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Reference Section 11-2172
13-1 THROUGH 13-89

Traffic Schedule 13, Page 1



(Reference Section 11-2172)

Agnes Street, north side, from Nazareth Street eastward 90 feet. #308, 10/22/02

Agnes Street, south side, between Nazareth Street and Price Street. #888, 11/25/86

Albemarle Avenue between No. 2532 and No. 2600, both sides. *

Alenja Lane, east side, from Lindoby Lane to Alenja Lane. #321, 6/24/14

Alenja Lane, south side, from Marathon Lane to Lindoby Lane. #321, 6/24/14

Alpinis Drive, both sides, 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., in its entirety. #840, 2/22/11

Anclote Place, south side, in its entirety. #187, 5/14/13

Anderson Drive, north side, from St. Mary's Street, eastward 100 feet. *

Anderson Drive, south side, east of St. Mary's Street, 75 feet. *

Anderson Drive, both sides, from Six Forks Road to a point 200 feet south of Drewry Lane. *

Annapolis Drive, both sides, in its entirety. *

Appalachian Drive, east side, beginning at Beech Gap Court, southward to Alder Ridge Lane. #331, 12/11/07

Appliance Court, both sides, between Westinghouse Boulevard and Raleigh Boulevard. #696, 9/14/04

Arete Way, both sides, in its entirety. #147, 2/12/13

Arkelton Drive, the circumference of the cul-de-sac in its entirety. #576, 4/26/16

Arrow Drive, east side, from Glenwood Avenue, southward 550 feet. *

Arrow Drive, west side, from Glenwood Avenue, southward 330 feet. *

Asbury Drive, west side, in its entirety. #661, 1/24/17

Ashe Avenue, east side, from Hillsborough Street, southward 115 feet. *

Ashe Avenue, east side, from Western Boulevard to a point 200 feet north of the Railroad Bridge. *

Ashe Avenue, west side, between Hillsborough Street and Western Boule­vard. *

Atlantic Springs Road, east side, beginning at Spring Forest Road and extending southward to the railroad crossing. #560, 5/18/99

Athens Drive, north side, beginning at a point 700 feet west of Avent Ferry Road westward 955 feet. #356, 3/16/94

Athens Drive, both sides, from Avent Ferry Road, northward 150 feet. *

Athens Drive, north side, beginning at a point 1800 feet west of Avent Ferry Road and extending westerly 330 feet. *
Traffic Schedule 13, Page 2

Athens Drive, south side, beginning at the westernmost drive to Athens Drive High School, westward 75 feet - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. #338, 4/11/89

Athens Drive, south side, beginning at a point 192 feet east of the entrance to Athens Drive Senior High School and extending westerly 1092 feet. *

Athens Drive, south side, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, beginning at a point 220 feet west of Avent Ferry Road, westward 170 feet. #325, 3/14/89

Athens Drive, both sides, from Jones-Franklin Road, southward 120 feet. #514, 11/11/80

Athens Drive, both sides, beginning at a point 100 feet south of Kaplan Drive, northward to the Beltline Overpass. *

Atlantic Avenue, both sides, in its entirety. #462, 12/23/84

Atlantic Avenue, east side, beginning at a point 476 feet south of Hodges Street, southward 250 feet. *

Atlantic Avenue, east side, beginning at Wicker Drive, northward 50 feet. *

Atlantic Avenue, east side, beginning at Wicker Drive, southward 100 feet. *

Atlantic Avenue, west side, from Hodges Street, southward 1280 feet. *

Avent Ferry Road from Western Boulevard to the corporate limits. *

Aycock Street, north side, from Scales Street to Sunrise Street. *

Aycock Street, north side, from Scales Street, westward 90 feet. #615, 7/12/16

Aycock Street, south side, from Glenwood Avenue to Scales Street. *

Azalea Drive, south side, in its entirety. #369, 6/30/89

Aztec Dawn Court, east side, beginning at Tie Stone Way, northward 100 feet. #867, 7/12/05

Aztec Dawn Court, west side, beginning at Tie Stone Way, northward 70 feet. #867, 7/12/05

Baez Street, east side, from Wade Avenue, northward 175 feet. *

Baez Street, west side, from Wade Avenue, northward 60 feet. *

Bagwell Avenue, east side, in its entirety. *

Bagwell Avenue, west side, beginning at a point 177 feet north of Hillsborough Street and extending northward 70 feet. #870, 9/19/00

Bagwell Avenue, west side, beginning 117 feet north of Hillsborough Street, northward 59 feet. *

Balsam Drive, west side, in its entirety. #369, 6/30/89

Banbury Road, north side, from Brooks Avenue westward 90 feet. #507, 11/15/94

Banbury Road, west side, between Brooks Avenue and Leonard Street. #170, 2/27/07

Barrett Drive, north side, beginning at a point 100 feet west of Haworth Drive westward to a point 100 feet east of Haworth Drive. *

