Meeting of copeam radio commission roma, january 19TH,2009

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This document reports the radio commission meeting held in Rome, at which were present all members mentioned in the list at the end of this document. Thus, you will find the main points presented as well as the decisions proposed for COPEAM Steering Committee.

  1. Review of the coproduction « Portraits of legendary football players »

The attending radios considered the broadcasting of the series « Portraits of legendary football players » globally satisfying. In fact, the series was broadcasted on 9 Mediterranean radios, mostly in its totality.

Nevertheless, non-French-speaking radios mentioned some difficulties linked to the episodes’ language problems. The broadcasting in their organism has been described as difficult, or impossible, in a different language than their own. Translating, dubbing or re-mixing episodes creates many difficulties, particularly in the case of non-disposition of the unmixed elements.
Radios that have not transmitted yet these elements are requested to send them to M. Pierre Mari who will communicate them to the radios wanting them in order to extend the diffusion.

  1. Coproduction : « Mediterranean Mythical Harbors »

Coproduction current progress :


Harbor chosen

Current progress

France Bleu Frequenza Mora




Realised (Pilot)

Radio Tunisienne(RTCI)



Radio Algérienne



SNRT (Morocco)



TRT (Turkey)



RAI International



ERTU (Egypt)


In realisation phase

HRT (Croatia)


In realisation phase

ERT (Greece)


In realisation phase

SRR (Romania)

In realisation phase

France Bleu


RTVE (Spain)


Radio Doualiya

To be confirmed

Radio Liban

To be confirmed

After listening to some episodes already realised and to the pilot episode :
Most of the attendants expressed their upheaval concerning the quality and homogeneity of the products received.
The main reason advanced was the general lack of conformity – of the content and form - between episodes and the indications of realisation sent by partners and that, also despite the sending of a pilot episode.
In fact, the indications concerning the episodes form were not respected as it was the case, for instance, with the interviewer voice that should not be heard.

An hypothesis put forward : the difficulties of communication in some organisms, between the responsible who received the information and the journalist in charge of the episode realisation.

Concerning the episode content, the main problem had been the confusion of angle level due to the misinterpretation of the world “mythical” in the title.

The ambition of this subject, especially compared to the one of “Portraits of legendary football players”, was put in discussion.

The Commission has decided to try and find solutions in order to continue to improve by always more precisely identifying an adequate methodology of work for this coproduction and the next to come and thereby obtaining a product with an increasing quality.
The propositions for the next coproductions :

  • The participant organisms will have to fill in an inscription form, that will include the subject, and the name and contacts of the journalists in charge.

  • The indications sent by the executive producer will be more precise, especially concerning the title and the angle.

  • To keep on sending a best-practice pilot episode.

  • For each coproduction, to organise a workshop with the journalists. The modalities and framework still need to be defined (COPEAM University, Annual Conference, independent meeting…)

  • To provide an FTP server in order to exchange the coproduction elements and to be faster in the production and reactions.

  • To organise an intern COPEAM price for the best episode of the coproduction in order to motivate the journalists and to reward one of them. The modalities of this price have still to be defined; it will be a point on the agenda of the next Radio Commission meeting in Cairo during COPEAM Annual Conference, on April 17th.

A new start for the current coproduction involving that :

  • All participant organisms should send the name and contacts of the journalists in charge of the episode.

  • Each of those journalists will receive a document with more precise indications on the contents and form. Regarding contents, that document will refocus the angle and will indicate the imaginary to be obtained.

  • From the new indications, radio partners will have to make, reorganise or remake their products.

  • After sending the indications, we will try to organise a workshop (of mixing, post-production or evaluation) for the journalists in charge of the coproduction. The framework of Copeam Conference was suggested but the modalities have still yet to be defined.

  • During next Radio Commission meeting, and after defining the modalities of the potential price - already mentioned sooner - it will be decided whether this award would become effective from this coproduction.

Participation in the Radio coproduction co-financing
The Radio Commission expresses again its gratitude to the Radios having already committed themselves to financially contribute in the coproduction, and on the first line to France Bleu Frequenza Mora (France Radio), that supports most part of the coproduction at a financial and executive production levels. The Commission is also grateful toward Radio Tunisienne, Radio Algérienne and RAI International for their helpful financial support.

The commission launches a call to all radios regarding both financial participation and executive production responsibility for the potential future co-productions.

  1. Kantara, one year of broadcasting in its new format:

Concerning the new format:
The representatives in the Commission meeting highlighted a positive evolution of the emission format currently based on reportages and of the quality of those reportages. The realisation of a duplex between the North and South of the Mediterranean remaining the main difficulty to work on.
Concerning the partners:
The desire to involve Northern partners other than France was put forward. Some organisms have already been recommended and the candidatures are opened. On this subject, a re-launch will be organised on the occasion of COPEAM XVIth Annual Conference in Cairo from April 16th to 19th, 2009. The Commission put forward the possibility that, if another radio was candidate, it could take the executive production of the coproduction.
The meeting raised the possibility to occasionally invite, according to modalities that would have to be define, representatives of European-non-Mediterranean radios that could thereby give an external point of view on the area.
The Commission would like have information about author rights in order to broadcast the emission in podcast on the websites of the Commission’s radios.
An annual Kantara around a festival:
As Kantara annual meeting around a festival – principle adopted by the Commission - SNRT representative proposed the participation of the partners in a special emission in Morocco that would celebrate the 10 years of Kantara, during Fès Festival and on Rabat Chaine Inter’s invitation. SNRT would take in charge the accommodations for the opening days.

