Lowell elementary school

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Amber E. Dietz



April 2012

school house

Lowell Elementary School Newsletter

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School Newsletter

Principal’s News

Dear Lowell Families!

It is that time of year already- time for our students to take the ITBS test for reading, math and science! Below is a poem written by a colleague of mine, Sherice Ortman. I thought it was timely and entertaining, so please share with your children! It emphasizes the importance of a great breakfast and ample sleep the night before testing! Testing at Lowell will take place on Monday, April 2, Tuesday, April 3, and Thursday, April 4. We have a “sacred” testing time those three days that begins at 9:00. Being to school on time is important every single day, but it is ESSENTIAL for student success on these three days! Thanks in advance for all of your encouragement with your students this week! It really is a chance for each child to SHOW WHAT THEY KNOW!

Twas the Night before the Iowa Assessment
Twas the night before the assessment and all through the house, two children were expected to sleep and not stir like a mouse.

One child was named Thomas and knew just what to do, but his sister Tara was restless and disobedient too.

After supper Thomas watched some TV and went straight up to bed, but Tara stayed up late and played video games instead.

The night grew long and Tara lost track of time, before she knew it, it was 4:59.

The birds began chirping, morning was near, and without enough sleep Tara’s mind was not clear.

She fell asleep at dawn as Thomas woke up; he ate a healthy breakfast and filled milk in his cup.

Thomas tried to wake Tara, but the bus was on its way. Tara’s mom would have to drive her to school late that day.

Thomas had eaten a healthy breakfast and got plenty of rest, he knew today he would be prepared for the test.

Tara however was hungry and tired, after playing angry birds all night, her mind was still wired.

Thomas finished his questions and relaxed with a book, Tara’s lack of focus affected how long the test took.

She ran out of time and felt sluggish and gray; Tara even forgot to fill in missed answers that day.

When the assessment came back, she did not do her best, she knew if she had, she would have scored better on the test.

As you prepare for next week, relax during this time, it’s only a few hours and you have a strong mind.

Your family and teachers know you can do your best, so it’s your job to be ready with a clear mind and plenty of rest.

April/May Calendar
6th: NO SCHOOL!!!

9th: PTO @ 6 p.m.

11th: Partners in Ed. @ 4 p.m.

13th: Kindergarten Round Up

Family Bowling Night

16-20th: 3rd Grade Museum School

20th: K-2 to Black Hawk Children’s


24th: 6:30 Band Festival

25th: STARS Assembly-orchestra

27th: Popcorn Read to Ride
3rd: Cinco de Mayo @ 6 p.m.

K-1 to perform

Orchestra Festival @ 6:30

7th: Teacher Appreciation Lunch

School Bus Driver Day

Teacher Appreciation Week

9th: School Nurse Day

Partners in Ed. @ 4 p.m.

11th: Popcorn Read to Ride

14th: PTO @ 6 p.m.

16th: STARS Assembly

18th: Muffins with Mom 8-9 a.m.

23rd: Kindergarten Ice Cream Social

@ 1:15 p.m.

24th: 5th Grade Good Bye

25th: Students last Day!!!

Important Dates

The end of the school year will be here before you know it. It is important to have any unpaid balances paid in full by the end of the school year. Thank you for your prompt attention concerning this matter.
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Infinite Campus Mobile Portal is now available for android tablets and phones, in addition to ipads! This app allows parents to access up to date student information through a convenient app, rather than needing to log-in through the web-based portal. To begin, just visit the android marketplace and search for the “Infinite Campus Mobile Portal” app. When you launch the app, it will ask for a District ID, which is TKHWDX. You will then be able to sign in with your infinite campus portal username and password. Be sure to turn on notifications so you are notified when new assignments, grades, or attendance events are created for your child.

Dear Lowell Parents!

It's getting closer to concert time and I am excited to say that the students are doing a very fine job in preparing. Most students are coming to their lessons with great attitudes and are ready to learn. Our band concert time has changed to 9:00 on the last Wednesday of this month. The orchestra concert has changed to 9:00 as well on the last Wednesday of April. Please come and see your kids play and do their best!


Just a reminder that our mass band and orchestra concerts are coming up! Dates are April 25 for band students at West High and May 3 for orchestra students at East. Students will be bused to a rehearsal during the day. Students will need to be at the site at 600-615 for the concert that night. If transportation is a problem for the evening concert do not hesitate to ask for help!


Please make sure that they are playing at home and asking you to sign their practice sheets. We still have a competition going... Students who reach 10 slips returned will receive a pizza party in May. The slips need to be filled out and signed by a parent or guardian and returned during their lesson time.

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Thanks so much for your support over the past year! Ms. Liddle

The weather has been awesome and we know how much the children love being outside. For the safety of our children please remember the earliest time children may arrive at school is 8:20 a.m. Arriving before the designated correct time your child will be outside unsupervised. This is an unsafe and preventable situation.

Thank you, Lowell Staff

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Counselor’s Corner

Thank you to the parents who attended the Bullying, Cyber-bullying, and Gang Awareness meeting. I hope you found it interesting and informative.

For those of you who weren’t able to make it, I thought I would provide you with some information. Here are some warning signs to look for when it comes to bullying:

  1. Change in eating or sleeping habits.

  2. Complaints of stomachache or headaches, usually before school.

  3. Refusal to go to school.

  4. Change in social activities or friends.

  5. Decline in school performance.

If you see any of these signs:

  1. Do not ignore it.

  2. Talk to your child to see what is going on. Don’t expect him/her to tell you everything right away.

  3. Call your child’s teacher, counselor, or principal.

  4. Continue to talk to your child to see if things have changed.

ITBS testing is right around the corner. I have been working with 2-5 graders on test strategies. Please make sure your child is well rested and eats a good breakfast that week!
With the weather turning warmer and kids playing outside more, I think it is important that your child knows some Stranger Danger rules. I will be reading a couple books to the kindergartners and first graders about staying SAFE AROUND STRANGERS.

