Minutes of the regular meeting of mayor and council of the borough of stone harbor held in the municipal building, September 16, 2014

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The meeting was called to order by Mayor Walters at 4:30 p.m.


Suzanne M. Walters, Mayor Barry D. Mastrangelo, Council President

Judith Davies-Dunhour

Suzanne C. Stanford, Borough Clerk Joselyn Rich

Michael Donohue, Esquire Joan Kramar

Jim Craft Karen Lane

Jill Gougher, Administrator Albert Carusi

Mayor Walters announced that the meeting was now open. Adequate notice of the meeting was provided by posting a copy of the time and place on the Municipal Clerk’s bulletin board and mailing a copy of same to the Press and the Cape May County Herald on January 8, 2014.

Administrator Gougher and Recreation Director Duca presented a slide show depicting the Open Space Application for the 82nd Street Recreation Complex Improvements to be presented to the County on September 23, 2014. It included total project costs: $1,019,000, upgrades to playground, tennis court enhancements, and fencing. The application is on the Borough’s Web Site.

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar
Since all members of Council have been provided with a copy of the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting of July 21, 2014, Regular Meeting of August 19, 2014 and the Work Session of September 2, 2014, if there are no additions or corrections, I move we dispense with the reading of the minutes and that they be approved.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
Public Safety met on September 10, 2014 .

COURTS - Debbie Scott reported that she has selected a replacement for outgoing violations clerk/recorder. He is Ed Dean. This is a part time job @20 hrs. during summer season & 1 day/a week beginning October. He will undergo training to begin his duties. Judge John Fowler is on vacation during his absence he will be covered by Judge James Birchmeier from Upper Township.

OEM Coordinator reported training will begin shortly for the Orion date gathering program. We had an incorrect OEM siren triggered by Avalon and that will be discussed at our combined Av/SH Dispatcher meeting. Mr. Hawk has also requested that the emergency generator unit be installed at the Recreation Center before onset of bad weather to be used for heating/warming center in the event of a power outage.

FIRE/EMS Chief Stanford thanked Councilmember Kramar for a wonderful 911 dedication service. Fire Bureau ytd 1,104 rental, business inspections, 72 smoke detector inspections, 16 permits and 21 fire drills. Fire Department, month of August, 43 fire calls, 595 man hours, 10 mutual aid calls and 105 EMS, the most we have ever had. Report for the summer season, total 98 fire calls, 4 building fires, 6 cooking fires, 1 trash fire, 14 EMS beach assists, 5 motor vehicle accidents, 3 elevator rescues, 6 water rescues, 4 gas leaks, 4 arching wires, 4 medivacs, 3 cover assignments, 4 smoke scares, 34 fire alarms,6 carbon monoxide alarms and 222 EMS calls.

POLICE – Applications for summer officers being taken for next year, we have lost some for full time police jobs. Officers are now carrying Narc Cam in the event of a heroin overdose.
Chief Reynolds gave the August report. 2,724 incidents logged, 15,907 miles patrolled, 428 motor vehicle stops, 68 moving violations, 314 parking violation, 4 suspicious motor vehicle investigated, 17 motor vehicle accident handled, 2 motorist assist,13 alarm response calls, 12 fire calls, 42 medical calls and 18 ordinance violations. 18 Adults were arrested, 4 DWI and 7 juveniles were taken into custody. Various members of the department received in field sobriety testing, school safety & security, motorcycle gangs symposium and swat training. Busy month for the Detective Division, on August 5th we had our National Night Out, another success due in large part to efforts of our police support staff. PW and community business partners. One thank you letter attached to your packet.

BAY – Formation of Special Dredge Project Committee – Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich, Mayor Walters, Chair, Council President Barry Mastrangelo, Administrator Jill Gougher, Solicitor Michael Donohue, Wetlands Dr. Lenore Tedesco, NRA member Barry Hamilton, Community member Dale Florio and Matt Dalon, Ocean Coastal Consultants. First meeting was September 10th,Mayor will give a short report. Options were discussed and suggestions to share with the SDPC. Committee recommends the idea of dewatering materials and trucking away. Discussed Site 103 off loading as alternate at some point in the future.

BEACH and POINT– New signs are up and we may need more. It is important to educate and inform the visitors to the area of the rules and regulations we have in place.

Beach Vehicle Permits – We are just reviewing the present permit so that we all understand the process for permits. We are reviewing the 2008 Point Management Plan to make sure we are in compliance.

Progress on the Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Grant, Dr. Tedesco will be sharing the latest report on this project. The project to date has been set and is September 15, 2014. The grant is for 2 years. Permits are being prepared and submitted. She will be setting up a meeting with the team as soon they have more information. More facts later from Lenore.

Zodiac: There has been a discussion in NR to provide protection for our back bays and also for the SH Point. Seven Mile Times articles regarding the Point and the Bird Sanctuary have been fantastic thanks to Dr. Tedesco.

BIRD SANCTUARY – We are working hard on our future maintenance for Fall 2014 and for 2015. Tons of cooperation from PW and we finally have a respect and teamwork making the Sanctuary improvements. It will take years but we are now all together and I am very proud to see the interest in the national Landmark. Special thanks to Grant and Rocky and the PW dedicated employees. We will start planning 2015 budget….next meeting October 17th.

PLANNING BOARD – Meeting on September 8th. Committee reports not ready on Waterfront Business District….A & F working on this.


