Minutes of the regular meeting of mayor and council of the borough of stone harbor held in the municipal building

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August 18, 2015

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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walters at 4:30 p.m.


Suzanne M. Walters, Mayor Barry D. Mastrangelo, Council President

Judith Davies-Dunhour

Suzanne C. Stanford, Borough Clerk Joselyn Rich

Michael J. Donohue, Solicitor Joan Kramar

Jim Craft, CFO ABSENT Karen Lane

Jill Gougher, Administrator Albert Carusi

Mayor Walters announced that the meeting was now open. Adequate notice of the meeting was provided by posting a copy of the time and place on the Municipal Clerk’s bulletin board and mailing a copy of same to the Press and the Cape May County Herald on January 8, 2015.

Councilmember AL CARUSI explained the final recommendation presented tonight to full Council and the public on the police building. He briefly explained how we got here. After recognizing the need to refurbish or build new the PS committee began the vetting process through due diligence at the beginning of the year. We had money available to fund studies and analysis, costs, technical, social impact, planning, aesthetics etc. We had 2 million approved in the 2015, for construction. A presentation was made to the public at the beginning of the year with a three prong approach, refurbishing existing building, new construction in the parking lot near the new library and new construction in the Borough parking lot next to the Firehouse. We even looked at the possibility of shared service with Avalon, we covered the full spectrum. We came to a final unanimous decision through consensus about two weeks ago. We all had ideas, we all gained, we all gave and we came out with something we unanimously approved of, which will be presented tonight. He thanked members of PS Committee, Chief Paul Reynolds, Police Captain Schutta, Fire Chief Roger Stanford, Court Administrator Debbie Scott, OEM Coordinator Ken hawk Borough Administrator Jill Gougher, Adm Ass’t Kim Stevenson, CFO Jim Craft, Borough Engineer Marc DeBlasio and Architects Dan Shousky and Jerry Blackman. Special recognition to police department, a police sub-committee was formed consisting of Sgt. Palmer, Schuck and Walker to work the details of what is required in a modern police facility. Recognized other Sgts. and each officer for their cooperation and patience in working with the Borough.
Dan Shousky of OSK Design Partners, PA explained the power point presentation that will be shown to the public explaining the new police building being built adjacent to the existing building. The entrance will still be on 95th Street and the new building will be attached to the old. We looked at not disrupting parking, looked at the disruption of Seng Place, looked at using the existing police building as a new facility, one of the concerns was what do we do with Police while we renovate. We looked a keeping the police in that building and the decision was made to knock down the existing saliport which has a lot of inherent problems, and we took the building size we had before and realizing we needed to reduce the size we worked through all spaces required, the minimum number and type of space required for police stations. We condensed the building from 15,000 sq ft to 8,000 sq ft. We were able to do that by taking the storage that is required for Police and putting that in the first floor of the existing police building. The buildings will be connected.
The complete plans and power point presentation is on file in Borough Hall.


Charles Tomlinson 269 – 106th Street – good presentation, couple of questions. He suggested the Borough could use the second floor archway for storage and contain everything in one building rather than use a part of another building therefore the existing building could be used totally for some other use. Asked if we looked at the cost difference in doing that. Dan - it would add more to the building cost, asked do we know how much more. Dan - we are looking at the square footage range Asked if we would look at it. Also, Carusi mentioned studied all kind of alternatives asked him to go over them and as to what the results were. Carusi, looked at shared service Avalon, support is just not there in both communities. Size of building looked at, school looked at, remote, flood zone conditions, across street looked good, public safety complex but did not want to give up use of Seng Place and additional costs incurred in accommodating space lost by the Fire Department for Police. We came down to this, very cost effective.

Tom Puta 151- 95th Street speaking for Garden House Condominium adjacent to the police building new building and new design looks very nice always good to have the police building next to the condo, provides safety and security. One concern, lighting at night in the new building worried about intrusive lighting from the top of the building, please give consideration at this at this early stage of planning.
Patti DiMarco 364 – 93rd Street thanked Council and the committee for listening to the residents and neighbors, thank you for job well done.

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour
Since all members of Council have been provided with a copy of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 21, 2015 and the Work Session of August 4, 2015, if there are no additions or corrections, I move we dispense with the reading of the minutes and that they be approved.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

Councilmember Carusi said Public Safety meeting was held on August 6th at 9 am all members present. A special meeting was requested by Fire Department members prior to regular meeting. Issue at hand is the Fire Dept out of service fire boat which is also used for search & rescue operations. No money has been budgeted for 2015 and the boat needs a new pump shaft & the engine requires continuous repairs. Replacement cost of over $90,000. Committee believes this would be committing good money after bad to this nearly 20 yr. old boat on loan to use from Fire Service. A new boat would be in the range of $125,000 to $148,000 fully loaded. Committee advised Fire Dept. to begin search for a new boat to be submitted into the 2016 Capital budget & to reduce the outlay of funds, the re-chasseing of an ambulance for $80,000 would be taken out of the 2016 and pushed back to 2017 with no other capital request anticipated from the Fire Dept.

