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Title: Water Services

(Water serv.)

McKay, G. (1980), Peat: An adsorbent/filtration medium for wastewater treatment. Water Services, 84, 357-359.

Title: Water & Sewage Works

Full Journal Title: Water & Sewage Works

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Water Sewage Work



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Rosfjord, R.E., Trattner, R.B. and Cheremisinoff, P.N. (1976), Phenols: A water pollution control assessment. Water & Sewage Works, 123 (3), 96-99.

Abstract: That phenols EM DASH monohydroxy derivates of benzene EM DASH are an environmental problem has been recognized for some time. Standards for potable water advise that phenols not exceed concentrations of 0.001 mg/l. At 0.002 mg/l phenols are usually detectable by a medicinal taste and odor in waters treated with chlorine (as in water treatment works). Even at such low, ‘safe’ concentrations, there are some questions of possible long-term effects. Several biological, chemical and physical methods have been used to treat waters containing phenols. A review of these processes will yield information on the mechanism, applications, and limitations of a number of these methods.

Keywords: Industrial Wastes, Sewage Treatment, Environmental Protection

? Rowe, D.R. and Johnston, S. (1978), Computer speeds adsorption-isotherm analysis. Water & Sewage Works, 125 (11), 68-69.

Title: Water and Sewage Works

(Water Sew. Works)

Full Journal Title: Water Science and Technology: Water Supply

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Montgomery, Jr., A.H. (1972), Water pollution control: A history. Water and Sewage Works, Feb., 60-65.

Full Text: W\Wat Sew Wor, 60.pdf

Title: Water Supply: The Review Journal of the International Water Supply Association

Full Journal Title: Water Supply: The Review Journal of the International Water Supply Association

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Sancha, A.M. (2000), Removal of arsenic from drinking water supplies: Chile experience. in Water Supply: The Review Journal of the International Water Supply Association (Edited by Nagle, P.), 18 (1-2), 621-625.

Abstract: In the north of Chile arsenic occurs naturally in surface water resources, principally in inorganic and pentavalent form As(V). In this zone 400 000 people live and for their drinking water supply treatment utilities for arsenic removal have been operating since the 1970s. The process used in Chile for arsenic removal is coagulation. Addition of coagulants to raw water facilitates the conversion of soluble As species into insoluble reaction products which are termed through adsorption mechanisms on to coagulated floc, which are then separated by filtration. The efficiency of arsenic removal by this process depends on the formation of insoluble products, arsenic adsorption on to particulates and separation of the resulting particulate As. Any problem arising in these processes decrease the efficiency of the arsenic removal process. Recent studies have shown that with an improvement of the current coagulation process (optimising raw water pH and dosage of chemical agents) the arsenic removal may be increased to 92.5-95.0%.

Title: Water Treatment and Examination

Full Journal Title: Water Treatment and Examination

ISO Abbreviated Title: Wat. Treat. Exam.

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Notes: highly cited

? Rook, J.J., (1974), Formation of haloforms during chlorination of natural waters. Water Treatment and Examination, 23 (2), 234-243.

Full Text: Wat Tre Exa23, 234.pdf

Abstract: Based on results of routine quality control of water treatment at the Berenplaat water works, using gas chromatographic headspace analysis, the formation of haloforms during chlorination of natural waters containing humic substances is discussed, and some caution in the application of chlorine to such waters is advocated in view of possible physiological effects. The possible removal of haloforms by volatilization by intensive aeration of the treated water discussed.

Title: Water and Waste Treatment

(Water Treatment J.)

McKay, G. (1979), Coloured effluents: Environmental and legal aspects. Water and Waste Treatment, March, 37-41.

Title: Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield

Full Journal Title: Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Russell, J.M. (2000), Publication indicators in Latin America revisited. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 233-250.

Abstract: This chapter discusses the implications of the structure and communication patterns of the Latin American scientific communities for the validity of publication indicators based exclusively on mainstream journal publication. Studies have suggested that scientists whose research is aimed toward advancing universal knowledge rather than the solution of local problems play a dominant role in science policy and funding decisions and in the construction of scientific excellence in the region. Mainstream publication, considered characteristic of quality scientific work, is highly favored by Latin American evaluation committees. For this reason, there is an urgent need to generate output indicators of quality work published in national and regional journals to give a more balanced picture of overall scientific achievements. Efforts made toward achieving this goal are discussed along with the need for further studies of the context and characteristics of science and technology in Latin America necessary for the generation of reliable and accurate indicators of regional activity.

