Kgatleng district council kgatleng district development committee ministry of local government

Strategies to achieve local government sector goals and objectives

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15.6Strategies to achieve local government sector goals and objectives

15.6.1Proposed Projects

The proposed projects under this Ministry are many and varied. They range from primary school facilities, primary health facilities, water reticulation systems, major village infrastructure, district roads, customary courts construction, storage, and distribution facilities, etc. For detailed projects refer to matrices.

15.6.2Potential Impacts of Proposed Projects / Mitigation Measures

Major developments have impacts on the environment, and assessment of such impacts using environmental assessment tools is necessary in order to undertake mitigation measures with regard to the proposed developments.

15.7Resource requirements for DDP 6

15.7.1Issues and strengths

The main strength of the Local Authorities (LA) is that they are nearer to most of the communities they serve as such they are familiar with community needs. It is against this background that LA has other strength such as customer focused service, timely response to community needs. However LAs are constantly faced with a lots of constraints which includes the following; resource constraints in terms of manpower and finance, centralized decision making, delay in project implementation which results in cost overruns. Lack of human resource development strategy.

15.7.2Development Budget for DDP 6 / UDP2

Development budget is discussed below and breakdown is contained in the matrices. 101 Local Authorities Infrastructure Maintenance

Over the years, government has invested heavily in the provision of infrastructure such as roads, schools, staff houses, health facilities and others. This infrastructure requires extensive maintenance. Due to a huge backlog of such maintenance in infrastructure stock countrywide, a new development project was created during NDP 8 to clear the backlog in Local Authorities.
Implementation of project will continue during NDP 9 / DDP 6 and completion is expected within the first three years of the plan period. Thereafter, maintenance will be covered under the normal recurrent budget.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 5, 416 Million 104 Ministry / Local Authority Fleet Development

The objective of this project is to provide vehicles for the Ministry of Local Government and Local Authorities. The Districts activities increased tremendously during the past plan period, thus increasing the demand for transport. Shortage of transport often causes serious delays in provision of services to the society at large.
Specialised and custom made vehicles like ambulances, clinical waste, vacuum tankers, refuse trucks etc will be procured under their respective projects.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 2, 708 Million 301 Storage And Distribution Facilities

This project provides funding for storage and distribution facilities for supplementary feeding. Due to prolonged drought periods and population growth, the number of beneficiaries assisted with supplementary feeding has increased. A warehouse will be built in Mochudi as a differed project from NDP 8.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 3, 954 Million 901 Customary Courts

This project provides funding for construction of offices, requisite furniture, equipment and transport for the customary courts. During NDP 9 / DDP 6, the main focus will be on the eradication of the backlog and provision of transport, furniture and communication network. In addition, new courts will be complimented with residential accommodation / houses as a package. Old and dilapidated offices will be renovated, extended and provided with requisite facilities. Additional staff will also be deployed to various customary courts.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 8, 254 Million 1102 Primary Education

During NDP 8 / DDP 5 the objective of this project was to clear the backlog of classroom, teachers’ quarters and toilets. The major goal for NDP 9 / DDP 6 is to continue implementing the Revised National Policy on Education. The target is that all classes should have classrooms and that all teachers should have accommodation. The classroom construction target is based on a revised pupil – teacher ratio of 30:1. Other related facilities such as RADs hostels, administration blocks, toilets, libraries, kitchens and storerooms and buses will also be provided.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 36,109 Million 1103 Recreational Facilities

Local Authorities have statutory responsibility for the establishment of recreational facilities within their areas of jurisdiction. The objective of this programme is to provide funding for the construction of public parks, construction of multi purpose halls and purchasing of playground equipment. Recreational facilities have previously received little attention particularly in the District Councils. The increasingly high demand for recreational services countrywide has made it imperative to create a stand alone recreational facilities programme in order to promote their provision and management.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 2,853 Million 1104 Primary Health Facilities

This programme provides funds for construction of clinics, health posts, maternity wings, nurses houses and incinerators. It also purchases ambulances and furniture and equipment for health facilities. Provision of the above mentioned facilities and equipment has improved accessibility to primary health facilities countrywide. Notwithstanding the successes achieved in providing health infrastructure, optimal utilization of the facilities was hampered by acute shortage of nurses particularly midwives. This scenario tendered to undermine the objectives of the primary health policy, as some completed facilities either operated with skeletal staff or were not operating at all.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 10, 327 Million 1105 Rural Administration Centres And Offices

