List of publications of Professor Nihan A. Aliyev

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List of publications of Professor Nihan A.Aliyev

  1. N.A. Aliyev, M.F. Mehdiyev, Sh.A. Dadashova Solution of The Cauchi and Boundary Value Problem for Equations with Discrete Derivative (Azeri) Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2017, 51 pages

  2. N.A. Aliyev, O.M. Mammadov Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis (Azeri) Book, Baku State University publishers, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016, 106 pages

  3. R.M. Zeynalov, N.A. Aliyev, N.B. Mamedova BVP for the first order elliptic type nonlinear integro-differential equation (Russian) Modern trends in the development of science and technology, Belgorod, Russia, No.6-2, 30 June, 2016, pp. 18-20

  4. N.A. Aliyev, T.S. Memiyeva Problems for the equations with third-order additive multiplicative discrete derivatives (English) Proceedings of the Functional Analysis And its Applications Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Prof. Amir Habibzadeh, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016, pp. 17-18

  5. N.A. Aliyev, R.M. Zeynalov Existence and uniqueness of the solution of BVP for Cauchy-Rienman equation on limited area (Azeri) Proceedings of the Functional Analysis And its Applications Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Prof. Amir Habibzadeh, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016, pp. 18-20

  6. N.A. Aliyev, A.M. Aliyev Investigation of one Boundary Value Problem for the equation of mixed type(Russian) Proceedings of the Functional Analysis And its Applications Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Prof. Amir Habibzadeh, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016, pp. 79-81

  7. N.A. Aliyev, R.G. Ahmadov A Boundary Value Problem for Cauchy-Rienman equation on stripe (Russian) Abstracts of International Scientific Conference devoted to the 85th anniversary of academician Yahya Mammadov, Azerbaijan, Baku, 2015, pp.176-179

  8. A.A. Pashavand, N.A. Aliyev A Boundary Value Problem for an Irrational Order Partial Equation (English) Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol.3, No.2, 2015, December, pp.131-136

  9. N.A. Aliyev, A.A. Pashavand A boundary value problem for a fractional order ordinary linear differential equation with a constant coefficient (English) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol.4, No.1, 2015, pp.3-7

  10. F.A.Aliyev, N.A. Aliyev, K.G. Hasanov, A.P. Guliyev, A.K. Turarov, G.V. Isayeva Numerical-analytical method for solving of the first order partial quasi-linear equations (English) TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Baku, Azerbaijan, Vol.6, No.2, 2015, pp.158-164

  11. N.A. Aliyev, R.G. Ahmedov About methods of getting necessary conditions (Russian) Youth forum: Technical and Mathematical Science, Voronezh, Russia, November 9-12, 2015, pp.34-38

  12. T.M. Aliyev, N.A. Aliyev, V.M. Mamedov On realtion of two processes with independent increments, used in queueing systems (English) Abstracts of Azerbaijan-Turkey-Ukrainian International Conference. Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, September 08-13, 2015, p.18

  13. A.A. Pashavand, N.A. Aliyev A problem for fractional, ordinary constant coefficient higher order linear differential equation within general boundary condition (English) Abstracts of Azerbaijan-Turkey-Ukrainian International Conference. Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and their Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, September 08-13, 2015, p.133

  14. N.A. Aliyev, Y.Y.Mustafayeva Investigation of solvability of three-dimensional Helmholtz equation with nonlocal boundary conditions (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Differential Equations And Mathematical Modeling, Ulan-Ude, Russia, 2015, pp.38-39

  15. N.A. Aliyev, Y.Y.Mustafayeva Regularization of oversingular integrals (Russian) Actual Problems of Humanitarian And Natural Sciences, Moskow, Russia, No.11 (82), Vol.1, November, 2015, pp.8-12

  16. N.A. Aliyev, M.M. Mutallimov, R.T. Zulfugarova, M.A. Namazov, E. Mamedhasanov On a Fredholm property of the Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation on the Union of two rectangles (English) Book of Abstracts of The 5th International Conference on Control And Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-29 August, 2015, pp. 295-298

  17. N.A. Aliyev, O.H. Asadova, N.Q. Mamedova Application of the Countour Integral Method to the solving of the problem for parabolic equation (English) Book of Abstracts of The 5th International Conference on Control And Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-29 August, 2015, pp. 290-293

  18. N.A. Aliyev, V.Yu. Babanly, A.M. Aliyev Study of the method of solving the problem for a system of partial differential equations describing the process gas lift (English) Book of Abstracts of The 5th International Conference on Control And Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-29 August, 2015, pp. 234-236

  19. F.A. Aliyev, N.A. Aliyev, K.K. Hasanov, A.P. Guliyev The Sweep algorithm for solving the system of partial hyperbolic equations describing the motion in oil production (English) Book of Abstracts of The 5th International Conference on Control And Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-29 August, 2015, p. 233

  20. N.A.Aliyev, R.M. Tagiyev Model of Roesser for gas lift process in oil production (English) Book of Abstracts of The 5th International Conference on Control And Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, Azerbaijan, 27-29 August, 2015, pp.43-45

  21. M.F. Mekhtiyev, N.A. Aliyev, N.A. Fomina On One 3-Dimensional Boundary-Value Problem with Inclined Derivatives (English) Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, New York, USA, Vol. 3(4), July 6, 2015, pp.188-193

  22. R.M. Zeynalov, N.A.Aliyev Zaremba-Steklov's problem for a Cauchy–Riemann equation (Russian) Bulletin of the Dagestan State University,  Makhachkala, Russia, Vol.30, No.6, 11 June, 2015, pp.74-79

  23. N.A. Aliyev, S.Samadova Boundary Value Problem in square for Cauchi-Riemann equation (Azeri) Third International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers, Baku, Azerbaijan, 17-18 April, 2015, pp.141-142

  24. N.A. Aliyev, Y.Y. Mustafayeva, R.F. Efendiyev On one inverse problem (English) Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2015

  25. N.A. Aliyev, S. Ashrafi, A. R. Sarakhsi Detecting the location of the boundary layers in singular perturbation problems with general linear non-local boundary conditions (English) International Joural of Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2015, pp.321-326