Beach, Recreation & Tourism Committee

Monthly Report

Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The regular meeting of the Beach, Recreation and Tourism Committee was held on Tuesday, September 9. The Recreation Advisory Committee has reconvened monthly meetings now that the summer season is over. The Committee met on Monday, September 8. The new members were present including the representative from high school age residents (Rob Giulian) and elementary school age residents (Madeline Hughes). The committee is a good group and it looks like all the members will work well together. Our ages in this committee range from 12 years old to our most senior and original member Marty Conlin.

Final beach tag numbers are in and sales continued to do very well through Labor Day weekend. Overall sales increased by $26, 000 which is roughly 4%. Strongest increase was in the sale of daily tags which increased by 21%. Total sales for 2014 looks to be $725, 259.

The committee has already started working on the holiday beach tag for 2015 so it is ready to go by thanksgiving weekend. The finance office suggested we consult with Avalon and have one 7 Mile Beach veterans’ tag made in order to share with the cost and printing of the tag. It was agreed this is a good idea and we will look into it. Stone Harbor distributed 795 veterans’ tags. I do not know how many were distributed in Avalon.

Fall programs have begun and the schedule is on the Recreation Department’s website. Library programs including Yoga, Zumba Gold and Pilates will continue. Mahjong is offered again several days a week. Thursday evenings a fitness classes called SH Circuits is offered as well.

After school activities taking place on M, W, F are doing well and are well attended. However, we just become aware of an issue with busing the kids from the school to the Recreation Building. This year there is only one bus serving the 7 Mile Island. This one bus is not able to pick up SHES students until 3:50pm and school is dismissed 3:30pm. The bus is required to drop off students first, and ASA last. The kids are not arriving at the Recreation Building until 4:10pm/ 4:15pm. Most parents begin to pickup between 4:30 and 4:45 resulting in only about 30 minutes of play and homework help . The recreation director will work with the school to address this. We would like to continue to offer the activities at our building and hope that between parents and the school transportation can be arranged getting the kids to the Rec earlier.
Our Recreation Director will be working with the new recreation director in Avalon, Sue Ellenberg, to offer monthly programs for the 5-8th grade age group.
In the Recreation Advisory Board meeting we discussed having a more coordinated effort with the school and residents for Trick or Treat night. The suggestion was made that residents who will be home and would like to have children stop in can register with the Borough Recreation Department and a list be provided to parents in both Avalon and Stone Harbor.
(If need be mention Open Space Application…however full presentation is before this report.)

The jubilee was a great success!! The Lobster Bake worked out very well and the feedback was all good. We managed to get everything in before the rain started. Special thanks to each and every member of the Centennial Committee for all their hard work.

The last Farmer’s Market was this past Sunday. Although attendance was a bit lighter than summer Sundays the vendors were still pleased and so were the customers. The committee has been asked to add a second day to the Market – possibly Thursdays. We will take that under advisement. Special thanks to Joan Kramar for all her hard work. Every Sunday she was at the market from start to finish.
There has been a lot of positive feedback concerning the concerts held this summer and many would like to see them continue every summer. The committee will be looking at this as we prepare the 2015 budget. I think it is important to remember that the concerts and other events came out of a dedicated budget for the Centennial and not out of the BRT annual operating expenses. That budget has been depleted. That being said…we will be exploring options for concerts in 2015.
This Saturday is the Chamber of Commerce sponsored Savor September on 96th Street. It is from Noon – 9:00pm. So far the weather forecast is good!
UTILITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD 09/05/14 In attendance, the committee.

Water usage – This has been a year when many property owners thought they did not have to abide by the ordinance on sprinkler usage. Our procedure has been to tag a homeowner who is using their sprinkler on the wrong day or time. After 2 years of extensive education we began sending letters to homeowners in violation along with maintaining date/time stamped photos of the violation. We have had two homeowners who ignored our letters and continued to water when they wanted rather than following the ordinance. These two were referred to the courts, one was very nice, apologized and paid a fine; the second has opted for a trial. To be continued. Our water usage for August 2014 over August 2013 was 1,565,000 less. Good job.