Keywords: Citation Behavior, Developed-Countries, Information, Journals, Mainstream Science, Periphery, Perspective, Place, Scientific Activity, Strategies

Lewison, G. (2000), Citations as a means to evaluate biomedical research. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 361-372.

Abstract: Eugene Garfield developed the concept of citation of earlier papers as a means of evaluating those papers and made it not only into a science but also into a business. Despite doubts about what conventional citation analysis really means, it has been accepted worldwide as an impartial source of quantitative data on research outputs. However, founders of biomedical research are interested in innovations and in health improvements, not just the minutiae of the research method. They can now use citations on patents to the scientific literature, and citations on clinical guidelines, as proxy indicators of the utility of published papers. Some recent findings in these areas, and the beginnings of a new database of citations in newspapers, are described. However, further indicators of research utility are still needed: they will probably also depend in some way on citations, but of a different kind from those considered so far.

Keywords: Citation, Citations, Linkage, Literature, Research, Science, Technology

? Ingwersen, P., Larsen, B. and Wormell, I. (2000), Applying diachronic citation analysis to research program evaluations. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 373-387.

Abstract: Diachronic versus synchronous citation analysis methods are discussed in relation to research evaluation. Using selected results from an online midterm evaluation of nine research centers funded by the Danish Strategic Environmental Research Program (1993-1998), this paper illustrates and discusses the application of five diachronic scientometric indicators. Publication activity, center and program impact factors, impact factors for journals applied by the centers, international knowledge export, and the paper-journal impact factor correlation are all shown to be well understood by the scientists involved. In an informetric sense, the indicators afford robust tools for providing fair and reliable information on publication behavior and performance. In particular, the paper-journal impact factor correlation, applying the Pearson coefficient, may contribute to further understanding of the probabilities involved in achieving high impact when scientists succeed in publishing in high impact journals. The ISI databases, Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index, were used in their online versions (SciSearch and Social SciSearch) provided by Dialog Knight Ridder Information Service.

Keywords: Journal Impact, Science

? Braun, T., Glänzel, W. and Schubert, A. (2000), How balanced is the Science Citation Index’s journal coverage? - A preliminary overview of macrolevel statistical data. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 251-277.

? Lewison, G. (2000), Citations as a means to evaluate biomedical research. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 361-372.

Abstract: Eugene Garfield developed the concept of citation of earlier papers as a means of evaluating those papers and made it not only into a science but also into a business. Despite doubts about what conventional citation analysis really means, it has been accepted worldwide as an impartial source of quantitative data on research outputs. However, founders of biomedical research are interested in innovations and in health improvements, not just the minutiae of the research method. They can now use citations on patents to the scientific literature, and citations on clinical guidelines, as proxy indicators of the utility of published papers. Some recent findings in these areas, and the beginnings of a new database of citations in newspapers, are described. However, further indicators of research utility are still needed: they will probably also depend in some way on citations, but of a different kind from those considered so far.

Keywords: Citation, Citations, Linkage, Literature, Research, Science, Technology

? Ingwersen, P., Larsen, B. and Wormell, I. (2000), Applying diachronic citation analysis to research program evaluations. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 373-387.

Abstract: Diachronic versus synchronous citation analysis methods are discussed in relation to research evaluation. Using selected results from an online midterm evaluation of nine research centers funded by the Danish Strategic Environmental Research Program (1993-1998), this paper illustrates and discusses the application of five diachronic scientometric indicators. Publication activity, center and program impact factors, impact factors for journals applied by the centers, international knowledge export, and the paper-journal impact factor correlation are all shown to be well understood by the scientists involved. In an informetric sense, the indicators afford robust tools for providing fair and reliable information on publication behavior and performance. In particular, the paper-journal impact factor correlation, applying the Pearson coefficient, may contribute to further understanding of the probabilities involved in achieving high impact when scientists succeed in publishing in high impact journals. The ISI databases, Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index, were used in their online versions (SciSearch and Social SciSearch) provided by Dialog Knight Ridder Information Service.

Keywords: Analysis, Application, Behavior, Citation, Citation Analysis, Correlation, Databases, Evaluation, Export, Impact, Impact Factor, Impact Factors, Indicators, Information, International, ISI, Journals, Knowledge, Methods, Performance, Publication, Publishing, Research, Research Evaluation, Science Citation Index, Scientometric, Understanding

? Koenig, M.E.D. and Westermann-Cicio, M. (2000), Scientometrics, cybermetrics, and firm performance. Web of Knowledge - A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, 389-404.

Keywords: Company, Flows, Impact, Indicators, Industry, Information, Productivity Paradox, Scientometrics, Services, Technological Innovation

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