  26. N.A. Aliyev, O.G. Asadova, N.G. Mamedova Application of The Contour Integral Method To The Solution of The Problem For An Equation Belonging To Standard Classification (English) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences. Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol XXXV, No.1, 2015, pp.10-15

  27. N.A. Aliyev, M.R. Fatemi Reduction of the spectral problem for an elliptic type equation of first order on a curvilinear strip to Fredholm type second order integral equation (English) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences. Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol XXXIV, No.4, 2014, pp.9-14

  28. N.A. Aliyev, M.R. Fatemi On discrete derivative and integrals (English) News of the Baku State University, Physics and Mathematics Series, Baku, Azerbaijan, No.3, 2014, pp. 45-49

  29. N.A. Aliyev, A.P. Guliyev, R.M. Tagiyev The existence and uniqueness of the solution of a boundary problem described by the system of hyperbolic equations (Russian) Reports, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol. LXX, No.2, 2014, pp.10-13

  30. N.A. Aliyev, Y.Y. Mustafayeva A new method of solvability of three-dimentional Laplace equation with the integro-differential boundary conditions (English) Proceedings of the International conference devoted to the 55-th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. On actual problems of mathematics and mechanics, Azerbaijan, Baku, 2014, pp.81-82

  31. Aliyev N.A., Mustafayeva Y.Y. New method of solvability of a three-dimentional Laplace Equation with nonlocal boundary conditions (English) Proceedings of Third International Russian-Kazakh Symposium "Mixed type equations and related problems of analysis and informatics", Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Terskol, 2-7 December, 2014, pp. 24-26

  32. N.A. Aliyev, F.A. ALiyev, M.M. Mutallimov, R.M. Tagiyev An algorithm for constructing models of Roesser for gas lift process in oil production (Russian) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol.3, No.2, 2014, pp.173-184

  33. N.S. Dzhalilov, N.A. Aliyev, N.A. Ismailov On a particular solution of the anisotropic solar wind equation (Russian) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol.3, No.1, 2014, pp.3-14

  34. N.A. Aliyev, M.M. Mutallimov, A.K. Khudadova, R.T. Zulfugarova On boundary value problem on the union of two rectangles (Russian) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol.3, No.1, 2014, pp.112-122

  35. Mohammad Jahanshahi, Nihan Aliyev Boundary Value Problem for Real Order Differential Equations (English) Caucasian Mathematics Conference CMC I, Book of abstracts, Georgia, Tbilisi, September 5-6, 2014, p.109

  36. Aliyev N.A., Aliyev A.M., Kazimov G.K. Investigation of the solution of two coupled mixed problem for parabolic equation (Russian) Mathematics and ICT application sphere. New training technologies, Azerbaijan, Ganja, Part I, June 05-06, 2014, pp 30-33

  37. Aliyev N.A., Mustafayeva Y.Y. New method of solvability of a three-dimentional integro-differential equation with the nonlocal boundary conditions (English) Proceedings of the Scientific Republic Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Prof. Yusif Emenzadeh "Classic and modern problems of mechanics", Azerbaijan, Baku, 22 May, 2014, pp.22-26

  38. Aliyev N.A., Guliyeva A.M. Conjugate problem for Laplace equation on nonlocal boundary conditions (Azeri) Proceedings of the Scientific Republic Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Prof. Yusif Emenzadeh "Classic and modern problems of mechanics", Azerbaijan, Baku, 22 May, 2014, pp.60-65

  39. Aliyev N.A., Zeynalov R.M., Abbasova A.X. About one Steklov problem for two-dimentional Laplace equation with nonlocal boundary conditions (Russian) Actual problems of humanitar and nature sciences (journal of scientific articles), Russia, Moscow, 2013, pp.10-13

  40. N.A. Aliyev, A.M. Guliyeva Construction of adjoint problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation (Russian) News of Baku University. Series of physico-mathematical sciences, Azerbaijan, Baku, No.4, 2013, pp.43-54

  41. N.A. Aliyev, F.A. Aliyev, A.P.Guliyev, M.Kh.Ilyasov Method series to solving a boundary value problem for the system of hyperbolic equations, arising in the oil production (Russian) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol.2, No.2, 2013, pp.113-136

  42. Aliyev N.A., Aliyev A.M., Tagiyev A.V. Investigation of the solution of two coupled mixed problems for parabolic equation (Russian) The theoretical and applied mechanics, Azerbaijan, Baku, No.3-4, 2013, pp.61-64

  43. N.A. Aliev , O.H. Asadova, A.M. Aliev Solution of Mixed Problem Including a First Order Three Dimensional P.D.E with Nonlocal and Global Boundary Conditions (English) Mathematics and Statistics, Horizon Research Publishing, USA, Vol 1 No 3,  Oct 2013; pp.93-101

  44. Aliyev N.A., Babanly V.Y., Aliyev A.M. Investigation solution of the mixed problem for equations of the oil movement to the central imperfect well is considered (Russian) The theoretical and applied mechanics, Baku, Azerbaijan, No.2, 2013, pp.129-135

  45. Aliyev N.A., Mustafayeva Y.Y. Numerical solution of a boundary-value problem for a hyperbolic equation in a domain of complex plain (English) Abstracts of the International conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev, May 29-31, 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan, p.11

  46. A.P. Guliyev, M.X. Ilyasov, N.A.Aliyev, F.A. Aliyev Algorithm to solution the problem of determining the motion of gas lift process (Russian) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku, Azerbaijan, Vol.2, No.1, 2013, pp.91-98

  47. M. Jahanshahi, A.R. Sarakhsi, S. Asharafi and N. Aliev Boundary layer problem for system of first order of ordinary differential equations with linear non-local boundary conditions (English) Iranian Journal of Science & Technology (Special issue-Mathematics), Iran, 2013, pp.389-396

  48. Aliev Nehan Ali, Abbasova Aygun Khanlar, Zeynalov Ramin M. Non-local boundary condition Steklov problem for a laplace equation in bounded domain (English) Science Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, New York, USA,Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-6