Courts – Judge Neidig was appointed as Stone Harbor new Judge at the August 4th Council meeting. Also Shared Service agreement with Avalon for Court Administrator was renewed at the July 21st Council meeting.
OEM – Coordinator Ken Hawk reminded the committee that the Borough has use of 1670 am radio station. This station is used to notify the public of an emergency but can also be used to report events happening throughout Stone Harbor.
FIRE/EMS – Chief Stanford reports a very busy summer. In July there were 40 fire calls, 213 to date and 89 EMS calls. Comparing the current total fire calls at 230, 2015 totals should result in exceeding that number. Also noteworthy is the Fire dept. assisted with 14 mutual aid, 8 beach EMS, 1 medevac, 19 alarms and 1 lighting strike. One of the 4 Harbor Theater units was closed by the SH Fire Inspector due to unsafe conditions. There are currently 29 fire code violations sited.
POLICE – Chief Reynolds reports the return of the SH Police on the back waterways including the Point, with the addition of a 19’ Carolina Skiff police boat. The department is currently training officers for the marine duty. Patrols began this past week-end. Some stats: 2847 incident logged, 13,000 miles patrolled, 325 motor vehicle stops, 70 moving violations, 372 parking violations, 29 motorist assists, 46 medical call assists, 20 adult arrests, 3 DUI, and 22 juvenile arrests. Also conducted training in rifle training range qualification.

Individual charged with criminal trespass on July 9th at a home in town & 4 suspects arrested and charged with shoplifting in 2 businesses on July 10 and 13th. Matter pending review by CMC Prosecutor’s office. Committee also agreed that a coordinating meeting will be held with Rob Hicks of the SH Triathlon event with the Police, Fire, Public Works and Recreation depts. To improve on the effectiveness of the yearly event with respect to safety, timing, routing and traffic impacts. National night out was held on August 4th, thanks to all involved to make it a success.

Next meeting Thursday, September 10th at 9:00 am.

DREDGING – Councilmember Rich reported we received the bids for our Dredging Plan. They ranged from 8.3, 10.8 to 17.5 million. These bids were reviewed and studied by our Solicitor, CFO, Borough Administrator and Engineer/Project Manager for this project. On our agenda tonight we have a Resolution to vote to reject these bids and rebid the project. They exceeded the engineer’s estimate for the cost of the project and it appears that certain revision of the specifications would assist the Borough.

We had a Dredge Management Meeting on August 5th. We discussed the Army Corp permit, the DEP Historical Preservation interest, issues at Paradise Bay and both Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Florio will help by recruiting homeowner within each basin to keep them informed.
This committee plans to have a meeting on Friday, August 21 at 6:00 in the Council room. All property owners surrounding our Marina were invited to attend, including Avalon Residents. This is the area that we will be utilizing to dewater and remove our dredging material. The purpose of this meeting is to provide accurate information to the residents about this process. Our Engineer/Project Manager Matt Dalon will be presenting the details. All are welcome to attend.
The Borough also sent letters out to all our Bayfront Property Owners to inform them about our forthcoming dredging project. It explains how individual property owners can participate. A form was included for each property owner to complete and return.
Also on our agenda tonight is the introduction of a Bond Ordinance for $5,000,000 more for our Dredging Project.
BEACH/POINT: - Thanks to all Borough departments and the Wetlands for all working together to improve and protect the Point this summer. It has been a work in progress. We have a much better understanding how popular this area has become. Our goal is to calmly educate all our visitors. We require Beach Tags in this area and this has been well received and will be working this winter on new wording for some of our signs. Dune Vegetation Management Plan is waiting for approval from DEP,
BIRD SANCTUARY: Next Meeting September 18th at 2:00 Thanks for PW for their work in the Bird Sanctuary.
Beach, Recreation and Tourism Committee

Monthly Report

Tuesday, August 19, 2015

The regular meeting of the Beach, Recreation and Tourism Committee was held on Tuesday, August 12.


The number of guarded beaches may decrease in the next few weeks as a result of a late Labor Day and the need for some of the guards to return to school. You can check with the Beach Shack to see which beaches may no longer be guarded. Again, we encourage all of our visitors to swim at guarded beaches and while lifeguards are on duty.

Beach tag revenue continues to surpass last year by 5%. Daily tag sales are up nearly 9%, seasonal tags are up 5% and weekly are up just under 4%. We will now start to see the seasonal tag sales drop off.
We will be looking into visitors in 2016 having the ability to purchase tags via the kiosks presently at the beach. This way a credit card could be used. A receipt could be presented at the beach shack window to retrieve the actual tags.

