Marx: the state is an organisation formed by the bourgeoisie to manage ‘the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie’ (Communitst Manifesto). Political power derives from class privilege and the actions politicians are dictated by their patrons
Disagreements: Marx believed the state protects their own interests (or of the elites), whereas Hobbes believes the protected the people’s need for peace and security
2021 Data on the levels of trust amongst people in regards to politicians: only 20% trust political parties and 35% trust in national government - generally aligns with Marx’s views on the idea that politicians are only ‘looking after themselves’
James Weinberg in ‘Who Enters Politics and Why?’, uses data on the personality of 168 MPs+ failed candidates. Finds that generally British politicians are more motivated by equality, social justice and caring for others (aligns with Hobbes) but they’re also driven by the need to control resources/being in charge (align with Marx)
Joanne Miller (University of Minnesota): previous research on ‘ability to participate’ shows those in better socioeconomic position tend to do so (Marx) but ‘reasons why they participate’ shows that people who feel threatened/want to protect are more likely to participate in politics than who want to gain something from it (Hobbes)