National Association of Schools of Music faculty record report

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Robert W. Wason

  1. Professor of Music Theory

Affiliate Faculty, Jazz Studies and Contemporary Media

(Fall 2012 Semester Leave)

Beginning his musical career as a composer and jazz pianist, Robert Wason studied music composition and piano at the Hartt School of the University of Hartford (BMus ’67; MMus ’69), joining the Hartt Faculty as an Instructor in Theory and Composition in 1969. During his Hartford years, he worked four to six nights a week playing various gigs, and accompanied many touring artists, such as Buck Clayton, Sammy Davis Jr., Bobby Vinton, and the Four Tops. In the mid 70s he went on to do work in music theory at Yale University (MPhil ’78; Ph.D. ’81), and also studied at the University of Vienna and the Hochschule für Musik in Vienna (Fulbright Scholar, 1979-80). A recipient of grants from the Guggenheim Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, the Paul Sacher Foundation, and the German Academic Exchange (DAAD), he has also taught at Trinity College (Hartford), Clark University, the University of North Texas, and has been guest professor at the University of Basel (Switzerland), the University of British Columbia (Vancouver), and SUNY Buffalo. He is the author of a standard work on the history of music theory in the nineteenth century (Viennese Harmonic Theory from Albrechtsberger to Schenker and Schoenberg [Ann Arbor: 1985; reprint, Rochester: 1995), and many articles and reviews on the history of music theory, twentieth-century music, and more recently, jazz, in numerous journals and collections published here and abroad. He has also managed to keep two hands in performance, at least part time, through various projects as a vocal accompanist, including songs of Anton Webern, with soprano Elizabeth Marvin (Professor of Music Theory, ESM; Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, The College, UR), and turn-of-the-(last)-century German Lieder from Munich, with soprano Valerie Errante (Associate Professor of Voice at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee). The collaboration with Prof. Errante also led to concerts of both ‘popular’ and ‘art’ songs by the Rochester composer, Alec Wilder (1909-1980), available on the Errante/Wason CD Songs of Alec Wilder (Albany Records; Troy 404). In 2010, A-R Editions (Middleton, WI) published Selected Songs of the Munich School 1870-1920, an anthology edited by Wason and Errante that contains fifty-six songs drawn from their repertoire, together with an extensive introduction and notes on the texts and music.

National Association of Schools of Music


(Required for each full-time and part-time faculty member)

Institution Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

Name Webber, Carol Date June 30, 2012

Rank (check one): None Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor

Instructor Teaching Assistant Other (check “None” if no rank system exists)

Tenure Status Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenured

Date of Appointment 1 July 1991

Nature of Assignment Full-Time Part-Time – please indicate the fraction (e.g., ½, ¼, etc.)

Level of Teaching (check all that apply): Non-Degree-Granting – Elementary/Secondary Non-Degree-Granting – Postsecondary

Associate Baccalaureate Masters Doctoral

Administrative Position (if applicable):

  1. Education and Training

Degrees, Diplomas, etc.InstitutionDate Completed

or ExpectedMajor FieldMinor FieldBachelor of MusicOberlin Conservatory1965Vocal Performance

B. Teaching Assignment

1. If you give instruction in applied music in individual lessons, please supply the following information:

I teach (e.g. , piano, voice, composition) VOICE . This term, I devote

10.5 clock hours to this type of teaching each week.

2. Please supply the following for lecture or ensemble courses you teach regularly over a three-year period. Include non-credit courses.

Course Number and TitleHours Credit

Per TermClock Hours of

Teaching Per WeekFall & Spr: Studio Class02 hrs.

  1. Biography and Curriculum Vitae

  2. Biography on reverse side of this sheet.

  3. Curriculum Vitae available on site.

NASM Faculty Record Report Eastman School of Music 2012

Carol Webber

  1. Professor of Voice

BM, Oberlin Conservatory. Member of Bach Aria Group (1986-91); recordings on Musical Heritage. Twenty-five year performance career, contracts with Metropolitan Opera, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Miami, and numerous regional opera companies. Soloist with Houston, Miami, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Oregon, and Oakland symphonies among others. Opened 50th anniversary Tanglewood season with Boston Symphony Chamber Players. Frequent appearances in Merkin Hall’s “Music Today” series, Alice Tully Hall, and 92nd St. Y. Former artist-in-residence at University of Washington and SUNY-Stony Brook. Master classes in Munich, Boston, Nova Scotia, Seattle, San Francisco, Atlanta, North Carolina, the Mannes School, and on WQXR radio in New York City. Opening master class presenter, International Vocal Congress in Vancouver, B.C. Adjudicator, various vocal competitions. Faculty member, Oberlin Conservatory (1986-91); Eastman (1991-).

National Association of Schools of Music

(Required for each full-time and part-time faculty member)

Institution Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester

Name Weinert, William Date June 30, 2012

Rank (check one): None Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor

Instructor Teaching Assistant Other (check “None” if no rank system exists)

Tenure Status Tenured Tenure-track Non-tenured

Date of Appointment 1 July 1994

Nature of Assignment Full-Time Part-Time – please indicate the fraction (e.g., ½, ¼, etc.)

Level of Teaching (check all that apply): Non-Degree-Granting – Elementary/Secondary Non-Degree-Granting – Postsecondary

Associate Baccalaureate Masters Doctoral

Administrative Position (if applicable): Director: Choral Activities

  1. Education and Training

Degrees, Diplomas, etc.InstitutionDate Completed

or ExpectedMajor FieldMinor

FieldBachelor of ArtsOberlin College1977European HistoryBachelor of MusicOberlin College1977Music EducationMaster of MusicUniv. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee1979ConductingMaster of MusicUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison1982Music HistoryDoctor of Musical ArtsUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison1985Conducting

B. Teaching Assignment

1. If you give instruction in applied music in individual lessons, please supply the following information:

I teach (e.g. , piano, voice, composition) Conducting . This term, I devote

8 clock hours to this type of teaching each week.

2. Please supply the following for lecture or ensemble courses you teach regularly over a three-year period. Include non-credit courses.

Course Number and TitleHours Credit

Per TermClock Hours of

Teaching Per WeekFall & Spr: ENS 120/420/421: Chorale23 hr. 30 min.Fall & Spr: ENS 120A/420A/421A: Rep Singers12 hrs.Fall & Spr: ENS 120B/420B/421B: Eastman Rochester Chorus12 hrs. 15 min.Fall: CND 223/423/523: Choral Conducting I21 hr. 50 min.Spr: CND 224/424/524: Choral Technique and Methods III21 hr. 50 min.Fall: CND 231/431: Choral Literature I21 hr. 50 min.Spr: CND 232/432: Choral Literature II21 hr. 50 min.Every 2 years: CND 441-444: Colloquy in Conducting0.5

  1. Biography and Curriculum Vitae

  2. Biography on reverse side of this sheet.

  3. Curriculum Vitae available on site.

NASM Faculty Record Report Eastman School of Music 2012

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