  1. Radio Commission Blog on COPEAM Internet Portal

It has been announced that the blog of the Radio Commission on COPEAM Internet Portal would soon be operational.

(RDV on )

  • The blog, to which frequent use the partners must become familiar, will become a working tool for the co-productions and projects. It will facilitate the communication between the journalists and it will become a coordination instrument.

  • All the participants in the projects (journalists etc.) and radio member’s representatives will receive their passwords by email as well as the pertinent contacts they might want to give us.

  • The two moderators of the blog will be: the Radio Commission President (Robert Kudelka) and the person in charge of COPEAM’s Radio Commission (Julie Royer).

  1. Development of the radio section at COPEAM University

For its 5th edition, COPEAM University has reinforced the part dedicated to radio; it planned to organise radio reportages and multimedia workshop within which will be created a webradio.

Trainers and participants:

    • This year, the trainers origins have diversified : they are representative from France Bleu Frequenza Mora (Radio France), the Tunisian Radio and the Algerian radio.

    • The number of Northern radios « interns » being quite low; the Commission invited the European radio to send more candidatures for the University.

    • The Egyptian radio put forward the age limit problem (35 years-old) and suggested to raise it at 40 years-old to offer more opportunities, in particular to some organisms in which only administrators (and therefore older) would receive the authorization to participate.

    • The President of the Training Commission, Christophe Dehlinger, took note of the proposition and will discuss it within his Commission.

Concerning the useful material :
For 12 interns, the number recommended, the minimum material required would be a digital supply to register with USB output for two, or, if it was possible, for each intern (it is the most important equipment), and at least two mixing software.

  1. Various

The discussion about the Programs exchanges was globally reported to the next Commission Meeting. In preparation for that meeting, COPEAM is trying to settle on its blog/site an FTP exchange platform on which the programs could be exchanged.

The cooperation proposition of the Swiss Italian-speaking radio
A call was dressed toward the radios to collaborate at the realisation of the weekly series Mare Nostrum. That series focuses on places to visit, food specialities etc. in the Mediterranean countries. The participation would consist in a support for the identification of local guests’ contacts (tourism, foreign, cooking, music), and to make available a file for shows and 4 music extracts of the country.
The cooperation proposition from the « Radios Francophones Publiques »:
The General Secretary of the Radios Francophones Publiques (French-Speaking Public Radios), presented the coproduction realised in collaboration with CIRTEF “Femmes Battantes” (“Fighter Women”) and invited, even though the coproduction was already achieved, the radios to participate with a reportage in French.

Concerning the Francophone games in Beyrouth (September 27th- October 06th, 2009), that focus on culture and sport, she announced that two young radios, one French and the other Swiss, were interested and were in the phase of web radio montage.

Mrs. Dost called COPEAM radios to manifest their interest in collaborating in this project. More information will be released soon on COPEAM radio blog.

List of participants attending the meeting:

Mr. Robert KUDELKA, France Bleu Frequenza Mora director (Radio France) and President of the Radio Commission

Mr. Ridha BOUGUEZZI, Radio Tunis Chaîne Internationale Director (Radio Tunisienne) et Vice-President of the Radio Commission

Mr. Pierre MARI, France Bleu Frequenza Mora producer and journalist (Radio France)

Mrs. Tanja DEVCIC, Journalist and redactor-in chief of Croatian radio (HRT)

Mr. Hamid MESAMERI, International Relations Director of Entreprise Nationale de Radiodiffusion Sonore (ENRS)

Mrs. Hanene LAIMANI, Rabat Chaîne Internationale Director(SNRT)

M. Antonio AZZALINI, Vice-director RAI International

Mr. Augusto MILANA, Chief of Radio Structure (RAI International)

Mrs. Ilaria DI LUZIO, Radio International relations - RAI

Mrs. Maria DU BESSE, International Relations - RAI

Mrs. Françoise DOST, General Secretary of Radios Francophones Publiques

Mrs. Mona FARID BADR, Announcer for the radio of the Egyptian radio and television Union (ERTU)

Mr. Fredy FRANZONI, Director RTSI – Swiss Italian Radio Television

Mrs. Elena CAREZANI, RTSI – Swiss Italian Radio Television

Mr. Christophe DEHLINGER, CFI – Director of the Arab World

Mrs. Alessandra PARADISI, General secretary, COPEAM

Ms. Faten FRADI, person in charge of the relations with the Arab World, COPEAM

Ms. Julie ROYER, person in charge of the Radio Commission, COPEAM

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