  49. Mohammad Jahanshahi, Davoud Nazari, Nihan Aliev A special successive approximations method for solving boundary value problems including ordinary differential equations (English) Mathematical Sciences, SpringerOpen Journal, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013, 7:42

  50. N.A. Aliyev, V.Y. Mastaliyev, R.M. Zeynalov About the Boundary Value Problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation (Russian) Scientific Works of Basic Science of Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan, Baku, 2013, Vol. XII(45), No.1, pp. 67-71

  51. M. Sajjadmanesh, M. Jahanshahi, N. Aliyev Tikhonov-Lavrentev type inverse problem including Cauchy-Riemann equation (English) Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, Baku, January 2013, Vol. 3, No.1, pp. 104-110

  52. Aliyev N.A., Ashrafi S. Investigation of Boundary Layer on a Problem for Differential Equation Under General Non-local Boundary Condition (English) Extended Abstracts of 4th Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (COIA 2013), Borovets, Bulgaria, 10-12 July, 2013, p.16

  53. Aliyev N.A., Asadova O.H. Mixed Problems for Systems of First Order PDE (English) Extended Abstracts of 4th Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (COIA 2013), Borovets, Bulgaria, 10-12 July, 2013, p.15

  54. Aliyev N.A., Aliyev A.M., Ashrafi S. Investigation of the Forming of the Boundary Layer for the Homogeneous Equation with Non-homogeneous Boundary Conditions (English) Extended Abstracts of 4th Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (COIA 2013), Borovets, Bulgaria, 10-12 July, 2013, p.14

  55. Aliyev N.A., Aliyev A.M. On a Boundary Value Problem for Dirac's Equations (English) Extended Abstracts of 4th Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications (COIA 2013), Borovets, Bulgaria, 10-12 July, 2013, p.10

  56. N.A.Aliyev, A.M.Guliyeva, Building a Problem Adjoint in a New Sense to the Boundary Value Problem for a Constant Coefficient, Second Order Ordinary Linear Differential Equation (English) Transactions of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Informatics and Control Problems, Vol. XXXIII, No.3, Baku, 2013, pp. 44-50

  57. Aliyev N.A., Asadova O.H. Mixed Problem for Systems of First Order PDE (English) Abstracts of the International conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan, Baku, May 29-31, 2013, pp. 9-10

  58. Aliyev N.A., Mustafayeva Y.Y. Numerical Solution of a Boundary-value problem for a Hyperbolic Equation in a Domain of Complex Plain (English) Abstracts of the International conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan, Baku, May 29-31, 2013, p. 11

  59. Aliyev N.A., Shukurova Sh.Y. Third Order Ordinary Linear Differential Equation With One Solution (Russian) Abstracts of the International conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan, Baku, May 29-31, 2013, pp. 122-123

  60. Aliyev N.A., Babanli V.Y., Aliyev A.M. Investigation of Solution of One Mixed Problem for Equation of Moving Oil to the Central Imperfect Well (Russian) Abstracts of the International conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of Haydar Aliyev, Azerbaijan, Baku, May 29-31, 2013, pp. 123-125

  61. N.A. Aliev, Y.Y. Mustafayeva, S.M. Murtuzayeva The Influence of the Carleman Condition on the Fredholm Property of the Boundary Value Problem for Cauchy-Riemann Equation (English) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku, Azerbaijan, Vol.1, No.2, 2012, pp.153-162

  62. N.A. Aliev, G.A. Bagirov, N.I. Garaeva On Fredholm property of boundary problem (English) Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, Baku, Azerbaijan, Vol.2, No.1, July, 2012, pp.20-26

  63. N.A. Aliyev, R.M. Zeynalov Fredholm property of Steklov problem for Cauchy-Rienman equation with Lavrentyev-Bitsadze condition (Azeri) News of Pedagogical University, Section of Natural Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, No.1, 2012, pp.16-19

  64. N.A. Aliyev, R.M. Zeynalov Zaremba-Steklov problem for Laplace equation (Azeri) Proceedings of Scientific Confeence on Actual Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, Baku, Azerbaijan, 30-31 May, 2012, pp.37-38

  65. Rauf V. Guseynov, Nihan A. Aliyev, Shahla Yu. Salmanova First Order Partial Differential Equations Having a Unique Solution (English) Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, Vol.XXXII, No.1, 2012, pp.71-76

  66. A. Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi, N. Aliyev General Boundary Value Problem for the Third Order Linear Differential Equation of Composite Type (English) Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, Kharkov, Ukraine, Vol.8, No.2, 2012, pp.1-16

  67. A.Kh. Abbasova, N.A. Aliyev About fundamental solution of elliptic type equation (Russian) Proceedings of 5th International Theoretical and Practical Conference, Moskow, Russia, 2012, pp.10-14

  68. R.G. Akhmedov, N.A. Aliyev Boundary Value Problem for a hyperbolic type equation (Russian) Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of academician I.I. Ibrahimov, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2012, pp.25-27

  69. N.A. Aliyev, R.M. Zeynalov Steklov problem for a first order elliptic type equation (Azeri) News of Baku University, Baku, Azerbaijan, No.2, 2012, pp.13-20

  70. N.A. Aliyev, A.M. Aliyev Mixed problem for the first order partial differential equation with nonlocal boundary conditions (Russian) Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku, Azerbaijan, Vol.1,No.1, 2012, pp.88-96

  71. Asghar Ahmadkhanlu, Mohamad Jahanshahi, Nihan Aliev Boundary value problems for real order differential equations (English) 43rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Tabriz, Iran, 27-30 August 2012, pp.482-485

  72. N. Aliev, M. Fatemi, M. Sajjadmanesh Presentation of analytic solutions for first kind Fredholm integral equations (English) 43rd Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Tabriz, Iran, 27-30 August 2012, pp.774-780

  73. N.A. Aliyev; O.H. Asadova; A.M. Aliyev Solution of Mixed Problem Including a First Order Three Dimensional P.D.E with Nonlocal and Global Boundary Conditions (English) 9th Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 11-13 July, 2012, pp.339-342

