Just returned from a short cruise. Ahh, the sun, warm wind, beautiful sea all provided plenty of r & R. Sorry, about any delays in responses. Mark’s Tidbits

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High Life 013   PCN Home |  Post to PCN | G-Group | Calendar | HL Archive | Sign Up    11/03/2009 

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Large Web Community for World’s Largest Airline

A merger on Aug 1, 2009 of RSP and Delta Retired Pilots Communication Network 

High Life

For all Delta people who have truly touched the High Life/

Dear PCN,

Group Section

Mark’s Remarks:

Just returned from a short cruise. Ahh, the sun, warm wind, beautiful sea all provided plenty of R & R. Sorry, about any delays in responses.

Mark’s Tidbits:

On our way to registering 3000. The manually adding of subscribers to the g-group is complete, and I thank you for all the cooperation. Running this group is a task, but also a big honor to serve our community and I take it seriously.

News Section

Delta News (Recent stories of interest): Yahoo, AJC

Monday, November 2, 2009, 11:00am EST

Delta, Virgin Blue venture closer

Atlanta Business Chronicle

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is closer to approving a joint venture between Delta Air Lines Inc. and Virgin Blue Airlines Group on their flights between Australia and the United States.

ACCC on Monday issued a draft determination proposing to grant authorization for the venture, under which the airlines coordinate pricing, revenue management, schedules, capacity and routes flown.

Read More: http://atlanta.bizjournals.com/atlanta/stories/2009/11/02/daily10.html?ana=yfcpc

Delta CEO: 'Clear violation' involved in wayward flight
Thu Oct 29, 2009


ATLANTA, Oct 29 (Reuters) - The chief executive of Delta Air Lines Inc said on Thursday that the pilots of a Northwest Airlines flight who overflew their destination would be dealt with by the carrier, as the use of laptops in the cockpit was a clear violation of company rules.


Earlier this week, U.S. regulators revoked the licenses of the two Northwest pilots, who said they lost their bearings during an Oct. 21 flight while discussing company policy and using their laptops.


The pilots of Northwest Flight 188 from San Diego to Minneapolis lost contact with air controllers for more than an hour and overshot the Minneapolis-St Paul Airport by 150 miles (240 km), aviation officials said.


"The best way that I can describe the incident to you is we don't operate our airplanes that way," Delta Chief Executive Richard Anderson said in a recorded message to employees on Thursday. "We operate professionally, we follow our standard operating procedures ..."


Anderson added that it was a "clear violation of our rules to have laptops open in a cockpit," and said the incident was an "anomaly."


The pilots told the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) that they "lost track of time" during a conversation on new crew schedules. They were also using their personal laptop computers as part of that discussion, officials said.


Delta earlier this week said it has suspended the pilots, identified as Timothy Cheney and Richard Cole, pending the outcome of the NTSB investigation and an internal company probe.


"This is really a basic in flying an airplane, that you pay attention and that you act professionally," Anderson added in his message. "That crew did not and we'll deal with it accordingly."


Union vote rule change vexes Delta

By Kelly Yamanouchi

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A proposed change in the rules for union representation elections at airlines is adding tension to expected union votes at Delta Air Lines in the wake of its merger with Northwest Airlines.

The National Mediation Board, which governs airline and railroad labor relations, wants to require that unions win a majority of votes only from those workers who cast ballots, rather than from a majority of all those eligible to vote. In most cases that would reduce the number of votes needed for a union to win.

The board will formally publish the proposed rule today and take comments on the matter for 60 days.

Read More: http://www.ajc.com/search/content//printedition/2009/11/03/nmb1103.html

Other Airline News (Recent stories of interest):

Airlines ratchet up holiday surcharges

Airlines ratchet up holiday surcharges, boosting extra cost on peak days to $20 each way

  • By David Koenig, AP Airlines Writer

  • On 6:11 pm EST, Monday November 2, 2009

DALLAS (AP) -- If you plan to travel around the upcoming holidays, prepare to pay a little more -- again.

Most of the largest U.S. airlines have increased a surcharge for travel on the busiest travel days to $20 each way, up from $10.

The surcharges apply to a large number of flights within the U.S. on more than a dozen peak days around holidays including Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's.

Read More: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Airlines-ratchet-up-holiday-apf-422186858.html?x=0&.v=4

Finance Section (section containing items with financial consequence to our group):


Remaining financial items for retirees to watch:

After Aug 2007 these are retirement items remaining with financial consequence. 

