NCEOTeacher LessonExplanation of what will be done and why Description of steps Oral description of steps while working Predetermined list of vocabulary Exemplars (two
identical diverse sets, has one diverse set, or has few that are similar)
Uses visuals NCEOS
tu dent Check -in Sh e
e t Did you understand what the teacher said about the strategy
Was the teacher easy to u nd erst and, hard to understand or in them iddleHard Easy
to understand to understand 0 1
2 Can you tell me what a think aloud is and why you would do it No Yes
Was explanation clear?Can student explain what the strategy is Can student explain steps?If you explained
think aloud to a friend, how would you teacher him
/her how to do it No Yes
Student thoughtsabout key language Did you learn any new words today?
Can you tell me words that were important?
Other comments (brief)What do you think about the Think Aloud strategy?
Do you think it is helpful or not helpful?
h y?