On the agenda tonight is a motion to finalize specs and go to bid for the upgraded facility at Chelsea Park. We have also finalized the design for the fencing at 81st Street playground and hope to have that installed in the next few weeks.

Our recreation director is already looking into ideas for the 2016 Stone Harbor Wellness Program and is meeting with the new JIF wellness coordinator to discuss our approach.

We are combining two events the Tuesday before Labor Day, Sept 1…our final concert and the dedication of our new deck and ramp built by Public Works at 95th Street and the Beach. We will be moving the concert from the Tower Lot to the deck and Eddie Morgan will be playing. The dedication will be held first. Just as they do at the Tower each week, the Chamber of Commerce will have a beer and wine tent and the Museum will be selling pretzels and cookies.

Now we will hear more details of day to day operations from our Beach, Recreation and Tourism department heads.

Beach Patrol Captain Sandy Bosacco reported beach patrol fully staffed with all 60 members trained and certified. This month we had 15 rescues, 7 EMS calls, 2 police calls , 2 catamaran rescues and 18 lost children found. It appears the beaches are more crowded this year than in recent years. Beaches will be covered as staff is available. Call to get list of guarded beaches.


Miranda Duca, Recreation Director, distributed Summary of 2015 A& C Festival packets to Mayor and Council and attached budget. Recreation end of season picnic was last Friday, great success. Arts & Crafts and Sports Clinics will continue this week. Festival of Lights this past Saturday, August 15th, Mayor will announce award winners tonight at the concert.

8/7/15; All members were in attendance.

Many of your heard last month about the configuration problems with the water meters at the Regis Harbor condos. Well the issue was not quite as reported, even though we all had a chuckle over the presentation. The facts were not quite accurate. Remember our Utility Dept employees set the meters the plumber connects them and advises the Utility dept, what meter register number is assigned to what unit. The mistake began there. All corrections were made in June and the credit for the water turnoff charge has been issued and will appear on the next bill with the correct unit being billed for the turn-off. The statement that it could not be corrected until the March 2016 billing was stated in error. What was relayed was that it would not be until that billing when each owner would see their actual sewer volume charge as that is when we adjust all bills based on summer usage. All owners have indicated they do not want to go back to prior years for any adjustment as all billing was very close in usage and dollar amount. That is “the rest of the story.”

Our water usage story – not so good. We used 570 K gallons more in July this year than last year. Larger homes are being built, all with grass that need to be watered, swimming pools are now a must at most new homes, more tourist here this year, and some smart system are not allowed to operate in the smart way they were intended. People are finding ways to override the built in sensors and thereby circumvent the ordinance. The committee is looking into ways to stop this. A leak was just discovered in a rental property sold and going to settlement. If it were not for that, the leak probably would not have been discovered until the next billing cycle. At least 600 K gallons of water lost. As of last month we were finally on the positive side using 970 K gallons less over 2014 for the year, this month’s usage drops that to 400K gallons less than last year. When the results of the leak just mentioned appear in the August diversion report, we will probably surpass last years’ usage.
Beach outfall pipe removal & the required infrastructure & road paving will begin after Labor Day in the North end.
Individual property issues were discussed and resolved or are pending resolution.
A preliminary discussion of infrastructure repairs for the next budget year was discussed. A budget review is scheduled for our September meeting.

The Go Green Community Committee will meeting 8/20/15 to finalize our plans for our Green Fair.

I am happy to report we now have confirmed 21 participants, including our annual paper shredding day and we are expecting several more. Please everyone mark your calendars for 9/12/15 from 11 – 2 at the 94th Street parking lot. We will have something of interest for everyone including the children and your dog. Hopefully, it will be fun filled, educational few hours. Please join us.
Public Works met on Friday, August 14th 9:30 am. In the A & F meeting held the same day it was discussed that our reports from all committees have become too lengthy and need to be condensed. With that being said mine will be brief and to the point and my full report will be on file in the Clerk’s office, if anyone wishes to view same.

Dog Sign sketch was presented from President of Garden Club

BRT would like to have last concert at pavilion on 95th Street along with dedication. PW is working on finishing Pavilion and working out the kinks to make this come to fruition.

Kiosk machine at Beach, to pay for tags. PW will be programming same in conjunction with the MyPay system we use. PW will provide flyers explain how to use the system at the Beach Shack next year.

Grant money being applied for the Water Tower Bath Rooms

“house cleaning” for PW and listing items for Gov Deal

Museum and PW came to agreement for prioritized list of proposed repairs for 2016.

New railings and patching will be started on the side entrance to Borough Hall in late 2015 or 2016.

Farmers Market has over 900 Sunday the 9th and over 600 on Sunday the 16th

9/11 Ceremony on Sept 11th at 11:00 am

Overtime for PW was read for the various Special Events.
2015 Monthly Report

Administration and Finance

August 2015

  • Monthly Meeting – Held our monthly meeting on August 14th.

