Mopo frac draft xlsx

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Adverse weather condition
Heavy wind Night time operation
Heavy fog/mist
Rig up / Rig down
Rigging up Isolation tool
Pressure testing
Handling loads with crane
Pump maintenance
Frac operation
Filling diesel
Washing units
Prevention for fire related:
Absolute interdiction for gasoline.
All employees should have Certification Fire level 1.
Avoid fueling with people inside the enclosed unit or an elevated platform (restricted escape routes).
Avoid splashes when filling the tank.
Communication, with agreed protocol among all parties involved.
Ensure a nozzle man and diesel truck driver assigned to the job.
Hot Permit to work completed and signed by a competent PTW holder.
Keep fume generation at a minimum by not leaving unnecessary open tanks.
Maximize visibility (Wear hi-vis vest).
Mobile phone switched off during operation.
No smoking, no spark sources (electrostatic, electrical sources). Consider weather conditions mainly windstorms.
Pre-job safety meeting.
Taping off area (keep off sources of ignition and possible victims).
The tanker should be minimum of 2 meters away from equipment being filled up.
Work Instruction training.
Prevention for Falling (person):
All people on location to complete WS Safety standard 5.
Crew to help each other when moving treating iron more than 15-20 Kg.
Employees working on high levels to have safety harness on, or protecting bars on equipment to protect them from falling
Iron Wrack, to be at the same level with the personnel to ease the usage
O/I needs to be practiced at all times
People are fit to work and have enough rest before starting the job with valid medical checkup
People trained to do the job (not first time)
Pre job meeting to include all the assignments and requirements for each individual
Proper Hammer and in good conditions to be used when Loosing/tightening treating iron connections
Proper PPE to be used on all locations
Rigging up procedures according to Standard 5
SIPP Level 2 Training to completed by all the crew on location and documented in QUEST
Use Crane to move heavy tools
Use proper technique of hammering, and make sure the area around you is clear of equipment and personnel

When moving up or down on a ladder, make sure you have a 3 point contact at all time ( stairs into the office, or stepping inside a car or truck..)
Younger people to help older employees in rigging up and moving treating equipments
Prevention for Graviational energy release:
Agreed procedure and communication signs
Barrier around the area
Competent personal for the lifting
Dedicated banks man to control the operation
Lifting plan to be filled and correct procedure to be followed
Tool box meeting before the lifting
Visual inspection of all lifting gears and valid certificate to be available
All areas to be clear of trip hazards
Good communication between personnel
Lifting aids are available if required
No carrying by one person of more than 25 lbs
Permit to Work for rigging up
Personnel familiar with site / location
Risk Assessment prior to carrying
Safe path to be outlined before transferring equipment
SIPP Training
Prevention for Frac associatted risks:
All treating Iron must be inspected according to Well Services Standard 23
Bleed off valves must be secured and opened correctly according to Standard 5
Customer / Client representative to know about the pressure trips
Ensure that safety signs and tape barrier is surrounding the pressure Area
Maximum Pressure to be known by every employee on location and everyone working on the high pressure pumps
- No treating iron to be used if there is no certification tag on or the certificate date is older than 1 year
Only one person should be allowed to check the lines as per PTW
- People involved in the pressure test must have Well Services Safety Standard 5 completed and signed on there passports
Pressure relief valves are set and tested before the start of the job
- Pressure test (25% of total pressure, must hold before continuing to the final pressure test limit)
Proper communication to be present at all times (radio or signs agreed on before the start of the operations)
Pumps are adequate for the job, including (Max. Rate and Pressure)
Pumps checked and maintenance is done on them before the star of the job
Safety Meeting to be held before starting of the pressure test operation
Trip pressures are set on all pumps involved in the operation
Prevention for Land transportation:
Certified trucking contractor and drivers
Convoy driving (Journey Management)
Pre-move meeting to discuss routes and hazards (Journey Management)
Regular stops
Route inspected by frac master before mobilization (Journey Management)

use of certified trucks
It's prohibited to use personal car in order to drive to location until it's register in eJourney system and trip is approved on appropriate level.
Minimize number of trips (Bus schedule)
Reduce distance to camp to minimal distance
Rigorous implementation and control of SLB and client driving policies and standards
Speed limit: 60km/hr Graded Road; 40km/hr Non-Graded Road.
All equipment within crane capacity
Certified crane
Certified slings
Competent banks man with High visibility Vest
Competent personnel
Familiarity with location
Good communication
Good planning
Permit to work
Placement of equipment known
Toolbox talk
Visible load rating of crane
Visual inspection of all lifting equipment
Certified & competent fork-lift driver
Certified fork lift
Good communication
Permit to work
Proper operation of fork-lift
Proper operation of fork-lift
Reverse horn working on fork-lift
Visible loading capacity on fork-lift
Land guides with hi-vis vests
Pre-move meeting to line up equipment order.
Site inspection by frac master before mobilization
Standard layout prepared

Heavy rain Lighting High temperature >50C
Graviational energy release
Manual lifting Mechanical lifting Falling (person)
No smoking, no spark sources (electrostatic, electrical sources). Consider weather conditions mainly windstorms.
Employees working on high levels to have safety harness on, or protecting bars on equipment to protect them from falling
Use proper technique of hammering, and make sure the area around you is clear of equipment and personnel

When moving up or down on a ladder, make sure you have a 3 point contact at all time ( stairs into the office, or stepping inside a car or truck..)
Maximum Pressure to be known by every employee on location and everyone working on the high pressure pumps
- People involved in the pressure test must have Well Services Safety Standard 5 completed and signed on there passports
Proper communication to be present at all times (radio or signs agreed on before the start of the operations)

It's prohibited to use personal car in order to drive to location until it's register in eJourney system and trip is approved on appropriate level.

Fire related Fire hazard from equipment running engines in extreme temperature



Filling diesel in frac equipment
Frac associatted risks
Equipment failure Uncontrolled pressure release



Unexpected discahrge of hazardous fluids
Hose Burst HP line whipping
Land transporta tion
Damaged equipment
Vehicle accident
Load stuck



Not enough space to move all units

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