Grant Russ and I met with Jim Craft to review the 2014 Capital Budget and prepare for the 2015 Capital. Our only major expense will be the beach outfall pipe removal for Phase 3. We are going to attempt to include 111th street in that project if it is at all possible. That will leave us with only 114th st. There is no formal study indicating the useful life of PVC pipes we are utilizing in our infrastructure in place of the lead and terracotta, but the conservative estimate is 50 years. The infrastructure work we are now doing should outlast many of us. By upgrading our infrastructure when we do our roads, we have reduced our MUA fees by $100K since there are now fewer leaks.
We have installed a new fire hydrant at 119th St. & Third Avenue.
Our Utilities Inspector is currently working on obtaining a cost estimate for 2015 of our service install supplies. That should be ready for next meeting. We are also continuing to analyze our labor & equipment fees on installation. Next meeting will be October 3, 2014.
Shade Tree - Councilmember Lane introduced Elaine Heil, Chairman of the Shade Tree committee. Ms. Heil passed out pictures gathered by her committee of trees in town that are in need of trimming due to wires going through the branches.
PUBLIC WORKS Councilmember Kramar reported committee met on September 15th at 9:00 am. Mark DeBlasio was present to update the committee on 3 projects that involved NJEIT and NJDOT. These are projects for 2016 and 2017, mainly water, sewer projects that will be addressed in the Utility Committee meetings. PW portion will be the curbs, sidewalks and paving. These include portions of Second Avenue, 99th Berkley, Sunset, Charles, Corinthian and 95th Street, First to Second Avenue. Old terracotta pipes being replaced with PVC, will last 50 years.
Electric has been installed at the Second Avenue parking lot, lights are on from duck to dawn. CFO Jim Craft is looking at revenue and a decision will be made as to whether or not that should remain a “free” lot. Request to consider Kiosk at 80th street. This is an ongoing discussion. We are conferring with our Solicitor.
We viewed several suggestions for planters for the location outside the Reeds. The Reeds wanted to be neighborhood friendly and make sure PW approved. They will be ordered and paid for by the Reeds and hopefully installed for the Holiday season.
Snow removal and a hold harmless agreement was rewritten with suggestions from our Solicitor. When a resident or homeowner is here in a snow storm, and has physical limitations they can call PW if their cut out has been plowed in. PW will only remove the snow from the curb cut out. Not the driveway or the pavements. Drivers will carry the form for the resident to sign.
Meeting was held to review PW budget, winter trash schedule now in effect, Bulk trash Monday, September 22nd.
General maintenance is constantly ongoing on the Beach, Marina, Grounds, Streets and Borough Vehicles. Borough Events – man hours from PW..Art & Craft 202.5 hrs, Corn Hold Toss 23.5 hrs, Night Out 26.25 hrs, Centennial Celebration 49.5 hrs, Eagles Sand Sculpture 5 hrs, Sandy Paws race 19 hrs and Farmers Market for August 40 hrs.
Farmers Market concluded this past Sunday, very successful season. We added new vendors bringing total to 21.
We held a memorable dedication for the 911 Artifact received from the NJ/NY Port Authority on Thursday, September 11, 2014. More than 500 people witnessed the unveiling and were privileged to hear speakers who had been in the towers and lost colleagues, friends and relatives. Many thanks to all who helped this project come to fruition. As chair of PW I want to thenk all those employees who helped at the last minute to tweak everything. It is indeed a beautiful Freedom Park.
2014 Monthly Report

Administration and Finance

Barry Mastrangelo, Chairman/Al Carusi/Joan Kramar

August 2014

  • Monthly Meeting – Held our monthly meeting on September 15th.

  • Waterfront Business District – Committee met with Andrew Catanese to discuss possible revisions to the ordinance. Committee was in support of allowing residential on second and third floors with Commercial and professional on first floor. It was determined that there is not a requirement to provide onsite parking for the mixed use. Andrew advised that we will also need to make changes for residential height requirements due to the new BFE. Andrew will take our recommendations back to the Planning Board for review and approval. Once approved they will send their recommendation along with potential ordinance changes to Council.

  • Parking Ordinance Change - Committee discussed again recommendation to keep Parking lot on Second Avenue free to the Public. Jim will review our revenues to see if we have realized any loss in overall revenues due to this lot becoming available at no charge. We will make a recommendation before the end of the year.

  • Liquor License District - Committee reviewed the current district and the committee would like to explore the possibility of eliminating specific liquor License District since any applicant would have to come to the Borough Council for approval.

  • Debt Service – Jim Craft will be providing the Committee with debt projection for Water/Sewer projects. We will be meeting with auditor in the new couple of weeks to discuss the 2015 operating and Capital budgets and how it will affect debt service moving forward.

  • Request from Public Works Union: A formal request has been made to allow Public Works to work on Veterans’ Day and have the day after Christmas off. Committee recommends that Council approve this as well as make change for non-union staff as well. I would request at this time that we present the necessary resolutions at the next council meeting.

  • Chief Financial Officer – Chief Financial Officer will give an overview of financial condition at this time.

  • Borough Engineer – The Borough Engineer will provide his report at this time.

  • Borough Administrator – The Administrator will provide her report at this time.



September 16, 2014
FY2015 NJDOT Local Aid Program

  • The State has sent out letters announcing the 2015 State Aid Program. Grants are available for the following categories:

    • Municipal Aid, Transit Village, Bikeways & Safe Streets to Transit

  • The Borough has authorized the submission of the Reconstruction of 95th Street from First Avenue to Second Avenue.

FY 2015 NJDCA Small Cities Grant Application

  • The Borough submitted an ADA application for accessible playgrounds, handicap ramps and beach access walkways to meet the submission deadline of September 5, 2014.

Cape May County Open Space Application

  • The Borough is submitting a park improvement application for the 82nd Street recreation area.

  • The application was submitted for the deadline of August 15, 2014 and we are scheduled to present the application on September 23, 2014.

Sanitary Sewer, Water Main, Storm Sewer, Beach Outfall Improvement Project– Phase 3

  • A Letter of Intent has been submitted to NJEIT.

  • The full application was submitted March 3, 2014 and we are waiting for authorization to bid.

  • NJEIT and NJDEP are reviewing the full application with the intent of advertising the project for public bidding this summer.

  • CAFRA Major Modification Application and TWA Permit Application have been submitted and found to be administratively complete.

2014 Utility and Road Program

  • The bid was awarded to Asphalt Paving Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 530, Hammonton, NJ 08037, in the amount of $1,465,300.00.

  • Contractor has remobilized to the Borough and is installing underground utilities.