  • Library Construction – Zoning Officer and Construction Official reviewing designs for new County Library

  • Request from Resident re: 99th Street Parking – Committee reviewed letter received requesting to have parking meters removed from the corner of 99th and Second Avenue, to have street lined so parking spots are more defined, to request that merchants instruct employees not to park on 99th Street and to institute a “Resident Only” system for parking. After a discussion in both Public Works Committee and ours it was determined that while we are sympathetic to the issue we cannot recommend t this time. We will however ask the Chamber of Commerce to encourage business owners to educate employees to the availability of the free lot on 2nd Avenue between 94th and 93rd.

  • Update on Policy for payment of Bills – After a discussion on how to improve the payment procedures the recommendation is to have the Borough Clerk prepare an amendment for Council approval to require the Chief Financial Officer, Borough Administrator and Committee Chair person to sign vouchers for payment. Bill List will be generated on Friday before each Council Meeting. The bill list will be submitted with the agenda for Council approval. Vouchers will be available for Council to review prior to meeting and Chief Financial Officer will bring vouchers to meeting in case anyone has questions.

  • Our next meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2015.

  • Chief Financial Officer – Absent

  • Borough Engineer – The Borough Engineer will give his report.





August 18, 2015

FY2016 NJDOT Local Aid Program

  • The State has sent out letters announcing the 2016 State Aid Program. Grants are available for the following categories:

    • Municipal Aid, Transit Village, Bikeways & Safe Streets to Transit

    • Grant Applications are due by October 20, 2015.

Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Beach Outfall Improvement Project– Phase 3

  • The Contractor is currently submitting shop drawings.

  • The Contractor is to begin work September 14, 2015.

FY2014 NJDCA Small Cities Program

  • The Borough was awarded a $400,000.00 grant to provide ADA improvements to the Borough Hall, Fire House and Public Works Department.

  • The improvements consist of:

1. Fire House – Restroom, meeting room. (elevator has been deleted from the Bid


2. Municipal Complex – Restroom counters, signage and striping.

3. Public Works – Bathrooms.

  • The bid was awarded to MJJ Construction in the amount of $198,100.00

  • A pre-construction walk thru was conducted on May 12, 2015. As a result of the walk thru and discussions with the Borough, revisions were made and the revised plans were submitted to the Building Department for permitting.

  • The Contractor is submitting shop drawings.

111th Street Outfall Elimination

  • Both the Final Report and Supplemental No. 1 will be delivered to the Borough by July 24, 2015.

Cape May County Open Space Program – Chelsea Place Park Improvements

  • The following public bid schedule is proposed:

1. Authorization of public bid – August 18, 2015

2. Advertisement of public bid – August 24, 2015

3. Bid Opening – September 9, 2015 at 10:00 AM
Cape May County Open Space Program – 82nd Street Recreation Facility Tennis Court Improvements

  • The design process has begun and we are targeting a Fall, 2015 Construction Schedule.

  • A July 23, 2015, on-site meeting was conducted to review the plans and site conditions.

  • We are finalizing bid documents for a Fall 2015 construction schedule.

NJDEP Water Allocation Permit

  • RVW has helped the Borough obtain a water allocation permit modification which increases the monthly and annual diversion from the existing wells. Stone Harbor must comply with the conditions of the permit in order to reach the “final” phase of the water allocation permit at which time, the water allocation amounts will be increased to the full requested diversion.

The key permit conditions involves the installation and operation of a new observation well at the Cape May Airport in the 800-foot sands aquifer. NJAW has agreed as directed to share in the cost of the observation well construction. RVW has met with NJDEP on site at the County Airport and has corresponded with the County to identify the acceptable well location. NJAW is drafting a shared services agreement for the project and should provide by the end of this week. RVW's proposal for engineering services for preparing project documents for the sentinel well and for updating the Borough's Water Conservation Plan, has been submitted for consideration.


Current Receipts.......................................................................................$ 3,800,105.76

Current Disbursements.............................................................................$ 1,286,324.66

Utility Receipts.........................................................................................$ 970,036.77

Utility Disbursements...............................................................................$ 92,009.44



1 Club License…………………………………………………….. . 188.00

1 Boat Slip (pro rated per Committee)………………………………. 1,000.00

8 Business Registration ……………………………………………. 800.00

1 Parking Permit…………………………………………………… 225.00

40 Certified Copies………………………………………………….. 400.00

5 Marriage Lic……………………………………………………… 140.00

2 OPRA ……………….………………………………………….. 20.45

1 Use of Firehouse………………………………………………… 8.00 1 Public Performance……………………………………………… 25.00

1 Beach Concession payment final payments…………………….. 43,016.00






Building Permits



Electrical Permits



Plumbing Permits



Fire Permits



DCA Permits



Zoning Permits







Certificate of Occupancy



Pool Bonding

Dumpster/Semi Trailer



Contractor’s Licenses

Utility Street Openings






Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar
That the reports of committees and officers be received and filed.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE




Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

That Ordinance 1465 be taken up on first reading.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
The Clerk read the title only of Ordinance 1465

Clerk announced that a Supplemental Debt Statement in on file for this Bond Ordinance

Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

That Ordinance 1465 be passed on first reading , published according to law and that it be taken up on second, third and final reading, and adoption at a meeting of Mayor and Council to be held on the 1st day of September, 2015.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-152 (Emergency appropriating $250,000 in the Capital Improvement)
Upon motion of Councilmember Al Carusi

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

WHEREAS, an emergency has arisen with respect to the Down Payments on Improvements, Capital Improvement Fund and, no adequate provision was made in the 2015 budget for the aforesaid purpose, and NJS 40A:4-46 provides for the creation on an emergency appropriation for the purpose mentioned above, and
WHEREAS, the total amount of the emergency appropriations created, including the

appropriation to be created by this resolution is $250,000.00 and three (3) percent of the total operating appropriations in the budget for 2015 is $305,807.50 and

WHEREAS, the foregoing appropriation together with prior appropriations does not exceed three (3) percent of the total operating appropriations (including utility operation appropriations) in the budget for 2015,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, (by not less than 2/3 of all governing body

members affirmatively concurring) that in accordance with NJS 40A:4-48:

1. An emergency appropriation is here by made for the Down Payments on Improvements, Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $250,000.00
2. That said emergency appropriation shall be provided for in full in the 2015 budget, and is requested to be excluded from CAPS, pursuant to NJS 40A:4-53.3c(1)
3. That two (2) certified copies of this resolution be filed with the Director of the

Division of Local Government Services

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-153– (Reject Dredging Bids)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Al Carusi

WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor is given authority by N.J.S.A. 40A:11 et seq. to seek proposals, or bids, for public works projects from qualified contractors; and
WHEREAS, on August 4, 2015, the Borough received bids for a dredging project knows as COWI-15; and
WHEREAS, under the specifications and under law, the Borough reserves to itself the right to reject all bids; and
WHEREAS, all of the bids submitted on August 4, 2015, for COWI-15, exceeded the engineer’s estimate of cost for the project and it appears that certain revisions of the specifications would assist the Borough;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey, duly assembled in public session this 18th day of August, 2015, as follows:

  1. That the preamble of this Resolution is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth here at length;

  2. That all bids received on August 4, 2015, by the Borough in connection with COWI-15, be and are hereby rejected by the Borough in the exercise of its discretion to do so under law.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-154– (Appoint Special Litigation Counsel)
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar


WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor is given authority by N.J.S.A. 40A:11 et seq. to enter into contracts for “Professional Services” without competitive bidding, where the need arises and so long as the award of such contract is made public by a Resolution of the Governing Body; and
WHEREAS, limiting the influence of campaign contributions on municipal appointments is an important policy of the Borough and the “nonfair and open” process prevents any professional from contributing more than $300 to any local political party or campaign and this contract is let under that process and the required disclosure has been submittted; and
WHEREAS, the Borough Council and the Borough Solicitor’s Office have determined that it would be in the Borough’s best interest to hire Special Litigation Counsel to handle certain matters on an as-needed basis; and
WHEREAS, Marcus H. Karavan, Esquire, has an extensive background in municipal municipal law and related litigation, and possess knowledge of an advanced type in a field of learning acquired by a prolonged formal course of specialized education, employment and experience; and
WHEREAS, the total amount of the contract is $145.00 per hour not to exceed $10,000 without approval by Council via Resolution and; and
WHEREAS, funds are available as evidenced by the Chief Financial Officer’s Certification attached hereto;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey, duly assembled in public session this 18th day of August, 2915, as follows:

  1. That the preamble of this Resolution is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth here at length;

  2. That the existing contract for professional services with Marchus H. Karavan, P.C., which contract is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, shall remain in effect and include litigation matters, at the rate referenced herein, as assigned by the Solicitor in consultation with the Borough Administrator;

  3. That the aforementioned contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a “Professional Service” under the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law;

  4. That the aforementioned contract is entered into under and subject to the equal opportunity, anti-discrimination and affirmative action laws and regulations of the State of New Jersey, which are hereby incorporated by reference and the contractor shall execute a copy of the required language which shall become part of the contract;

  5. That a notice of the letting of this Professional Services Contract be published in accordance with law within ten (10) days of its passage in an official paper of the Borough as designated in accordance with law.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-155- (Refund Surety Bond, Refund Title Transfer & Fire Safety Fee)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

WHEREAS, the following submitted a Surety Bond amount to the Borough; and

WHEREAS, the Zoning Officer has requested and approved the return of the fee.

