Mathematics problem of the day: building clarity in mathematics communication

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David Chilekwa Project I PGDE

Copperbelt University
Directorate of Distance Education and Open Learning
Postgraduate Diploma in Education Leadership and Teaching Methodology
ELTM510 / Professional Communication and Technology in Teaching Term Project I

David Chilekwa Jason
SIN: 23900675
Lecturer: Dr. Remitha Puthenpurayil
November 2023

The use clear and language precise language in teaching mathematics is undoubtedly one of the most important aspect if one is to deliver a successful presentation to the learners. In addition, sequencing your lesson delivery at apace that is not too fast and too slow would enable the learners to enjoy and benefit from what the instructor or a teacher is presenting in class
Detlef RP. This project will discuss importance of clear and precise language in mathematics, highlight how clarity in pace and delivery enhances understanding and problem-solving skills in mathematics and also incorporate some selected activities pertaining to clarity in pace and delivery and the use of clear and precise language in mathematics. The use of precise mathematical language and understanding is complex undertaking with which a number of students experience difficulties. It is for this reason that arguments supporting the foregoing statement argues that students must have a clear exposure to the understanding of the mathematical meanings and the relationship between particular terms in order to develop skills in the use of the language used in mathematics with precision(Wood MB and et. Al, 2026). Further, students often experience some challenges in using the mathematical language with precision because sometimes the meaning of certain terms are hidden in the lessons discussed prior to the introduction of further topics. The consistent use of mathematical terms precise and correctly will not only help the learners to appreciate the how ideas and concepts presented relate but also help protect the teacher to avoid struggling explaining the terms to the learners. Brown & Daines, 1981 argues that the use of precise, clear and unambiguous language by the instructor or teacher helps to reduce student confusion in class and also helps to facilitate their students understanding of the content under discussion.
Brophy & Good, (1985) asserts that when we communicate with clarity in how we speak and the speed at which we speak, it helps others to understand us better. Clarity in pace and delivery in mathematics is very important. If an instructor or a teacher rushed through explaining a Mathematics concept or rather use ambiguous and vague language, it would be a challenge for the learners to understand. On the hand, where a teacher speaks clearly and at a good pace, it goes along way in helping the students grasp the Mathematical idea being presented with ease. This can easily be done by the teacher by ensuring that questions are asked to the students so that he or she can tell whether or not the students are coming along during the lesson. In the same vain, clarity also helps students to develop to develop problem solving skills. Bush et al.,
(1977) adds that teachers must present information which deals directly with the problem at hand. They should at all cost avoid incorporating in their lessons nonessential words which may disrupt the flow of understanding on the part of the learners.

MPOTD:BCIMCA The activity for this project will be a Mathematics Relay Race. This activity focusses on the on pace and delivery in class.
Before starting the activity, the teacher will have to take a moment to explain the importance of understanding each step in solving math problems. The teacher will have to emphasize to the learners that it's not just about getting the right answer, but also about understanding the entire process. This would be inline with the need to pace and delivery of the lesson in the manner that would be beneficial to the learners as well enjoying the race
Smith & Cotten, The following steps are to be followed. The first step to take is that the teacher would setup a series of math problems or questions covering the topics the learners have learnt. The second step is for the teacher to divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 students and setup a series of mathematics. The step to follow would be for the teacher ask the teams to lineup in a row, with the first person in each line having a marker and a whiteboard or paper. Thereafter, the activity would start, and the teacher would call out the first problem. The first person in each team solves the problem as quickly as possible and writes the answer on the whiteboard. Once they have the answer, they pass the marker to the next person inline, who then solves the next problem. This continues until all the problems are solved within the set time limit. This activity encourages students to work together as a team and also emphasizes the importance of pace and delivery. Keeping by what Simith & Staples
(1982) propounds the teacher would ensure that the questions asked during the game would be precise and directly inclined to instructions given to the leaners. This would encourage each team member to solve their problem quickly and pass it onto the next person without wasting time. It would also help improve the students speed, accuracy, and ability to communicate math concepts effectively and precisely. Mathematics Relay Race can also be used as an activity in which clear and precise language in Mathematics are emphasized. George, WC. (1987) asserts the use of imprecise, ambiguous, vague or inadequate statements or words by instructors or teachers often leads to confusing the learner’s understanding. Keeping clear and precise language in mind, before the Mathematics Relay Race commences, the instructor or the teacher would take sometime to explain the importance of clear and precise language in mathematics. Emphasis should be given to the learners that using specific unambiguous terms helps to avoid confusion which may arise as a result of using imprecise language. It also ensures that all the students understanding the steps involved in a particular concept under discussion. The teacher encourages the learners from each team to explain their thought process as they solve a problem verbally. This helps them practice articulating their steps clearly and coherently. Students should also be reminded on the use of precise mathematical terms such as add, subtract, divide or multiply, evaluate, solve, coefficients, reciprocals, solve for and soon. Furthermore, the teacher should also encourage the students that as they workout questions and explaining their reasoning they should ensure that they are using complete sentences. For example, "First, I added the two numbers together. Then, I

MPOTD:BCIMCA divided the sum by this value and then finally added the like terms" After the game is over, the teacher gathers the teams and have them share their solution with the opposing team. Thereafter, the teacher would give feedback to the class by highlighting examples on the use of clear and precise language (Rosenshine & Stevens, 1986). By incorporating the discussed strategies above, the students can develop their abilities to use clear and precise language when communicating in Mathematics, both when explaining their reasoning as well as during problem solving. From the discussion, it maybe asserted that clarity in pace, delivery and precise and language in Mathematics are key if the instructor is to succeed in helping the students develop their abilities to communicate clearly. The instructor or teacher must insure that the pace at which he or she is delivering the content is at the level the students can easily understand. Otherwise presenting the mathematical problems at a very slow pace is as bad as presenting it a very fast pace. In view of this, it is imperative that the teachers study their students abilities so as to ensure that the learners are neither bored because of moving slowly or lost track of the discussion because of moving at a fast speed. It important to note that, If the students develop appropriate skills in the use of clear and precise language it would be very easy for them to be able to understand what mathematical terms such as solve, evaluate and soon mean. It is from this reason that the teacher must always strive to communicate in class using clear and precise terms which are free from jargons so that the students are enculturated into mathematics. Accordingly, clarity would be builtin Mathematics communication. This in turn would help the learners to succeed not only in their exams but also in the day today use and application of mathematical terms.


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