  74. Nihan Aliyev; Hamid Reza Khatami; Asghar Ahmadkhanli On the Possibility of Classification of Partial Differential Equations for Higher Order in Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics (English) 9th Seminar on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 11-13 July, 2012, pp.255-258

  75. S. Ashrafi; N. Aliyev Investigation of Boundary Layer for a Second Order Equation Under Local and Non-local Boundary Conditions (English) Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2012, 2(3), pp. 2750-2757

  76. S. Ashrafi; Y. Mamedov; N. Aliyev Investigation of Arising of Boundary a Layer in a Boundary Value Problem for the Fourth Order Ordinary Differential Equation (English) Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2012, 2(3), pp. 2796-2803

  77. S. Ashrafi; N. Aliyev Investigation of Arise of Boundary Layer in a Boundary Value Problem for the First Order Partial Differential Equation Depending on Small Parameter (English) Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2012, 2(3), pp. 2849-2855

  78. A.Kh. Abbasova; N.A. Aliyev Solution of Boundary Value Problem for Cauchy-Riemann in half-plane field (Russian) Materials of XIV International Scientific Kravchuk Conference, Ukraine, Kiev, 19-21 April, 2012, pp. 40-43

  79. Aliyev Nihan Investigation of Solution of Boundary Value Problem for Partial Differential Equations with Common Linear Boundary Conditions (Russian) Doctoral dissertation, Baku, 2011, Chapters I,II, pp.1-124

  80. Aliyev Nihan Investigation of Solution of Boundary Value Problem for Partial Differential Equations with Common Linear Boundary Conditions (Russian) Doctoral dissertation, Baku, 2011, Chapters III-V, pp.124-174

  81. Aliyev Nihan Investigation of Solution of Boundary Value Problem for Partial Differential Equations with Common Linear Boundary Conditions (Russian) Synopsis of doctoral dissertation, Baku, 2011, 37 pages

  82. Aliyev Nihan Investigation of Solution of Boundary Value Problem for Partial Differential Equations with Common Linear Boundary Conditions (Azeri) Synopsis of doctoral dissertation, Baku, 2011, 35 pages

  83. N.A. Aliyev; G.A. Bagirov; Z.T. Veliyeva About Fredholmness of the boundary value problem for system, compiled by hyperbolic and elliptic equations (Russian) Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2011, pp. 36-42

  84. N.A. Aliyev; G.A. Bagirov; Z.T. Veliyeva About Fredholmness of the boundary value problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation in acute angle (Russian) Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics,Azerbaijan, Baku, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2011, pp. 43-48

  85. A.Kh. Abbasova; N.A. Aliyev Boundary problem on stripe with curvilinear boundaries (English) Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics, Azerbaijan, Baku, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2011, pp. 67-71

  86. Mehran Fatemi; Nihan Aliyev; Sadaghat Shahmorad Existence and Uniqueness of Solution for a Fractional Order Integro-Differential Equation with Non-Local and Global Boundary Conditions (English) Scientific Research. Applied Mathematics, October, 2011, 2, pp. 1292-1296

  87. Rauf V. Huseynov; Nihan A. Aliyev; Sara M. Murtuzayeva Influence of Karleman Condition by Investigating Boundary Value Problems for Laplace Equation (English) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences. Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol XXXI, No.4, 2011, pp.73-84

  88. A.Y. Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi; A.N. Aliyev On Fredholm Property of Boundary Value Problems for a Composite Type Model Equation with General Boundary Conditions (English) International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Great Britain, London, Taylor&Francis, October 2011, pp.124-135

  89. M.F. Mehdiyev; N.A. Aliyev; N.I. Fomina On One Three-dimensional Boundary-value Problem with Included Derivatives (Russian) News of Baku University, series of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Azerbaijan, Baku, No.2, 2011, pp.5-15

  90. A.Y. Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi; A.N. Aliyev Regularization of Necessary Conditions Connected with Boundary Value Problems for a Composite Type Equation (English) Functional Analysis and its Applications. Proceedings of the International Conference Devoted to the 100-th Anniversary of Academician Z.I. Khalilov, Azerbaijan, Baku, 2011, pp.142-145

  91. A. Kh. Abbasova; N.A. Aliyev About the Problem of Stefan for the Cauchy-Riemann Equation with Non-local and Global Terms in the Boundary Condition (Russian) Material's of International Conference on Mathematical Theories and Problems of Their Application and Teaching dedicated to the 870th anniversary of great poet and philosopher Nizami Ganjavi, Azerbaijan, Ganja, September 23-25, 2011, pp.45-48

  92. N.A. Aliyev; O.G. Asadova Investigation of Solution of a Mixed Problem for the System of Differential Equations with Partial Derivatives (Russian) Material's of International Conference on Mathematical Theories and Problems of Their Application and Teaching dedicated to the 870th anniversary of great poet and philosopher Nizami Ganjavi, Azerbaijan, Ganja, September 23-25, 2011, pp.26-31

  93. N. Aliyev; S. Ashrafi Investigation of Origin of the Boundary Layer in the Boundary Value Problem with Partial Derivatives Depending from Small Parameter (Russian) Material's of International Conference on Mathematical Theories and Problems of Their Application and Teaching dedicated to the 870th anniversary of great poet and philosopher Nizami Ganjavi, Azerbaijan, Ganja, September 23-25, 2011, pp.34-37

  94. Mohamad Jahansahi; Asghar Ahmadkhanlu; Nihan Aliev; Mehran Fatemi Discrete Additive and Multiplicative Differentiation and Integration and their Invariant Functions (English) Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics Vol.1, No.1, September, 2011, pp.28-35

  95. M.H. Ilyasov; N.A. Aliyev; A.M. Aliyev; L.A. Rustamova On an Initial Boundary Value Problem for a System of Partial Differential Equations of Liquid and Gas Mechanics (English) Final Program and Book of Abstracts, Bilkent University, Turkey, Ankara, August 22-24, 2011, pp.30-31