Gallo Concrete – Tony Gallo

1 Crest Haven Road

Cape May Court House, N.J. 08210

10323 First Avenue

WHEREAS, the following submitted Certificate of Title Transfer fee as well as Fire Safety Fee amount to the Borough and the inspections were not required; and

WHEREAS, the Zoning Officer has requested and approved the return of the fee.

Diller & Fisher Realtors

187 – 104th Street

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough of Stone Harbor as follows:

  1. That the sum of $ 675.00 be refunded to Gallo Concrete

  2. That the sum of $ 100.00 be refunded to Diller & Fisher

That the Chief Financial Officer shall take any and all steps necessary to effectuate such refunds and shall make the proper adjustments to the financial records of the Borough.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-157- (Refund Art & Craft Tent Fee)
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

WHEREAS, Foxworthy Group Inc. of 176 Topsfield Road Boxford, MA 01921 paid the site fee twice creating an overpayment; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Director Borough Administrator has requested a refund of $350.00 be sent to Foxworthy Group Inc.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this 18th day of August, 2015, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May that $350.00 be refunded to Foxworthy Group, Inc.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2015-S-158 (Refund Tennis Camp)
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

WHEREAS, Jill Graser of 215 S. Fairfield Road, Devon, Pa 19333 registered for summer tennis camp on Monday, July 27th , 2015; and
WHEREAS, during the beginning of the week she felt it would be better for her daughter to take a few private lessons and spoke to the Recreation Department to explain the situation; and
WHEREAS, she was told to check about private lessons but did not receive any call backs and then requested a refund of the $150.00 fee paid for the camp; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Borough will keep their 20% which is $30.00 and refund the remainder, $120.00 and the request has been approved by the Recreation Director.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED on this 18th day of August, 2015 by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey as follows:

  1. That the Borough Council of Stone Harbor hereby authorizes the refund of $120.00 partial tennis camp registration fee to Jill Graser.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-159 (Purchase 2016 Ford Explorer AWD State Contract)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Purchase 2016 Ford Explorer AWD – STATE CONTRACT

Public Works Department

WHEREAS, there is a need to purchase a new 2016 Ford Explorer AWD for the Public Works Department; and
WHEREAS, this vehicle can be purchased from Winner Ford of 250 Berlin Road, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034 through State Contract #A88728; and
WHEREAS, the maximum amount of the purchase is $ 25,300 and funds are available for said purchase as evidenced by the Chief Financial Officer’s Certificate attached hereto; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey State contract A88728 is available to all political subdivisions of the State and the contract period is from October 30, 2012 to October 29, 2015, and public bids are not required when the purchase is under a State contract in accordance with 40A:11-12 of the Local Public Contracts Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May on this 18th day of August, 2015 as follows:

  1. The preamble of this Resolution is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth here at length.

  1. The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a Purchase Order for approval and forward same upon approval to the appropriate party in accordance with State Contract #A8872 for the purchase of the aforementioned 2016 Ford Explorer AWD.

  1. That all Borough officers and/or employees required to approve said Purchase Order are hereby directed to do so forthwith.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2015-S-160 ( Gov Deals)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Al Carusi

Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Property


WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor is the owner of certain surplus property which is no longer needed for public use; and

WHEREAS, the Borough is desirous of selling said surplus property in an “as is” condition without express or implied warranties.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, Cape May County, on this 18th day of August 2015 as follows:

(1) The sale of the surplus property shall be conducted through GovDeals pursuant to State Contract A-70967/T2581 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the State Contract. The terms and conditions of the agreement entered into with GovDeals is available online at govdeals.com and also available from the Public Works Department of the Borough.

(2) The sale will be conducted online and the address of the auction site is govdeals.com.

(3) The sale is being conducted pursuant to Local Finance Notice 2008-9.

(4) A list of the surplus property to be sold is attached.

(5) The surplus property as identified shall be sold in an “as-is” condition without express or implied warranties with the successful bidder required to execute a Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement concerning use of said surplus property.

(6) The Borough of Stone Harbor reserves the right to accept or reject any bid submitted.

List Attached: August 18, 2015

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2015-S-161 (Handicapped Parking Space – McKonly )
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

A Resolution Authorizing a Private, Handicapped Parking Space

WHEREAS, under RGO 520-29, as authorized by New Jersey state statute 39:4-197.6, the Borough of Stone Harbor is empowered to designate private, handicapped parking spaces for drivers who have obtained the proper documentation allowing for access to such parking spaces; and

WHEREAS, Patricia K. McKonly, with a property located at 251 – 84th Street, in the Borough, has applied for such a parking spot; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. McKonly holds a valid handicapped placard issued by the state of Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, New Jersey statute 39:4-204.7, calls for New Jersey municipalities allowing private, handicapped parking spaces to grant reciprocity to valid out-of-state placards;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor in the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey, duly assembled in public session this 18th day of August, 2015, that a private, handicapped parking space be and hereby is approved for installation and designated for the use of Mrs. McKonly along the curb adjacent to her property 251 – 84th Street in Stone Harbor.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

