July 14-16, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia Organized by

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Second Conference of the Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-2)

July 14-16, 2004, Novosibirsk, Russia
Organized by

Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS,

Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS,

Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS,

Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics SB RAS.

Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of RF,

Ministry of Atomic Energy RF,


Center for Northeast Asia Studies of Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan,

Asia-Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM).


We are glad to invite you to participate in the Second Conference of the Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science (ACCMS-2), which will be organized in Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok) Russia during July 14-16, 2004. The first conference ACCMS-1 was held in Bangalore, India in November 2001.

The Asian Consortium for Computational Materials Science (http://www-lab.imr.edu/~accms/) has been set up to nurture and promote research and developmental activities in computational materials science in Asian countries. Computational materials science has emerged as a distinct multidisciplinary branch of science whose relevance and importance has come from (a) the desire to have a microscopic understanding of complex materials and phenomena, (b) the need to design novel materials with a desired combination of physical, chemical and metallurgical properties, and (c) the possibility to describe the basic inter-atomic interactions in materials via appropriate quantum mechanical and statistical mechanical tools. With the unprecedented growth of computer power and the developments of efficient and smart algorithms and codes, it is now possible to do large scale simulations of real materials with increasing complexity. A synergy amongst a wide variety of disciplines such as physics, chemistry, metallurgy, geology, biology, computer science and information technology is gradually coming to a reality due to advances in computer simulations. The Conference will emphasize all aspects of computational materials science.
A personal invitation will be sent to any scientist requiring one in order to obtain a visa to attend the meeting.
The conference is organized by the Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS), Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Kutateladze Institute of Thermal Physics SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia).
The Conference will be held at the Novosibirsk Scientific Centre (Akademgorodok). The scientific program will start on Wednesday morning, July 14, and the last scientific session is scheduled on Friday evening, July 16.
English will be the official Conference language.
The deliberations of the ACCMS -2 will cover topics such as density functional theory-based methods, Monte Carlo and molecular and lattice dynamics simulations, tight-binding and effective medium approaches, order-N methods, mixed-basis methods, quasi-continuum approaches, quantum Monte Carlo, genetic algorithm, etc and their applications to different materials.
The Conference program will include Plenary Lectures, Invited Lectures, and Poster Presentations. A few short presentations will be selected from contributions to highlight hot topics and new developments.
Three Aida-Kawazoe prizes will be given for best paper presented in the Conference to encourage young researchers.


The proceedings of the Conference will be published. Participants should bring the manuscripts at the time of the Conference, which will be refereed.

M. Ahmed, Bangladesh

O. K. Andersen, Germany

R. Chitradorn, Thailand

M. C. Chon, South Korea

G.P. Das, India

M. Doyama, Japan

K. Esfarjani, Iran

B. L. Gu, China

J. Ihm, South Korea

P. Jena, USA

Y. Kawazoe, Japan

V. Kumar, Japan/India

T.K. Lee, Taiwan

D. Nguyen-Manh, UK/Vietnam

D. G. Pettifor, UK

M. R. Philpott, Singapore

P. Rama Rao, India

S. Ranganathan, India

M.W. Radny, Australia

C. O. Rodriguez, Argentina

R. B. Tao, China

K. Terakura, Japan

M. Tsukada, Japan

L. T. Wille USA


F.A. Kuznetsov, Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,

V.E. Panin, Institute of Strength Physics and Material sciences

I.V. Murin, St.Petersburg State University ,

I.G. Neizvestnii, Institute of semiconductor physics,

G.M. Zhidomirov, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis,


F.A. Kuznetsov - Chair

V.R. Belosludov – Convener

V.S. Berdnikov

Z.S. Yanovitskaya

T.M. Inerbaev - Secretary

Yu.G. Stenin

P.P. Samoilov

I.L. Zilberberg

O.S. Subbotin

A.A. Pomeranskii

N.A. Nemov

Vera Pikalova
ACCMS-2 Secretariat

Dr. V.R. Belosludov

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

3, Acad. Lavrentiev Ave.,

Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

Phone: (3832)343057, Fax: (3832)344489

E-mail: bel@casper.che.nsk.su , belosludov@ngs.ru

For participants from abroad: US$150

For participants from Russia: Rub. 500

For students from Russia: Rub. 200

(Rates for Russian delegates have been subsidized with the funding from government of Russia)

This includes conference literature, abstracts booklet, session tea/coffee expenses and banquet, but excludes accommodation charge.


Partial support may be offered on request, to a limited number of young participants below the age of 35 years.


  • December 30, 2003 - Deadline for pre-registration for sending applications for participation and receiving the second circular.

  • March 15, 2004 - Deadline for sending abstracts.

The second circular, containing more detailed information on the scientific program, general arrangements, final registration forms and the instructions for the presentation of abstracts and posters will be mailed in early Feb. 2004. Those wishing to attend the conference and/or to receive the second circular are urged to pre-register before December 30, 2003.
You may also register by e-mail (itm@ngs.ru , talgat@casper.che.nsk.su, and belosludov@ngs.ru )
Family name:...........................................................................................................................
Given name(s):................................................................Title: Prof.  , Dr.  , Mr.  , Ms. 
Mailing address:......................................................................................................................
Postal code and city:................................................................................................................
I wish to receive the Second Circular...................................Yes/No
I intend to submit a contribution:..................................Yes/No
Preference for...............................  oral /  poster presentation
Please send me..............................extra copies of the Second Circular
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