October 2008 Teacher's Guide Table of Contents

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Student Projects

  1. Several of the Class lessons/demos” can also be turned into student projects, particularly the exercise on “Respiration in Pea Seedlings” which involves as much chemistry as descriptive biology. The same is true for “Alcoholic Fermentation”. An extended series of exercises with the common ion effect as well as setting up buffered solutions can be done using titrations to compare buffered with unbuffered acidic or basic solutions. Reference can be made to a variety of chemistry lab manuals.

  2. A second project, again mentioned in “Demonstrations and Lessons”, that provides good investigation opportunities for students is the evaluation of catalase activity under a variety of conditions that affect enzyme activity. See Demo/Lesson suggestion # 8.

  3. For the student with good chemistry understanding, literature research into the Krebs cycle (investigated and “explained” by Hans Krebs, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, 1953) as well as some quantitative experiments will prove challenging. One lab manual containing such an experiment on respiration using mitochondria extracted from lima beans is Laboratory Investigations for Biology by Jean Dickey (Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.1995; ISBN 0-8053-0922-5). More information on the Krebs or Citric Acid cycle can be found at the following-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citric_Acid_Cycle. An animation of the Krebs cycle can be found at: http://www.science.smith.edu/departments/Biology/Bio231/krebs.html. Biographical information on Hans Krebs can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Adolf_Krebs. His Nobel Lecture makes a good read for students because Krebs makes clear all of the work by other chemists that helped Krebs in his research into the biochemistry of the Citric Acid Cycle mechanisms. (http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1953/krebs-lecture.pdf)

  4. As mentioned earlier, students could research how chemistry, particularly physical chemistry, (gas chromatography, infrared and mass spectroscopy) is used in detecting a variety of natural and unnatural substances in the blood. Related questions include: How do the anabolic steroids increase performance besides simply increasing muscle mass? How does creatine work? The following articles are a good starting point for student research: http://invention.smithsonian.org/centerpieces/inventingourselves/debates.htm,

http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=the-doping-dilemma (This article deals with the reasons athletes take chances by violating drug prohibition rules.) and http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=the-medicine-show-drugs-i (This is an excellent listing in chart form of the different enhancing drugs and what they do.)

Anticipating Student Questions

  1. Why is a glucose molecule converted to ATP molecules in the respiration processwhy is it not used directly as the source of energy?” The simplest analogy is that a glucose molecule is like a $100 bill, not practical for normal transactions. The production of ATP molecules from glucose is the equivalent of converting the $100 bill into many smaller denomination bills ($2 bills?!). This conversion process is done through a very efficient series of chemical reactions known as the Krebs cycle.

  2. How are glucose molecules made into glycogen?” Essentially, a water molecule is formed from every two glucose molecules by the removal of a hydrogen (H) atom on one molecule and a hydroxyl (–OH) ion on the second glucose, utilizing two different enzymes, glycogen synthetase and a branching enzyme. A bond is formed between these two glucose molecules or each glucose molecule bonds to a glycogen molecule either as a straight chain bond or as a branching bond.

  3. Why does the body not overheat if converting glucose to carbon dioxide and water is the same as combustion of glucose (think of burning sugar in the oven when baking)?” Within the mitochondria of a human body cell is where the glucose conversion takes place in a process called respiration. There are multiple steps(involving both electron and proton transfer) that comprise what is known as Krebs cycles during which there are small energy changes taking place with little energy “lost” as heat energy. Ultimately, essentially all of the energy released on combustion of glucose is released as heat. (Some goes into chemical energy of building cellular structures, but at steady-state, that same energy is ultimately released as those structures are broken down.) The reason the body does not overheat is because the energy is released slowly and because we have ways of dissipating the heat (especially sweat).

http://home.hia.no/~stephens/exphys.htm (exercise physiology—the methods and mechanisms underlying performance; huge section on physiological basis for endurance performance with embedded articles that extend the investigation of any one chapter or article—a basic reference.)

Web Sites for Additional Information

More sites on the structure and mechanics of muscle tissue
All about muscle physiology, including the details of muscle tissue and its cells, their physics and chemistry of contraction, can be found at the following two websites: http://muscle.ucsd.edu/musintro/jump.shtmlhttp: and http://fig.cox.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/neuro/muscle.htm.
More sites on the biochemistry of muscle activity
For more on the biochemistry of muscle contraction with good illustrations of that chemistry, go to http://www.nismat.org/physcor/muscle.html.
The website, http://www.simpsonassociatesinc.com/physlgy.html, has more on the biochemistry involved with respiration when using muscles.
More sites on understanding physiology and applying to marathon training and other sports
http://home.hia.no/~stephens/traprin.htm (principles of training revisited)

http://www.copacabanarunners.net/i-exercise-physiology.html (concepts of exercise physiology for runners)
http://home.hia.no/~stephens/ventphys.htm (ventilation and endurance performance- do our lungs limit how fast we can go?)
http://runningtimes.com/Print.aspx?articleID=13397 (four lessons a runner has learned from physiology)
http://themedicalbiochemistrypage.org/glycogen.html (all about glycogen)
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/carb-loading/HQ00385 (carbohydrate loading and its effects on running)
http://jeb.biologists.org/cgi/content/abstract/204/18/3189 (limits to sustainable muscle performance)

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