From the desk of Miss Carole (Lowell Family Support Worker)…

Uniform Reminder – Wow, what crazy weather we have been having. It is hard to know how to dress?? Please remember that students cannot wear open-toed shoes and need to continue to wear solid colored shirts/blouses with collars and pants/shorts. Shorts are OK, but must be down to knee in length. I will be planning a uniform exchange program at the end of summer, before school starts, and will have more details in the May newsletter.
Care for Kids Program – Parents whose children have Title 19 insurance can get free transportation for themselves and their children to medical, dental, and mental health appointments. Call 292-2413 – a day in advance. Appointments can be during the day, evening or weekends. The service is provided through the Black Hawk County Health Department.
Lowell Attendance Achievers – Under No Child Left, Lowell must maintain a daily 95% attendance rate so we don’t have our schools’ name place on the Schools In Need of Assistance list. We are currently at 94.6%. We need your help!! The staff and our Partners in Education have been working on several new ways we are trying to motivate students to be at school every day, one time and ready to learn. We will be holding weekly drawings of kids who meet this criterion who will get a special treat at school. At the end of the month, all students with perfect attendance (and no tardies) will have their name in a drawing for a special Good Bag full of coupons, certificates, toys and other fun items. The classroom with the highest percentage of perfect attendance will also be getting a special treat at school. Each student with perfect attendance during the month will also have their name in a drawing at the end of the year for 2 bicycles that Horace Mann (one of our Partners in Education) is donating. We hope all these incentives will help to increase our daily attendance rate.
Lost & Found – I have been trying to get stuff out of the Lost & Found lockers next to the office on a monthly basis and place these items on tables in the school vestibule. Next time you are in school, please take a couple of minutes to look through these items to see if anything belongs to one of your children. Anything that is not claimed will be given away. Thanks!

Please always feel free to stop in my office or give me a call (215-2267) if I can help in any way.

To 772937. Thanks for your support!

It is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings from 8:15-8:50.  Books are selling for 25 cents, 50 cents, and new books are $1.00.  It is a great way for students to have books to read for READ TO RIDE and to help build your home library.


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wcsf logo

The Waterloo Community Schools Foundation is excited to announce our first community event, “A Celebration of Education”, to be held on Friday, April 27th, 2012, from 7:00 – 9:00 am, in the upper level of the Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center.

Keynote alumni speaker at the event will be Mr. Bob Bowlsby, a 1970 West High Alumnus and current Athletic Director at Stanford University. Attendees will be able to view students and educators showcasing examples of some of the creative, innovative programming and activities currently happening at all grade levels in the Waterloo Schools. In addition, winners of the first round of Outcome Based Innovative Teaching Grants, available to educators, schools and the district at large, will be announced and celebrated.
Tickets for the breakfast are $20 per person, or $150 for a table of eight. Please reserve your place at the breakfast by contacting us in the following ways, by Friday, April 13th:

  • Call: 319-939-9550

  • Email: Carrie.Rankin@wcsfoundation.org

  • Send check to: Waterloo Community Schools Foundation, PO Box 1896, Waterloo, IA 50704

If you are unable to attend, but would like to support the Waterloo Community Schools Foundation, you can do so by contacting us in the same manner listed above. For more information on the Waterloo Community Schools Foundation, visit our website at www.wcsfoundation.org or our Facebook site at www.facebook.com/waterloocommunityschoolsfoundation.

Thank you and we hope to see you at the breakfast on April 27, 2012.

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There is an ALL SCHOOL ART SHOW along with a Culture Fest coming up this month.  Both events open with a reception on Thursday, March 29th, from 5:30-7:30 at the Waterloo Center for the Arts.  The show will be up and can be viewed during the Waterloo Center for the Arts business hours until Sunday April 29th.  These are the students with art in the show, please congratulate them!
Shakia Sallis, Hanna Latic, Alaina Ennenga, Anela Osmic, Londrell Cooper, Keylajaha, Jefferson-Putman, Jovanti Chestnut-Rucker, Pearlieah McElroy, Lilia Garcia, Angel Lara, Justus Limkeman, Eddy Murtic, Kenny Brown III, Sienna Hoskins, Jeremy Iehl, Brady Boehmer, Elijah Willingham-Rucker, Madison Fitzpatrick, Avion Moffett, Krystal Madlock, Lakell Williams, Summer Booth, Aaliyah Everman, Taurean Cunningham, Doug Mwekto, Samantha Booth, Cenlin Bell, Dayton Whiteside, and Miguel Vicente.

Candy bar sales are going great!!! Huge thank you to all participants!!!

Reminder the last day to take anymore candy bars home is April 2nd and all money is due and needs to be turned in by April 6th.

April 13th is our Family Fun bowling night at Cadillac Lanes from 6-8 p.m. Cost is $7.00 per person at the door for 2 games and shoe rental. We will be selling candy bars and mint meltaways for ½ price that night. Also the ELP students will be selling their T-shirt bags they made for $1.00.


Next PTO meeting is April 9th at 6 p.m. in the media center. We hope to talk to Marty Metcalf about purchasing swings for our playground.
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