FY2014 NJDCA Small Cities Program

  • The Borough was awarded a $400,000.00 grant to provide ADA improvements to the Borough Hall, Fire House and Public Works Department.

  • The improvements consist of:

1. Fire House – Elevator, restroom, meeting room.

2. Municipal Complex – Restroom counters, signage and striping.

3. Public Works – Bathrooms.

  • We have completed a project kick off meeting on July 15, 2014 and the design documents are approximately 60% complete.

NJDEP Water Allocation Permit

  • RVW submitted a water allocation permit modification application on behalf of the Borough to request additional water supply to meet summer and annual peak demands and supply water for plan projects for the next five to ten years. The application has been processed and the draft modified permit has been published for public comment. This is a thirty day period. RVW has reviewed the draft permit and has issues review comments. The draft is agreeable other than for the requirement to bear the cost to install a sentinel observation well. It is our opinion that the costs for this well should be shared with other water suppliers with wells in the 800 foot sand formation. .

Chelsea Place Survey

  • The field topography has been completed and the final survey will be completed by September 19, 2014.

ADMINISTRATOR –Administrator Gougher reported that she and Engineer had a conversation today about him having a lead on a possible grant for dredging, we will be talking about that and hopefully bringing something formal forward. It is a possibility, we will follow up.
CFO Jim Craft said the new PO system is installed and training will be this week.
Councilmember Mastrangelo said it is budget season and there are a lot of great projects, we are going to have to prioritize and weigh each one, going to have to work hard to keep from breaking the bank.


Current Receipts.......................................................................................$ 4,183,464.15

Current Disbursements.............................................................................$ 6,355,497.25

Utility Receipts.........................................................................................$ 562,561.79

Utility Disbursements...............................................................................$ 1,118,651.44



2 Business Registrations……………………………………………… 200.00

15 Certified Copies…………………………………………………… 150.00

4 Marriage Licenses…………………………………………………… 112.00

1 Special Events…………………………………………………………. 50.00


4 Dog License……………………………………………………………… 16.80

Total…………………………… $ 528.80




Building Permits



Electrical Permits



Plumbing Permits



Fire Permits



DCA Permits



Zoning Permits







Certificate of Occupancy



Pool Bonding (public pools)



Dumpster/Semi Trailer



Utility Street Openings








Mayor wanted to bring up a couple of things, as far as the Library is concerned, we are still working with the County on our Library, we were not aware there was a certain budget they are working under and twice the Architect has been over budget on his design and it is not fair to our committee to bring something to us that we fall in love with and then say they don’t have the money to pay for it. We are working and still negotiating and do have it as a closed session item tonight and we will bring you up to date as soon as we have more positive information. Be certain, it is not us dragging our feet, we have been doing our due diligence and are just having a problem with the particular architect.
Mayor said in dredging, committee met on the 10th of September, good meeting, went over a number of different possibilities and options and related costs, what we are probably going to do is the least expensive way to do it which is still very expensive it to have material go to our Stone Harbor Marina at 80th Street , dewater there and be trucked off. We think not incurring the expense of off-loading Site 103 is probably a good thing. We asked Matt to get us a quote on what it will cost to get us to the permit stage, he has done that, it just came in, and we will be discussing that in private session tonight also and hopefully we will be able to charge him to get started on this project. This dredging will hopefully occur next winter, next September/October.
Mayor also thanked everyone who worked on the Centennial it was just wonderful, had a great time, was remiss by not mentioning at the Celebration that Congressman LoBiondo did send a letter congratulating us on our Centennial and gave us a nice proclamation which we will hang.

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Karen Lane
That the reports of committees and officers be received and filed.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE



Judy Curtis 8531 Third Avenue wanted to make the Council aware of experience this summer with the Police, having communications come out of Avalon. They experienced vandalism at their property on Memorial Day weekend and all summer long they have had 2-3 detectives trying to get in touch with them, they call and leave message and when they try to reach them I can’t. She stated that she calls, they answer in Avalon, they transfer me and most of the time I get a machine in Administration and it says leave a message. I leave a message, then get a call from the officer and it is obvious he did not receive my message. I call again or try to e-mail, one time I received an e-mail from a Sgt and we went back and forth, and now all of a sudden he is not the officer on the case. It has been difficult, I did manage to talk to Sgt Walker and Det. Grunow today. She doesn’t think the communications in Avalon are working in receiving messages.
Barry Hamilton said we need a better sound system so people in the back can hear. On the tennis program is there a tennis building on the tennis court property? Councilmember Davies-Dunhour, said there is a small registration building shown on the board. Mr. Hamilton, it wasn’t mentioned, maybe an oversight. He asked if the 10 or 15 homes that back up to the tennis courts have those people been notified and shown what’s going to happen to their back yards. Councilmember Davies- Dunhour said they have not. But the change itself is on the surface of the courts, we are not creating a new space, just resurfacing what is there. Mr. Hamilton said it is a matter of public awareness, the Borough’s best interest to notify. Councilmember Davies- Dunhour, said it is on the web site they can see the whole thing proposed. Mr. Hamilton said he knows when the bars close there is a problem, public urination, will the bathrooms be locked? Councilmember Davies-Dunhour said yes. He also stated it will be more than $2,000 a year to maintain clay or hard tru courts, it is expensive, he is skeptical of the $2,000. Have we done studies to back this up? Also, thanks for looking into a grant for dredging.
Bill Dougherty 8600 Sunset Drive – Tennis told of his history in tennis tournaments in Stone Harbor staring in 1929. Very much in favor of the new tennis facilities, it will bring people here, the good players here, it did years and years ago. There were about 45 of us that played together at 82nd Street and when Avalon opened their hard tru courts, we all moved to Avalon. Build it and they will come.

