Change to the directory containing the MySQL RPM files you downloaded. This is typically your home directory or your desktop directory. To change to the home
directory of the user adam, you’d type
cd adamThe location of the desktop directory depends on the Linux distribution you use, but is commonly the Desktop directory under the home directory. To change to the desktop directory of the user adam
, you’d type
cd adam/DesktopYou can then install the MySQL server and MySQL client RPMs (or upgrade any existing versions)
by typing rpm -upgrade -verbose -hash \MySQL-server-5.0.22-0.i386.rpm MySQL-client-5.0.22-0.i386.rpmIf all goes well, your MySQL server should now be installed. We’ll look at how to configure it in Configuring a Newly Installed Server later in this chapter.
Installing MySQL on Linux Using a gzipped Tar Archive from MySQL ABInstead of
using an installable package, you can download a compressed directory of the MySQL executable and support files. This process is slightly more involved than installation from a package.
Follow the instructions of Downloading MySQL from the MySQL AB Web Site and download the appropriate package from the Linux (non RPM package) downloads”
section of the MySQL AB downloads page. For this book, select the standard package, rather than the Max or debug versions.
If you’re
unsure what to choose, try picking the Linux download at the top of the list.
This will be named something like
For distribution, Linux software is often
packaged using the tar program, and then this package is compressed using the gzip program, so the final file often has the file extension
.tar.gz or
.tgz. A
.tar file,
or its gzipped version, is often referred to as a
tar-ball. You’ll need to unpack, or
untar, this package tar --gunzip -extract -file mysql-standard-5.0.22-linux-i686.tar.gzThe gunzip option asks the program to decompress the file first using the gunzip program. Some browsers automatically decompress files that have a
.gz extension if you get a message like “gzip: stdin: not in gzip format this has probably happened in your case, and you
can omit the gunzip option tar -extract -file mysql-standard-5.0.22-linux-i686.tar.gzYou should now have the directory
mysql-standard-5.0.22-linux-i686. To keep things simple, we’ll call this the MySQL directory.
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