1. PBGC 2nd look re-calc at qualified annuity benefits - completed 8/24/07

2. PBGC make up lump payment for underpayments since termination:  most reported received 1/31/08

3. Final claim distribution by DAL through BSI - pending (now likely in '10 according to Kight)

4. Class Action suit against DAL concerning 5 yr look-back worth in excess of $100 million - withdrawn

5. Final PBGC re-calc "determination" of qualified annuity (likely after claim stock sale) - pending

6. Pension reinstatement/contribution request by DP3 representing the retired pilots. very long shot....pending

7. Roth IRA creation as per Worker, Retiree, and Employer Recovery Act of 2008 - deadline June 22nd, 2009

8. Expiration of HCTC 80% premium subsidy will expire on December 31, 2010.

Insurance (issues about health, life or disability that are of interest):

DP3 Health Insurance Q&A for 2010 Open Enrollment - COBRA and HCTC Benefits

October 30, 2009
Our Mission Statement
To work to preserve the earned pensions, health insurance and other benefits paid by Delta Air Lines to retired Delta pilots, their dependents and survivors.
Dear Mark,
We have been receiving many questions from the DP3 membership regarding the 2010 Open Enrollment options and process, particularly about the new COBRA option and the HCTC benefit.

Acknowledging that we are not trained in Delta's myriad Health Insurance options, and certainly not experts in the federal Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC), we are nonetheless trying to provide some basic information that you can use in making your 2010 choices for health coverage.

We have prepared a web page listing the questions we have been asked and the best answers we can obtain from the various sources available to the public.  The Q&A is available through the link on the FAQ drop down menu on our home page (www.dp3.org) or by clicking this direct link here:  http://www.dp3.org/ns/2010oeFAQ.html.

Please remember that we are not experts, and as much as we'd like to, we can't make your decision for you.  But we can share with you the process that some of the trustees have used to make their decisions.

First, you need to be sure that you are eligible for the HCTC. If you are not, you should consider the high cost of the COBRA coverage before choosing that option. We can tell you that for those not eligible for HCTC (see the Q&A for guidance) the COBRA coverage is based on the DFCMP and is more expensive than the DPMP and has less coverage.

Second, if you are eligible for the HCTC, we suggest that you investigate your state HCTC eligible program. Not all states have them, and the costs and benefits vary widely.

Third, in order to compare the DAL plans you need to look at the benefit brochures. We have included them at the top of the Q&A page. DAL has not made this easy. First look at the 2010 Retiree Benefits Highlights. The current deductibles and other limits of the plans are there. Copy those numbers down, and then go to the Benefits Handbook, which was published in 2008. The details of the plans are in that brochure, but the deductibles and limits are not correct. You must apply the limits you copied down from the Highlights brochure.

To find out details of the drug plan, you must go to the UHC web page and find the drug calculator to find out whether prescriptions you have are covered, and how much they will cost you under the Delta plans.

This is by no means all of the information you should be comparing, but it gets you past the more confusing parts of the process.

Finally, we are aware of two possible glitches in the enrollment process.  Some retired pilots are not showing the COBRA option on their paperwork - if you think you are eligible and do not have the option, call the Delta ESC.  Also, when switching from the HVO to the Age65 COBRA option, sometimes you cannot de-select the HVO option, and it appears you are signing up for both.  Again, call the ESC to ensure you have completed the selections properly.

If you have additional questions not covered here, please send them to us using our contact form:  http://www.dp3.org/ns/ns/contact.html and we will do our best to find the answer and post it on the FAQ.

Some key points to remember.  The DP3 VEBA will not be available during this year's open enrollment period.  The HCTC rules are very specific and well documented on their web site.  Premium payments must be made on time or you risk losing both the COBRA deal and the HCTC.  The HCTC Customer Contact Center (1-866-628-4282) is staffed with very professional and helpful agents, but they are very busy with applications resulting from the ARRA act, and they are already about 6-8 weeks behind; so be prepared to make the full premium payments for at least 2 months before you start your HCTC benefit if you choose the new COBRA option.

We Need Your Help
Please check our web site and BLOG frequently, as we routinely post documents and reports of interest to the membership that enhance or supplement the information contained in our email messages.  The Documents section contains all recently posted documents, such as meeting minutes and letters from Delta like the one referenced here.   Please take the time to read and review all the posts in the Documents folder.  And remember, the BLOG is our FAQ, and is fully searchable if you have questions about much of the work we are doing.