MOTION – Approve Special Event – Beat the Clock 5K September 26th
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Approve Nun’s Beach Surfing Contest Fees Waived September 19th
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Out to Bid – Engineer to finalize specifications for Chelsea Park, advertise August 24th Open Bids September 9th at 10 am, possible award September 15th, 2015
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Approve Chamber Concert Tuesday, September 1st at 95th Street Pavilion, Beer & Wine Tent on Beach approved, alcohol approved for 7-8:30 in the restricted area only.
Motion by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Vote 6 Councilmembers AE
MOTION – Approve Sidewalk Sale Application
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MOTION – Authorize to rebid Dredging Project, advertise August 21st, receive bids September 11th at 10 am
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
MAYOR announced there is a concert tonight at the Water Tower at 7:00 pm and a Dredging Meeting on Friday, August 21st at 6 pm here at Borough Hall.
MAYOR reported major projects that will be starting this Fall so everyone is aware.
Outfall pipe removal

Recreation Facilities Upgrade 82nd st.

Dredging of Back Bays

Atlantic Electric Poles – 95th street and Second Avenue – Meeting August 29th 9:30 am


Chelsea Place Park Upgrades Possible award September 15th

August 19, 2015 BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR Page No: 1

11:28 AM Check Register By Check Id

Range of Checking Accts: DISBURSEMENT to DISBURSEMENT Range of Check IY

================================================================================Check # Check Date Vendor Amount Paid Reconciled/Void Ref Num


39783 08/12/15 BORSH BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR 321,406.08 39784 08/19/15 ACMEM ALBERTSONS 50.60 39785 08/19/15 ACTIO ACTION SUPPLY 202.65 39786 08/19/15 ADVAN ADVANTAGE RENTAL & SALES 198.43 39787 08/19/15 AMERASPH AMERICAN ASPHALT CO., INC. 896.00 39788 08/19/15 ANJALIPO ANJALI POWER YOGA 736.07 39789 08/19/15 AWDIRECT A W DIRECT 278.88 39790 08/19/15 BARBERSO H BARBER & SONS, INC. 49,290.64 39791 08/19/15 BAYCO BAY COMM, INC. 1,568.00 39792 08/19/15 BLANEYDO BLANEY & DONOHUE, P.A. 1,290.50 39793 08/19/15 BRANDYWI BRANDYWINE DEVELOPERS 1,965.00 39794 08/19/15 BSNSP BSN SPORTS/SPORT SUPPLY GROUP 110.67 39795 08/19/15 BUCKLOND BUCK LONDON, LLC 2,580.00 39796 08/19/15 BUDSM BUD'S MARKET 96.00 39797 08/19/15 CAPEMINI CAPE MINING & RECYCLING, LLC 71.84 39798 08/19/15 CAPRI CAPRIONI PORTABLE TOILETS 2,360.00 39799 08/19/15 CASAP CASA PAYROLL SERVICES 386.45 39800 08/19/15 CENTRJER CENTRAL JERSEY EQUIPMENT 1,451.03 39801 08/19/15 CMCMU C.M.C. MUNICIPAL UTILITY AUTHO 337,200.25 39802 08/19/15 CONNELLK KIM CONNELL 70.00 39803 08/19/15 CRAFTSNA NANCY C. CRAFTS 1,437.60 39804 08/19/15 CUEVASRY ANCHOR DOWN TENNIS 1,452.80 39805 08/19/15 CURCIOPE PERRY CURCIO 400.00 39806 08/19/15 CUTTE CUTTER, DRILL & MACHINE, INC. 17,661.75 39807 08/19/15 DEHAR H.A. DEHART & SONS 10,814.58 39808 08/19/15 DUCAMIRA MIRANDA DUCA 112.57 39809 08/19/15 FASTENAL FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL/CONSTRUCTI 453.84 39810 08/19/15 GALLOCON GALLO CONCRETE,LLC 575.00 39811 08/19/15 GALLS GALL'S, LLC 560.75 39812 08/19/15 GARYS GARY'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 101.50 39813 08/19/15 GRASSIDO GRASSI, DOMINICK 59.99 39814 08/19/15 GRUCC GRUCCIO, PEPPER, P.A. 768.50 39815 08/19/15 HDSUPPLY H D SUPPLY WATERWORKS 3,464.74 39816 08/19/15 HERAL HERALD NEWSPAPERS 442.20 39817 08/19/15 HOMED HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 303.89 39818 08/19/15 HOOVER HOOVER TRUCK CENTERS 367.21 39819 08/19/15 HOYS5 HOY'S FIVE & TEN 2,639.66 39820 08/19/15 INTEGRAT INTEGRATED TECHNICAL SYSTEMS 23,665.70 39821 08/19/15 JERC1 JERSEY CAPE DIAGNOSTIC CENTER 792.00 39822 08/19/15 JESCOJOH JESCO INC. 395.79 39823 08/19/15 KEENC KEEN COMPRESSED GAS 63.04 39824 08/19/15 LEINERDI DIANE LEINER 16.00 39825 08/19/15 MARSHMCL MARSH & MCLENNAN AGENCY, LLC 2,500.00 39826 08/19/15 MIRACLEF MIRACLE FITNESS 5,112.00 39827 08/19/15 MUNIC MUNICIPAL RECORD SERVICE 357.00 39828 08/19/15 NEWDECKC CHRISTINA NEWDECK 1,528.00 39829 08/19/15 NJNATURE NEW JERSEY NATURE, INC. 300.00 39830 08/19/15 NOWMOSJE JEFFREY NOWMOS 1,950.00 39831 08/19/15 OCECO COWI NORTH AMERICA, INC. 6,446.20 39832 08/19/15 ONECA ONE CALL CONCEPTS, INC. 79.36 39833 08/19/15 PAULS PAUL'S CUSTOM AWARDS & TROPHY 420.40 39834 08/19/15 POGUE POGUE INC. 150.00 39835 08/19/15 POPPERJG J.G. POPPER CUSTOM BUILDER,LLC 2,265.00 39836 08/19/15 PRESSACY THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY 230.49 39837 08/19/15 REMDEVES REMINGTON VERNICK & WALBERG 1,250.00 39838 08/19/15 REMIN REMINGTON, VERNICK & WALBERG 0.00 08/19/15 VOID 0