ORDINANCE 1448 (Parking Lots – Permits Only – Designating Certain Spots)

Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Al Carusi
That Ordinance 1448 be taken up on second reading.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

The Clerk read the title only of Ordinance 1448 on second reading.
The Public Hearing is now open.
No one spoke.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Al Carusi

That Ordinance 1448 be passed on second reading and advanced to third and final reading.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

The Clerk read the title only of Ordinance 1448.
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

That Ordinance 1448 be passed on third and final reading, adopted and published according to law.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2014-S-170– Wildwood Catholic Interlocal
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo



WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40:8A-1 et seq., authorizes municipalities and school districts to enter into agreements for the purposes of exchanging, sharing and cooperating with regard to services common to said communities through Interlocal Services Agreements ; and
WHEREAS, the Wildwood Catholic High School is in need of services relating to the use of recreational playing fields of the Borough of Stone Harbor for use by its High School sports teams (soccer and lacrosse); and
WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor has certain lands, equipment and personnel available to meet the needs of the Wildwood Catholic High School in this area; and
WHEREAS, entering into an Interlocal Services Agreement with the Wildwood Catholic High School for this purpose has been deemed to be in the best interests of citizens of the Borough and the students of the Wildwood Catholic High School; and
WHEREAS, in consideration of this Agreement and in an effort to supplement the costs of maintenance of Borough facilities, Wildwood Catholic agrees to pay the Borough the sum of $1,500.00 per season..
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey that the preamble of this Resolution is hereby incorporated by reference;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this 16th day of September, 2014 that the Borough of Stone Harbor and Wildwood Catholic High School hereby agree, under the authority of N.J.S.A. 40:8A-1 et seq., as follows:

  1. Wildwood Catholic High School agrees to pay the sum of $1,500.00 per season per season and shall have full access to and use of the recreational ball fields of the Borough of Stone Harbor located in the vicinity of 80th Street and Second Avenue, for recreational activities officially sanctioned and conducted by the Wildwood Catholic High School and according to the schedules submitted and attached.

  2. Such access and use shall be conditioned upon coordination with and approval by the Recreation Director of the Borough of Stone Harbor with the understanding that the activities of the Borough of Stone Harbor Recreation Department take precedence.

  3. The term of this Interlocal Services Agreement shall be from­­­­­­­­­­­­­ August 12, 2014 to October 31, 2015.

  4. The Wildwood Catholic High School shall provide to the Borough of Stone Harbor written proof of liability insurance for the aforementioned use of the property of the Borough of Stone Harbor as required by the Atlantic County Joint Insurance Fund; and shall, additionally, hold harmless and indemnify the Borough of Stone Harbor for any and all loses, damages, and claims of whatever nature that may arise out of or in connection with the use of the property by the Wildwood Catholic High School, its sports/recreation participants, agents, contractors, officers and/or employees.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute this Resolution as the Interlocal Services Agreement between the Borough of Stone Harbor and the Wildwood Catholic High School, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:8A-1 et seq.

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

Suzanne M. Walters, Mayor Wildwood Catholic High School

Borough of Stone Harbor

Attest: ______________________________ Attest: ______________________________

Suzanne Stanford, Borough Clerk

Dated: _____________________________ Dated: _____________________________

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-171 (Refund Art & Craft Show Fees)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

WHEREAS, on August 2, 2014 part of Tent #2 at the Art and Craft Show collapsed due to inclement weather; and
WHEREAS, two vendors merchandise were either broken and /or wet and the displays were damaged so they were unable to participate in the show; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Director received requests from those vendors for the Borough to refund the $350.00 vendor permit fee

  1. Janice Gallagher, 117 East Homestead Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08108

  2. Donna Di Giacomo, 19 Madison Drive Laurel Springs, NJ 08021

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this 16th day of September, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May that these refunds be approved and $350.00 be refunded to Janice Gallagher and Donna Di Giacomo.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2014-S-172– (Reimburse Performance & Maintenance Surety Escrows)
Upon motion of Councilmember Karen Lane

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

WHEREAS, the following submitted Performance and Maintenance Surety for street openings; and

WHEREAS, none of the fees were used in conjunction with the projects, and

WHEREAS, the Zoning Officer has requested and approved the return of the fees.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough of Stone Harbor as follows:

  1. That the sum of $ 2,565.00 be refunded to Thomas Welsh for 145 – 106th Street

  2. That the sum of $ 2,000 be refunded to Thomas Welsh for 222 – 102nd Street

  3. That the sum of $ 1,130 be refunded to Harbaugh Developers, LLC for 251 – 109th Street

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-173– (Tax Appeal Adjustment)
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

WHEREAS, successful tax appeal judgments were received by the tax assessor for Block 113.02 Lot 22, Block 122.03 Lot 204, and Block 96.01 Lot 10.11; and

WHEREAS, the 2014 extended tax duplicate does not reflect the revised assessments, the tax collector must adjust the 2014 Final and 2015 preliminary taxes, and;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey that an adjustment be made to the 2014 Final and 2015 Preliminary taxes on said parcels; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Collector make the proper adjustment in her records.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-174 (Refund Duplicate Tax Payment – Staniul
Upon motion of Councilmember Al Carusi