Also, if you have retired pilot friends who are not on our mailing list, please tell them about DP3's recent activities and ask them to join you in helping us restore our lost benefits.  Make sure they know about this new Q&A resource, too.  The easiest way is to click the "Forward this email to another retired Delta pilot" link under my signature below to pass this message along.



Will Buergey      

DP3 Chairman


Bill Pantesco

Email   wjjp@earthlink.net

Issue Area --- Insurance

Comments --- I have been trying to find out info from Delta about the administrator for the new Cobra option. I understand it is SHPS. Is that correct? Does anyone know their contact info (address or phone #)?



From: readam@att.net

Date: 10/27/2009 8:23:40 PM

To: Mark Sztanyo

Subject: 2010 Delta Insurance
Hi Mark,

I just spent half a day trying to figure out the Delta medical benefits for retirees, in paticular

the "one time only" Cobra offering for those of us who were under age 60 when the bankruptcy
occurred. For some this could be a good deal (editor addition- particular those with a pre-existing condition). For me it is a slightly or more bad deal.

One thing for sure, it's a GREAT deal for Delta. My HCTC plan in Ohio costs $886 per month,

of which the IRS pays 80%. That's for a $500 deductible plan for me, my spouse, and my
daughter. After that it's 20% co-pay to a maximum out of pocket of $2500 per person or
$5000 family maximum. All of which is way better than the Delta FCMP offered as Cobra.
Downside is twofold - there is a maximum $1,000,000 lifetime limit per person and it only
covers generic drugs ($15 copay). I'm 60 and hopefully won't need the lifetime limit. My
daughter will be out of  college and on her own in a couple of years. That will reduce the
total premium a little more.  Cobra would end for me in 5 years anyway. Why pay more
just so Delta gets a GREAT deal?

My benefit choices include an age 65 Cobra Standard and an age 65 Cobra High Value. I have

absolutely no idea what those are. Cobra coverage is supposed to end at age 65. I could find
nothing on the DeltaNet to explain either. There was something about age 65 Cobra pertaining
to Medicare part D, which covers drugs, but can't imagine paying $579/month for supplemental
drug coverage after age 65. Maybe it has something to do with the "Lifetime Cobra" that was
given to the members of the 1114 committee who screwed all of us under age 60. Don't know
but would like to hear from somebody that does.


Editor: I thank my good friend Bob, for adding his two cents. On the “after 65 Cobra”, it is my understanding that that is “secondary” insurance, much in the same mode as a Medicare supplement plan. Secondly, while I thank the DP3 for efforts on our behalf to relieve distressed pilot’s health insurance costs, this opt back in option may only prove to be of minimal benefit, and not in the pilot’s best interest. I would guess that the majority of retirees are in Bob’s and my situation, where it is actually cheaper and with comparable (if not better) coverage to remain with the state qualified plan.

Or another words not to opt back in. With regard to the good deal for Delta I also agree that increasing the size of the insured pool, with government premium subsidies of those on the HCTC, would likely be a beneficial thing for the company. Each will have to review their own situation and act on what they deemed best.


Note from Mark concerning Delta Pilots Disability & Survivorship Plan:

I wrote a compilation, (I called an expose in 2008) pre-dominantly to help myself sort out issues surrounding the D & S Trust. I have been in council with experts and individuals in the know on this area and hope have a new and revised document soon. Mark
From: Donald Pedrazzini

Date: 10/28/2009 1:16:11 PM

Subject: Western Airlines Retirement Plan

 Hi All,
I just received the following (below) information from Bob Gajewski who was in the trust department at Sumitomo Bank during the plan termination. He has provided a great deal of information including phone numbers where you may call to help resolve the problem of the missing funds. I also heard back from Novenia Baines and she can not offer anymore help or information than what Bob provided.

I hope this information will help those of you that are looking for your missing entitlements.

Hi Bob,
I am wondering if you could shed some light on what happened to the accounts from the termination of the Western Airlines Pilot Pension Plan that went unclaimed? I was a fiduciary of that plan and worked with Novenia Baines trying to locate pilots that Sumitomo bank did not have valid addresses for.

Several pilots that did not get their monies at the time have now retired and applied for Social Security. They are being told that they have funds that are owed to them by the terminated plan but no one seems to know where these funds are. I am trying to help them locate these missing funds. Any information that you might provided would be extremely helpful in this effort.
Don Pedrazzini
Just today I received the phone number for Novenia. I have called and left a message at that number and hopefully will get a call back.