  96. O.G. Asadova; N.A. Aliyev Investigation of Boundary Problem for the 4-th Order Equation (English) Final Program and Book of Abstracts, Bilkent University, Turkey, Ankara, August 22-24, 2011, pp.32-33

  97. N.A. Aliyev; M.R.Fatemi Reducing The Spectral Problem For Fourth Order Elliptic Type Equation on a Plain Domain to Second Type Fredholm Integral Equation (English) Book of Abstracts, The Fourth Congress of The Turkic World Mathematical Society. Azerbaijan, Baku, 1-3 July, 2011, p.197

  98. N.A. Aliyev; A.M. Aliyev Data of One Nonlinear Differential Equation with the Partial Derivatives to the Cauchy-Riemann Equation (English) Book of Abstracts, The Fourth Congress of The Turkic World Mathematical Society. Azerbaijan, Baku, 1-3 July, 2011, p.156

  99. N.A. Aliyev; A.M. Aliyev Boundary Problem for the Differential Equation of Fractional Order (English) Book of Abstracts, The Fourth Congress of The Turkic World Mathematical Society. Azerbaijan, Baku, 1-3 July, 2011, p.157

  100. M. Sajjadmanesh; M. Jahanshahi; N.Aliyev Inverse Problem of the Kind of Tikhonov-Lavrentev Including the Cauchy-Riemann Equation on a Boundary Region (English) Book of Abstracts, The Fourth Congress of The Turkic World Mathematical Society. Azerbaijan, Baku, 1-3 July, 2011, p.266

  101. A.Y. Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi; A.N. Aliyev On a Fredholm Property of the Second Order Cauchy-Riemann Problem in Arbitrary Domain Under Non-local Boundary Conditions (English) Book of Abstracts, The Fourth Congress of The Turkic World Mathematical Society. Azerbaijan, Baku, 1-3 July, 2011, p.189

  102. N. A. Aliyev; S. S. Mirzayev Linear imageries (Azeri) The Library of Schoolchild, Mathematics Book No 39, 2010, 48 pages

  103. N. A. Aliyev About history of numbers (Azeri) The Library of Schoolchild, Mathematics Book No 40, 2010, 48 pages

  104. N. A. Aliyev; S. S. Mirzayev Two-factor curves and figures (Azeri) The Library of Schoolchild, Mathematics No 41, 2010, 48 pages

  105. N. Aliyev; M.H. Fatehi; M. Jahanshahi Analytic Solution for the Cauchy-Riemann Equation with Non-local Boundary Conditions in the First Semi-Quarter (English) Quarterly Journal of Science Tarbiat Moallem University, Vol.9, No.1, Winter 2010; Iran pp.29-40

  106. Ali Y. Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi; A.N. Aliyev On a Boundary Value Problem for a Third Order Composite Type Equation (English) Abstracts of International conference on "Actual Problems of the Mathematics and Mechanics" devoted to the 80-th anniversary of professor Yahya Mammadov Azerbaijan, Baku, December 27, 2010, p.9

  107. N.A. Aliyev; R.M. Zeynalov Steklov Problem for Laplace Equation in Unbounded Domain (Azeri) Proceedings of Scientific Conference on "Modern Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Economics" Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 November, 2010 pp.199-202

  108. G.A. Bagirov; N.A. Aliyev; A.N. Adigyozalova Different Functional Spaces and its Invariants (Russian) Proceedings of Scientific Conference on "Modern Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Economics" Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 November, 2010 pp.42-44

  109. Ali Delshad Gharehgheshlagi; Nihan Aliyev On Fredholmness of general BVP for a linear integro-differential equation with non-local boundary conditions (English) Proceedings of Scientific Conference on "Modern Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Economics" Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 November, 2010 pp.34-38

  110. N.A. Aliyev; G.A. Bagirov; A.N. Isayeva Discrete multiplicative analysis (Azeri) Proceedings of Scientific Conference on "Modern Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Economics" Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 November, 2010 pp.24-30

  111. A.X. Abbasova; N.A. Aliyev An effective solution of The Inverse Problem of Stefan (Russian) Proceedings of Scientific Conference on "Modern Problems of Mathematics, Informatics and Economics" Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 November, 2010 pp.14-19

  112. Aliyev N.A.; Akhmedov R.G. A problem of First-Order Mixed Type Equation. (Russian) International Russian-Bulgarian Symposium on "Mixed type equations and related problems of analysis and informatics"Russia, Nalchik; Khabez, Bulgaria, 25-30 June 2010 pp.23-24

  113. M.R.Fatemi and N.A.Aliyev General Linear Boundary Value Problem for the Second-Order Integro-Differential Loaded Equation with Boundary Conditions Containing Both Nonlocal and Global Terms. (English) Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Abstract and Applied Analysis Vol 2010, 12 pages

  114. Aliyev N.A.; Aliyev A.M.; Asadullayev R.A. Research of Distribution of Heat and Process Diffusion on Semiconductor Elements. (Russian) The Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Azerbaijan, Baku, No2, 2010

  115. Nihan A. Aliyev; Shahla Yu. Salmanova On Uniqueness of Solution to Second Order Ordinary Linear Differential Equation (English) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences. Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol XXX, No.7, 2010, pp.9-14

  116. N.A.Aliyev; R.M.Zeynalov Investigation of Solution of Steklov Problem for Cauchy-Riemann Equation Under the Boundary Condition Containing Global Term. (Azeri) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences: Informatics and Control Problems. Azerbaijan, Baku, Vol XXX, No.3, 2010, pp.75-80

  117. M.Kh.Ilyasov; N.A.Aliyev; A.M.Aliyev; L.A.Rustamova On a method to the solution of the problem for the system of hyperbolic equations. (Russian) Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan, Baku, No1, 2010; pp.3-8

  118. M.R.Fatemi and N.A.Aliyev Investigation of the Solution of the Problem For a First Order, Ordinary, Integro-differential and Boundary Value Equation Containing Non-local and Global Terms in the Boundary Condition (English) News of Baku University. Physico-mathematical sciences series Azerbaijan, Baku,No3, 2010; pp.48-52