Seconded by Councilmember Karen Lane

WHEREAS, duplicate tax payments were received by CoreLogic Tax Servicing Agency and the homeowner for the 3rd quarter tax installment on Block 85.02, Lot 41 A.K.A. 170 86th Street; and

WHEREAS, the homeowner, Thaddeus Staniul, requested a refund be issued to him,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey that a refund check in the amount of $3,395.54 be issued to Thaddeus & Audrey Staniul, 4017 23rd St N, Arlington VA 22207; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Collector make the proper adjustment in her records.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-175 (Refund Duplicate Tax Payment - Donahue
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

WHEREAS, duplicate tax payments were received by CoreLogic Tax Servicing Agency and Trident Land Transfer Company for the 2nd quarter (May 2014) tax installment for Block 84.03, Lot 106 A.K.A. X-24 Linden Lane; and

WHEREAS, Roxann Donahue, Settlement Officer for Trident Land Transfer Company requested a refund be issued to them,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May and State of New Jersey that a refund check in the amount of $944.07 be issued to Trident Land Transfer Company, 109 34th Street - 1st Floor, Ocean City NJ 08226; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Tax Collector make the proper adjustment in her records.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-176 (Purchase Street Sweeper
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

WHEREAS, the Borough of Stone Harbor entered into an Interlocal Agreement with a Nationally Recognized Cooperative Entity (HGACBuy) by Resolution 2014-S-96 on May 6, 2014 for the purpose of purchasing equipment; and
WHEREAS, the Borough has solicited quotations for the purchase of a Street Sweeper; and
WHEREAS, the lowest quote received was from Golden Equipment Co., Inc. P.O. Box 873, Mars, Pa. 16046 for a Tymco Model 600 Regenerative Air Sweeper at a total price of $190,000.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey that the purchase of a Tymco Model 600 Regenerative Air Sweeper from Golden Equipment Co, Inc. for $190,000 be approved.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2014-S-177 (Amend Resolution 2014-S-57 – Lobster Bake Ticket Price
Upon motion of Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor passed Resolution 2014-S-57 on March 18, 2014 approving the acceptance of a proposal from the Washington Inn for a Lobster Bake Buffet on September 6, 2014; and
WHEREAS, in the paperwork forwarded to prepare the Resolution it was stated that the price would be $60.00 per ticket; and
WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Borough that during a Centennial Meeting the price was discussed and approved at $50.00 and the tickets were in fact sold for $50.00 which is not the price approved on March 18, 2014.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, County of Cape May, State of New Jersey, as follows:

  1. That the preamble of this Resolution is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth here at length;

  1. That Resolution 2014-S-57, passed by Borough Council as set forth above is hereby amended by changing the amount of the Lobster Bake Buffet tickets to $50.00.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-178 (Refund Art & Craft Fee (Nalbankian)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joan Kramar

Seconded by Councilmember Karen Lane

WHEREAS, the Stone Harbor Art & Craft Show was held on August 2nd and 3rd, 2014; and
WHEREAS, Nancy Nalbandian of 318 Haverford Rd. Wynnewood, Pa 19096 was placed in a “blue” spot for a charge of $350.00; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Director had to relocate her to a “green” spot, which had a charge of $300.00; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Nalbandian has requested a refund of the $50.00 difference in the site fee, and the refund as been requested by the Recreation Director and approved by the CFO.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this 16th day of September, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May that $50.00 be refunded to Nancy Nalbandian and that the proper officers make the proper adjustment in their records.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

RESOLUTION 2014-S-179 (Refund Surf Camp Fees)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Judy Davies-Dunhour

WHEREAS, the following paid a $25.00 fee surf camp lessons ; and
WHEREAS, for various reason listed were unable to attend the surf camp lessons; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Department has requested refunds for the following and the requests were approved by the CFO;
1. Suzanne Brown – 211 – 14th Street Avalon – cancellation due to illness 2 children (2days) $100.00
2. Mrs. Kate Barbro 3 Klausen Way, Landonville, NY 12211 classes cancelled 3 classes @$25.00..$75.00
3. Michael Ramirez, 4 Nancy Lane, Larchmont, N.Y. 10538 – 2 children signed up, lessons cancelled due to weather $50.00
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on this 16th day of September, 2014, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, in the County of Cape May that refund listed above be approved and that the proper officers make the proper adjustments in the records.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
Motion – To approve Mayor’s appointment of Craig Loper as Water & Sewer Operator
Upon motion of Councilmember Karen lane

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

September 19, 2014 BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR Page No: 1 02:27 PM

