November 2011 Attendances and apologies Present

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Attendances and apologies

Present: Cllr. J Edmonds, Chairman of the Parish Meeting.

Parish Councillors: S Jones, J Melen, C Scowcroft, M Harvey and D Guilford.

Clerk: Mrs. G Simkiss.

Police: PC Glenn Mustgrove.

Richard Windley Rural Housing Enabler.

Members of the public.

Apologies: County & District Councillor N Rushton.
89) Police Matters: One reported crime in Tonge a theft of a milk churn. It was reported to the police that tyre tracks had appeared on the grass on the green. Parking on the green is continuing to be a problem.

Community speed watch was again raised; PC Mustgrove gave the contact details of whom to get in touch with. Details are Alan Smart 0116 3057874 or Council to follow up.

Speed checks were also suggested which the police will follow up when the speed device get calibrated.

A low loader with digger on the back that looks overweight was also reported.

90) Richard Wyndley: Attended the meeting to give the parish council the outcome of the investigation into the needs of the parish for affordable housing. He reported that the vast majority of residents consider that Breedon on the Hill has a good reputation, is a nice place to live which has a balanced and varied population with a friendly community atmosphere/spirit.

Concentrating on those who need homes within the next 3 years the need emerging from the village survey is as follows, 2 x 1 Bed Homes, 3x2 Bed Homes, 2 x 3 Bed Homes and 3 x 2 Bed Bungalows. Having regard to the results of the survey, the suggestion is that a development of up to 10 new homes in Breedon , on a rural exception site, would be suitable at present. Type and tenure would be suggested as Rent - 2 x 1 Bed Flats, 2 x 2 Bed Homes and 2 x 3 Bed Homes. Shared Ownership – 1 x 2 Bed Homes and 3 x 2 Bed Bungalows. The development would secure the need s of those wishing to stay within the parish of Breedon.

It was reported that Southworth Close has an exception site which is owned by LCC.
The council voted unanimously in favor to support this report.

91) Declarations of Interest by Members both Personal and Prejudicial on items on the agenda: None.

92) Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Monday 7th November 2011: accepted and signed.
93) Matter Arising: Damaged fence in play area. Council to establish who it belongs to, the school or the parish council. Cllr. Scowcroft to speak to the school.

94) Suspension of Standing Orders. Proposed by Chair and unanimously carried.

Members of the public were allowed time to speak.

Standing orders reinstated. Proposed by Chair and. unanimously carried.

95) Community Matters:
The Christmas tree has been put up on the green. Appreciation goes to David Shields who supplied the tree and Aubrey Fry who put the lights on.
There are weeds growing out of the drain outside 17 The Crescent. To be reported to Highways.
96) QE2 progress Report:

There is a meeting to be held on 9th December at the school with Cllr Scowcroft, Cllr Edmonds, District Councillor Rushton along with some of the school governors and Mrs Wellham to discuss the way forward with regards to the playing field status.

97) Diamond Jubilee:

The forum funds of £1800 will enable them to help fund the celebrations. There is to be a ‘Santa Cruz’ run on Thursday 15th December around the parish to help raise more funds. It must be established that is not only a forum effort but it must be a community effort. The parish council will help to fund it in some way, this to be decided at a later date.

98) Planning Applications:

  1. 11/00759285/FUL – Erection of a single storey lean to – Dog Rose House, Dog Lane, Wilson. No objections.

  2. 11/00986/TCA – Removal of Holly Tree – (Works to un-protected tree located within the Conservation Area) – Tonge Hall, Moor Lane, Tonge. No objections.

Planning information:
99) Finance For Approval: All approved.

  1. Clerks monthly salary and expenses.

  2. White Lodge Groundcare.

  3. Cuttlefish. Registration of domain name for 2 years.

  4. John Hall

  5. Aon. Insurance charge for new benches.

Invoices received after agenda.

Refurbishment of Wilson sign re J Wright.

For Consideration:

Cheque to replace one that was made out to Parish Council instead of PCC. Agreed.

A thank you letter has been received for the British Legion donation.
A total of £840.49 was agreed to pay out on the above invoices.
For Information:
100) Clerks Report:
1) Risk Assessment review. The tree seat at church that needs attention due to the fact the field maple has multi bowed causing the trunk to be tight on the metal bench. Roots of the tree are causing the concrete to crack. The Chair has spoken to Colin D’Oyley who has offered manpower and materials should we wish to relocate the tree seat elsewhere. Cll. Melen to speak to PCC to get their thoughts on a new site for the bench. After a long discussion between the Councillor’s it was decided to make a decision in January.

2) Road signs replacement within the Parish. Dovecote sign is on order.

3) Traffic Matters. Covered in Police matters.

4) Play Area.

5) Telephone boxes. To be taken off report.

6) Grit bins. 4 new bins have been sited.

7) Neighbourhood Watch.

8) Donington Park. Access at the main entrance for heavy plant vehicles has been granted.

9) Sports Club. Volunteers are required to enable this to form.
101) Correspondence: Clerk to circulate the following.

  1. Clerks & Councils Direct.

  2. Clerk Magazine.

  3. Countryside Voice.

  4. Leicestershire Local Access Forum.

102) Sub Committee reports. None

103) Suspension of standing orders: To give the public chance to speak. Proposed by Chair and unanimously carried.
104) Suspension of standing orders reinstated: Proposed by Chair and unanimously carried.

105) Date and time of next meeting.

Monday 9th January 2012 at 7pm Finance Meeting.

Monday 16th January 2012 at 7.00pm Council Meeting.

CHAIRPERSON …………..................... DATE ………………..............

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