  119. Aliyev N.A.; Abbasova A.Kh. A New Approach to the Boundary Problems for Cauchy-Riemann Equation (Russian) News of Baku University. Physico-mathematical sciences series Azerbaijan, Baku,No2, 2010; pp.49-53

  120. N.A.Aliyev; S.Ashrafi Investigation of appearance of a layer for the second order equation with non-local boundary conditions. (Azeri) News of Baku University. Physico-mathematical sciences series Azerbaijan, Baku,No1, 2010; pp.17-20

  121. K. Ivaz; N. Aliyev Control of the Moving Boundary (English) Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (2010) 34: pp.439-450

  122. Ali Y.Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi; Nihan A.Aliyev A problem for a composite type equation of third order with general linear boundary conditions. (English) Spectral theory and its applications. Abstracts of International conference devoted to the 80-th anniversary of academician F.G.Magsudov Baku-2010; pp.165-166

  123. M.R.Fatemi; N.A.Aliyev General linear Boundary Value Problem for the second order integro-differential loaded equation with boundary conditions containing both non-local and global terms. (English) Spectral theory and its applications. Abstracts of International conference devoted to the 80-th anniversary of academician F.G.Magsudov Baku-2010; pp.328-330

  124. N.A.Aiyev; N.O.Habibova Fredholmness of the boundary value problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation in region with sections. (Azeri) Spectral theory and its applications. Abstracts of International conference devoted to the 80-th anniversary of academician F.G.Magsudov Baku-2010; pp.86-88

  125. Mohammad Jahanshahi; Nihan Aliyev; Mojtaba Sajjadmanesh A New Method for Determining of Self-Joint Boundary Value Problem Via Boundary Conditions (Persian) Basic Sciences, (401/142) 2009, 27 pages

  126. Mohammad Jahanshahi; Nihan Aliyev; Asghar Ahmadkhanlu Investigation of Limitation and Capabilities of various methods of Initial Boundary Value Problems Including partial Differential Equations (Persian), Basic Sciences, (401/142), 2009, 31 pages

  127. F. A. Izadi; N. Aliev; G. Bagirov Discrete Calculus By Analogy (English) Book December 3, 2009; 154 pages

  128. Nihan Aliyev; Akhmedali Aliyev On a boundary value problem for composite type third order equations with non-local boundary conditions. (English) Mathematics. Scientific Journal of International Ecoenergy Academy No7, 2009, pp 2-7

  129. N.A.Aliyev; A.H.Abbasova About boundary value problem for Cauchy-Riemann equation. (Russian) Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of Baku State University, Natural Sciences (2009) pp.80-81

  130. N.A.Aliyev; S.Ashrafi; A.M.Aliyev Investigation of origin of the boundary layer in the boundary value problem for a linear first order differential equation. (Russian) Proceedings of the International Conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of Baku State University, Natural Sciences (2009) pp.101-102

  131. N.A.Aliyev; R.M.Zeynalov Investigation of the solution of Steklov problem in the boundary condition containing the global term for the Cauchy-Riemann equation. (Azeri) Proceedings of International conference on astronomy, physics and mathematics devoted to International Astronomy Year. Iran, Maraga; Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan 16-17 October, 2009; p.27

  132. N.Aliyev; A.D.Gharehgheshlaghi On Fredholm property of Boundary Value Problems for composite type equation with boundary conditions containing both nonlocal and global terms. (English) Proceedings of International conference on astronomy, physics and mathematics devoted to International Astronomy Year. Iran, Maraga; Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan 16-17 October, 2009; pp.36-38

  133. A.ALiyev; N.Aliyev; S.Ashrafi Heat distribution analysis for a semi-conducting sample of concretely given configuration.(English) Erciyes University, Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology. Vol. 25, 1-2 (2009), pp.346-353

  134. Aliyev N.A.; Aliyev A.M.; Asadullayev R.A. Heat distribution analysis for a semi-conducting sample of given configuration. (Azeri) The theoretical and applied mechanicsAzerbaijan, Baku, No.1(13) 2009, pp.14-17

  135. Ali Y.Delshad Gharehgheshlaghi; Nihan A.Aliyev A problem for a composite type equation of third order with general linear boundary conditions. (English) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences. Mathematics and Mechanics Azerbaijan, Baku, No.4, 2009, pp.35-46

  136. Magomed F.Mekhtiyev; Nihan A.Aliyev; Mehran R.Fatemi On Fredholm property of a Boundary Value Problem for a first order equation with general boundary conditions. (English) Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical sciences. Mathematics and Mechanics Azerbaijan, Baku, No.4, 2009, pp.221-226

  137. M.Jahanshahi; N.Aliev; S.M.Hoseini. An Analytic Method for Investigation and Solving Two-Dimensional Steady State Navier-Stokes Equations(I) (English) Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (2009) 33: pp.749-763 (1075-1089)

  138. Aliev, N.; Rezapour, Sh.; Jahanshahi, M. On a Mixed Problem for Navier-Stokes System in the Unit Cube. (English) Mathematica Moravica Vol. 13-1 (2009),13-24

  139. Aliev N.A.; Ilyasov M.X.; Aliev A.M.; Rustamova L.A. Mixed problems for systems of first order partial differential equations with and non-local boundary conditions. (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Modern problems of Applied mathematics and Information technologies - Al Khorezmiy Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 18-21 September, 2009, p.50-51

  140. Aliev N.A.; Abbasova A.H. The new approach to boundary problems for equation Cauchy-Riemann. (English) Abstracts of International Conference on Modern problems of Applied mathematics and Information technologies - Al Khorezmiy Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 18-21 September, 2009, p.28

  141. Aliev N.A.; Asadova O.H. Mixed Problems for systems of First Order PDE. (English) Abstract Book, International Conference of Mathematical Sciences. Turkey, Istanbul, 4-10 August, 2009, p. 292

