Chair, Department of Sociology

2010-2012 Sociology Department, Graduate Committee

2008-2010 Sociology Department, Executive Committee

2006 Sociology Department, search chair, Advanced statistics

2005 Sociology Department, search chair, Health and Advanced Statistics

2005-Present Director or Co-Director, Bureau of Sociological Research

2004 Co-Director, Bureau of Sociological Research

1998-2004 Executive Committee, Bureau of Sociological Research

2003-2004 Co-Chair, Bruhn Chair Search Committee

2000-2002 Chair, Resources and Planning Committee

1998-2000 Member, Graduate Committee

1994-1997 Student Representative, Recruitment Committee, University of Connecticut

1992-1993 Student Representative, Executive Committee, University of Connecticut

    1. Student Representative, Colloquium Committee, University of Connecticut

University Service
2014 Diversity Leadership Symposium discussion leader (Nov. 5 and 12)

2014 ORED Faculty Retreat May 15-16; Planning team and Facilitator, Theme 2: Enhancing Lives: Integrating Research and Practice across the Social, Behavioral, and Educational Sciences.

2014-2016 College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Executive Committee

2013,2014 University of Nebraska Achievement Banquet, Table host

2012-2013 Director, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics (SSP)

2011 Facilitated (With Jan Deeds) Planning a Civil Rights Conference with the President’s University Wide Gender and Diversity Committees

2011 Search Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, UNL, Associate Dean

2011 STEM Department Chair Data Breakfast

2010-2012 Arts and Sciences Dean’s Executive Council

2008-2010 U-Wide Gender Equity Committee

2008-2010 Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Women

2008-2009 University of Nebraska Medical Center Leadership-Management Series

2006-2007 Acting Director, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics (SSP)

2006-2007 Search Chair, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics (SSP)

2005-2010 Advisory Committee, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics (SSP)

2005-2006 College Committee on Academic Rights and Responsibilities

2005-2007 College Committee on Academic Distinction and Awards

2006-2007 President, Phi Beta Kappa

2005-2006 Vice President, Phi Beta Kappa

2003-2006 Women’s Studies Advisory Committee

2003 Nominator. Lynn White for an Outstanding Research/Creative Activity Award

2000-2010 Faculty Member, Women's and Gender Studies.

2000-2002 Graduate Fellowship Committee.

    1. Ronald E. McNair Advisory Committee..

Other Service to the Discipline

2015-2017 Elected, Nominations Committee, Sociologists for Women in Society

2012-2014 Strategic Taskforce, Bylaws Subcommittee, Sociologists for Women in Society

2010-2013 Elected,Publications Committee, Sociologists for Women in Society

2006-2011 Editorial Board, Gender & Society

2010-Present Editorial Board, Journal of Marriage & Family

2011 Academic Program Review, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

2006- External Reviewer for Tenure Cases (approximately 1-2/year)

Ad hoc Article Reviews

American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Arthritis Care and Research, British Journal of Sociology, Children’s Literature, Critical Sociology, Demography, Gender & Society, Health Psychology, Human Reproduction, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Marriage and Family, Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Masculinity, Perspectives on Sexual and, Reproductive Health, Population Studies, Sex Roles, Social Forces, Social Politics, Social Science and Medicine, The Sociological Quarterly, Women’s Health: Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy.

Ad Hoc Grant Reviews For
Office of Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

National Science Foundation

Professional Memberships
American Association of Public Opinion Research

American Association of University Professors

American Association of University Women

American Sociological Association

Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations

Eastern Sociological Society

Midwest Sociological Society

National Council on Family Relations

Phi Beta Kappa

Population Association of America

Society for the Study of Social Problems

Sociologists for Women in Society

Community Service

2014 Nebraska Association of Science Teachers, round table on engaging science materials, evaluating informal

2014 Lincoln Public Schools Science Teachers Gathering; Help to Host and Presented Research on Science Identity among Adolescents (With Judy Diamond, Patricia Hill,

2009–2012 School Neighborhood Advisory Committee for Prescott Elementary School and the Community Learning Center

    1. Healthy Kids 2010: Mayors Commission on Breastfeeding

2011 Milkworks: Corporate Fundraising
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