Monday, November 26, 2012

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AP World History Chapter 20 Homework Due date: Monday, November 26, 2012
Part 1 Vocabulary: Fill in the terms using the attached glossary
Part 2 Answer all of the following in complete sentences on separate paper. Be sure to use appositive phrases to combine sentences when appropriate.

1) What was the Dutch West India Company? Where did it operate? What was

its impact on the Brazilian sugar industry? p.498
2) What did the expansion of sugar plantations in the West Indies require?

How many slaves per year arrived from Africa in the first half of the 17th

century? …in the second half of the 17th century? p.499
3) Chart interpretation page 500. Approximately how many slaves crossed the

Atlantic from 1601-1650? From 1701-1750? From 1751-1800?

4) What was meant by the quote “slavery was not born of racism, rather, racism

was the consequence of slavery.” (Hint” economic motives) p.499

5) Why did cash short tobacco planters in the 17th century prefer indentured

servants instead of slaves (last sentence of p.499)

6) Write a question and answer based on the production of sugar which is

explained on page 501. Be sure to give details.

7) Write a question and answer based on the harsh lives of slaves described on

page 503.

8) What was seasoning? What percentage of slaves died due to seasoning?

9) What was the Dutch East India Company? When and why was it formed?

Where did it have a monopoly? p.506
10) Describe your reaction to the picture on page 510. Keep in mind that slaves

were often chained in these positions.

11) Refer to map on p.511. How many slaves went to Brazil, to the West Indies,

and to North America?

12) Locate these African states Dahomey, Oyo, Asante (1500-1800) depicted on

the map on page 513

~answer 13-16 which are on the back~

13) How did African kings and African merchants obtain most of their slaves?

p. 516
14) Conclusion question paragraph 2, page 519. In what ways did the West

Indies (locate them in the Caribbean) feel the transforming power of

15) Conclusion question paragraph 3, page 519. To what extent was Africa

dominated by the Atlantic trading system? Compare Africa’s experience with

that of the Americas.
16) What was noteworthy about the Atlantic system? In what ways was it

innovative? In which ways was it destructive?

Last paragraph p.519.

Chapter 20 Vocabulary: The Atlantic System and Africa
Directions: Read these terms and fill in the back of this sheet. Turn this page in with your

Short responses.

  • Atlantic system - The network of trading links after 1500 that moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures around at the Atlantic Ocean basin.

  • Chartered company - A group of private investors who paid an annual fee to France and England in exchange for a monopoly over trade to the West Indies colonies.

  • Dutch West India Company - From 1621-1794, a trading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct its merchants’ trade in the Americas and Africa.

  • Plantocracy - In the West Indian colonies, the rich men who owned most of the slaves and most of the land, especially in the eighteenth century.

  • Driver - A privileged male slave whose job was to ensure that a slave gang did its work on a plantation.

  • Seasoning - An often-difficult period of adjustment to new climates, disease environments, and work routines, such as that experienced by slaves newly arrived in the Americas.

  • Manumission - A grant of legal freedom to an individual slave.

  • Maroon - A slave who ran away from his or her master.

  • Capitalism - The economic system of large financial institutions-banks, stock exchanges, investment companies-that first developed in early modern Europe.

  • Mercantilism - European government policies of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries designed to promote overseas trade between a country and its colonies and accumulate precious metals by requiring colonies to trade only with their motherland country.

  • Royal African Company - A trading company chartered by the English government in 1672 to conduct its merchants’ trade on the Atlantic coast and Africa.

  • Great Circuit - The network of Atlantic Ocean trade routes between Europe, Africa, and the Americas that underlay the Atlantic system.

  • Middle Passage - The part of the Great Circuit involving the transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas.

  • ____________________________ - The network of trading links after 1500 that

moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures around at the Atlantic Ocean basin.

  • _________________________- A group of private investors who paid an annual fee to France and England in exchange for a monopoly over trade to the West Indies colonies.

  • ____________________________- From 1621-1794, a trading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct its merchants’ trade in the Americas and Africa.

  • _________________ - In the West Indian colonies, the rich men who owned most of the slaves and most of the land, especially in the eighteenth century.

  • _____________ - A privileged male slave whose job was to ensure that a slave gang did its work on a plantation.

  • ___________________ - An often-difficult period of adjustment to new climates, disease environments, and work routines, such as that experienced by slaves newly arrived in the Americas.

  • _______________________- A grant of legal freedom to an individual slave.

  • ______________________ - A slave who ran away from his or her master.

  • ____________________ - The economic system of large financial institutions-banks, stock exchanges, investment companies-that first developed in early modern Europe.

  • ______________________- European government policies of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries designed to promote overseas trade between a country and its colonies and accumulate precious metals by requiring colonies to trade only with their motherland country.

  • _______________________________ - A trading company chartered by the English government in 1672 to conduct its merchants’ trade on the Atlantic coast and Africa.

  • __________________________ - The network of Atlantic Ocean trade routes between Europe, Africa, and the Americas that underlay the Atlantic system.

  • ____________________________ - The part of the Great Circuit involving the transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas.

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