  142. Aliev A.M.; Aliev N.A. Investigation of the solution of a boundary value problem for a composite type equation with non-local boundary conditions. (English) Abstracts of The Third Congress of The World Mathematical Society of Turkic Countries. Kazakhstan, Almaty, 30 June - 4 July, 2009 Volume 1, p.164

  143. Aliev N.A.; Ashrafi S. Investigation of a boundary layer in a boundary value problem for a first order ordinary linear differential equation with general boundary conditions. (English) Abstracts of The Third Congress of The World Mathematical Society of Turkic Countries. Kazakhstan, Almaty, 30 June - 4 July, 2009 Volume 1, p.165

  144. Fatemi M.; Aliev N. A boundary value problem for an ordinary general integro-differential, loaded equation of second order with non-local and global terms in the boundary conditions. (English) Abstracts of The Third Congress of The World Mathematical Society of Turkic Countries. Kazakhstan, Almaty, 30 June - 4 July, 2009 Volume 1, p.204

  145. Ilyasov M.X.; Aliyev N.A.; Rustamova L.A.; Movement of gas-liquid mixture in pipes. (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p.337-338

  146. Ahmedov R.G.; Aliev N.A. Investigation of non-local boundary value problem for mixed type equation. (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p.136

  147. Bagirov G.A.; Aliev N.A. About boundary value problem for equation Cauchy-Riemann. (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p.137-138

  148. Aliev, N.A.; Abbasova, A.H. Bondary Value Problem on the strip with curvilinear boundaries. (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p.120

  149. Fatemi, M.R.; Aliev N.A. The Boundary Value Problem for an ordinary, common, integro-differential, loaded  linear equation of second order with non-local and global terms on the boundary conditions(Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p.272-273

  150. Aliev A.M.; Aliev N.A. Abount Fredholmness of one boundary value problem for a composite type equation (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p 117-118

  151. Aliev, N.; Ashrafi, SInvestigation of the boundary layer for a homogeneous equation with non-homogeneous boundary conditions. (Russian) Abstracts of International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics in memory of academician Alexander A. Samarskii on occasion of his 90th anniversary. Russia, Moskow, 16-18 June 2009, p.118-119

  152. Ilyasov, M.X.; Aliev, N.A.; Aliev, A.M. About one new method of solution of system of partial differential equations of liquids and gases mechanics. (Russian) Proceedings of 6th Russian Scientific Conference with International participation, Samara, Russia, Volume 2, 1-4 June, 2009, pp.58-59

  153. Aliev N. About complex relationship (Azeri) Interest and Logic journal. Azerbaijan, Baku, 4 (47) April 2009, pp.19-20

  154. N.Aliyev; S.Ashrafi Investigation of origin of boundary layer on a problem for a second order ordinary linear perturbed differential equation under general non-local boundary condition (English) Advances in Mathematical Sciences Journal (AMSJ) INDIA, September 18, 2008

  155. S.Ashrafi; N.Aliyev; A.Aliyev Heat distribution analysis for a semi-conducting sample of concretely given configuration (English) Advances in Mathematical Sciences Journal (AMSJ) INDIA, September 18, 2008

  156. Aliyev N.A., ALiyev A.M. Investigation of solutions of Boundary Value Problems for a composite type equation with non-local boundary conditions. (English) USA, arXiv:0807.1697v1 [math.AP] 10 Jul 2008, pp.1-6

  157. Aliyev N.A., Aliyev A.M. On a reducing of the Dirac's system to the second type Fredholm integral equation with weak singular kernel. (English) The Second International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications. Azerbaijan, Baku, COIA 2008, June 2-4,

  158. Hassani Oskouei L.; Aliev N. Analytic Approach to Solve Specific Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations. (English) Intenational Mathematical Forum Journal for Theory and Applications. 33-36(2008) Vol 3, pp.1623-1631

  159. Nihan Aliyev Ellipse with three focuses. (Azeri) Interest and Logic journal. Azerbaijan, Baku, 2(33), February, 2008, pp.20-21

  160. Aliev N.; Rezapour Sh.; Jahanshahi M. A Mixed Problem for Navier-Stokes System. (English) Mathematica Moravica Journal of University of Kragujevac, Serbia Vol 12-2 (2008), pp.1-14

  161. Aliev N.; Rezapour Sh.; Jahanshahi M. On Fefferman's Non-existence Problems. (English) Mathematica Moravica Journal of University of Kragujevac, Serbia Vol 11 (2007), pp.1-7

  162. K.Ivaz, N.Aliyev Nonlinear Two-Phase Stefan Problem (English) Journal od Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran; Autumn 2007, Vol.18, No.4, pp.329-337

  163. Jahanshahi, M.; Aliyev, N. Reduction of linearized Benjamin-Ono equation to the Schrödinger equation. (English) International Mathematical Forum, Journal for theory and applications. Volume 2, No. 11, 2007, pp.543-549

  164. Aliyev, N.; Azizi, N.; Jahanshahi, M. Invariant functions for discrete derivatives and their applications to solve non-homogenous linear and non-linear difference equations. (English) International Mathematical Forum, Journal for theory and applications. Volume 2, No. 11, 2007, pp.533-542

  165. Aliyev, A.M.; Aliyev, N.A. On a boundary problem with non-local boundary conditions. (English) Proceedings of 37th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Iran, 2-5 September, 2006, pp.265-268

  166. Golamie R.; Aliyev N. Transformation of coordinates and some analytic results on partial differential operators. (English) Proceedings of 37th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Iran, 2-5 September, 2006, pp.269-271

  167. Jahanshahi M.; Aliyev N.; Hosseini S.M. An analytical Method for Investigation and Solving Three Dimensional Steady State Navier-Stokes Equations (II). (English) Proceedings of 37th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Iran, 2-5 September, 2006, pp.321-323

  168. Bahrami, F.; Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S.M. A method for the reduction of four dimensional mixed problems with general boundary conditions to a system of second kind Fredholm integral equations. (English) Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 17 (January 2005), pp.91-104

  169. Aliev N. Aliev A.; On a boundary value problem for composite type third order equations with non-local boundary conditions. (English) Theses of Russian conference of Algorithmic analysis of unstable problems Ekaterinburg, Russia, 2-6 February, 2004, pp.242-243

