Pi interface for Siemens Spectrum Power tg (Linux)

Interface Installation Procedure

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Interface Installation Procedure

In the installation procedure below, it is assumed that a single instance of the interface is being installed. If you wish to install multiple instances of the interface in the same directory then copy and rename the executable and startup script to append a number to the end of the name. i.e. with PISIPowerTG#, where # is the interface number between 1 and 99.

  1. Copy the SIPowerTG_x.x.x.x.tar.gz file to the $PIHOME directory

20.Extract the contents of the SIPowerTG_#.#.#.#.tar.gz file
gunzip SIPowerTG_#.#.#.#.tar.gz
tar xvf SIPowerTG_#.#.#.#.tar

This will create the $PIHOME/interfaces/SIPowerTG directory for the interface if it does not already exist.

21.Change to the interface directory

cd $PIHOME/interfaces/SIPowerTG

22.Verify that the interface will run by checking the interface version

PISIPowerTG –v

23.Copy the sitestop script from the interface directory into the $PIHOME/bin directory

mv $PIHOME/bin/sitestop $PIHOME/bin/sitestop.original
cp sitestop $PIHOME/bin

24.Edit the PISIPowerTG_start script to specify the site-specific parameters. Refer to section Command-Line Parameters for details of the command-line parameters available.

25.With the PI API processes running (checked with apiverify), start the interface interactively using the PISIPowerTG_start script. Check the output from the interface to ensure that the interface is running correctly. At this stage the interface probably will not have any PI points to load, but that should not cause any errors.

26.Press Ctrl-C to stop the interface.

27.Once the interface is running correctly as an interactive process, the main background startup script PISIPowerTG.sh script needs to be setup. Copy the template startup script to create the actual startup script to be used by the interface
cp PISIPowerTG.sh_new PISIPowerTG.sh

28.Alter the command-line parameters near the end of the PISIPowerTG.sh file to match those used in the PISIPowerTG_start script.

For example :
./${INTF_NAME} -host=PISERVER1:5450 -ps=TG -id=1 \
-alarm=/lg/scada/dat/his/msgdata.his.1.PI.dat \
-data=/lg/scada/dat/his/measdata.his.1.PI.dat \
-qualcode=/lg/scada/fg/en_US/data_qualities.ini \
> ${WORKDIR}/${PROG}.out 2>&1 &

Note the backslash (\) continuation characters on the command-line. Failing to include these will cause problems.

29.Use the DumpInputFile and DumpAlarmFile utilities to confirm the format of a sample event data and alarm message files.

30.If you will use digital points, define the appropriate digital state sets. The sample file SIPowerTG_digital_set.csv can be imported with PI SMT to create the file status and default quality digital sets.

31.Check the contents of the data code definition file (data_qualitities.ini) and ensure that any data qualities that are not required in PI are set to FALSE in the [PI] section of the file and that the TG_DATA_QUALITY digital state set matches the priorities in the file.

32.To be able to check when the interface is running as background process, add the interface name PISIPowerTG to the end of the $PIHOME/bin/apiprocs file.

33.With the PI API processes running, start the PISIPowerTG.sh script. Use apiverify to check whether the process is running. Check the $PIHOME/dat/PISIPowerTG.log and $PIHOME/dat/pimesslogfile files to check the status of the interface.

34.To stop the interface when it is running as a background process, use the PISIPowerTG_stop script.

35.When the interface is working correctly, copy the sitestart script from the interface directory into the $PIHOME/bin directory. This will start the interface when the pistart script is run.

  1. DumpInputFile Utility

The DumpInputFile utility is installed as part of the interface kit and is located in the PIHOME/interface/SIPowerTG directory.

It is a simple command-line program that can be used to print the contents of a Power TG data file. It will list each of the events within the file, including the point number, field, type, timestamp, value and quality flags.

The command syntax is

DumpInputFile [filename]

where filename is the name of the Power TG data file to be output.

For example:

DumpInputFile /lg/scada/dat/his/measdata.his.1.PI.dat

1 3528@STATE STATUS_DEFAULT 06-02-2009 14:45:35.000 (1233931535.000) 1 0x00070001 0x00000002

2 3528@TOT_OPS INT_FIELD 06-02-2009 14:45:35.000 (1233931535.000) 0 0x00000000 0x00000000

3 3529@STATE STATUS_DEFAULT 06-02-2009 14:45:35.000 (1233931535.000) 1 0x00010001 0x00000002

4 3529@TOT_OPS INT_FIELD 06-02-2009 14:45:35.000 (1233931535.000) 0 0x00000000 0x00000000


52 28374@VALUE ANALOG_DEFAULT 06-02-2009 14:45:35.000 (1233931535.000) 1.5809 0x00070000 0x00000002

  1. DumpAlarmFile Utility

The DumpAlarmFile utility is installed as part of the interface kit and is located in the PIHOME/interface/SIPowerTG directory.

It is a simple command-line program that can be used to print the contents of a Power TG alarm file. It will list each of the events within the file, including the timestamp, sequence, priority, AOR group, entity and alarm message.

The command syntax is

DumpAlarmFile [filename]

where filename is the name of the Power TG alarm file to be output.

For example:

DumpAlarmFile /lg/scada/dat/his/msgdata.his.1.PI.dat

1 18-03-2009 21:28:37.285 (1237411717.285) 0|28|GEN| ANALOG:AGCGHOST.GENACT_06|PUI_UN_01 GENERATOR ACTUAL MW RETURN TO NORM 34.000 32.759

2 18-03-2009 21:28:37.285 (1237411717.285) 1|999|GEN| ANALOG:AGCGHOST.GENACT_06|PUI_UN_01 GENERATOR ACTUAL MW RETURN

3 18-03-2009 21:28:37.285 (1237411717.285) 3|3|GEN| ANALOG:AGCGHOST.BASEPT_06|PUI_UN_01 BASE POINT RETURN TO NORM 34.000 32.759

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