This project provides funding for the construction of integrated office blocks for both Central Government and Local Authorities at district and sub district headquarters together with council chambers. The project will continue to provide funding for construction of new RAC in Mochudi (if need be) and service centers in line with the 2ND local Government Commission to improve accessibility to services in the districts.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 50,272 Million 1106 Remote Area Development Programme

The programme provides funds for physical infrastructure such as health facilities and water aimed at capacity and institution building, promotion of productive rural employment, and research activities for the Remote Area Dwellers (RADs). Although significant achievements of infrastructure provision have been made in recognized settlements, the programme still lags behind in improving the economic status of the RADs. RADs continue to face problems such as poverty, insecurity, high illiteracy, weak institutions and leadership and negative public attitudes.
During NDP 9 / DDP 6 basic infrastructure development will be continued although efforts will be made to graduate some RADs settlements to village status. There will be emphasis on land rights and improved shelter, employment and income generating opportunities among the RADs.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 4, 279 Million 1107 Labour Intensive Public Works Programme

The objective of this project is to generate employment by using labour intensive and simple tools to construct and maintain public facilities. During DDP 6, the project will continue to provide a source of income for the most vulnerable members of our communities by employing simple tools to construct and maintain public facilities and others.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 6, 811 Million 1108 National Rural Sanitation Programme

The project’s objective is to reduce incidences of diseases related to poor sanitation and hygiene. This is to be achieved through provision of latrine sub structures based on self – help and subsidized basis to rural households. Additionally, in major villages the programme provides for the construction of sanitary landfills for safe disposal of solid wastes.
In keeping up with rapid growth of major villages, there is need to continue with construction of additional latrines during this plan period. Other components include procurement of waste management vehicles and equipment, provision of sludge digesters and drying beds. The project will also provide funds for upgrading and construction of major village sewerage infrastructure.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 23, 994 Million 1109 Community Projects

This programme aims at improving the economic and social welfare of people in the rural and urban areas, through:

  • Strengthening local institutions’ (Village / Ward Development Committees and others) ability to plan and implement development projects.

  • Improving communication between village and district level institutions as well as urban centers

  • Promoting productive and employment generating activities through the Micro Project Programme (MPP) and the pilot component.

This project has five components, which include small infrastructure projects, logistical support and training for village and ward institutions as well as extension staff, a pilot scheme and block grant.

During DDP 6 funds will continue to be availed to support projects initiated and implemented by Village and Ward Development Committees.
Another major and complimentary component of this programme is Micro Projects Programme (MPP). The MPP has continued to gain popularity with communities and Non Governmental Organisations. In this plan period emphasis will shift away from the infrastructure projects to income generating projects.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 5, 726 Million 1110 Village Water Supply And Sewerage

The District Councils are currently operating and maintaining rural village water supply schemes. Tremendous strides have been made in project management activities and in enhancing the capacity of District Councils by providing the necessary infrastructure, such as offices and workshops, logistical support services in the form of vehicles, plant and equipment.
During DDP 6 the project will provide funds for the upgrading and rehabilitation of rural village water supply schemes and also the provision of water borne sewerage facilities for secondary villages. In addition the project will provide funding for the capacity building of District Councils to efficiently operate and maintain both water supply and sewerage schemes, as well as gradually take part in some of the upgrading and rehabilitation activities currently being done by the Department of Water Affairs.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 23, 752 Million 1111 Village Infrastructure

This project funds construction of stormwater drainages, internal roads and provision of street lighting in village to make the viable locations for investment.
The most substantial drawback encountered in the implementation of projects has been the existing unplanned pattern and structure of land allocation and developments. This has made developments very costly as either the buildings and other structures have to be relocated after being compensated for or additional infrastructural developments have to be built around such buildings and structures. This pattern has necessitated that new and more organized village plans be prepared to ensure cost effective developments.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 85, 501 Million 1112 Municipal Services

This is the programme that provides funding for specific programmes like market stalls, fire stations and services, cemeteries, bus ranks, public parking areas, mechanical workshops, Mayor’s and Council Chairperson’s houses etc.
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST P 9, 027 Million 1115 District Roads

The aim of this project is to construct and maintain access, tertiary, secondary and primary roads in remote, rural and urban areas using all sources of labour and capital intensive methods. The major thrust of this project is to implement the recommendations of the Botswana Roads Maintenance Study. The study apportioned the responsibility for construction of roads between Local Authorities and Roads Department (Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications). Primary and Secondary roads are the responsibility of Roads Department while tertiary and access roads are the responsibility of Districts and Urban Councils.
Local Authorities will be responsible for the implementation of this project and will continue to use private contractors for road construction and maintenance work where possible in order to avoid the need for any significant purchase of heavy road construction equipment.

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