On the second day of absence, any student’s parent or guardian desiring homework assignments for his/her student who is not in school needs to call the Guidance Office (601-583-4688) by 9:00 a.m. These homework assignments may be picked up between 3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
A student violates the attendance policy when he/she receives an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. Once the attendance policy has been violated, in order to retain credit for the course, the student must begin attending Saturday school to make up seat time for each course affected by the violation. This applies only to classes in which the student has a passing grade.
Students who owe seat time are expected to keep up with their attendance and to make up any seat time owed as quickly as possible. Saturday school dates, times, and locations will be posted and announced repeatedly during the school year for the student’s convenience. No one will be allowed into Saturday school more than 5 minutes after the scheduled start time. Students who attend Saturday school must sign in.
All make-up time for courses completed during the first semester must be completed by the end of the first semester, and all make up time for courses to be completed by the end of the school year must be completed by the last scheduled Saturday school in May. Failure to attend assigned Saturday School for a second time will result in 1 day of ISS and the student still owes the time.
Students who plan to attend Prom must make up unexcused absences prior to the date of the Prom or cannot attend without special permission from the Principal.
Any student failing to complete make-up time will lose credit in the course in which the make-up time was not completed.
Petal High School expects students to be on time for each class; therefore, tardies are recorded for students who fail to do so. If a student is tardy the teacher will mark the tardy in the teacher’s roll book. All tardies after the second tardy to periods 1 through 6 will result in the student being assigned a day of ISS.
Students who check out of school early MUST present a note from their parent/guardian to the principal’s office BEFORE 8:25 a.m. on the day they are requesting early dismissal. Students approved to leave early must sign out in the Principal’s office before leaving school. Unauthorized check-outs will be treated as leaving school without permission. If it is necessary for a student to leave school early and a note from the parent/guardian was not presented as mandated, the student’s parent/guardian will be required to come to the school to sign the student out. TELEPHONE CALLS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR EARLY DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS. A parent/guardian can come to the school and complete a Check-out Authorization Form that will authorize someone other than the parent guardian who is 21 years of age or older to check out the student. Excessive check-outs result in loss of instructional time and also disruptions of class. Students leaving school early during exams for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd nine weeks must have a parent come to the school and sign for their dismissal. Attendance is taken on these days, and students who miss school without an acceptable reason will be counted as absent. The only exception is the 4th nine weeks exams.
A student must be in school at least 50% of their class schedule in order to participate in extracurricular activities, unless special permission is granted by the principal.
Section 3 Student Behavior/Discipline
We recognize that for learning to take place we must maintain conditions conducive to learning. Respect for authority is a value to be stressed. All students are to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all school-sponsored activities. Failure to do so will result in the student losing his/her privilege to attend such functions.
Any student who starts or participates in any unauthorized disruption or disorderly protest will be suspended from school immediately and will be able to re-enter only after satisfactory assurance has been given in writing to the principal by the pupil and by his parents or guardian that there will not be a recurrence of this behavior.
When a student is referred to the office, disciplinary action will be taken according to the following prescribed steps/consequences. Based on the severity of the offense the administrator has the authority to place student on a higher step on the ladder.
Step 1
Up to three days of detention or one day of ISS
Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 10 school days
Step 2
Five days of detention or two days ISS or one day OSS
Removal from ladder if not referred for 15 school days
Step 3
Three days of ISS or two days OSS
Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 20 school days
Step 4
Any combination of ISS and OSS equal to three to five days
Removal from ladder if not referred to office for 30 school days
Step 5
Home suspensions five to nine days or combination of ISS and OSS equal to five to nine days
Moved from Step 5 to Step 4 if not referred to office for 45 school days
No participation in or attendance at any after school activities for 45 school days
Step 6
Nine days home suspension
May recommend expulsion/re-assignment
Placed on probation for 45 school days
Moved to Step 5 for 45 school days if not referred for discipline
A student placed on Step 6 will have a total of 90 school days probation with no attendance or participation in any school activities
Step 7
Nine days suspension
Recommend expulsion
Incentive is provided for the student to improve behavior through provisions of a probationary period. This allows a student to be removed from the discipline ladder by good conduct.