From: bhgajewski@comerica.com

Date: 10/27/2009 4:22:15 PM

Subject: Re: Western Airlines Retirement Plan

I may be of limited assistance since I left Sumitomo Bank in early 1998, before the Plan was fully terminated due to its continuation via the Grantor Trust that was established. Participants that could not be located may have had their funds escheated to the California Franchise Tax Board (800.852.5711 ?) There might be some record there of unclaimed property, but I believe individuals would have to contact the Board individually.

I would also suggest contacting California Bank & Trust (Trust Dept. 415.875.1400 ?), who acquired Sumitomo Bank of California I believe in 1999, & request retrieval of files to determine what happened with the final disposition of funds for participants who could not be located.
Finally, I am surprised that the Social Security office (that indicated funds are outstanding from a terminated Plan) did not identify & direct where the individuals should go to claim the proceeds. I would question if the Department of Labor "DOL" (415.975.4600 ?) has any information as to where individuals might go to claim Plan benefits that were not delivered.
I hope this is of some assistance as you work on behalf of your colleagues in locating their potential Plan balances.

Best regards,

Bob Gajewski

Robert H. Gajewski

Sr. Vice President
Comerica Bank
MC 4195
250 Lytton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Direct Dial (650) 462-6166
Fax (650) 328-9317


Commercial Section

Investment (Many legitimate firms have helped our group. They are encouraged to contact PCN to add articles here):

Section reserved for future content.

Travel & Non-Revving (share a quick reco):

Editor: Below you will see a tool that “may” allow you to receive some discounts when traveling as a result of Delta’s industry standing. I HAVE BEEN ASKED BY A NUMBER FOR A HOTEL LIST OF ACTIVE HOTELS WITH DAL DISCOUNTS………ResX HELPS WITH THAT! I joined and found that on my searches my own travel site was as good or better in most circumstances. Definitely worth checking out, but shop and compare. Mark

DeltaNet - Newsline

New ResX tool offers expanded travel discounts
October 27, 2009
( Who is Eligible? All active Delta employees and retirees.)

A new leisure travel tool on DeltaNet now offers even more valuable travel bargains and perks for Delta employees.

The new ResX Delta Leisure Travel page offers employees expanded hotel and car rental deals from Delta’s Discounts page under Employee Connection in an updated format to make it easier to use and navigate. The vendor - Nationwide Hospitality Inc. - is the same one Delta uses for the BizTrip site for business travel bookings. The site has the similar BizTrip look and feel but is designed for personal leisure travel.

“As Delta employees we all enjoy our travel privileges, and now we can travel and stay for less with access to more hotel and car rentals through ResX,” said Charlotte Johnson, general manager-Benefits. “This new tool is in addition to the wide array of discounts that employees already receive through the Sparkfly site and the other products and services available on our Discounts page.”

The premiere of ResX is part of a larger redesign of the DeltaNet Discounts site, which features the Sparkfly discount tool and other ongoing discount offers, including shipping, retail and electronics.

“Offering even better travel discounts is just one more way we can make Delta a great place to work,” Charlotte said. “It’s what winning together is all about!”

See Also:
Check out the redesigned Discount page under Employee Info. 
RESX Leisure Travel
October 27, 2009

Delta employees and retirees can take advantage of Delta’s corporate supplier relationships for great deals on hotels and car rentals for personal leisure travel.

Who is Eligible?

All active Delta employees and retirees.


All reservations and payments are completed online and any agreements or contracts made by employees or retirees on the Delta Leisure Travel site are the sole responsibility of the employee or retiree.

Site Access

The Delta Leisure Travel site can be accessed through the link below or by accessing www.resx.com directly. Please read the instructions below for information on creating your LeisureTrip site login.

Enter the Delta Leisure Travel site by clicking https://www.resx.com

Because Delta appreciates all of your hard work and dedication, the company has partnered with Nationwide Hospitality, our BizTrip vendor, to provide expanded car rental and hotel deals.

Here are a few things to help you get started and gain immediate access:

In order to access the Delta Leisure Travel site, you will need to use your Delta Passport ID. The first time you log in, you will be required to create a unique password. Each subsequent visit to the site will require that you enter your Delta Passport ID along with your new password. The program is available to all active Delta employees and retirees.

The Delta Leisure Travel site is for personal travel only; employees should continue to use BizTrip for business travel arrangements

Access the Delta Leisure Travel site by going to https://www.resx.com

  1. For Company insert DAL;

  2. For Member ID insert your (9) nine-digit Delta Passport ID;

  3. Skip the Password field (only if this is your first time logging in);

  4. Select the Go field and this will prompt you to create a password.

  5. For future visits to the site, you will need to use your Delta Passport ID and your password.

If you have any questions or difficulties with the process, please call the Nationwide Travel Desk at 1-877-241-7829 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. CT Monday through Friday.