  170. Aliyev, N.; Jahanshihi, M.; Hosseini, M. An analytic-numerical method for solving two-dimensional Navier-Stokes system. (English) Proceedings of International Conference of Dynamic systems and applications, Turkey, Antalya, 5-10, July, 2004

  171. Hosseini, S. M.; Aliyev, N. Sufficient conditions for the reduction of a BVP for PDE with non-local and global boundary conditions to Fredholm integral equations (on a rectangular domain). (English) Applied Mathematics and Computation 147 (2004), no. 3, pp.669-685. Elsevier

  172. Jahanshahi, M.; Aliyev, N. Determining of an analytic function on its analytic domain by Cauchy-Riemann equation with special kind of boundary conditions. (English) Southeast Asian Bulletin Mathematics 28 (2004), no. 1, pp.33-39. (Reviewer: Dinamйrico P. Pombo, Jr.)

  173. Jahanshahi, M.; Mehri, B.; Aliyev, N.; Sakai, K. Asymptotic expansions of periodic solutions for a singular perturbation problem including nonlinear dynamical system with two boundary layers.(English) Southeast Asian Bulletin Mathematics 28 (2004), no. 1, pp.41-57. (Reviewer: Hussain S. Nur)

  174. Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S. M. Remarks on Ramanujan problem by using fractional order derivatives. (English) Southeast Asian Bulletin Mathematics 27 (2004), no. 5, pp.787-790.

  175. Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S. M. Multidimensional singular Fredholm integral equations in a finite domain and their regularization. (English) Southeast Asian Bulletin Mathematics. 27 (2003), no. 3, pp.395-408. (Reviewer: Zbigniew Binderman)

  176. Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S. M. An analysis of a parabolic problem with a general (non-local and global) supplementary linear conditions. II. (English) Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 13 (2003), pp.115-127. (Reviewer: You-Shi Lou)

  177. Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S. M. An analysis of a parabolic problem with a general (non-local and global) supplementary linear conditions. I. (English) Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 12 (2002), pp.143-153. (Reviewer: You-Shi Lou)

  178. Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S. M. Cauchy problem for the Navier-Stokes equation and its reduction to a non-linear system of second kind Fredholm integral equations. (English) International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 (2002), no. 3, pp.317-324. (Reviewer: Catherine Sulem)

  179. Aliyev, N.; Jahanshahi, M. Solution of Poisson's equation with global, local and nonlocal boundary conditions. (English) International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 33 (2002), no. 2, pp.241-247.

  180. Aliyev, N.A.; Mehtiyev, A.A. Investigation of the solutions of boundary value problem for Cauchy-Riemann type equation in confined plane field. (Russian) Scientific News of Sumgayit State University, Azerbaijan Vol. 2, No 4, 2002, pp.30-34

  181. Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S. M. A regularization of Fredholm type singular integral equations. (English) International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 26 (2001), no. 2, pp.123-128.

  182. Kavei, G.; Aliyev, N. Applicability of the well operated conditions for the solution of mixed problem attributed to Schrödinger equation. (English) Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 12 (2001), no. 2, pp.181-184.

  183. N.Aliyev, M.Jahanshahi Investigation of B.V.Ps and I.V.Ps including Differential Equations with real orders (English) Second Joint Seminar On Applied Mathematics, Zanjan University and Baku State University, 4-6 October, 2000, p. 52

  184. Hosseini, S. M.; Aliyev, N. A mixed parabolic with a non-local and global linear conditions. (English) Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 11 (2000), no. 3, pp.233-237.

  185. Purrahimi, R.; Aliyev, N.; Hosseini, S.M. Sufficient conditions on boundary value problem for one integra-differential equation of second order. (Persian) Guide of 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, University of Science and Technology, Iran, Tehran, 25-27 October, 2000

  186. Aliyev, N.; Ismaili, Sh. Existence and uniqueness of solution of boundary value problems for linear integra-differential equation. (Persian) Proceedings of 31th Annual Iranian Mathematical Society Conference, 27-30 August, 2000, pp.84-90

  187. Aliyev, N.; Ibadpur, J. Fredholmness of boundary value problem for elliptic type first order differential equation equation with non-local and general boundary conditions. (Persian) Proceedings of 31th Annual Iranian Mathematical Society Conference, 27-30 August, 2000, pp.91-96

  188. Aliyev, N.; Najafi, R. Investigation of problems for hyperbolic equation. (Persian) Proceedings of 31th Annual Iranian Mathematical Society Conference, 27-30 August, 2000, pp.97-103

  189. N.Aliyev; M.Jahanshahi Investigation and solving the real order ordinary and partial differential equations. (Persian) Research project, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, 1999, 41 pages

  190. Kavei, G.; Aliyev, N. The existence and uniqueness of the solution of the spectral problem. II. (English) Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 10 (1999), no. 4, pp.252-257.

  191. Aliyev, N. The unsolved problems in differential equation theory and a new method for investigation and solving them. (English) International congress of Mathematics, Berlin, Germany, August, 1998

  192. Aliyev, N. Survey to Numerical methods of Boundary and Initial value problems. (Persian) Proceedings of The Second Seminar on Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and Their Applications, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, May, 1998, pp.74-79

  193. Aliyev, N. A.; Bagirov, G. A. Investigation of the self-adjointness condition for a certain operator. (Russian) Proceedings of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences 54 (1998), no. 1, pp.3-8. (Reviewer: Petru A. Kozhukhar)

  194. Aliyev, N. Some interesting properties of pyramid and the analogue of Pythagorean Theorem in R3. (Persian) Journal of Education of mathematics, Tehran, Iran (reprinted), 1997

  195. Aliyev, N. Some unsolved problems in the Theory of Boundary value problems of mathematical physics. (Persian) Proceedings of 28th Annual Iranian Mathematical Society Conference, Tabriz, Iran, 28-31 March, 1997, pp.107-114

  196. Aliyev, N.; Jahanshahi, M. 

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