1. Disrespect (Classroom) 1-6
2. Disrespect (Campus) 1-6
3. Defiance (Classroom) 1-6
4. Defiance (Campus) 1-6
5. Continued Defiance (Classroom) 1-6
6. Continued Defiance (Campus) 1-6
7. Classroom Disruption 1-7
8. Campus Disruption 1-7
9. Dress Code Violation (Classroom) 1-5
10. Dress Code Violation (Campus) 1-5
11. Electronic Device Violation (Classroom) n/a
12. Electronic Device Violation (Campus) n/a
13. Profanity or vulgarity, including gestures (Classroom) 1-4
14. Profanity or vulgarity, including gestures (Campus) 1-4
15. Horse playing (Classroom) 1-4
16. Horse playing (Campus) 1-4
17. Harassing, bullying, or threatening other students, faculty, staff (Classroom) 4-7
18. Harassing, bullying, or threatening other students, faculty, staff (Campus) 4-7
19. Instigate/participate in verbal or push/shove confrontation (Classroom) 1-4
20. Instigate/participate in verbal or push/shove confrontation (Campus) 1-4
21. Possession, distribution, or sharing of obscene literature (Classroom) 1-4
22. Possession, distribution, or sharing of obscene literature (Campus) 1-4
23. Leaving classroom without permission 1-4
24. Leaving school without permission or failure to report to class (Campus) 1-4
25. Acts that are detrimental to decency, decorum, or order (Classroom) 1-6
26. Acts that are detrimental to decency, decorum, or order (Campus) 1-6
27. Forge/deceive/misrepresent the truth/lying (Classroom) 1-4
28. Forge/deceive/misrepresent the truth/lying (Campus) 1-4
29. Improper use of the Internet/Network (Classroom) 1-7
30. Improper use of the Internet/Network (Campus) 1-7
31. Hazing – Physical or mental abuse (Classroom) 1-7
32. Hazing – Physical or mental abuse (Campus) 1-7
33. Unauthorized use/sale/possession/transfer of non/prescription drug (Classroom) 3-7
34. Unauthorized use/sale/possession/transfer of non/prescription drug (Campus) 3-7
35. Possession/use/transfer of tobacco or paraphernalia (Classroom) 3-6
36. Possession/use/transfer of tobacco or paraphernalia (Campus) 3-7
37. Public display of affection (Classroom) 1-5
38. Public display of affection (Campus) 1-5
39. Vandalism (Classroom) 4-7
40. Vandalism (Campus) 4-7
41. Repeated violation of school rules (Classroom) 2-7
42. Repeated violation of school rules (Campus) 2-7
43. Possession/distribution/transfer/use of fireworks (Classroom) 2-7
44. Possession/distribution/transfer/use of fireworks (Campus) 2-7
45. Physical violence on student/employee (Classroom) 5-7
46. Physical violence on student/employee (Campus) 5-7
47. Instigate/participate in fight (Classroom) 5-7
48. Instigate/participate in fight (Campus) 5-7
49. Use/sale/transfer/possession of alcohol, narcotics, or illegal drugs
or paraphernalia (Classroom) 5-7
50. Use/sale/transfer/possession of alcohol, narcotics, or illegal drugs
or paraphernalia (Campus)
51. Use/attempted use/possession/transfer of dangerous object/weapon (Classroom) 3-7
52. Use/attempted use/possession/transfer of dangerous object/weapon (Campus) 3-7
53. Steals, appropriates or converts to own use property of another w/restitution
Required (Classroom) 3-6
54. Steals, appropriates or converts to own use property of another w/restitution
Required (Campus) 3-6
55. Defacing/destruction of school property w/restitution required (Classroom) 3-5
56. Defacing/destruction of school property w/restitution required (Campus) 3-5
57. Stalking (Classroom) 2-5
58. Stalking (Campus) 2-5
59. Sexual harassment (Classroom) 3-6
60. Sexual harassment (Campus) 3-6
61. Sexual misconduct (Classroom) 4-7
62. Sexual misconduct (Campus) 4-7
63. ISS Misbehavior (Classroom) 1-6
64. ISS Misbehavior (Campus) 1-6
65. Violation of hands off policy (Classroom) 1-5
66. Violation of hands off policy (Campus) 1-5
67. Throwing Objects (Classroom) 1-4
68. Throwing Objects (Campus) 1-4
69. Extortion (Classroom) 1-7
70. Extortion (Campus) 1-7
71. Theft (Classroom) 3-6
72. Theft (Campus) 3-6
73. Robbery (Classroom) 5-7
74. Robbery (Campus) 5-7
75. Cheating (Classroom) n/a
76. Cheating (Campus) n/a
77. Possess Prohibited Substance (Classroom) 1-5
78. Possess Prohibited Substance (Campus) 1-5
79. Other misbehavior as designated by administration (Classroom) 2-6
80. Other misbehavior as designated by administration (Campus) 2-6
81. Failure to Complete Report (Classroom) 1-3
82. Truancy 2-5
83. No Class Materials n/a
84. Auto/Parking Violation n/a
85. Failure to report to detention 1
86. Poisoning (Campus) 5-7
88. Trespassing n/a
89. Assault (Classroom) 5-7
90. Assault (Campus) 5-7
91. Rape (Classroom) 6-7
92. Rape (Campus) 6-7
93. Bomb threat (Classroom) 5-7
94. Bomb threat (Campus) 5-7
95. Possession/transfer of firearm (Classroom) 6-7
96. Possession/transfer of firearm (Campus) 6-7
97. Use/attempt use of firearm (Classroom) 7
98. Use/attempt use of firearm (Campus) 7
99. Excessive Tardies n/a
This list of infractions that will be referred to the office for disciplinary action is not “all inclusive”. Other infractions may be added as needed.
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