Barrett Drive, north side, from Six Forks Road, eastward 100 feet. *

Barrett Drive, south side, from Six Forks Road, eastward 150 feet. *

Barrett Drive, south side, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m., Monday through Fri­day, beginning at a point 186 feet east of Six Forks Road eastward 135 feet. *

Barringer Drive, east side, beginning at a point 195 feet west of Jones Franklin Road, southward 1,066 feet. #646, 6/8/04
Traffic Schedule 13, Page 3

Barrow Drive, both sides, beginning at Old Wake Forest Road and extending southward 877 feet. #567, 6/1/99

Bart Street, west side, from East Bart Street, southward 258 feet. #450, 11/14/89

Bart Street, east side, from Morgan Street southward 75 feet. #386, effective 6/27/89

Bart Street, south side, from westernmost curbline, westward 125 feet. #445, 10/26/89

Bart Street, west side, from Rock Quarry Road to Beauty Avenue. #299, 1/24/89

Bart Street, west side, from Morgan Street, southward 25 feet. #386, effective 6/27/89

Bedford Avenue, both sides, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, between Tower Street and Chamberlain Street. #649, 9/25/90

Bedford Avenue, both sides, between Chamberlain Street and Phelps Avenue, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. #777, 9/14/10

Bedford Avenue, north side, from Chamberlain Street, eastward 75 feet.

Bedford Avenue, south side, from Chamberlain Street, westward 75 feet. #12, 11/9/82

Bedford Avenue, north side, between Gardner Street and Brooks Avenue, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. *

Bedford Avenue, south side, from Dixie Trail eastward 60 feet. *

Bedfordtown Drive, south side, beginning at a point 231 feet east of Cloud Cover, eastward 655 feet. #373, 4/8/08

Beech Gap Court, west side, beginning at Laurel Falls Lane, southward 840 feet. #331, 12/11/07

Beechridge Road, both sides, east of White Oak Road 50 feet. *

Beechridge Road, both sides, west of White Oak Road 50 feet. *

Benehan Street, north side, east and west of Forest Road, 50 feet. #308, 2/14/89

Benehan Street, north side, beginning at a point 70 feet east of Hawthorne Street, westward, to a point 50 feet west of Hawthorne Street. #662, 5/26/81

Benehan Street, south side, between Groveland Avenue and West Park Drive. *

Benehan Street, south side, from Woodburn Road to Forest Drive. #662, 5/26/81

Benson Drive, both sides, from Navaho Drive, northward 60 feet. #845, 9/9/86

Bernard Street, east side, beginning at a point 145 feet north of Whitaker Mill Road, north 115 feet. #979, 5/12/87

Bernard Street, east side, beginning at a point 350 feet north of Whitaker Mill Road, north 95 feet. #979, 5/12/87

Bernard Street, west side, from Whitaker Mill Road north 450 feet. #979, 5/12/87
Traffic Schedule 13, Page 4

Bertie Drive, both sides, from Culpepper Lane to Chatham Lane, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. school days. #144, 3/9/93

Bertie Drive, north side, between Locke Lane and Culpepper, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. *

Bertie Drive, south side, from Lord Ashley Road, eastward 60 feet. #745, 3/26/91

Bertie Drive, south side, from Lord Ashley Road, westward 240 feet. #786, 5/28/91

Bertie Drive, south side, school days, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., beginning at a point 240 feet west of Lord Ashley Road, westward 250 feet. #155, 1/16/07

Beryl Road, both sides, beginning at a point 167 feet north of the end of the cul-de-sac, northward 68 feet. #670, 11/13/90

Beryl Road, east side, from Blue Ridge Road, westward 245 feet. #40, 7/3/01

Beryl Road, north side, beginning at a point 430 feet west of the Beltline bridge, westward 140 feet. #745, 3/26/91

Beryl Road, north side, beginning at a point 275 feet east of Blue Ridge Road, eastward 200 feet. #900, 6/14/11

Beryl Road, north side, from a point 253 feet east of Method Road to a point 115 feet west of Method Road. #667, 2/14/17

Beryl Road, north side, beginning at a point 580 feet east of Pylon Drive, eastward 271 feet. #867, 7/12/05

Beryl Road, south side, beginning at a point 800 feet west of Brickhaven Drive, westward 100 feet. #596, 6/12/90

Beryl Road, south side, beginning at a point 385 feet, east of Method Road, eastward 56 feet. #257, 09/07/93

Beryl Road, south side, from a point 200 feet east of Method Road to a point 115 feet west of Method Road. #667, 2/14/17

Beryl Road, south side, from Pylon Drive, westward 100 feet. #474, 1/22/85

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