Check # Check Date Vendor Amount Paid Reconciled/Void Ref Num

37635 09/04/14 RUSSRENT RUSS RENTS 200.00 37636 09/10/14 BORSH BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR 263,259.41 37637 09/17/14 AASALESA A&A SALES ASSOCIATES, LLC 229.58 37638 09/17/14 ACEBIRDS ATLANTIC CITY ELECRIC 5.04 37639 09/17/14 ACELE ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC CO. 11,540.42 37640 09/17/14 ACESEWER ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC 704.32 37641 09/17/14 ACESTLIG ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC 7,696.88 37642 09/17/14 ACEWATER ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC 6,621.36 37643 09/17/14 ACJITNEY ATLANTIC CITY JITNEY ASSOC. 150.00 37644 09/17/14 ACMEM ALBERTSONS 628.30 37645 09/17/14 ACTIO ACTION SUPPLY 30.93 37646 09/17/14 ACTIUNIF ACTION UNIFORM COMPANY 262.00 37647 09/17/14 ADVAN ADVANTAGE RENTAL & SALES 52.30 37648 09/17/14 ANJALIPO ANJALI POWER YOGA 896.00 37649 09/17/14 ATLCOAST ATLANTIC COAST PRODUCTIONS,LLC 850.00 37650 09/17/14 AUTOZONE AUTO ZONE, INC. 170.98 37651 09/17/14 BARBR0KA BARBRO, KATE 75.00 37652 09/17/14 BILLO BILLOWS ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. 32.28 37653 09/17/14 BIRCHMEI JAMES R. BIRCHMEIER 400.00 37654 09/17/14 BLANEYDO BLANEY & DONOHUE 11,125.09 37655 09/17/14 BOROA BOROUGH OF AVALON 7,105.43 37656 09/17/14 BOSACCOC BOSACCO, CARRIE M. 160.00 37657 09/17/14 BROWS BROWN, SUZANNE 100.00 37658 09/17/14 CARTAGEN CARTAGENA, SAMUEL 150.00 37659 09/17/14 CASAP CASA PAYROLL SERVICES 386.55 37660 09/17/14 CHOFF COURT HOUSE OFFICE SUPPLIES 137.69 37661 09/17/14 COMCASTF COMCAST 117.85 37662 09/17/14 COMCBIRD COMCAST 137.85 37663 09/17/14 CONTR CONTRACTOR SERVICE 325.00 37664 09/17/14 CRAFTSNA NANCY C. CRAFTS 871.20 37665 09/17/14 DELLC DELL MARKETING L.P. 25,366.17 37666 09/17/14 DIGIADON DIGIACOMO, DONNA 350.00 37667 09/17/14 DIVER DIVERSIFIED INSPECTIONS/ITL 790.00 37668 09/17/14 DONNASPL DONNA'S PLACE 180.00 37669 09/17/14 DRAEGER DRAEGER SAFETY DIAGONOSTICS 405.00 37670 09/17/14 DUCAMIRA MIRANDA DUCA 157.85 37671 09/17/14 FARINATE TED FARINA ELECTRONICS 450.00 37672 09/17/14 FINEH TAUNTON DIRECT, INC. 37.95 37673 09/17/14 GALLAJAN GALLAGHER, JANICE 350.00 37674 09/17/14 GARDS GARDEN STATE HWY. PRODUCTS 1,940.00 37675 09/17/14 GARYS GARY'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 304.50 37676 09/17/14 GLOBAL GLOBAL CONNECT 14.21 37677 09/17/14 GOLDENEQ GOLDEN EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 62.11 37678 09/17/14 GRUCC GRUCCIO, PEPPER, P.A. 188.50 37679 09/17/14 HERAL HERALD NEWSPAPERS 309.12 37680 09/17/14 HESSCORP DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS 247.27 37681 09/17/14 ITSNEOPO ITS NEOPOST, INC. 222.95 37682 09/17/14 JACKSONM JACKSON, MAUREEN A. 17.32 37683 09/17/14 JBYRN J. BYRNE AGENCY INC. 4,446.66 37684 09/17/14 JERSHPAR JERSEY SHORE PARTY RENTALS,LLC 5,414.31 37685 09/17/14 KOOCH KOOCHEMBERE, MICHAEL 90.00 37686 09/17/14 LANDS LANDSMAN UNIFORMS INC. 1,400.00 37687 09/17/14 LAWMENSU LAWMEN SUPPLY COMPANY 837.42 37688 09/17/14 MAGELLAN MAGELLAN HILL TECHNOLOGIES 4,130.72 37689 09/17/14 MARSHMCL MARSH & MCLENNAN AGENCY, LLC 2,500.00 37690 09/17/14 MASCHIOR MASCHIO, ROBERT M. 1,202.50 37691 09/17/14 MCCARRAH MCCARRAHER, MICHAEL 79.75 37692 09/17/14 MODEL MODEL CLEANERS, INC. 499.50 37693 09/17/14 NALBANAN NALBANDIAN, NANCY 50.00 37694 09/17/14 NEWDECKC CHRISTINA NEWDECK 652.00 37695 09/17/14 NEXTCOMM NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 682.38 37696 09/17/14 NJAFM NJ A.F.M. 440.00 37697 09/17/14 NJLM NJLM 550.00 37698 09/17/14 NJSACOP1 NJ STATE ASSO.CHIEFS OF POLICE 60.00 37699 09/17/14 PARAM PARAMOUNT CHEMICAL & PAPER CO. 521.69 37700 09/17/14 PEDRO PEDRONI FUEL COMPANY 18,842.37 37701 09/17/14 PIERCEMF PIERCE MANUFACTURING, INC. 293,425.00 37702 09/17/14 PRESS THE PRESS OF ATLANTIC CITY 76.50 37703 09/17/14 RAMIRMIC RAMIREZ, MICHAEL 50.00 37704 09/17/14 REMDEVES REMINGTON VERNICK & WALBERG 750.00 37705 09/17/14 REMIN REMINGTON, VERNICK & WALBERG 0.00 09/17/14 VOID 0