See Also:
LeisureTrip Login Instructions - printable version
LeisureTrip Wallet Card


Life Section

Cares and Concerns:


Misc Posts:

From: richard hinkley

Date: 10/27/2009 11:45:13 AM

To: mark@pilotcommunication.net

Subject: Roth IRA


I set up a Roth IRS when the opportunity presented itself with non IRA funds

of my own.

I have taken some of the appreciation of that money 2 or 3 times.

Now I'm in a dilemma. My financial advisor  is not sure if I am incurring a

penaty from the IRS by taking the money out before 5 years have passed.

My tax man doesn't know either. He says wait until I get my 1099 and see how

it's coded.

Some say there is a formula the IRS uses if you take money out early from a


The IRS publication  whatever is unclear to me and my helpers.

My question is am I going to be penalized for taking out money before 5

years have gone by for a Roth set up under "The  Worker and Retiree and

Employer Recovery Act (sec 125) passed Dec. 23, 2008 ? If so how much ?

Thanks, Dick Hinkley

Editor: I think you will find your answer inside RSP 158, which I forwarded to you.  I believe the amount put into the Roth from the Delta stock is a one time contribution (as opposed to a conversion) and thus not subject to the 5 year rule.  However, the gains are.  Also, you may be able to stipulate that you were withdrawing contributions and not gains.  You further may need to offer some supporting documentation for the IRS from the ACT that allowed this one time deal.  Good luck, Mark
From: btruesdale

Date: 10/27/2009 12:18:37 PM

To: Mark Sztanyo

Subject: desired email address


Mark:  I have this email address (mark@sztanyo.com)  in my address book and I see on the website a different address (markstanyo@gmail.com) Which one do you prefer?


Ben Truesdale btruesdale@cox.net  

Ben, Thanks for asking.  I get ‘em all. But if it is regarding the PCN I now prefer mark@pilotcommunication.net    Thanks again. 
Subject: Be Careful (Safety note) (Thanks Bob, fly safe!)

   A safety note...........all devices plugged into auto outlets lets should be unplugged once
   the auto is turned off. 
Hi All,
As some of you may know, we had a pretty scary incident recently.  This fire resulted
   from leaving an Iphone charger/docking station plugged into the car outlet.
    It overheated and started a fire, while parked in our garage.
    PLEASE unplug anything you have in your car outlets once you turn off
   your car!

We were VERY    fortunate that we accidentally found the fire, at 11pm, before going to bed  and before it spread to the house.  None of our garage heat detectors or    house fire alarms went off (another item to take care of on my to do list).

Human Interest:

Subj: US Arrogance...? (Thanks Gary)


Our "Arrogance" in alphabetical order
1. The American Cemetery at Aisne-Marne , France .. 2289 of our military dead.

2. The American Cemetery at Ardennes , Belgium .  5329 of our dead.

3. The American Cemetery at Brittany, France . 4410 of our military dead.
4. Brookwood , England American Cemetery. 468 of our military dead.

5. Cambridge , England . 3812 of our military dead.

6. Epinal , France American Cemetery. 5525 of our Military dead..

7. Flanders Field , Belgium . 368 of our military dead.

8. Florence , Italy .  4402 of our military dead.

9. Henri-Chapelle , Belgium .  7992 of our military dead.

10. Lorraine , France .  10,489 of our military dead.

11. Luxembourg , Luxembourg .  5076 of our military dead.

12. Meuse-Argonne.  14246 of our military dead.

13. Netherlands , Netherlands .  8301 of our military dead.

14. Normandy , France .   9387 of our military dead.

15. Oise-Aisne , France . 6012 of our military dead.

16. Rhone , France .  861 of our military dead.

17. Sicily , Italy .  7861 of our military dead.

18. Somme , France .  1844 of our military dead.

19. St. Mihiel , France .  4153 of our military dead.

20. Suresnes , France .  1541 of our military dead.

Apologize to no one. Remind them of our sacrifice,,, and don't confuse arrogance with sacrifice.
If I added correctly the count is 104,366 dead.
Our country is "arrogant" ????!!!!!