39839 08/19/15 REMIN REMINGTON, VERNICK & WALBERG 45,405.94 39840 08/19/15 REMSTESC REMINGTON VERNICK WALBERG 1,800.00 39841 08/19/15 RENNIEMI RENNIE, MICHAEL 765.00 39842 08/19/15 RRSPEC R & R SPECIALTIES 429.00 39843 08/19/15 RUEFERIC ERIC RUEF 300.00 39844 08/19/15 RUTGERPU RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY 1,088.00 39845 08/19/15 SEASHACE SEASHORE ACE #10926 542.56 39846 08/19/15 SEASHASP SEASHORE ASPHALT CORP. 363.55 39847 08/19/15 SEASIDES SEASIDE SMOOTHIES 110.00 39848 08/19/15 SELVANTO MICHAEL SELVANTO 750.00 39849 08/19/15 SEVMILPI SEVEN MILE PIES 480.00 39850 08/19/15 SHIPSHAP SHIP SHAPE HEALTH/FITNESS LLC 620.00 39851 08/19/15 SHPIZ STONE HARBOR PIZZA 208.85 39852 08/19/15 SHSURFPA STONE HARBOR SURF & PADDLE LLC 7,440.05 39853 08/19/15 SJWATERT SOUTH JERSEY WATER TEST, LLC 1,620.00 39854 08/19/15 SMUGG SMUGGLERS COVE 158.71 39855 08/19/15 SSAR S&S WORLDWIDE, INC. 838.38 39856 08/19/15 STAPL STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 109.88 39857 08/19/15 STRATEGI STRATEGIC PRODUCTS & SERVICES 523.45 39858 08/19/15 STRUE SEASHORE ACE HARDWARE 946.70 39859 08/19/15 SWANKMOT SWANK MOTION PICTURES, INC. 602.00 39860 08/19/15 TEESBYBE TEES BY BEES 221.30 39861 08/19/15 THEPARTY THE PARTY AUTHORITY 125.00 39862 08/19/15 TRES2 TREASURER, STATE OF NJ 650.00 39863 08/19/15 UNCLEBIL UNCLE BILL'S PANCAKE HOUSE 400.00 39864 08/19/15 VCIEE VCI EMPERGENCY VEHICLE SPECIAL 262.50 39865 08/19/15 WALKE WALKER, ROBERT 195.00 39866 08/19/15 WESTE WESTERN PEST SERVICES 193.50 39867 08/19/15 WETLA WETLANDS INSTITUTE 250.00 39868 08/19/15 WOODJUST JUSTIN WOOD 400.00 874


Report Totals Paid Void Amount Paid Amount Void

---- ---- ----------- -----------

Checks: 85 1 879,146.02 0.00

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Al Carusi
That we pay the bills provided the vouchers are in proper order and sufficient funds exist.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

Janet Shivers 121 – 97th Street reported that kids are still coming to the 97th Street playground at night and jumping from the roof of the recreation buildings. She has called the police many times but the kids keep coming back. Wanted the Council to be aware that this was still happening.


Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

That the Regular Meeting of Mayor and Council be adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

APPROVED___________________________________, 2015

_____________________________________________, Mayor

ATTEST:______________________________________, Borough Clerk

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