37706 09/17/14 REMIN REMINGTON, VERNICK & WALBERG 29,175.61 37707 09/17/14 REMSTESC REMINGTON VERNICK WALBERG 600.00 37708 09/17/14 RENTA RENTAL COUNTRY 192.93 37709 09/17/14 REYNO REYNOLDS, PAUL JAMES 591.09 37710 09/17/14 RIGGI RIGGINS, INC. 18,695.20 37711 09/17/14 SEASHASP SEASHORE ASPHALT CORP. 408.24 37712 09/17/14 SERWATKA NEW JERSEY NATURE 1,541.66 37713 09/17/14 SEVENMIL SEVEN MILE PUBLISHING, LLC 829.00 37714 09/17/14 SHSURFPA STONE HARBOR SURF & PADDLE LLC 2,740.00 37715 09/17/14 SJGAB SOUTH JERSEY GAS CO. 243.61 37716 09/17/14 SJGAW SOUTH JERSEY GAS CO. 78.90 37717 09/17/14 STAPL STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 1,133.74 37718 09/17/14 STAPLEBU STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 713.41 37719 09/17/14 STROBESN STROBES N'MORE 721.92 37720 09/17/14 STRUE SEASHORE ACE HARDWARE 0.00 9/17/14 VOID 0

37721 09/17/14 STRUE SEASHORE ACE HARDWARE 918.79 37722 09/17/14 TESSC TESSCO INCORPORATED 549.57 37723 09/17/14 THEREEDS THE REEDS @ SHELTER HAVEN 300.00 37724 09/17/14 TOSHI TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 311.36 37725 09/17/14 TRCOU TRI COUNTY BUILDING SUPPLIES 52.06 37726 09/17/14 VCABS VERIZON 342.08 37727 09/17/14 VERIZBEA VERIZON 52.99 37728 09/17/14 VERKIOSK VERIZON WIRELESS 247.78 37729 09/17/14 VERWI VERIZON WIRELESS 309.06 37730 09/17/14 VITAL VITAL COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 540.00 37731 09/17/14 WALTERSR R. A. WALTERS & SONS, INC. 26,500.00 37732 09/17/14 WBMASONI W.B. MASON 424.56 37733 09/17/14 WITMERPU WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC 874.98 37734 09/17/14 ZOGASDOR ZOGAS, DORIS 300.00

Total Of All Funds: 771,903.75 0.00 0.00 771,903.75

August 21, 2014 BOROUGH OF STONE HARBOR Page No: 1 02:28 PM Check Register By Check Id

1,324.57 37493 08/20/14 VCABS
Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

That we pay the bills provided the vouchers are in proper order and sufficient funds exist.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2014-S-180 (Closed Session)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

A Resolution Providing for a Meeting Not Open to the Public

in Accordance with the Provisions of

the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act,

N.J.S.A. 10:4–12
Whereas, the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor is subject to certain requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4–6, et seq., and
Whereas, the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4–12, provides that an Executive Session, not open to the public, may be held for certain specified purposes when authorized by Resolution, and
Whereas, it is necessary for the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor to discuss in a session not open to the public certain matters relating to the item or items authorized by N.J.S.A. 10:4–12b and designated below:
1. Matters Relating to Contract Negotiations and/or the Attorney, Client Privilege – Library - Ocean Coastal Consultants
Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor, assembled in public session on September 16, 2014, that an Executive Session closed to the public shall be held on September 16, 2014 at or about 4:30 P.M. in the Borough Hall of the Borough of Stone Harbor, 9508 Second Avenue, Stone Harbor, New Jersey, for the discussion of matters relating to the specific items designated above.
Official action may be taken as a result of said executive session.
It is anticipated that, in accordance with law and in a timely manner, the deliberations conducted in closed session may be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the Borough Council that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

Upon motion of Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

To return to Open Session.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE
RESOLUTION 2014-S-181 (Ocean Coastal)
Upon motion of Councilmember Joselyn O. Rich

Seconded by Councilmember Barry D. Mastrangelo

WHEREAS, Ocean and Coastal Consultants, by authority of Resolution 2014-S-60 has provided professional engineering and consulting services to the Borough of Stone Harbor in connection with dredging related issues: and
WHEREAS, after several years of testing, research and due diligence on the part of the Borough, the Borough intends to seek permits for dredging of its back bay waters; and
WHEREAS, Ocean and Coastal Consultants has submitted a letter proposal dated September 15, 2014, detailing the actions necessary to be completed in order to allow for the filing of permit applications for said dredging; and
WHEREAS, the Borough wishes to move with all due haste to submit said permit applications:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Borough Council of the Borough of Stone Harbor in the State of New Jersey and County of Cape May as follows:
1. That the aforementioned letter proposal by and hereby is accepted as an amendment to the prior professional services agreement with Ocean and Coastal Consultants in an amount not to exceed $109,000, conditioned upon the certification of availability of funds by the Chief Financial Officer of the Borough;

2. That the Mayor be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute any and all documents necessary for the submission of the aforementioned permit applications;

3. That the Borough Clerk will make the required publication, if any, reflecting the amendment of the contract.
Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE



Upon motion of Councilmember Barry Mastrangelo

Seconded by Councilmember Joan Kramar

That the Regular Meeting of Mayor and Council be adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Vote 6 Councilmembers AYE

APPROVED___________________________________, 2014

_____________________________________________, Mayor

ATTEST:______________________________________, Borough Clerk

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