Good Read (Please share a quick reco about a good book you just read):

Event Announcements (Click here for PCN Org & Groups Page):

2010 Census to Begin




WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the  Better Business Bureau


Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census  Workers by Susan Johnson


With the U.S.  Census process beginning, the Better Business  Bureau  (BBB) advises people to be  cooperative, but cautious, so as not to   become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The  first phase of the  2010 U.S. Census is  under way as workers have begun verifying  the  addresses of households across the  country. Eventually, more than  140,000  U.S. Census workers will count every person in  the United  States and will gather  information about every person living at  each  address including name, age, gender,  race, and other relevant data.


The big question is  - how do you tell the difference between a U..S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the  following advice:


If a U.S. Census  worker knocks on your door, they will have  a  badge, a handheld device, a Census  Bureau canvas bag, and a  confidentiality  notice. Ask to see their identification and  their  badge before answering their questions.  However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.


Census workers are  currently only knocking on doors to verify   address information.  Do not give your  Social Security number, credit  card or banking information to anyone, even if they  claim they need it  for the U.S. Census.




While the Census Bureau might ask for  basic financial information,  such as a  salary range, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANYTHING  AT ALL ABOUT  YOUR FINANCIAL  SITUATION.  The Census Bureau will not ask  for Social  Security, bank account, or  credit card numbers, nor will employees   solicit donations. Any one asking for that  information is NOT with  the Census  Bureau.


AND REMEMBER, THE CENSUS BUREAU HAS  DECIDED NOT TO WORK WITH ACORN ON GATHERING THIS INFORMATION..  No Acorn  worker should approach you  saying he/she  is with the Census Bureau.

Eventually, Census workers may  contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will  not contact you by  Email, so be on the  lookout for Email scams impersonating the  Census.


Never click on a link or open any  attachments in an Email that  are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.


For more advice on avoiding identity theft  and fraud, visit  _www.bbb.org_

Holidays in the Hangar 2009 is Thursday, November 12th, from 9a-4p in Historic Hangar 2 at Delta’s general office complex. With over 40 vendors offering a smorgasbord of items, you should be able to find something for everyone on your gift list. This will also be your LAST CHANCE until next year to purchase the catering items!!

Samples of merchandise for sale and items in the Silent Auction will be on display in the Museum Store starting Monday, November 2nd. Stop by, check it out and be ready to shop ‘til you drop.

The Museum Store is located in Historic Hangar 1 at Delta’s General Office complex and is open Monday – Thursday, 9a-4p.

Hope to see you soon,

Judy Bean
Heritage Museum Store Manager

Good Deal/Bad Deal (Share a quick good deal or bad deal you have found – no commercials here!)

Hangar Flying (Share a bit of ole hangar flying with the net) :
Humor/Sobering or Fun (Share some “vulgarity free” humor with the net):

Let me see if I understand all this! (Thanks Tom)






I guess I still don't understand!


And so David Letterman Monday night offered the Top Ten Northwest Airlines Pilot Excuses on CBS. (Here’s a link to the video.)

10. Bunch of fat guys seated on the right side of the plane made us vector east.
9. We get paid by the hour.
8. Mapquest always takes you the long way, am I right, people?
7. Tired of that show-off Sullenberger getting all the attention.
6. You try steering one of those airplanes after eight or nine cocktails.
5. Wanted to catch the end of the in-flight movie.
4. Activating autopilot and making occasional P.A. announcements is exhausting.
3. According to our map, we only missed our target by half an inch.
2. For a change, we decided to send luggage to the right city and lose the passengers.
1. Thought we saw balloon boy.


My son recently turned me on to the comedy of Tim Hawkins. The guy is brilliant and I think he is hilarious. Here are 3 of his offerings that I hope you enjoy:



While this one has a political bent, I share it for its caliber of humor:


Mark Sztanyo, PCN Dir

Pilot Communication Net

Contact the Net

Life on earth will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last!

Serving the Delta community, and pilots (active and retired) and their families, including original Delta, and former: Northeast, Pan-Am, Western, NWA, Republic, North-Central, Southern Airways, Hughes- Airwest,  and all the Delta Connection carriers.



Delta Pilots Pension Preservation Organization - http://www.dp3.org 

Delta Museum & Fly-in information - http://www.deltamuseum.org              
 Delta Pioneers - http://www.deltapioneersinc.com/ 
Delta Golden Wings - http://www.deltagoldenwings.com/ 

Delta Retiree Connection - http://www.dlretiree.info

 Delta Retirement Committee - http://www.dalrc.org/ 
   DAL Pilots DDPSA - http://www.ddpsa.com/

Delta Extra Net Portal -http://dlnet.delta.com/ 

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